I Secretly Develop Myself In The Demon World

Chapter 286 The Test of the Imperial Ancestral Temple

There seems to be an imperial-level sacrificial demon in the palace of King Daxuan.

If he enters directly, there is a high probability that he will be discovered by the God Sacrifice Demon and killed.

Fortunately, with the ever-changing possibilities, he can become anything he wants.

In addition to members of the royal family of King Daehyun, he can even transform into the appearance of flying insects, birds and beasts and sneak into the palace quietly.

"I have enough demonic power. It's just right. Let's see what will happen if we merge the bloodline in the prediction."

There are still more than 200 points of demon power available, and today's three character tasks can be easily completed. In addition to the task of exploring Daxuan Palace, once the other tasks are completed, there will be another 150 points of demon power.

Even if there is no task that can be completed in the next few days, the demon power will be enough for him to use for a few days.

Switch the character to Lang Shisan.

He planned to improve Lang Shisan's bloodline.

When entering the Lost Land, he had already tried to fuse once before in precognition, but just in case, he decided to do another precognition.

Looking at the Star Swallowing Demon bloodline on the panel, 160 demon power points were consumed. The bloodline has not improved for more than a week. It has never started and quickly entered the Great Consummation!

The number of predictions increased by three times, finally breaking through seventy and reaching seventy-two.

[You want to fuse the Mysterious Power System Xuan-level bloodline, but you know that there are certain dangers in merging the bloodline. Do you need to consume a certain number of prediction times to predict the situation three minutes before your death in the future? 】


With the determination, the last chance of foreknowledge on the panel is consumed.

"Only consumed once?"

Su Nan frowned. It was obvious that this attempt ended in failure!

Of course, it is not to merge bloodlines, but to enter the palace of Daxuan.

[You know, your bloodline integration speed is too fast. The bloodline in your body seems to be integrated into your body, but in fact it is not completely integrated with you. Only by integrating the powerful ancient demon bloodline can you continue to improve your strength. 】

[You tried to fuse the bloodline, and your guess was correct. Although your bloodline fusion process was not smooth this time, and even almost failed, in the end you successfully fused the second bloodline, and then you prepared to go to Dayuan Palace. 】

[With your ever-changing supernatural powers, you can become anything you want. You decide to change your appearance and enter the King's Palace of Daxuan to explore. 】

[After inquiring, you learned that there are five princes and two princesses in Daxuan Kingdom. After the leader of Daxuan Kingdom was killed, all the royal family members have returned to the palace. 】

[Because of your presence, the Daxuan royal family has blocked the palace. Except for four guards responsible for material procurement, no one else is allowed to enter or leave the palace every day until the new king of Daxuan succeeds to the throne. 】

[In your opinion, if you want to enter the palace, you can only start with four guards. 】

[You learned that four guards would leave the palace through a back door on the northwest side of the palace every day. A minute later, you came to the back door on the northwest side of Daxuan Palace, preparing to enter the palace as guards. 】

[To your disappointment, this is not the time for the four guards to purchase supplies. The back door has not been opened. You can only wait temporarily. 】

[Two minutes later, the back door has not been opened. You realize that the guards of the palace will not come out to purchase supplies in a short period of time. You don’t want to waste time waiting anymore, so you decide to try to transform into a bird and sneak into the palace. 】

[Use the kaleidoscope, you turn into a sparrow and fly into the palace. The moment you enter the palace, the magic circle covering the palace is triggered. 】

[You have been discovered. A terrifying existence has noticed you. 】

【you are dead. 】

"Magic circle? The entire palace is enveloped by the magic circle?"

Su Nan's face darkened, and after thinking for a moment, he understood what was going on.

Obviously, King Daxuan's royal family knew that he might sneak into the palace and specially prepared it.

"It is indeed a force established by the Great Xuan Dynasty, and its foundation is really profound!"

Sunan sighed, then looked at the information in the prediction and frowned again.

"If you can't sneak in as a bird, you probably won't be able to sneak in as a guard."

The entire palace is shrouded in a magic circle. Once you enter, you will be discovered. If you want to enter now, you must first understand how the magic circle in the palace identifies him.

If he doesn't understand this, he may not be able to enter even if he transforms into a member of the Daxuan royal family.

The gods can move directly into the palace, but there is no use in entering. Once discovered, they will still die and there will be no chance to escape.

"I wonder how much the five major families know about that magic circle?"

There is no doubt that in this world, the five major families are undoubtedly the ones who know the most about the Daxuan royal family, and only they may know the information about the magic circle.

"Keep predicting."

[You want to enter Daxuan Palace, but you know that there are unknown dangers in the palace. Do you need to consume a certain number of predictions to predict the events three minutes before your death in the future? 】


With the confirmation, 2 prediction times on the panel are consumed.

[You know, the current Daxuan Palace is shrouded in an unknown magic circle. If you want to enter the Daxuan Palace, you must break the magic circle. You came to the Wang family and planned to learn the relevant information from the Wang family. 】

[The head of the Wang family tells you that only people with the blood of the Daxuan royal family, or those who have been given a special mark by the Daxuan royal family, can freely enter and exit the Daxuan royal family's magic circle. Only the servants and guards in the palace can access that mark. Given. 】

[You are not a member of the royal family of Daxuan. You do not have the blood of the royal family of Daxuan, and you do not have the special mark to enter the magic circle. There is no way to enter the palace of Daxuan without being discovered. 】

[You are unwilling to give in and plan to start with the mark. You plan to try to peel off the mark from the four guards who can enter and leave the palace. 】

[Come to the back door northwest of Daxuan Palace again and wait slowly. 】

[An hour later, you finally waited until the back door opened. You took action to capture all four guards, and then together with the eldest princess of the Sirius clan, you searched for marks on the four guards. 】

[The mark on the guard is not hidden. With the help of the eldest princess, you successfully found the mark, and successfully peeled off the mark on one of the guards and transferred it to yourself. 】

[Later, with the help of the eldest princess, I obtained part of the guard's memory and learned the general layout of the palace. 】

[A minute later, relying on the mark, you transformed into a guard and successfully entered the palace. 】

[The palace is heavily guarded, and the guards you transform can only move in fixed areas. Fortunately, this does not trouble you. Relying on the ever-changing appearance, you continuously change your appearance and continue to approach the core area of ​​the palace with different identities]

[You didn’t realize that the moment you entered the palace, the marks on your body began to fade quickly. Three minutes later, you came to the Scripture Pavilion where the Daxuan royal family stored ancient books and scriptures, preparing to find the secrets of Shinto. 】

[This is a four-story, hexagonal pagoda-shaped pavilion. Just when you are about to enter the Sutra Pavilion, the mark on your body completely dissipates, and your existence is suddenly discovered by a terrifying existence. 】

【you are dead】

"Will the mark dissipate? Is this because it was stripped off?"

Precognition failed again.

Fortunately, this time he entered the palace, and it was not without gain.

"The mark can only last for three minutes. If you act quickly, the time should be enough."

His purpose of entering the palace was to find the Shinto secret method. If the location of the Shinto secret method could be determined, three minutes would be enough for him to get the thing.

Precognition begins again.

This time, 2 prediction opportunities were also consumed.

[You know, the mark on your body can only last for three minutes. You don’t dare to waste time. Come to the Sutra Pavilion as quickly as possible, and then use Heavenly Movement to directly enter the Sutra Pavilion. 】

[Successfully entering the Sutra Pavilion, you see that except for the wall where the door is located, which has no ancient books, the other five walls all have grooves, and many ancient books are placed in those grooves. 】

[At a glance, you find that the ancient books on this level are all ordinary documents, not what you are looking for. You quickly move towards the higher level. 】

[Two minutes later, you came to the second floor. What was stored in the grooves on the wall here were no longer ancient books, but pieces of jade slips. There were thousands of them. You know, those jade slips There is a medium to high probability that it is a demon sutra. 】

[You try to take down a jade slip to check. However, the moment you pick up the jade slip, the magic circle of the Sutra Pavilion is triggered. An old man guarding the Sutra Pavilion on the fourth floor is alerted and quickly comes to you. 】

[You don’t know, all the jade slips here are shrouded in magic circles. If you want to take them, you not only need to be of the blood of the Daxuan royal family, but also need a specific jade talisman as the key. 】

[Three minutes later, the old man guarding the Sutra Pavilion found you and attacked you. At the same time, the mark on your body disappeared and you were discovered by an unknown existence. 】

【you are dead. 】

"Magic circle! Another magic circle!"

"There are so many magic formations in Daxuan Kingdom!"

Sunan frowned, but thinking about it, it was normal.

A place like the Tibetan Scripture Pavilion is the most important place like the treasure house. It is normal for such a place to be protected by magic circles and strong men.

"Bloodline, the magic formations of the Daxuan Kingdom are all related to the bloodline. Without the bloodline of the Daxuan royal family, I am afraid it will be difficult to get what you want from the Daxuan royal palace."

After going around and around, let’s get back to the issue of bloodline.

It has to be said that ordinary people really have no way to deal with these magic formations in Daxuan Kingdom.

Even Sunan didn't dare to say that he could definitely solve this problem.

If you want to obtain blood, you must fuse blood essence.

Monster blood can be obtained through fusion, but human blood cannot.

He had never heard of anyone fused

The reason is very simple. Everyone's bloodline is similar, and there is no distinction between them. Let's not talk about whether they can be fused. Even if they can be fused, what's the use of fusion?

Unless there are so-called holy bodies and divine bodies among the human race in this world, and there are bloodlines with some strange abilities.

"My kaleidoscopic ability allows me to display my bloodline talents without merging blood essence."

"If I just use my essence and blood to perform all kinds of transformations, can I deceive the magic circle?"

With a thought in his heart, Su Nan had another idea.

Looking at Precognition, he tried again.

Precognition begins.

However, what made him frown was that the number of predictions was only consumed three times this time, one more than the previous two times.

Precognition begins the same as before.

After waiting for an hour, he got the mark from the guard and entered the palace.

[Successfully entered the palace. You know that if you want to stay here for a long time, you do not have to obtain the bloodline of the Daxuan royal family. You plan to obtain the bloodline from a certain royal family member. 】

[According to the information obtained from the guard's memory, you can easily find the fourth prince's palace, capture him silently, and take him out of the palace. 】

[Three hours later, under your threat, the fourth prince had to force out a drop of blood essence from his body. At the same time, with the help of the eldest princess of the Sirius tribe, you obtained his memory. 】

[With the help of essence and blood, you performed a thousand transformations and entered the palace again in the appearance of the fourth prince. Because of the essence and blood, your re-entry into the palace did not cause any abnormalities. 】

"It really works!"

Sunan's eyes lit up.

Being able to obtain the bloodline of the Daxuan royal family will make his next actions much easier, and with the memory of the fourth prince, he can even perfectly disguise himself as the fourth prince and live in the palace.

But he was surprised that under such circumstances, he still only consumed three predictions. He was very curious as to how he died this time.

[As soon as you returned to the palace as the eldest prince and prepared to plan your next move, you received a summons from the ancestor of the Great Xuan Kingdom and went to a place called the Taihuang Palace. 】

[When you arrive at the Taihuang Palace, you find that you are not the only one who has been summoned, there are also four other princes. Only then do you learn that the choice of each king of the Daxuan Kingdom is very particular, and is not based on the eldest son inheritance system. , but to meet a series of harsh conditions. 】

[Due to the sudden death of King Daxuan, the five princes of King Daxuan have not met the conditions for the time being. After discussion, several ancestors decided to let you enter the Ancestral Temple and undergo a test. Those who pass the test will be Inherited the position of King Daxuan. 】

"If you pass the test, can you fail to succeed as the leader of Daxuan Kingdom?"

"Doesn't this mean that if the fourth prince I pretend to pass the test, he can also obtain the position of Lord of Daxuan Kingdom?"

Thinking of this, Sunan's eyes lit up.

He is not interested in the so-called position of the leader of the Daxuan Kingdom. After all, he cannot stay here for a long time. Even if he obtains the position of the leader of the Daxuan Kingdom, he cannot really become the leader of the Daxuan Kingdom.

But if you become the leader of Daxuan Kingdom, it means you can gain control of those paper puppet demons!

Those are three paper puppet demons at the top of the king level!

If he could obtain it, then he would not be walking sideways below the king level!

"Although the real control of the paper puppet demon seems to be in the hands of the god-sacrifice demon in the Ancestral Temple, and the Lord Daxuan cannot fully control it, if I take the paper puppet demon out of the Lost Land, there should be nothing that the god-sacrifice demon can do. .”

The more Sunan thought about it, the more he felt that the plan was feasible.

[Three hours later, under the leadership of the ancestor of Dayuan Kingdom, you and the other five princes entered the Ancestral Temple. 】

[You see, a stone statue in the Ancestral Temple is very conspicuous. The stone statue is of a middle-aged man, wearing a battle armor. Under the stone statue, there are enshrined the spiritual tablets of many great kings of the past dynasties. 】

[After worshiping, Grand Ancestor Daxuan will leave you in the Ancestral Temple and tell you that whoever can persist until the sun rises tomorrow will be considered to have passed the test. 】

[As the gate of the Ancestral Temple closed, death fell into silence in the Ancestral Temple. You and the other four princes looked at each other, but no one spoke first. 】

[One minute later, there was nothing unusual in the Ancestral Temple. 】

[Two minutes later, there was still deathly silence in the Ancestral Temple. 】

[Three minutes later, you are dead. 】

"Die like this?"

It was not surprising that he would die in the Ancestral Temple, but this death without warning left him confused.

At this moment, a prompt popped up.

Seeing the game prompt, Su Nan's eyes lit up.

"The main mission! The main mission was actually triggered!"

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