I Secretly Develop Myself In The Demon World

Chapter 316 Return to the Ancient God Tomb

[When the Incense Prayer Technique is cast, two-thirds of the power of the Incense Prayer is consumed, the Sea of ​​Death Sand suddenly shakes, the yellow sand surges, and you suddenly see dozens of stone pillars rising. 】

[As the stone pillars rise, the sea of ​​​​sand surges, and you suddenly find that a huge sand pit appears a thousand meters away from you. Under the sand pit, there is a stone step sloping downward. 】

"Successful, this incense prayer technique is really useful!"

A flash of light flashed in Su Nan's eyes. As long as he has enough incense and willpower, this is almost a universal technique, and anything he wants can be realized.

According to the predicted situation, it is obvious that certain conditions are required to open the entrance to the ruins, and maybe a key or something like that is also needed.

Now with the incense and prayer technique, these are no longer needed.

[When you reach the end of the stone steps, a huge ancient city full of ruins appears in front of you. You explore the ancient city. After five hours, you have explored most of the ancient city. You have not encountered any danger, but you have gained nothing. . 】

[Six hours later, you arrive at the largest stone hall located in the center of the ancient city. This is the only relatively well-preserved building in the entire ancient city. You carefully explore the stone hall. 】

[Six and a half hours later, you explored the entire stone palace, but you were disappointed. There was nothing valuable in this stone palace either. 】

[The only thing that makes you strange is that there seemed to be something carved on the two stone walls of the stone hall, but unfortunately they have been destroyed now. 】

"What's going on? Why is there nothing?"

"Even if Du Qiyuan raided this place back then, there should still be some things left behind."

The ancient city was very big, and it took him more than two hours to explore it, but the result was that he found nothing.

It doesn't matter if there is nothing of value, not even danger.

"If there is nothing here, then why would Du Qiyuan arrange a magic circle to seal this place? Is it just to prevent outside warriors from entering?"

[You are unwilling to give up and explore the ancient city again. Eight hours later, you carefully explore the ancient city again, but you still cannot find anything strange. 】

[You have no choice but to return to the largest stone hall. In your opinion, this is where you are most likely to find the secrets of this ancient city. 】

[Continue to explore the stone hall, and finally you will target the two destroyed stone walls. You try to use the incense prayer technique to know what was once carved on the stone walls. 】

[Unfortunately, your incense wishing power is not enough to realize your wish, and the incense wishing spell failed. 】

[Ten hours later, you left the Sea of ​​Death without finding anything. 】

[Eleven hours later, you suddenly feel that the connection between yourself and the soul seeds is getting closer and closer. You immediately realize that the monster where you planted the soul seeds is quickly coming towards you. 】

"Monster? How dare the monster come after being severely injured?"

Su Nan was surprised. He didn't expect that the final problem would come from the monster again.

[You did not choose to escape, but waited with the eldest princess of the Sirius tribe, and be prepared to fight the monster again,]

[Twelve hours later, the monster appears in the sight of you and the eldest princess. Only then do you suddenly realize that the aura on the monster's body has soared, reaching the peak of the king level. 】

[You realized that you were no match for the monster, and immediately ran away with the eldest princess. A minute later, you failed to escape and were intercepted by the monster. 】

[Two minutes later, you use your racial talents and cooperate with the eldest princess to fight the monsters with all your strength. 】

[After three minutes, your strength is greatly reduced and you die. 】

"Peak king level? Promoted so quickly? How did that guy do it?"

Sunan looked ugly. With the help of the eldest princess, he had just severely injured the monster yesterday. He thought he would be stable for a few days.

Unexpectedly, just one day has passed, and the monster has not only come back again, but has also reached the peak of king level!

Fortunately, although the monster's strength has greatly improved, it did not notice anything abnormal in its soul.

"You can't afford to hide if you can't offend me!"

Sunan didn't plan to confront the monster head-on again, so he decided to find a place to hide.

When the soul seeds take root and sprout, the life and death of the monster will not be decided by him at that time!

Look at the Death Sand Sea again.

He now very much suspected that there was something similar to a dark room or a small space in the ancient ruins, but he didn't find it.

"Unfortunately, when I used the incense wishing technique to enter the Sea of ​​Death Sands, most of my incense wishing power was consumed, which was not enough to use it again."

Su Nan sighed. The incense and wishing power were easy to use, but they could be used infrequently as they would be consumed too quickly.

However, there are other ways to verify this.

He completely let the avatar really try to go to the Death Sand Sea!

If the mission of exploring the Death Sand Sea is completed after the incarnation explores the ancient city, it means that he is overthinking. There are no dark rooms or small spaces in the ancient ruins. Otherwise, it means that his guess is correct.

Thinking of this, Sunan didn't hesitate at all, and immediately controlled the avatar in the palace of Daxuan, and quickly headed towards the sea of ​​death sand.

Three hours later.

The incarnation came to the Death Sand Sea, the incense prayer spell was cast, and the entrance to the underground ancient city appeared.

Quickly going down the entrance, he soon saw the ancient city.

I had already explored it twice in the prediction, so there was no need to waste any more time. I quickly visited the relatively complete buildings in the ancient city.

Just when the avatar finished exploring the last stone temple, the game prompt popped up:

[Congratulations, you have completed the daily task "Exploring the Sea of ​​Death Sand", and 60 points of demon power have been distributed. 】

[Currently available demon power: 295 points]

"It's actually done like this?"

"Could it be that the difficulty of this mission really lies in the magic circle outside?"

The task was completed. Instead of being happy, Su Nan frowned.

Originally, he thought that the most dangerous thing in the Death Sand Sea was the ancient ruins.

Unexpectedly, there is nothing in the ancient ruins. The most dangerous thing is the power in the desert that turns people into sand.

At this moment, he felt like he had gone through all the trouble to open a treasure chest, only to find that it was empty.

This taste is unpleasant.

"Then Du Qiyuan is really cruel. He didn't even leave anything for me."

His main purpose of coming to the Death Sand Sea was not only to complete the mission, but also to find a way to enter the Ancient God Tomb.

Although the mission is completed now, there is still no clue on how to enter the Ancient God Tomb.

"It would be great if we could know what Du Qiyuan did here a hundred years ago."

Su Nan suddenly had an idea, and then he thought of the Ancient God Tomb.

If he uses the power of the Ancient God Tomb, can he go back to more than a hundred years ago and see Du Qiyuan entering the sand sea of ​​death?

He might even be able to directly see how Du Qiyuan left this world through the Ancient God Tomb!

Thinking of this, his eyes lit up, but then he frowned slightly when he thought of the characteristics of the Ancient God Tomb.

"If you want to see what happened a hundred years ago, you must enter the Ancient God Tomb. Outside the Ancient God Tomb, I can adjust the time of entry based on the distance from the Ancient God Tomb."

"But that's not the case in the Ancient God Tomb. Every place in the Ancient God Tomb where you enter the illusion is fixed. The first step is a hundred years ago, and the second step is two hundred years ago. I can't adjust it at all."

"Even if I could go back to the time when Du Qiyuan entered the Lost Land, I wouldn't necessarily be in the Sea of ​​Death Sands."

If you want to know what Du Qiyuan did in the Death Sand Sea, both conditions of time and place must be met.

Outside the Tomb of the Ancient God, he could control the time after entering the illusion by adjusting the distance, which was much less difficult.

Once he enters the Ancient God Tomb, the place and time after entering the illusion are not under his control. As a result, it can be imagined how difficult it is to just enter Du Qiyuan's illusion of entering the sea of ​​death sand.

Suddenly, Su Nan thought of something again, and his eyes lit up: "No, I have the art of forgetting!"

"Perhaps I can temporarily forget other irrelevant memories, leaving only the memories about Du Qiyuan and the Sea of ​​Death Sand!"

The forgetfulness technique is useful in the outer layer of the ancient tomb, which shows that the illusion in the outer layer is related to memory.

If he only retains the memory of Du Qiyuan and the Sea of ​​Death, can the time and place of his appearance in the illusion be fixed?

Thinking of this, Sunan's eyes lit up.

However, he did not immediately continue to predict, but controlled the incarnation to return to Daxuan Palace.

Three hours have passed, and it is now dusk in the Lost Land.

It will be midnight in three hours, and the avatar will have to perform a blood sacrifice ceremony. Now he must let the avatar return to Daxuan Palace as soon as possible.

Not daring to delay, he immediately controlled the avatar to leave the sea of ​​​​death sand. After the avatar left the sea of ​​​​death sand, he began to continue to predict.

This time, 10 prediction opportunities were consumed.

[You cannot get any useful information from the ruins under the current sea of ​​​​death sand. You decide to go to the ancient tomb again, preparing to use the power of the ancient tomb to return to the sea of ​​​​death more than a hundred years ago. 】

[Three hours later, you incarnated and returned to Daxuan Palace and began to perform the blood sacrifice ceremony. This was your third time to perform the blood sacrifice ceremony. Compared with the previous two times, you were devoured twice as much energy and spirit this time. . 】

[Fortunately, you are strong in energy and spirit and have not been greatly affected. You guess that for you, the blood sacrifice ceremony will not be dangerous for the first few days, and the real danger will only appear on the last day. 】

[Four hours later, you arrived outside the Tomb of the Ancient Gods, and relied on the Forgetting Technique to successfully enter the Tomb of the Ancient Gods. 】

[You cast the forgetfulness technique to temporarily forget all your memories about Du Qiyuan and the sea of ​​death sand. You will only restore your memory after seeing the sea of ​​sand. 】

[Your experiment was successful. When you came to the first step of the Ancient God Tomb, you appeared in a vast sea of ​​sand. 】

“It worked the first time!”

Sunan was a little surprised.

Obviously, his idea is correct. Changing his own memory can indeed affect the illusion he enters.

Unfortunately, after entering the fifth level of illusion, the forgetting technique was useless. The illusion there had begun to involve areas that he did not understand.

[With the emergence of the sand sea, your memory is restored. At this time, the sand sea is not enveloped by the power of the formation. You explore in the sand sea, trying to find the entrance to the ruins under the sand sea. 】

[Six hours later, you are greatly disappointed. Although there is no danger in the sand sea at this time, there is no entrance to the ruins. You try to use the heavens to move underground to search, but still find nothing. 】

[Helpless, you have no choice but to try to cast the Incense Prayer Technique. With the casting of the Incense Prayer Technique, your incense wish power is completely consumed. The entrance to the ruins under the sea of ​​sand appears in front of you. You quickly go down along the entrance. . 】

[A minute later, for some reason, the entrance to the sea of ​​sand is extremely long. After walking for more than ten minutes, you still cannot reach the end of the entrance. 】

[Two minutes later, you realize the problem, but you have no choice but to bite the bullet and continue downward. 】

[Three minutes later, the head passage in front of you suddenly disappears, and you die. 】

[Before you die, you realize that although the incense prayer technique was successful this time, it caused unknown consequences because your incense wish was insufficient. 】

"It actually caused unknown consequences?"

"If I had known that I needed to use the incense prayer technique to enter the ruins in the illusion, I would have stopped going to the Sea of ​​Death Sand Sea."

Sunan sighed, feeling a little regretful.

Fortunately, the so-called "unknown consequences" do not happen every time. If he is lucky, he will still have a chance. Of course, if he is not lucky, he may not be able to use it successfully.

"It really doesn't work. The worst I can do is wait another day. With the speed at which I am currently refining the incense and wish power of the Shinto wish spirit, I should be able to save enough to enter the ruins in just one day."

There were many more predictions, but he did not give up. After waiting for a while, he predicted again.

This time it still consumes 10 predicted times.

"Ten times again, it seems it failed again."

[Six hours later, you are greatly disappointed. Although there is no danger in the sand sea at this time, there is no entrance to the ruins. You try to use the heavens to move underground to search, but still find nothing. 】

[Helpless, you have no choice but to try to cast the Incense Prayer Technique. With the casting of the Incense Prayer Technique, your incense wish power is completely consumed, and the entrance to the ruins under the sea of ​​sand appears in front of you. 】

[You know, your incense willpower is not enough to support this performance. The entrance in front of you is likely to be a dead end, but you did not hesitate and entered the entrance immediately. 】

[However, to your surprise, along the entrance passage, an ancient city will soon appear in front of you. You don't know, but your luck is playing a role invisibly. 】

“Luck plays its role!”

Sunan was overjoyed.

He thought that even if he was lucky, he would have to try many times to enter the ruins.

But unexpectedly, it was successful the second time!

[As soon as you entered the ruins, you were immediately discovered by another warrior in the ruins. A middle-aged man appeared in front of you and asked you how you entered here. You realized that the person in front of you was most likely Du Qiyuan. 】

[A minute later, you explained your arrival. When he heard that you had returned here from the future through the Ancient God Tomb, Du Qiyuan's expression changed drastically and he suddenly attacked you. 】

[Two minutes later, you are no match for Du Qiyuan, so you have no choice but to escape. 】

[Three minutes later, you are dead. 】

"What's going on, you heard that I came from the future and you attacked me?"

Su Nan's heart sank, but she didn't expect that she would die like this this time.

Fortunately, this was just a prediction. Since telling the truth didn't work, he could change his identity.

In order to allow luck to work again, he did not dare to waste a second and immediately predicted it again.

However, the predicted information this time surprised him. (End of chapter)

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