I Secretly Develop Myself In The Demon World

Chapter 321 Lord of the Star Palace

"Did you finally choose to become a monster?"

Sunan sighed secretly.

Du Qiyuan's choice is not good news for him. If Du Qiyuan uses other methods to solve the problem of demonic erosion, it means that besides monsters, there are other ways to solve the problem of demonic energy.

But now, his last hope has undoubtedly been cut off.

[You told Du Qiyuan that you were exploring in the desert, and you didn’t know what happened. An entrance appeared in front of you for no reason, and you followed the entrance and came here. 】

[Du Qiyuan didn't believe what you said, and he suddenly attacked you without giving you a chance to explain. You know that Du Qiyuan's personality has changed drastically after becoming a monster. If he wants to gain his trust, he can only reveal some information. 】

[Tell Du Qiyuan that you know the secret of this ruins. A group of beings who guarded this world once lived here, and it is related to the ancient sacred tomb. 】

[Du Qiyuan was very surprised by what you said. He stopped and asked how you knew. You had to lie and claim that you read it in an ancient book. 】

[Du Qiyuan asks you what else you know. You tell Du Qiyuan that you also know how to escape from the illusion of the Ancient God Tomb. Du Qiyuan becomes interested and tells you that as long as you tell him the way, he can spare your life. 】

[You will tell Du Qiyuan how to escape from the illusion by forgetting your memory. After listening to your words, Du Qiyuan fell into deep thought. 】

[For a long time, Du Qiyuan thought of something and muttered to himself. You listened carefully and heard Du Qiyuan mention the word "karma". 】

"Cause and effect? ​​What do you mean?"

Sunan was stunned. In that moment, he thought of many things.

Could it be that the power of the Ancient God Tomb is related to cause and effect?

Or is it that the illusion of the ancient sacred tomb was not generated based on memory, but based on cause and effect?

Su Nan's mind turned quickly, thinking of the methods provided by the five major families, and then thinking of the forgetting technique, he found that there seemed to be some connection between the illusion of the ancient god's tomb and the cause and effect.

"If it is really related to cause and effect, then the question arises again, how can we escape from the illusion through cause and effect?"

"Is it like forgetting memory, erasing all the cause and effect related to it?"

Sunan frowned, and he realized that even if he knew that the illusion of the Ancient God Tomb was related to cause and effect, there seemed to be no way to change it.

"How did Du Qiyuan enter the Ancient God Tomb? Does he have a secret method related to cause and effect?"

[Du Qiyuan kept his promise and did not continue to attack you, but he did not let you go. He injected a demonic energy into your body and told you that you can't go anywhere without his order. 】

[An hour later, Du Qiyuan left the ruins and went somewhere unknown. You finally had a chance to explore the ruins, but unfortunately you were disappointed. You found that the ruins had been destroyed and there was nothing valuable at this time. 】

[An hour and a half later, your incarnation in the Great Xuan Palace began the fourth blood sacrifice ceremony. Although your energy and spirit were devoured more this time, there were no unexpected incidents. 】

[Two hours later, you plan to control the avatar and explore the basement where the mysterious powerful man is imprisoned in the Great Xuan Palace. 】

[You use Heavenly Movement to quietly enter His Highness's corridor without alerting anyone. After passing through the corridor, you come to a stone door. You know that there is an emperor-level powerhouse behind the stone door. 】

[Take out the fragments of the silver mirror of life and death, and prepare to use the silver mirror of life and death to deal with the emperor-level strongman. The moment you take out the silver mirror of life and death, you find that besides you, a second blurry figure appears in the mirror. 】

[You run the Wheel of Life Sutra and try to activate the Silver Mirror of Life and Death. The moment the Silver Mirror of Life and Death is activated, a low roar suddenly comes from behind the stone door. 】

[The next moment, the existence in the Ancestral Temple was alarmed, and powerful power came. Your incarnation had no time to react, and was directly bombarded, turning into the source of the spell and returning to your body. 】

"what's the situation?"

"Why did you alert the God-Sacrifice Demon? Is there any connection between the existence behind the stone gate and the God-Sacrifice Demon?"

Su Nan suddenly thought of a possibility. Unfortunately, the incarnation was killed, and there was no follow-up information. It was not known whether the person behind the stone door was dead.

"It seems that this task can only be put aside for the time being. I hope that after I obtain the position of Lord of Daxuan Kingdom, I can know the relevant information."

[Five hours later, in the illusion of the Ancient God Tomb, Du Qiyuan finally returned. You were taken out of the ruins by Du Qiyuan. Under Du Qiyuan's arrangement, you were used as a coolie by Du Qiyuan to dig at a designated location in the sea of ​​sand. 】

[After digging for a stick of incense, you dug out a pit a hundred meters deep. You saw that Du Qiyuan took out an array disk-like object and lowered it to the bottom of the pit, and then buried the pit. 】

[When the pit is reburied, under Du Qiyuan's command, you go to another location and continue digging. You understand that Du Qiyuan is setting up a magic circle. 】

"Deploying a magic circle?"

"How lucky are you this time?"

Sunan was overjoyed.

Before, he was still thinking about how to get the method to crack the array from Du Qiyuan, but now it's better. As long as he knows where Du Qiyuan buried the array, he can find it and destroy it directly.

[Six hours later, under the pressure of Du Qiyuan, you dug three deep pits]

[Eight hours later, night falls, and you dig ten deep pits. 】

[Ten hours later, you dug sixteen deep pits. 】

[Twelve hours later, after the twenty-first pit was buried, Du Qiyuan finally completed the arrangement of the magic circle. 】

[A minute later, Du Qiyuan asked you to wait here, and then left alone again. 】

[Two minutes later, Du Qiyuan did not come back.]

[Three minutes later, you suddenly realize that your body is rapidly turning into sand. Before you can react, most of your body has turned into yellow sand. 】

【you are dead. 】

"Okay! No wonder Du Qiyuan didn't kill me before. It turned out that he wanted me to be a coolie and to use me to experiment with magic circles!"

Sunan's expression was ugly. Fortunately, not only did he get information about the ancient tomb, but he also accidentally participated in the construction of the Death Sand Sea Array.

It's a pity that there is only one "cause and effect" about the information about the ancient sacred tomb.

The location of the magic circle nodes was not mentioned in the prediction.

"The prediction did not clearly tell me the location of the magic circle's nodes. If I want to find the magic circle buried hundreds of meters under the sand in the vast sea of ​​sand, it is not an exaggeration to say that it is like finding a needle in a haystack. It is too difficult, even if I have prediction. no."

"It seems that the only way is to enter the illusion in person and participate in the construction of the magic circle. However, the construction of the magic circle takes too long and will not be completed until twelve hours."

The time in the illusion and the real time are one to one, which means that it will be this time tomorrow before he enters the illusion and leaves again.

"I can't worry about that much anymore. First, write down the location of the magic circle. It's one task to complete."

It was a coincidence that this time in the prediction, it was the time when Du Qiyuan was setting up the magic circle. If he wanted to enter this time again next time, I'm afraid it wouldn't be that easy.

There was no time to think too much, for fear that the illusion would appear at another point in time due to time delay. Sunan did not dare to waste a minute or a second, and did not even have time to predict it again, and immediately entered the illusion as predicted.

In fact, with the power of forgetfulness, he is not afraid of problems.

As predicted, the first time he entered the illusion appeared after the Death Sand Sea was enveloped by the magic circle.

He used the forgetfulness technique to exit the illusion, and half an hour later he entered the illusion again, finally successfully appearing at the predicted time.

Two hours later, the incarnation in Daxuan Palace successfully completed the fourth blood sacrifice ceremony.

Five hours later, in the fantasy world, Su Nan began to work hard under Du Qiyuan's arrangement.

The sea of ​​​​sand is vast, and it is extremely difficult to write down an accurate location in such a place without reference objects, and to find it a hundred years later.

Fortunately, Sunan noticed that the stone pillar suspected to be related to the entrance array of the ruins that he discovered when he first explored the Death Sand Sea was also in the sand sea at this time, and even a large section was exposed, and was not covered by the yellow sand. cover.

Using the stone pillars as a reference, Sunan secretly noted the approximate location of each array node.

Another hour later, Sunan finished digging the third deep hole.

By this time, the real time has reached eight o'clock in the evening.

[Today the twelve zodiac signs have been opened. Do you want to enter immediately? 】

The zodiac sign opens for the tenth time!

Looking at the prompt whether to enter that popped up on the panel, Sunan suddenly had an idea.

"What will happen if you enter the Zodiac now?"

"Can you escape the illusion?"

As soon as the idea came up, Sunan couldn't help but want to try it.

This is the first time that he has entered the Ancient God Tomb. Naturally, he has never entered the Twelve Star Palaces in the Ancient God Tomb. In previous predictions, he has never entered the Twelve Star Palaces.

Obviously, even death predictions cannot predict the content related to the Twelve Stars. He has never thought of using the Twelve Stars to escape from the illusion.

Now that the twelve constellations are open, it gives him ideas.

"If I could escape from the illusion with the help of Twelve, I wouldn't have to rack my brains to think of a way to break it!"

Thinking of this, Sunan could no longer resist the desire to try. He glanced at the locations of the three magic circle nodes. He controlled the incarnation and entered the twelve star palaces at the same time.

The light and shadow changed, and Sunan and the avatar appeared on the huge battlefield at the same time.

This time, two characters actually appeared on the same battlefield!

Instantly, his eyes fell on a figure in front of him.

The appearance of that figure was almost the same as his current appearance. It had a pair of huge black horns like antelope horns, and was wrapped in a dark black armor.

However, that figure was more than twice as tall as the other Aries Gods of War, and there was an even more terrifying aura about him!

That's the aura that only comes from the middle stage of the king level!

"Lord of the Star Palace!"

"Sure enough, the God of War of the Star Palace appeared three times, and it's time for the Lord of the Star Palace to appear too!"

In an instant, Su Nan understood the identity of the person in front of him, and his eyes couldn't help but reveal joy.

He immediately looked at the panel.

To his surprise, the points in the battlefield finally increased this time, reaching 30,000!

Although there is only an increase of 10,000 points, if you can hunt the Lord of the Star Palace and add the terrifying bonus of the Lord of the Star Palace, the points you can get will be very considerable!

Just thinking of another question, he frowned slightly.

How to divide the two roles into one and the same as the Lord of the Star Palace?

He hasn't let Lang Shisan appear yet. If he uses the character of Lang Shisan to enter the battlefield again, he is afraid he will appear here.

Look to your side again.

On both sides of him, there were more than twenty tall figures similar to him. They were all Star Palace War Gods.

However, only three of them are transformed by players, and the rest are real Star Palace Gods of War.

Su Nan recognized the three people at a glance.

Qian Yu! Zhou Cheng! Yang Zheng!

Under the three characters of Wang Nan, the three highest-ranked players in China!

"The Star Palace War God is at the pinnacle of the Xuan level. These three people can hunt down the Star Palace War God, and they have some tricks." Sunan nodded secretly.

After a few people, there are a large number of spiritual-level Star Palace Dharma Kings. The number reaches hundreds. Without exception, they are all players!

Among these people, at least they are in the middle stage of spiritual level!

At a glance, Sunan even saw many familiar figures, Li Ye, Bai Mengmeng, Ma Hua, Wu Xiaoxiao...

Behind them, there are a large number of star palace guards, all of whom are spiritual-level beings.

The same is true for the players on the Borneo side. Sunan once again saw Bro, the number one player in Borneo.

On the battlefield with a total of 20,000 people on both sides, there was not a single mortal player!

"I am the Lord of the Twin Sheep Palace, and you are all my best warriors..."

"I am the Lord of the Pisces Palace, and you are my subjects of the Pisces Palace..."

The voices of the two Star Palace Lords sounded in the battlefield.

Hearing this, the players on both sides were excited.

"The Lord of the Star Palace! The Lord of the Star Palace has actually appeared!"

"Mid-level king level! It's too scary. I don't know how many points I can get if I can kill the Lord of the Star Palace?"

"Oh my god! The great gods Wang Nan, Zhang Yang, and Qian Yu all appear here, the decisive battle! This is the decisive battle between the Aries star palace and the Pisces star palace!"

A group of players reacted and looked at the two huge figures and the many great gods present, and everyone was excited.

All the great gods of China gathered together to fight against Borneo. Is there anything more exciting than such a grand event?

Players from China are eager to try, and players from Borneo are not vain at all.

Sunan ignored the players around him and looked at the Lord of the Star Palace with a strange look in his eyes.

For some reason, he actually saw a look of satisfaction in the eyes of the master of Aries Palace. He didn't know whether he was satisfied with the response of the players in Aries Palace or the player's strength.

"The Lord of the Star Palace has his own thoughts?" Su Nan Mu Ran thought of a possibility and couldn't help but feel a little strange.

In his opinion, the current Star Palace battlefield is just a fiction in the game. In the previous battles, neither the Star Palace King nor the Star Palace God of War had any wisdom at all, just like the NPCs in traditional games.

Now the Lord of the Star Palace is so different that it’s hard not to think too much about him.

However, now is not the time to think about this.

With the two Star Palace Lords shouting loudly, the battle began.

Sunan didn't hold back, and together with the avatar, went straight to the Lord of the Star Palace in the Pisces Star Palace.

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