Precognition begins again.

This time, a full 30 prediction opportunities were consumed!

"30 times? Did I find a way to leave the illusion of Trapped Heaven Prison?" Su Nan couldn't help but guess.

[You came outside the Ancient God Tomb and wanted to explore the Ancient God Tomb. Unfortunately, as soon as you entered the area of ​​the Ancient God Tomb, you were affected by the power escaping from the Ancient God Tomb. 】

[An hour later, under the baptism of the divine soul existing in the Ancestral Temple, the divine soul that descended into your incarnation has reached the limit of being able to be promoted. 】

[You know, if you continue to accept the baptism, the soul in the incarnation will be raised to the limit after two hours, and the soul will eventually be broken. 】

[You plan to use the divine orifice stone to protect the divine soul. 】

[Three hours later, after twelve hours of baptism, the soul in your incarnation can no longer withstand the baptism of the soul. Just when the soul in your incarnation is about to be broken, the divine orifice stone in the soul comes into play. 】

[A strange power surges out of the Divine Aperture Stone. Under the nourishment of that power, the soul in your incarnation is nourished, and the crisis of soul fragmentation is temporarily relieved. 】

"It really works!"

Even though he had guessed that the method given by Zhou Lingyin in the illusion was most likely feasible, he still couldn't help but be surprised when he saw the divine orifice stone working.

And the most important thing is that the existence of the soul stone did not attract the sacrifice of the god demon.

[Five hours later, you will tell in detail everything from when you met Zhou Lingyin to when you entered the Lost Land. At the same time, you will take out the secret key to the trapped sky and the sun and moon jade pendant that Zhou Lingyin gave you to prove what you said. it is true. 】

[Successfully gained Zhou Lingyin's trust. In order for Zhou Lingyin to help you think about ways to leave the illusion, you told Zhou Ling that the reason why you came here is because there are people you know here. 】

[At the same time, you also told Zhou Lingyin that as you go deeper into the Ancient God Tomb, you may return to the place where those people you have heard or known are, or even return to ancient times. You want to know why. 】

[Zhou Lingyin did not immediately answer your doubts, but fell into deep thought. 】

[Eight hours later, Zhou Lingyin told you that according to you, if you want to leave, maybe you can try to forget this place and the people you know here. 】


Sunan was stunned for a moment, and then his eyes lit up again.

It has to be said that Zhou Lingyin's guess really has a chance of success.

Just as Zhou Lingyin said, he returned to Kuntian Prison because he knew Kuangtian Prison and knew Zhou Lingyin. If he didn't know Kuangtian Prison and didn't know Zhou Lingyin, he would naturally not return to Kuangtian Prison.

Theoretically, this method has a high probability of success, and it sounds much more reliable than killing everyone you know.

But, how should he implement this method?

Losing amnesia is not that easy, and besides, he doesn't want to really lose his memory.

Fortunately, the next prediction gave him direction.

[You don’t know how to forget this place. Zhou Lingyin tells you that there are some secret techniques that can make you temporarily lose part of your memory. Unfortunately, she doesn’t know those secret techniques. 】

[If you don’t give up, ask Zhou Ling where you can get that secret technique. Zhou Lingyin tells you that as far as she knows, the Dayu Dynasty has a secret technique called "Forgetting Technique" that can achieve this. 】

"Daewoo Dynasty?"

Sunan frowned.

If he were in Dongchen State, with his status in the Monster Killing Division, it would not be difficult to obtain the secret technique. He could completely exchange it with Monster Killing Points. If that didn't work, he could also ask the governor of Tianyun County for help. .

But now that he is in the Lost Land, should he use the Perfect Death Resurrection Card to leave?

"This is going to be difficult!"

[You know that you cannot leave the Lost Land for the time being, so you have to ask Zhou Lingyin if there is any other way. Unfortunately, you are disappointed. Zhou Lingyin tells you that she has no other way. 】

[Ten hours later, you are unwilling to give in and have to try other methods to leave the illusion. 】

[Twelve hours later, you still haven’t left the illusion trapped in Heavenly Prison. 】

[One day later, with the help of the divine orifice stone, your incarnation finally completed the baptism of the divine soul. Most of the power in the divine orifice stone was consumed, and it needed to be nurtured for seven days to breed the second divine soul. 】


Sunan's eyes showed joy. Although he had not found a way to solve the illusion, fortunately, the baptism of the soul was finally completed, which was also a huge gain.

The price is that the Divine Aperture Stone, which was supposed to be able to give birth to the second soul soon, consumes a lot of power and needs to continue to be given birth to.

Fortunately, this is nothing compared to the rewards of completing the task.

Keep looking down.

However, the next predicted information made his expression change.

[Congratulations, you have become the first person to receive the baptism of the soul without having the soul broken. 】

[You didn’t realize that after receiving the baptism of the divine soul that existed in the Ancestral Temple, the power of the divine soul in your incarnation increased greatly, and at the same time, there was an invisible seed in the divine soul. 】

[Seeing that you successfully completed the baptism of the soul, several ancestors of Dayuan Kingdom were extremely happy. Several ancestors told you that as long as you complete the third step of the blood sacrifice, you can become the new king of the country. 】

Seeing this, Sunan was stunned.

"The first person without a broken soul? What does this mean?"

"Could it be that the souls of those who had been baptized by the soul before were all broken? How is this possible!"

Sunan was shocked and confused.

If he is the first person whose soul has not been broken, wouldn't it mean that the souls of all the kings of Daxuan Kingdom who had received the baptism of souls in the past had their souls broken?

So what happened to the Lord Daxuan he saw?

It can't be fake, right?

Or is it that the leader of the Daxuan Kingdom who was killed by him was like other previous kings. When receiving the baptism of the soul, the soul had been broken and dissipated, and the soul of someone else had taken over his body?

For a moment, many questions popped up in Su Nan's mind, and her face became solemn as she thought of all the possibilities.

"If the souls of past kings belong to other people, then whose soul is it?"

"It's impossible, it's the one who sacrifices to gods and monsters, right?"

Ridiculous speculation suddenly appeared in Su Nan's mind.

When you think about it, it doesn't seem impossible.

"Those old guys in Daxuan Kingdom didn't show anything strange when they saw me completing the baptism of the soul. This shows that those old guys probably didn't know that the baptism of the soul would break the soul. In this way, it seems that only the god-sacrifice demon has the chance to occupy those kings. body of!"

Considering that in the previous prediction, the god-sacrifice demon found out that his incarnation was not flesh and blood and became furious, this possibility is even greater.

"If that's the case, then it's impossible that the King Daxuan's royal family couldn't have discovered it for such a long time!"

"Furthermore, the God-Sacrificing Demon is a monster controlled by negative emotions. Even if it can control the previous kings of the Great Xuan Kingdom just like I control the incarnation, how can it make the Great Xuan King like an ordinary person?"

Questions flashed through Su Nan's mind rapidly, but she couldn't figure out what was going on.

Compared with these, there is an invisible seed in the soul, and he is much calmer.

Before receiving the baptism of the divine soul, he had guessed that the baptism of the divine soul might not be as simple as it seemed, and that it might have unknown drawbacks.

Now that problems arise, he takes them for granted.

What's more, now that we know that the previous kings of the country were probably controlled by the god-sacrifice demon, it is even more normal that the god-sacrifice demon would have tampered with his soul.

"No matter what it is, we can't take that part of the soul anymore!"

Without even thinking about it, Sunan decisively decided to give up that part of her soul.

The soul in the incarnation did not know what kind of manipulation was done by the sacrificial demon in the Ancestral Temple, but as long as he did not take back the soul, it would have no impact on his body.

The prediction is not over yet, keep looking down.

[One and a half days later, it has been a day since you entered the illusion of Trapped Heaven Prison. You know that if you continue to stay in the illusion, it is very likely that you will stay here forever because the time is too long. 】

[You have no choice but to try to kill everyone you know in Trapped Heaven Prison. 】

[One minute later, you killed all the monsters and warriors except Zhou Lingyin and the old man in Cell 30. 】

[Two minutes later, you take action against Zhou Lingyin. 】

[After three minutes, you are no longer Zhou Lingyin’s opponent, you will die. 】

Being killed by Zhou Lingyin again and not finding a way to leave as expected, Sunan was not disappointed.

At least this time I have completed the baptism of the soul, and I have a general idea of ​​how to break the illusion.

"Forgetting, is there no other similar secret technique other than Forgetting?"

Su Nan's eyes moved slightly, and he couldn't help but think of the Daxuan royal family.

The Daxuan royal family was established by the Daxuan Dynasty, and it must have mastered some secret techniques.

If he can successfully become the leader of Daxuan Kingdom, he might be able to obtain some secret skills from Daxuan Kingdom.

But as for whether there is any secret technique that can make people forget, it's hard to say.

Sunan thought.

Suddenly, an idea flashed in his mind, and he thought of something again.

"I can't leave the Lost Land and return to the Imperial City of Dayu now, but I can definitely return to the Imperial City of Dayu in the past through the illusion!"

"If I can enter the illusion of the Dayu Dynasty, can I find a way to get the secret technique from the Dayu Dynasty?"

Thinking of this, Sunan's eyes lit up.

Since he can enter the Trapped Heaven Prison in the illusion, there is no reason why he cannot return to Dayu Imperial City.

The illusion is not static. It is impossible for him to enter the same illusion every time.

At this time, if he is close to the Ancient God Tomb, he will enter the two illusions of King Daxuan City and Tongtian Prison. If he changes the time, he will probably return to other places.

If you are lucky, it is entirely possible to return to Dayu Imperial City.

"Now due to bad luck, I will enter the illusion immediately when I enter the Ancient God Tomb. If I change the direction, enter from a different place, or use the heavens to move directly to enter, I might enter a different illusion."

Sunan had an idea and immediately looked at the panel.

A total of four predictions were made before and after, 58 prediction opportunities were consumed, and only 17 opportunities were left.

"17 chances. If you use ordinary future prediction, it is 17 chances."

"It's a pity that even if we really return to the Dayu Dynasty, this number of predictions will not be enough."

He no longer used Disappointment Prediction, but instead used Prediction of the Future.

Death prediction is easy to use, but the number of predictions consumed each time is completely out of his control. Now he only needs to be sure from where to enter.

Precognition begins again.

Just as he thought, he changed direction this time and used the Heavenly Movement to directly enter the kilometer range of the Ancient God Tomb. In the prediction, he did not return to King Daxuan City, but returned to a small town he passed before.

The three-minute prediction ended and Sunan predicted again.

Next, he predicted again and again.

However, he was disappointed.

After running out of 17 prediction opportunities, he did not return to King Daxuan's city.

However, successive predictions made him discover a problem.

The closer he gets to the Ancient God Tomb, the farther back in time he goes back in time.

When he was at the outermost part of the Ancient God Tomb, he returned to King Daxuan's city two days ago, a few hours after he killed the Lord of King Daxuan.

As he went deeper, he went back to the time when he killed the Ma family, when he first entered the Lost Land, and when he went back to Tianyun City.

Sunan thought for a moment and understood what was going on.

"The closer you get to the Ancient God Tomb, the stronger the power escaping from the Ancient God Tomb is, and the further time in the illusion goes forward!"

"Doesn't this mean that as long as I control the scope of entry, I might just return to the time when I exchanged the ancient fairy blood."

Sunan's eyes flashed.

Returning to Dayu Imperial City was only the first step. After that, he would have to find a way to obtain the so-called "forgetting technique".

If he goes back to before the start of the Human Race Crisis mission, even if he returns to Dayu Imperial City, it will probably take a lot of effort to obtain the secret technique.

But if he happened to go back to the time when he exchanged ancient fairy blood, it would be different.

At that time, he had a large number of Demon-Slaying Points, which could be exchanged for Demon-Slaying Points.

Su Nan's eyes lit up.

At the same time, he had a bold idea.

"If this method can really be realized, can I use the Monster Killing Points to repeatedly obtain various secret techniques from the Monster Killing Department?"

Thinking of this, Sunan's breathing became a little rapid.

He also thought about using future prediction to obtain ancient scriptures of magic, but future prediction was presented in the form of words, and the information that could be carried was limited.

But fantasy is completely different!

The more Sunan thought about it, the more excited she became and couldn't wait to try it.

"It's a pity that there are no more predictions for today, so we can only wait until tomorrow."

He glanced at the time. It was already sunset in the game, but it was already five o'clock in the morning in reality. He was about to quit the game.

But before that, he still had something to do.

His heart moved, and the divine orifice stone, wrapped by the power of the divine soul, left the lake formed by the power of incense and wish, and appeared in his hand.

The character switches to Wang Nan, and then the Shenqiao Stone is stored in his personal space.

On the other side, in the Ancestral Temple, he controlled the incarnation while several ancestors were not paying attention, took the divine orifice stone out of his personal space and put it into his divine soul.

After doing this, Sunan quit the game.

Without much sleepiness, he simply opened the forum and started talking.

"Real-time news, the number of monsters gathered on our border has reached tens of thousands, and they may attack us at any time."

"Don't worry, everyone. The official nuclear weapons are ready. As long as those monsters dare to enter our country, they will definitely be devastated!"

Just like yesterday, today's forum is still mainly focused on the trends of monsters around the world. After all, this is a major event that concerns everyone, and each post has a large number of views.

Sunan looked at it for a moment and breathed a sigh of relief.

Although the monsters around the world were ready to take action, fortunately, they did not take action immediately. They seemed to be waiting for someone to take the lead. (End of chapter)

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