I Secretly Develop Myself In The Demon World

Chapter 303 Du Qiyuan’s Experience

"Luck! It turns out that the demonic thought was not affected by the power of the Ancient God Tomb because of good luck."

Sunan was stunned and envious at the same time.

Luck is related to luck, and he has the blessings of various lucks. He is confident that compared to luck, he can definitely surpass most people.

But now compared with this demonic thought, it seems to be a lot worse.

"Since that monster is not affected by the power of the Ancient God Tomb because of its good luck."

"If you can make that evil thought suffer bad luck, can you make it fall into an illusion?"

With a thought in his heart, Su Nan suddenly had an idea.

What would happen if the magic of fate was used on demonic thoughts?

The fate calamity technique he uses by consuming his luck can make the disaster of the person being hit come earlier. In essence, it reduces the opponent's luck and causes great damage to the opponent's luck.

If the monster's luck is greatly damaged, it will most likely be affected by the power of the Ancient God Tomb.

This idea came to him, and he subconsciously looked for the cause and effect line between himself and the monster.

Soon he found the one belonging to the monster among the many causal lines.

However, now is not the time to show off.

Continue to look at Precognition.

[Going down the passage of the Ancient God Tomb, you encounter a step ten meters away. The moment you stand on the step, you are once again affected by the power of the Ancient God Tomb. 】

[This time you came to the King Daxuan City a year ago. You know that if you want to leave here, you have to kill everyone you know here, or you can only forget everyone you know. You chose the latter. 】

[After one stick of incense, you were freed from the influence of the illusion and continued to go down the stairs. What made you happy was that, seemingly fearing the power within the Ancient God's Tomb, the monsters did not pursue it into the Ancient God's Tomb. 】

[An hour later, you passed four steps in succession and entered four illusions. The time span in the illusion changed from the first year, to ten years, to fifty years, and finally to the present hundred years. 】

[Fortunately, you have a secret method that can temporarily forget your memory, and you can leave the illusion every time. 】

[It’s just that you find that as you continue to go deeper into the Ancient God Tomb, the connection between you and the incarnation becomes weaker and weaker, and the connection between you is gradually blocked by the power of the Ancient God Tomb. 】

"Can the power of the Ancient God Tomb block my connection with the incarnation?"

Sunan's face darkened, this was not a good thing.

First of all, once the connection between him and the incarnation is completely severed, it will be impossible for him to get out some ancient secrets that can be obtained in the illusion through the incarnation.

Secondly, how could he control the avatar to carry out the subsequent blood sacrifice ceremony after losing contact with it?

Fortunately, he also considered this issue in his prediction.

[In order to maintain the connection with the incarnation, you dare not continue downwards and choose to wait temporarily for the avatar to complete today's blood sacrifice. 】

[Two hours later, you controlled the avatar in the Great Xuan Palace to the Ancestral Temple to prepare for the blood sacrifice ceremony. 】

[Following the instructions of several ancestors, you smear the blood on three incense sticks, then light them and insert them into the incense burner. 】

[As the three incense sticks burned, a total of seven paper puppet demons emerged from the Ancestral Temple, four of which were at the early stage of king level and three at the peak of king level. The seven paper puppet demons ignored you and surrounded the burning incense and took big sips. . 】

[As the drifting smoke is inhaled, you suddenly find that your energy and energy are passing away rapidly. Fortunately, your energy and energy are strong. When the three sticks of incense are burned, most of your energy and energy are still left. 】

"The paper puppet demon is devouring my essence!"

Su Nan suddenly understood the danger of this blood sacrifice.

"Fortunately, my energy and energy are strong. Otherwise, once all my energy and energy are swallowed up, I'm afraid it will be time for my flesh and blood to be eaten!"

After the three sticks of incense were burned out, today's blood sacrifice was over, but Sunan did not relax.

The blood sacrifice will last for seven days, and he will go there tomorrow night.

Moreover, judging from the current situation, although there is danger, it is still far from the level of difficulty that a four-star mission should have.

He didn't need to guess to know that as the blood sacrifice progressed, it would definitely become more dangerous as the day progressed. Today was just the beginning, it was the safest day.

[The blood sacrifice ceremony is over. In the Ancient God Tomb, you continue to go down the stairs. You know that as you continue to go down, the time span in the illusion will become wider and wider, and it is likely that you will eventually return to the ancient times. 】

[In order to avoid this situation, you must forget all the relevant people in your memory in advance. 】

[Unfortunately, forgetting in advance does not exempt you from the influence of the power of the Ancient God Tomb. When you reach the fifth step, you will be affected by the power of the Ancient God Tomb again. 】

[You came to Jiuting County a thousand years ago. In your memory, there is no one you know here, but even so, you cannot leave the illusion. 】

"Is it useless to forget memories in advance?"

Sunan was surprised that since he could leave the illusion by forgetting his memory, there was no reason why he couldn't avoid the illusion by forgetting his memory in advance.

After thinking for a moment, he thought of a possibility.

Perhaps, in this ancient tomb, the time that each step can be returned to is fixed. For example, the first step can take him back to one year ago, and the second step can take him back to ten years ago.

Regardless of whether he knew anyone in his memory during that time period or not, as long as he stood on that step, he would return to that point in time.

Even if ordinary people come, it will definitely be the same.

"It seems that this illusion is not just related to memory!"

However, this was nothing, and the next prediction made him look even more ugly.

[Three hours later, you tried to forget all the memories related to Tianyun City. However, to your disappointment, the forgetfulness of memories failed to allow you to leave the illusion. 】

[Five hours later, you tried various methods and still couldn't leave. But you had no choice but to use the last resort to try to kill everyone in Jiuting County. 】

[Six hours later, you killed everyone in Jiuting County, and you finally escaped from the illusion. 】

"Forgetting memories is no longer useful?"

Sunan looked solemn. There is no doubt that the deeper you go into the Ancient God Tomb, the stronger the power of the Ancient God Tomb will be. Merely forgetting memories will no longer work.

After all, no matter how you look at it, forgetting memories seems to treat the symptoms rather than the root cause!

"It's too bad now. It's useless to forget the memory. How can we continue from now on?"

According to the speculations of the five major families, the illusion of the Ancient God Tomb is likely to have nine levels.

Now he has only reached the fifth floor and already needs to kill everyone before he can leave. So how will he deal with it if he reaches the eighth or ninth floor?

This time he was lucky and returned to Jiuting County a thousand years ago.

Although it was a thousand years ago, it was a small county after all, and there were no strong people.

If he were to return to places like Tianyun City or Dayu Imperial City, it would be impossible for him to leave the illusion easily this time.

[You realize that it is difficult for you to continue exploring the ancient tomb with the Forgetting Technique alone. If you continue to go deeper, you will definitely die. After thinking about it, you did not continue to explore downwards and chose to return. 】

[Returning to the entrance of the Ancient God Tomb, you see that the monster has not left. When you appear, the monster is very curious and asks you how you left the illusion. You do not tell the monster the method, but instead ask the monster why it is not affected by the ancient gods. The influence of the power of the gods. 】

[The monster is very confident and thinks that you can’t do it even if it tells you how to do it. 】

[The monster tells you that his body has great luck. He can use a secret method to burn the luck, making it have good luck in a short period of time. 】

[You finally understand why the monsters can resist the power outside the Ancient God's Tomb, and at the same time you have an idea. You plan to try to use the technique of life calamity to deal with the monsters. 】

[Without hesitation, you take action immediately and consume 200 points of human luck. Under your life calamity technique, the monster's calamity comes early, and its luck instantly declines to the bottom. 】

[Without the blessing of luck, the monster was instantly affected by the power escaping from the Ancient God Tomb. You see, the monster's figure suddenly disappeared and fell into an illusion. 】

"Great luck! That's it!"

Su Nan suddenly understood, he finally understood why in the previous prediction, the evil thoughts would choose his incarnation to seize the body.

Obviously, Mo Nian took a fancy to his great luck.

It was also a surprise.

Originally, he planned to end this prediction and predict it again, trying to use the fate calamity technique on the monsters during the prediction.

This was good, as it saved him from having to predict things again.

However, although the demonic thoughts in the precognition were affected by the power of the ancient god tomb and fell into an illusion, with the strength of the monster, there must be no existence in the illusion that can kill it, and the demonic thoughts will be able to escape soon.

Unless, the evil thoughts can be brought back to the illusion of ancient times.

[Eight hours later, you know that you cannot continue to explore the Ancient God Tomb with your current methods. You plan to carefully investigate everything about Du Qiyuan and find a way from Du Qiyuan. 】

[Ten hours later, you learned from the library of the Daxuan Palace that after Du Qiyuan came to this world, with his strong strength, he quickly became a guest of the Daxuan royal family. Later, he entered the world with the Daxuan royal family and the five major families. Pass the ancient sacred tomb. 】

[However, Du Qiyuan entered the Ancient God Tomb for the first time and did not gain anything. Then he went to the Death Sand Sea. Three months later, Du Qiyuan returned from the Death Sand Sea, and half a month later he went to the Black Demon Lake. 】

[In the Black Devil Lake, Du Qiyuan didn’t know what he got. Two months later, he returned to the Sea of ​​Death Sand. This time, Du Qiyuan stayed in the Sea of ​​Death Sand for a full year. Since then, there have been many people in the Sea of ​​Death Sand. There is a power that can turn people into deserts. 】

[After returning from the Death Sand Sea, Du Qiyuan entered the Ancient God Tomb for the second time with the Daxuan royal family and the five major families. Since then, Du Qiyuan has never appeared again. 】

"Black Demon Lake! Could it be that the reason why Du Qiyuan was able to solve the problem of demonic energy was because of the Black Demon Lake?"

Seeing this, Su Nan's eyes showed surprise.

Du Qiyuan has been to the Sea of ​​Death Sands and has known this for a long time.

But he didn't expect that Du Qiyuan had also been to the Black Demon Lake, and judging from the information in the prediction, Du Qiyuan got something else in the Black Demon Lake.

The Black Demon Lake is the territory of Demonic Thoughts. What can Du Qiyuan gain from it?

Su Nan was very curious. This was probably related to the purpose of his trip. If he could know what Du Qiyuan got in the Black Demon Lake, it might also help him deal with the demonic energy.

It's a pity that only Mo Nian knows this now.

"It would be great if I could get the memory of the demonic thoughts." Su Nan couldn't help but think.

[One day later, you controlled your avatar and came to the Ancestral Temple of Daxuan Palace to perform the blood sacrifice ceremony again. Compared with the first time, you found that this time you were swallowed twice as much energy as yesterday. 】

[After the blood sacrifice is over, you leave Daxuan Palace and go to the Death Sand Sea, preparing to explore the Death Sand Sea, while your body begins to try to fuse blood. 】

[Although bloodline fusion is full of dangers, in the end your two characters still successfully fused the two ancient demon bloodlines and obtained racial talents, which greatly increased the power of your two racial talents. 】

[After a day and a half, your avatar explored the Death Sand Sea for several hours, but found nothing except a stone buried deep under the yellow sand. In the end, you had to give up exploring the Death Sand Sea and return to the Palace of Daxuan. 】

[Two days later, you transformed into a monster and came to Yuri Mountain with the eldest princess, preparing to enter the Demon Court when the entrance to the Demon Court opened. 】

[However, before the entrance to the Demon Court opens, you suddenly find that the monster that escaped from the Black Demon Lake appears again. You know that it is no match for the monster, so you turn around and run away. 】

[After one minute, I continued to use Heavenly Movement, but you still couldn't escape. 】

[Two minutes later, you are no match for the monster. Fortunately, your strength has greatly improved due to the fusion of the two bloodlines. Together with the eldest princess who has recovered to the late king level, you can barely resist the monster. 】

[After three minutes, the racial talent effect disappears and your strength drops sharply. 】

【you are dead. 】

The prediction is over, and the prediction time this time is two days.

Unfortunately, although the prediction time was long, there was not much useful information, and he still died at the hands of the monster in the end.

"We just finished dealing with Lord Daxuan, and now there's another demonic thought!"

"We must find a way to get rid of this evil thought."

Su Nan's face was gloomy. The demonic thoughts clearly planned to keep an eye on him. If he didn't solve the problem, whatever he did next would be hindered by the demonic thoughts.

"With the strength of the eldest princess and I, we will not be able to severely damage that monster in the short term, unless we can find another strong person in the late king level or even the peak king level to help."

Sunan thought about possible methods.

Although the five major families have king-level ancestors, they are all in the early stages of the king-level.

There are indeed emperors in the Daxuan Palace, and there are two of them. It may be difficult to lead the demonic thoughts to the palace. After all, the demonic thoughts are not stupid.

"I wonder if there are any powerful monsters in the Demon Court?"

He had his mind set on the Demon Court again.

According to previous predictions, there was a king-level demon in the Demon Court, but its specific state was unknown.

If it was the late king level, he might be able to get the eldest princess to take action as a demon clan.

"Now is not the time to think about these things. Since the technique of fate tribulation is useful for the devil's thoughts, let's use the technique of fate tribulation to surprise the devil's thoughts now."

At this time, he still maintained the appearance of a wolf demon, but since he had predicted that this move would be useless against demonic thoughts, he was too lazy to pretend anymore.

His appearance returned to normal, and he looked in the direction he came from.

Soon, he saw a figure in the distance approaching quickly. As he stopped, the demonic thoughts also caught up with him.

"Little guy, why don't you run away?"

Mo Nian's appearance was clearly that of a young man, but his tone of voice was old-fashioned.

This is normal, after all, the devil is an old guy who has existed since ancient times.

Sunan ignored the demonic thoughts and directly began to perform the fate calamity technique. (End of chapter)

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