I Secretly Develop Myself In The Demon World

Chapter 246 Yin and Yang Cross-border Disk

As soon as the last human crisis mission began, Sunan continued to kill monsters with his strongest strength.

The incarnation didn't spare any effort, transforming into Wang Nan's appearance and killing everyone.

In the process, a spirit-level monster suffered and became the unlucky one for him to complete his mission.

[Congratulations, you have completed the daily task "Hunting a Spirit Level Monster", and 15 points of monster power have been distributed. 】

[Congratulations, you have completed the daily task "Hunting a Mysterious Level Monster", and 30 points of monster power have been distributed. 】

Four consecutive task completion prompts appeared in front of the main body and the incarnation respectively. A full 90 points of demon power were received, and the available demon power reached 291 points.

"What a terrifying flame! It seems that the person who saved us yesterday was Zhang Yang!"

A battlefield not far from southern Jiangsu.

The official woman named Xu Yulan and several other spirit-level players were hunting monsters while paying attention to what was going on in Sunan.

"It should be him. If that person yesterday was Lang Shisan, he should also show up now."

"In just two breaths, four Xuan-level monsters were killed. He is only in the early stage of Xuan-level, how can he be strong?"

Even though he knew that both Zhang Yang and Wang Nan had the ability to kill enemies beyond the next level, he was still shocked when Sunan easily killed the Xuan-level demon.

Xu Yulan stared at Sunan and said: "The stronger he is now, the better! I hope he has the strength to kill a king!"

"Two days later, the game began to come to reality. Only with his help can we survive this disaster."

A large number of monsters are fighting with players, and the scene is chaotic.

During the first time, when the second open beta had just begun, a large number of new players were simply cannon fodder and had no fighting ability. Not to mention the second time, players could only watch the fun.

Compared to the first and second missions, this time player participation was the highest.

Sunan went all out, not only racial talent, but also all means.

Naturally, the corpses of the monsters he killed couldn't be wasted, so they were all put away by him.

Three minutes passed quickly.

At this time, under the siege of many monsters, as he predicted, the two characters killed more than twenty Xuan-level monsters respectively.

Different from last time, although the number of monsters he killed with each character this time was far less than last time, the majority of them were in the middle and late stages of Xuan level. With more than 20 monsters, he still gained more than 10,000. Point to contribute.

Zhang Yang’s contribution just reached 40,000 points!

"This is enough to redeem ancient scriptures." His eyes showed joy.

At the same time, a king-level monster attacked him and grabbed him.

The avatar on the other side, as predicted, was targeted by a mid-level king-level monster.

What happened next went smoothly.

His body used the racial talent "Starlight Nether Body" to add all the surge of vitality and energy to the physical bloodline, causing the power of the incarnation to skyrocket, and then used the racial talent "Breaking the Sky with One Power."

"It's a pity that my strength is still a bit lacking now. I can only kill one monster with all my strength."

Looking at the king-level monster chasing him in front of him, Sunan sighed secretly.

If he kills the monster in front of him, it will be difficult for the incarnation on the other side to succeed even with the cooperation of the eldest princess.

After all, it was a mid-level king-level monster. Even with the help of the eldest princess who had recovered to the mid-level king level, it was still extremely difficult to kill.

The king level is not that easy to kill.

[Congratulations, you have completed the daily task "Hunting a King-level monster", and 45 points of monster power have been distributed. 】

[Currently available demon power: 336 points. 】

One minute later, at the moment when the natural power of the two races disappeared, the mid-level king-level monster was finally killed.

The demon power is enough to exchange the incense burner into reality!

Without any time to think, Sunan immediately controlled the avatar to stay away from the battlefield, found a safe place, and asked the eldest princess to help guard it temporarily.

As for the main body, due to the use of racial talents, the strength instantly fell to the bottom.

Facing the attack of the second king-level monster, Sunan had no chance to think and immediately chose to quit.

"exit the game!"

Sunan's figure disappeared, leaving behind two furious monsters.

"With his strength, can he only hold out for one minute against a king-level man?"

Xu Yulan, who had been observing Sunan, saw disappointment in her eyes when she saw Sunan quit the game, but then she mocked herself:

"What on earth am I expecting blindly? There is a huge difference between the King level and the Xuan level. Hunting the King level is simply not something that players can do now, not even Wang Nan."

"With his early Xuan-level strength, being able to hold out for one minute under the king-level demon is far beyond our expectations for him!"

Little did she know that a mid-level king-level monster had died in Sunan's hands on the other side.

In reality, Sunan did not leave the game warehouse.

There were still two minutes until the end of the mission, so he could just wait a while.

Soon, the time came to zero.

It’s time to refresh the game again, and this is also the end of the fifteen-day mission of Human Crisis.

"I wonder what the rewards are for the top three in this ranking?"

Sunan logged into the game with anticipation.

In the game, Qianshou Town, which was shouting about killing and fighting just now, now has no trace of a monster, only players who are excited about their contribution.

All the monsters evacuated Zhongtian County one minute before the end of the mission.

At this moment, the power of the Heavenly Vault Divine Forbidden City was restored again, reaching an unprecedented intensity.

Standing in Qianshou Town, Sunan's strength was greatly suppressed and he could only perform at the spirit level!

[The large-scale regional mission "Human Crisis" has ended, and the contribution rankings and contribution mall will be closed after 24 hours. Please redeem the required items within 24 hours. 】

[Congratulations, you have completed the Human Crisis mission. Do you want to receive the mission reward? 】

When the task completion prompt popped up, Sunan did not receive it immediately, but left immediately.

The heavens were moved and used, and he disappeared again.

He came to an uninhabited land thousands of meters away from Qianshou Town and received his reward.

[Congratulations, you have gained 30 points of demon power]

[Congratulations, you have obtained spiritual bloodline]

[Congratulations, you have obtained the Spirit Level Demon Sutra]

This is just the most basic reward for completing the task.

Next is the big head.

[Congratulations, you have achieved excellent results in this task. Your final ranking is first place. You will receive additional rewards. Do you want to claim it now? 】


[Congratulations, you have obtained the key to the heavenly gate]

[Congratulations, you have obtained the Xuan-level ancient fairy blood]

[Congratulations, you got a straw substitute]

[Congratulations, you got the perfect resurrection card 4]

[Congratulations, you have obtained daily task refresh card 2]

"Only two of the rewards this time are game props?"

Su Nan was surprised. He had thought that this time it would be like last time, with game props as the main items, but he didn't expect there to be only two types.

Needless to say, there are perfect resurrection cards and daily mission refresh cards.

However, compared to last time, the number of rewards for these two items is obviously one level lower this time.

The first place last time had 8 perfect resurrection cards, but this time there were only 4.

There were 4 daily mission refresh cards last time, but this time there were only 2.

"The types and quantity of game props rewarded have been reduced. Does this mean that there will be fewer and fewer game props rewarded in the future?"

Sunan couldn't help but guess.

This is not impossible. With the public beta of the game, the rules of the game are obviously increasing.

In a way, games are gradually transforming into the real world.

The rules that originally favored gamification are gradually changing.

The most obvious proof is that after the third public beta, players will no longer be able to resurrect with full health.

"If this is the case, then these game props will really become top-notch products in the future and must be used and cherished."

With a flip of his hand, Sunan took out the first reward.

The key to heaven.

He just got one yesterday, and another one today. He has already collected three of the nine keys.

"I don't know if there are only nine such keys, or if there are many?"

"The reward for being number one in other states, is there a key to the Tianmen?"

There are twelve states in the game, and each state's ranking is independent.

If he can get the key to the heavenly gate, it is very likely that others will too.

Unfortunately, there is no such information on the forum. After all, no one is a fool to achieve the top ranking, and everyone tacitly agrees to hide the rewards they receive.

Putting away the key, he took out the drop of Xuan-level blood essence.

What made Sunan's eyes light up was that this was a drop of physical ancient fairy blood!

"Physical ancient fairy blood, not bad, so now I have enough ancient fairy blood needed for three characters."

He turned his hand over and took out two more bright red bones. These were exactly the two bones containing blood and essence that he had obtained from the two magic circle nodes in Tianyun County.

These two drops of essence blood were from the Royal Law system and the Mystical Power system respectively. In this way, he had collected all three systems of Xuan-level ancient fairy blood.

However, the three types of blood essences also require corresponding demon scriptures, which can only be purchased from Tiangong Pavilion.

Let’s look at the last reward.

Straw man.

This is a doll made of straw, the size of a palm. If it were not a game reward, Su Nan would even think that this is an ordinary straw man.

[Stand-in straw man: A straw man made by an ancient strongman using magical powers. After dripping blood essence, it can die for the user once. 】

"This kind of thing may be very useful to other players, but it's a bit useless to me."

After reading the introduction, Sunan was a little disappointed.

Not to mention that he is a player and can be resurrected from the dead, not to mention that he has a perfect resurrection card and can predict the future.

Take it back into your personal space.

At this time, his eyes suddenly lit up as he watched the straw man exchange the money for the actual price.

"No, I can't use it in the game, but I can use it in reality."

In reality, he will not come back from the dead, but he can't predict the future. If he dies, he will die.

If the scapegoat can be redeemed into reality, it will definitely be a life-saving treasure!

Thinking of this, Sunan was excited.

The price of dealing with a straw man is not expensive, only 400 points of demon power.

These demon powers may be astronomical figures to other people, but they are nothing to him.

"After I exchange the incense burner into reality, I will find a way to exchange this thing as well."

The sooner you can redeem life-saving things, the better.

After seeing Zhang Yang's reward, Sunan switched his role to Wang Nan, and another 30 points of pressure were received.

[Congratulations, you have achieved excellent results in this task. Your final ranking is second. You will receive additional rewards. Do you want to claim it now? 】


[Congratulations, you have obtained the Yin-Yang Cross-border Disk]

[Congratulations, you have obtained the Bloodline Spirit Fruit]

[Congratulations, you got the perfect resurrection card 2]

[Congratulations, you have obtained the main mission copy card 1]

There are four rewards for second place, and only two game props, both in quantity and type.

Fortunately, he can use both the perfect resurrection card and the main mission copy card. The more of these things, the better.

"Bloodline Spirit Fruit, I got this kind of thing again." A red fruit appeared in his hand, and Sunan was quite satisfied.

If this kind of thing is used well, it can elevate a bloodline to the level of an ancient demon, and it can be regarded as a drop of ancient demon blood.

Putting away the essence and blood, he took out the so-called "yin and yang transmission disk".

To Su Nan's expectation, this item was not a single item, but a pair!

Regardless of appearance or size, it is somewhat similar to a compass.

[Yin and Yang Cross-border Disk: An ancient treasure, divided into Yin Disk and Yang Disk. The user can teleport to Yin Disk through Yang Disk. 】

[The farther the teleportation distance is, the more power is consumed. The greater the power contained in the teleported object, the more power is consumed for teleportation. The consumption of monster blood can replenish the power of teleportation. 】

[Can be sent across borders. 】

"This is actually an ancient treasure!"

"Teleporting to the Yin disk through the Yang disk?"

"Can it be teleported across borders?"

Looking at the introduction, Sunan didn't think anything happened at first.

Although it is an ancient treasure, its function is only to teleport. His perfect resurrection card can also teleport to a designated location.

But when he saw "Cross-border teleportation", his breathing began to quicken.

"It can be transmitted across borders. If I place the Yang disk in the world of demons and the Yin disk in the real world, can I use the Yang disk to transmit the items in the game to reality?"

Su Nan instantly thought of the use of the so-called yin and yang cross-border disk.

If the plan works and he wants to bring the items in the game into reality in the future, then he will no longer have to spend demon power to exchange them from his personal space.

He can completely transmit what he needs directly to reality by consuming some monster blood.

Thinking of this, Sunan was excited and couldn't help but want to try it immediately.

Just now he was thinking about exchanging the straw man into reality, but now with this Yin-Yang cross-border disk, he can save 400 points of demon power.

That's not all.

Eyes darting around personal space.

His eyes fell on the Shinto sacrificial vessel and the incense burner.

In order to exchange the incense burner into reality, he accumulated 300 points of demon power. Looking at it now, he can save it.

There is also a dragon turtle egg. He deliberately left a dragon turtle egg in order to exchange it for reality and hatch it in reality after he had enough demonic power.

"Not only that, if everything is really possible, I can even teleport people in the game to reality!"

This, even though the game will be tested for the third time two days later, can also be achieved using space channels.

But judging from some announcements, the space channel is not safe. If you are unlucky, you may die in the space channel.

And his yin-yang cross-border disk is very safe, but it only needs to pay for the blood of monsters as energy replenishment.

Unable to contain the excitement in his heart, Su Nan put the Yin Disk into his personal space and wanted to see the actual price of exchanging the Yin Disk.

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