I Secretly Develop Myself In The Demon World

Chapter 318 Giving birth to seeds

"I wonder if the scope of the power of heaven and earth that I can control now is comparable to that of a king-level demon king?"

Sunan couldn't help but think about it.

The most important means of a king-level warrior is the power of heaven and earth. The extent of the power of heaven and earth that can be controlled is directly related to the strength of a king-level warrior.

It was easy to know this, he could just ask the eldest princess directly.

The eldest princess said: "The range of the power of heaven and earth that an ordinary early-stage king-level warrior can control is only one thousand meters."

"Only warriors in the middle stage of the king level can control a range of two thousand meters. In the late stage of the king level, they can control a range of four thousand meters. At the peak of the king level, they can control a range of eight thousand meters."

Su Nan was shocked: "The initial king level can only control one thousand meters, but the peak king level can control eight thousand meters. It is a full eight times difference. The gap is so big!"

The gap of eight times cannot be made up by the eight early king levels.

One plus one is greater than two, and he has fought several early King-level warriors several times. As long as he temporarily increases his strength to the mid-King-level, he can easily kill the early King-level in an instant, which shows the huge gap.

"So, even if I don't use the Lihuo Essence and use my racial talents with all my strength, I can now be as good as a mid-level king-level strike!" Su Nan's eyes showed joy again.

A mid-level king-level attack will naturally have little effect against an early-level king-level attack, but if used well against an early-level king level, it can defeat the enemy with one move.

The most important thing is that his talent will not be affected by the world!

Whether in the real world or in the game world, he can display his full strength!

I don’t know if this is due to the Life Wheel Sutra or because of my own unique talent.

"Having already fused two bloodlines, the character Zhang Yang can only fuse one more bloodline now. The next bloodline must be chosen carefully."

The last bloodline is related to the fusion of his four bloodlines into one to break through to the king level.

If he wants to succeed, this last bloodline must have the power to easily suppress the first three bloodlines. The stronger the last bloodline, the greater the possibility of successful fusion.

Fortunately, there is a points mall now, and he can find a solution from the points mall.

Looking at Yaoli again, he did not hesitate.

With the consumption of 160 points of demon power, the red electric demon bloodline was directly promoted to the Great Perfection.

The number of predictions increased, reaching 84 times.

In the personal realm rankings, Zhang Yang is far ahead.

Wang Nan was originally ranked first in the mortal and spiritual levels, but now he is at the bottom. He is still in the early stage of the Xuan level.

However, this did not make many players lose confidence in Wang Nan. Instead, they all thought that Wang Nan was motivated by thick and thin. Just like when he was promoted to the Xuan level, he would either not improve or directly regain the first place.

How did they know that Sunan couldn't be promoted now even if he wanted to?

"There are still 165 points of demonic power, which can also elevate a bloodline to Dzogchen. It's a pity that there is no bloodline now."

The bloodline he is now merging with was all accumulated when he was at the Spirit level. After entering this lost land after the Xuan level, he didn't get a single bloodline, so he was already sitting on nothing.

Now the only way he can obtain the bloodline of the ancient demon is through the Points Mall.

It's just that the blood of Xuan-level ancient fairies in the points mall is very expensive, requiring a full 120,000 points!

He can afford to redeem it now, but if he chooses to redeem it now, he may not have enough points if he wants to redeem the magic weapon and ancient treasure later.

"Just wait a minute. Now I should be able to deal with the mid-level king level. Even if it improves, I still can't deal with that monster."

It was when he merged his bloodline.

On the other side, the incarnation in Daxuan Palace also completed the blood sacrifice ceremony.

The task that could be accomplished had been completed. Sunan released Chen Ying from the mountain gourd, explained it, and exited the game.

In reality, it was already twelve o'clock at noon, which did not affect his rest.

After eating something casually, Sunan lay down comfortably on the bed and fell asleep.

I do not know how long it has been.

Suddenly, he felt something and opened his eyes suddenly.

"Huh? The seeds have sprouted!"

Looking towards Songshan Mountain, Sunan's eyes showed joy.

In a flash, he disappeared into the room.

In the main hall.

Su Nan looked at the two demon kings, one short and one skinny, with thoughts in his eyes.

Here, he could clearly feel that in the short demon king's soul, the soul seeds seemed to have absorbed enough water and nearly doubled in size, with several invisible roots emerging from one end.

The root penetrated into the soul of the short demon king, but the short demon king didn't feel anything.

If he continues like this, the moment the soul seed completely sprouts, he will be able to initially check its memory and change its memory.

This was only a short period of time, even if the seeds of the soul were planted, it was not even two days away. Such efficiency surprised Sunan.

Compared to the short, thin Demon King, Sunan frowned again.

In the soul of the Slender Demon King, the soul seed is slightly larger than when it was planted, but it is still far from being able to take root and sprout.

"What is the reason?"

Sunan frowned. The two seeds that were planted one after another were now several times slower in taking root and sprouting.

After thinking for a while, he finally thought of a possibility.

The strength of the soul!

The germination speed of soul seeds is related to the strength of the soul of the person being sown.

The weaker the soul, the faster the seeds of the soul will take root and germinate; conversely, the stronger the soul, the slower the seeds of the soul will take root and germinate.

The short demon king is of the physical system, and the divine soul is naturally his weakness, while the thin demon king is of the secret power system and controls the divine soul. The divine soul is many times more powerful than the thin demon king.

"If that's really what I think, then there will be some trouble."

He was not worried at all about the slow germination of the soul seeds in the body of the Slender Demon King.

But if his guess is correct, it means that the germination speed of the soul seeds in the demon soul will be slower!

Judging from the current speed, it will take at least three or four days for the soul seeds in the soul of the Slender Demon King to take root and germinate.

And when the divine soul seeds are completely rooted in the divine soul, no one knows how long it will take.

That monster is now at the peak of the king level, and it is many times stronger than the Slender Demon King. If the current progress is followed, it will be impossible for the soul seeds to take root and sprout in less than a month or two.

He couldn't afford to wait for a month or two!

"No, we can't just wait. We must find a way to speed up the speed at which the soul seeds in the monster's soul take root and germinate."

In a month or two, the daylilies are cold.

Not to mention, this is still just the time for the seeds of the soul to take root and sprout.

Sunan immediately thought of the power of incense.

After using it several times, he was very satisfied with the incense and wishing technique. This technique is almost omnipotent and can achieve anything. But the problem is that now he has no extra incense and wishing power.

"I don't have the power of incense and wish, but I still have luck and the art of destiny. If I use the art of destiny again on that monster, can I add the soul seeds to take root and sprout?"

Su Nan had another idea.

The technique of fate calamity can not only make disasters come in advance, but also can make the disasters that come have greater effects than they should have originally.

Soul seeds should also be regarded as a kind of disaster for current monsters. There is no reason why they cannot use the technique of life disaster to come to them in advance.

Thinking of this, he couldn't help but log in to the game and try it out now.

When I returned to my place of residence, I looked at the time. It was already past seven in the evening, and it was still only half an hour before the Twelve Stars opened.

As usual, Sunan opened the forum and took a look.

"The game allows players to enter the game, and the death penalty also increases. Now being killed once is equivalent to dying twice. Will there be a situation in the future where dying once is equivalent to dying three or four times? Is it even possible that one day, We players are just like ordinary warriors, we will die if we are killed?"

A discussion thread about logging in directly with a game bracelet after the game is released has been ranked as a hot topic by many replies.

The game can be logged in directly using the wristband, which is a timely help for most players and a surprise to everyone.

But after a period of excitement, many people calmed down and realized the drawbacks.

Su Nan's face was expressionless. He had long realized that the game might transform into reality. In his opinion, it didn't make much sense to care about this issue now. There was only one thing that players should do now.

That is to improve yourself as much as possible before the game is completely transformed into reality!

Continuing to look down, several more posts attracted his attention.

"The Great God Kessel of Arctic State has broken through to the Mysterious Level!"

"Huang Juezhou's Kawamoto has also broken through to the Xuan level!"

"Buluo from Southern Xinjiang Prefecture has also broken through to the Xuan level!"

After Liu Di broke through to the Xuan level yesterday, several more great gods suddenly broke through today.

Sunan was not surprised. It could even be said that it was within his expectation. On the contrary, it was the breakthrough of another person that caught him by surprise.

"Master Qian Yu also made a breakthrough!"

"Great, I knew that our president would definitely become the first great god in our country to break through the Xuan level after Wang Nan!"

Players from Qian Yu Guild cheered, making players from other guilds envious.

"Qian Yu also broke through? It's really fast!"

In Su Nan's view, compared with people like Liu Di and Kessel, Qian Yu was still lagging behind. It would take at least a few days to break through to the Xuan level.

Soon, he found the reason.

"Qian Yu completed a four-star main mission, and it was also a mission of the Star Initiation Project, and he received a lot of rewards."

Su Nan suddenly realized that the rewards for a four-star main mission were quite a lot. Although he had never done the tasks of the Star Initiation Project, he thought that the rewards would be quite a lot. With the double blessing, Qian Yu could make a breakthrough one or two days ahead of schedule. normal.

The time soon came to eight o'clock.

Entering the game again, Sunan immediately entered the Twelve Star Palace.

This is the ninth time that the Twelve Stars Palace has been opened, and it is also the ninth day that he has entered the Lost Land.

Compared with yesterday, due to the open version of the game entering the game, the number of Borneo players on the battlefield today has skyrocketed and has returned to the previous level.

The number of Star Palace War Gods on both sides has reached three. Behind Sunan are more than ten Star Palace Dharma Kings and hundreds of Star Palace Guardians!

"The number of Star Palace Gods of War has reached three. According to the previous trend, will the Lord of the Star Palace appear tomorrow?"

Previously, when the number of Star Palace guards reached three, the Star Palace Dharma King appeared. Later, when the Star Palace Dharma King reached three, the Star Palace War God appeared.

Now there are three Star Palace Gods of War, so it stands to reason that the Lord of the Star Palace should appear tomorrow.

"Master of the Star Palace, I don't know how many points I can get if I kill him."

Quickly solve and complete the Zodiac activities.

After exiting the Twelve Star Palace, Sunan looked at the causal threads on his body with anticipation in his eyes.

He was going to try to use the fate calamity technique on the monster.

"Calculating the time, it has been seven days since I used the Silver Mirror of Life and Death. It should be able to be used again after nine o'clock today."

Sunan turned his hand and took out the Silver Mirror of Life and Death.

At this time, the black light on the silver mirror of life and death has not yet appeared, but it should appear again soon.

However, Sunan just glanced at it and put it away.

The monster is immortal, and the silver mirror of life and death will most likely only cause the monster's current body to die. To completely solve it, he will ultimately need to use the technique of life calamity.

Besides, he didn't want to kill the monster. He also wanted to find out from the monster's memory what deal Du Qiyuan made with the monster. Secondly, if he could control the monster, that would be the best.

"Last time outside the Tomb of the Ancient God, after spending two hundred points of human luck to use the Life Tribulation technique on a monster, I still had more than four hundred points of human luck left."

"If you can really use the technique of fate to speed up the rooting and germination of the soul seeds, it will be worth it even if you spend all your luck this time!"

Sunan became fierce and prepared to do whatever it took.

His eyes looked towards the precognition and began to predict.

This time he used ordinary precognition.

[You have been targeted by a monster that escaped from the Black Devil Lake, and you also want to control the monster through the soul seeds, but the speed of the soul seeds taking root and germinating is too slow. You are going to use the life calamity technique to speed up this process. process. 】

[You find the cause and effect line belonging to the monster, cast the technique of fate, and your human luck quickly passes. 】

[One hundred points of human luck have been consumed, but the soul seeds in the monster have not taken root and sprouted. You have not given up and continued to consume human luck. 】

[Two hundred points of human luck have been consumed. In your perception, the soul seeds in Mo Nian’s body have not changed much. 】

[Three hundred points of human luck have been consumed, but there is still no obvious effect. 】

[I disappoint you. After spending 400 points of human luck, you still haven’t been able to feel the seeds of the soul taking root and sprouting. 】

[Finally, the luck of the human race is completely exhausted, and you have no choice but to give up temporarily. 】

[However, just when you were about to give up, suddenly, you felt through the connection with the soul seeds that the soul seeds in Mo Nian's body were changing rapidly. 】

[A minute later, you feel that the soul seeds in Mo Nian's body have expanded. 】

[Two minutes later, you feel that the soul seeds in Mo Nian's body begin to take root and sprout. 】

[Three minutes later, you feel that the soul seed in Mo Nian's body has grown two leaves. At this point, the soul seed finally stops growing. 】

"It worked, it's really feasible!"

Su Nan was overjoyed. Although all the luck of the race was consumed at once, it was worth it if the soul seed could directly grow two leaves!

Without any hesitation, he immediately began to perform the fate calamity technique. (End of chapter)

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