I Secretly Develop Myself In The Demon World

Chapter 258 The reality of despair

"What? A king-level monster has arrived?"

Even though the game's announcement had stated that this passage could accommodate early king-level monsters, they still took a chance.

However, the current news completely shattered their illusions.

Dajiang City.

This is a city located in a plain area.

There is no mountain over 100 meters in the surrounding area for hundreds of miles, and before the game came to reality, there were no earthquakes here.

In the opinion of many people, there will be no spatial passages in this city, and even if there are, they will not be in large numbers.

Just as everyone thought, there are only two space passages in this city, which are very few compared to other cities near mountains.

Up to now, all the monsters that appeared in the two space passages have been eliminated, and the space passages have also been closed.

Just when everyone thought the crisis was finally over, something no one expected happened.

In the center of the city, a lake suddenly appeared quietly.

The lake is not big, and even ordinary people with good eyesight can see the scene on the other side.

The soldiers guarding Dajiang City reacted quickly and came to the edge of the lake immediately to prepare for battle.

Not many people paid attention at first, thinking that this time the monsters that appeared would be easily eliminated like before.

Until the monster appeared and everyone was dumbfounded.

The space was distorted, and what appeared in everyone's sight was not a weird-looking monster, but a burly middle-aged man!


Everyone was stunned when they saw the middle-aged man.

Space passages are not only accessible to monsters, human warriors can also pass through them.

The moment they saw the middle-aged man, everyone thought he was a human warrior.

However, the next moment, everyone didn't think so.

"This is the world of aliens?"

The middle-aged man glanced at the tall modern buildings around him with a strange look in his eyes.

Immediately afterwards, he felt something again and couldn't help but be overjoyed:

"The spiritual power of heaven and earth! What a rich spiritual power of heaven and earth!"

"Hahaha, this world belongs to my demon clan!"

In this world, although he is not recognized by the power of heaven and earth, he cannot break through to a higher level.

Even because of this, the power of heaven and earth that can be controlled is far less than the power of heaven and earth that can be controlled in the world of demons.

But as long as the spiritual power of heaven and earth exists, he has a chance to return his bloodline to his ancestors.

There is a chance to let your bloodline reach the level of the ancient demon clan's bloodline.

By then, it is not impossible for him to return to the demon world and break through to the imperial level!

The middle-aged man laughed, and the terrifying aura dissipated from his body, making everyone breathless.

After hearing this, everyone's expressions changed drastically.

"Monster? He is a demon!"

"Demon King! He is the Demon King in disguise!"

Everyone finally reacted, and everyone was shocked.

They have never come into contact with the Demon King, but everyone understands that it is definitely not an existence that humans can contend with in reality.

Everyone was like falling into an ice cave, not knowing how to deal with it.

Fortunately, this demon king is not interested in ordinary people like them.

Quickly calming down his excitement, the Demon King stared at the heavily armed soldiers in front of the lake and said:

"Humans, where is the ruler of your world?"

His goal is simple, to control the humans in this world!

"What? The demon king is coming to Dajing City?"

Dajing City, in the command center.

Everyone's expressions changed drastically. No need to guess, they also knew what the demon king wanted to do at this moment.

"Stop him at all costs and find a way to lead him to point one."

After a brief panic, everyone quickly calmed down.

Since they knew that a king-level monster might be coming, they were naturally prepared to face the worst case scenario.

They have set up a total of five places across the country to deal with the Demon King. These five places are all inaccessible places, sparsely populated within a radius of hundreds of miles. In order to deal with the Demon King, the residents of those five locations have also moved early.

According to the plan, once a king-level monster appears, or a being that cannot be dealt with by conventional weapons appears, a nearby location will be chosen according to the plan to lure the monster there.

And when the monsters enter the designated location, they are naturally greeted by powerful nuclear weapons.

Now that the Demon King has really appeared, all they have to do is implement the plan they customized before.

Orders received.

The most advanced fighter planes scrambled into the air.

The news spread, and the whole country of China was shocked. Countless people were praying, praying that they could successfully kill the monster this time.

A few minutes later.

Several fighter planes first forced the Demon King to a stop over a mountain ridge, and launched missiles one after another for free.

"This is the weapon of this world? Interesting."

The middle-aged demon king stood in mid-air using the power of heaven and earth, looking at the fighter planes flying rapidly in the air, with a strange look in his eyes.

The next moment, he took a step forward and was in front of the fighter plane in an instant.

Before the pilot of the fighter plane could react, out of the corner of his eye he suddenly saw the middle-aged man punching the fighter plane.


The power of heaven and earth gathered between the middle-aged fists, and the huge force was like a meteorite falling, hitting the fighter plane heavily.

The ear-splitting roar was accompanied by the rising flames, and a fighter plane turned into a fireball in the sky.

With just a simple punch, the fighter plane was easily destroyed.

"Oops, this is a physical monster!"

In the distance, some players saw this scene and their hearts sank to the bottom.

Among the three power systems, if there is one system where monsters are the most difficult to deal with, it is undoubtedly the physical system.

The physical body of the Physique system is too powerful, and it is completely like a humanoid fighting machine. Not only is it powerful, it is also difficult to kill. It is much more difficult to deal with than the monsters of the Magic system.

Human thermal weapons are in front of it, and it is even difficult to break through its defense.

Those mysterious level monsters from before are good examples.

"King-level monsters can control the power of heaven and earth. Don't get close. Pull it up. All fighters will pull it up!"

Taking the first fighter as an example, other fighter planes reacted and urgently pulled up. In a few breaths, they rose to an altitude of several thousand meters and launched missiles from high altitude to intercept the demon king.

This trick is very effective.

Looking at the fighter plane several thousand meters above the ground, the middle-aged demon king frowned slightly.

After all, he does not exist in this world, and cannot be recognized by the power of heaven and earth in this world. Even if he can barely control the power of heaven and earth, he cannot truly fly to the sky and escape from the earth, nor can he fly at an altitude of several thousand meters.

"Huh, let me let you go for now!"

The middle-aged man snorted coldly, ignored those fighters, and headed towards Dajing City again.

In his view, controlling the country's rulers is the primary goal.

Seeing this scene, everyone in the command center quickly issued orders:

"Use a drone! Use a drone to lure it over."

One after another, the hurriedly prepared drones took off. Their mission was to guide the middle-aged demon king to the designated location at the cost of being destroyed.

This trick is also very effective.

Looking at the drone that was only a hundred meters above his head, the depression seemed to have found an outlet. The middle-aged demon king chased the drone and wanted to blow it up.


The fire rose, and without any surprise, a drone was exploded.

This is just the beginning.

Drones flew in one after another, leading the middle-aged demon king to point one at the cost of being bombed.

The middle-aged Demon King was somehow annoyed by these drones and was not aware of the problem at all.

Or, in his opinion, human power in this world cannot pose a threat to it, and he didn't pay attention to it when he realized the problem, and was really gradually led to the designated location.

Seeing this, everyone breathed a sigh of relief, everything seemed to be going in the planned direction.

"A king-level monster appears?"

"It's still a physical monster."

Songshan Mountain.

Su Nan looked at the information on the forum, his eyes slightly condensed.

"I wonder if with my current physique, I can kill a king-level monster without using my racial talents?"

Sunan wasn't too worried. If he was in the mid-level king level, he might still be a little wary.

But the opponent was only in the early stage of the king level. Even if he didn't practice the Great Sun Gold Body Sutra, he could still kill him with all kinds of means.

Now that he has practiced the Great Sun Gold Body Sutra, he wants to try to see how far he can go just by using the power of the physical system.

Posts in the forum are constantly being posted, and real-time updates about the Demon King are also being refreshed rapidly. Many people have even started live broadcasts.

Finally, more than ten minutes later.

After losing hundreds of drones, the Demon King was successfully led to point one!


Following an order, the nuclear weapons deployed not far from Point 1, carried by hypersonic missiles, crossed the sky and bombarded the middle-aged demon king.

One launch is a total of five!


Under the night sky, looking at the fire coming at a rapid speed, the middle-aged demon king first frowned, and then his expression changed.

"not good!"


As a demon king, his intuition about danger is not insensitive. The moment he saw the missile, the middle-aged demon king realized the problem.

Without any time to think, he took a step forward and disappeared in an instant.


The first nuclear weapon fell, and a mushroom cloud rose instantly.

Four fell in succession.

In order to prevent the monster from escaping the attack site, the five nuclear weapons exploded at five different points. The distance between the five points was calculated very well, so that its attack gradually increased greatly.

The power of a nuclear explosion is earth-shattering.

Even though they were tens of kilometers away, everyone could still feel the strong vibrations of the earth.

"Did you make it?"

"Definitely dead. Five nuclear bombs. Even if the King of Heaven comes, I will have to kneel down!"

"These five nuclear bombs are all high-yield nuclear bombs, enough to reduce a city to rubble. It would be outrageous if it could survive."

Looking at the huge rising mushroom, at this moment, everyone held their breath, waiting for the final result.

However, before the mushroom cloud could completely disappear, a deafening roar exploded.

"Damn! Damn you ants!"

A roar full of anger and murderous intent came, and a figure rose into the sky.

It is the middle-aged demon king!

At this time, the middle-aged demon king looked a little embarrassed and disgraced, but he didn't even look seriously injured.

"Is this, is everything okay?"

"He was not in the center of the nuclear explosion! He escaped most of the damage from the nuclear explosion!"

Everyone was shocked, and some people immediately saw the problem where the middle-aged demon king appeared.

But, now is not the time to think about this.

Everyone turned around and ran away without thinking, for fear of becoming the target of the Demon King's venting.

The middle-aged man's eyes were cold and his face was ferocious. Looking at the rising mushrooms, a trace of lingering fear flashed in his eyes.

He never imagined that a world composed of ordinary people would have such terrifying weapons!

"You all deserve to die!"

The middle-aged man's eyes were filled with murderous intent, and the next moment, he headed straight to the north.

He remembered that there was a human city there when he came, and he wanted to use that city to vent his anger.

"Oops! He went to Yuanling City!"

Looking at the direction in which the middle-aged demon king was leaving, everyone's expressions changed drastically.

Yuanling City.

It’s only over a hundred kilometers away from point one.

But it is the largest city nearby, with a permanent population of seven to eight million.

What would happen if an angry demon king entered such a city?

You don’t need to think about it to know that it must be a disaster for the people in that city!


Songshan and Sunan looked at the posts in the forum and were not surprised.

He knows better than anyone the power of the demon king and monsters,

The destructive power of nuclear weapons is so powerful that it is unimaginable whether it is the temperature of the explosion or the shock wave.

This kind of thing attacks a stationary target, and even the emperor might have to kneel when he comes.

But the attack range of this thing is limited after all. For humans, the shock wave after the explosion may be fatal enough, but for the demon king, as long as it is not at the center of its attack, it is nothing.

With the Demon King's ability, it is not difficult to leave the central area of ​​the nuclear explosion at the moment the nuclear weapon falls.

Even if it is a demon king whose main focus is speed, it is still unknown whether the attack range of nuclear weapons can cover it.

He himself is a good example of this.

He is confident that if a country attacks him with nuclear weapons, he can escape the scope of the nuclear explosion at the moment the nuclear weapon explodes, let alone a physical demon king.

"It seems we can't do anything this time."

Sunan sighed and prepared to take action.

However, at this moment, a post on the forum stopped him in his tracks.

"Daliu City, a demon king appears!"

A very short title, but enough to attract the attention of countless people.

"What? The second demon king appears?"

"It's over! Humanity is really going to end this time!"

"Not only us, I heard that demon kings have also appeared abroad and have caused tens of thousands of deaths!"

Dajing City, command center.

The news of the appearance of the second demon king reached here immediately. When they heard the news, everyone's expressions turned extremely ugly.

One demon king has not yet been solved, and now another one has arrived, and a feeling of powerlessness spreads in everyone's hearts.

"Everyone, what should we do now?"

Everyone was silent, not knowing how to answer this question.

At this time, a middle-aged man thought of something and said: "This monster is not very far from Songshan Mountain. Maybe we can lead it there."

"you mean……"

Hearing this, the others instantly understood what the middle-aged man meant.

They naturally knew about the "Buddha's Appearance" in Songshan more than ten minutes ago.

They don't believe in so-called gods and Buddhas at all.

If there really are gods and Buddhas in this world, it is impossible for them to have no news at all.

"That is definitely not some Buddha's apparition. It should be a player who took action. Although I don't know how that player did it, it is definitely the player."

The others nodded in agreement.

"The players who are likely to do this are most likely Wang Nan, Zhang Yang and that Lang Shisan."

"The three of them are very powerful. They all have the blood of ancient demons, possess racial talents, and even have magical powers. Maybe the strange phenomenon is caused by magical powers."

The people sitting here are not ordinary people. They have a lot of information that ordinary people don't know.

The situation was urgent before and they didn't think much about it. Looking back now, they quickly analyzed the key points.

But the question now is, does the man on Songshan Mountain really have the strength to kill the Demon King?

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