I Secretly Develop Myself In The Demon World

Chapter 332 The possibility of hunting down evil thoughts

"The strength of that demonic thought is extraordinary. Hu Xiaotian, who was able to seize the peak of the king level, is afraid that his own strength has returned to the king level."

"Now with the help of the Demonic Origin Bead, it is not impossible to return to the imperial level." Su Nan did not dare to be careless.

The eldest princess and Luo Yu, one demon and one demon, are two peak kings, and they are both strong men who are good at the power of the soul. When the two of them join forces to face the king-level powerhouse, they are not without the power to fight.

In addition, he has another method.

Turning his hand over, a fragment of a mirror appeared in his hand. It was the fragment of the Silver Mirror of Life and Death!

"I don't know if this thing can deal with an emperor-level powerhouse?"

Although the silver mirror is a sacred weapon of the Celestial Clan, with strange abilities that directly affect the level of destiny, it is only a fragment after all. It can be used against king-level experts, but it may be difficult to deal with emperor-level ones.

Of course, you will know if it works or not after you give it a try.

"It's a pity that after one day, the power of incense has only accumulated a range of four meters. This small amount of incense willpower may be useful against the king level, but it will definitely be useless against the emperor level."

Prediction begins, and this time only one prediction opportunity is consumed.

Seeing this, Sunan already knew the result.

[You know, the evil thought in the storage ring on your body is about to escape. Once it escapes, it will be a huge threat to you. You plan to take action in advance. 】

[As you guessed, with the help of the demonic energy in the magic source bead, the demonic thoughts have returned to the strength of the early emperor level. The moment the storage ring was opened, the demonic thoughts suddenly rushed out. 】

[You have long been prepared to cooperate with Luo Yu to deal with Mo Nian with the eldest princess of the Sirius tribe. However, you underestimated the gap between the king level and the emperor level. You are not the opponent of Mo Nian at all, even if the opponent has no body. 】

[After a minute, you know that if you continue, you will definitely die. You try to use the silver mirror of life and death. With the use of the silver mirror of life and death, you suddenly find that the demonic energy in Mo Nian is dissipating and the strength is declining. 】

[The demonic thoughts are furious and want to stop the dissipation of the demonic energy in the body, but are unable to do anything. They can only use the demonic energy to try to erase the power of the Silver Mirror of Life and Death. 】

[The strength of the demonic thoughts is greatly reduced, and your pressure is finally relieved, temporarily resisting the attack of the demonic thoughts. 】

[Two minutes later, the power of the silver mirror of life and death was completely wiped out by the demonic thoughts. The strength of the demonic thoughts is recovering rapidly. You are unable to resist, and you are all severely injured. 】

[Three minutes later, the eldest princess and Luo Yu were killed one after another. Without the protection of the two, you can't resist the attack of the evil thoughts at all. 】

【you are dead】

"Is the emperor so strong?" Su Nan's heart sank.

He knew Luo Yu's strength very well. In the previous prediction, he and the eldest princess could not survive three minutes in his hands, but now they could not survive three minutes in front of the emperor's magic thoughts.

The gap is huge, and this is even when the demonic thought does not have a physical body!

Fortunately, judging from the predictions, the silver mirror of life and death is effective against demonic thoughts, but the effect is greatly reduced. It cannot directly kill it, and it can only last for one minute.

"Are we going to give up like this?"

Sunan was a little unwilling, but he was not worried that after giving up, the demonic thoughts would come to him to trouble him.

If he really wants to give up, he can throw the demonic thoughts together with the storage ring into the deepest part of the Ancient God Tomb. Even if the demonic thoughts are immortal, it is not that simple to escape from the illusion of ten thousand years ago. After all, it is an existence. The era of saint-level and god-level.

What makes him not want to give up is the reward of the mission!

A magic seed and an ancient treasure are of great value.

After thinking for a moment, he suddenly thought of something and came up with an idea:

"I wonder if Luo Yu can use the magic sword to kill that evil thought?"

Sunan thought of the magic sword.

The main force against demonic thoughts is Luo Yu. If Luo Yu's strength can be enhanced, the probability of success will naturally increase.

The magic sword is very powerful, but unfortunately he cannot use it because he is not a monster. Since he got it, it has been sitting in his personal space gathering dust.

Now that a monster is under control, it's time to let it see the light of day again.

Precognition begins again.

However, he was disappointed. This time he only consumed one chance of prediction.

[With the increased power of the demon sword, Luo Yu's strength skyrocketed, and he was finally able to barely resist the emperor-level demonic thoughts. 】

[After a minute, you know that continuing like this will not kill Demon Nian. You try to use the Silver Mirror of Life and Death. With the use of the Silver Mirror of Life and Death, the demonic energy on Mo Nian's body is dissipating, and his strength is declining. 】

[The demonic thoughts are furious and want to stop the dissipation of the demonic energy in the body, but are unable to do anything. They can only use the demonic energy to try to erase the power of the Silver Mirror of Life and Death. 】

[Taking this opportunity, Luo Yu mobilized the magic sword with all his strength. This blow consumed most of Luo Yu's power and finally severely damaged the magic thought. 】

[Realizing that I can't kill you in a short time, Mo Nian gives up decisively and turns around to run away. You want to stop me, but you are no match for Mo Nian. 】

[Two minutes later, the power of the silver mirror of life and death was completely wiped out by the demonic thoughts. The strength of the demonic thoughts is rapidly recovering, and it turns to attack you again, hoping to kill you and seize the demonic sword. 】

[After activating the magic sword with all his strength, Luo Yu's strength was greatly reduced. Even with the magic sword, he could no longer resist the attack of the magic thought. 】

[Three minutes later, Luo Yu was killed, and the magic sword fell into the hands of Mo Nian. With the blessing of the magic sword, you and the eldest princess were unable to resist. 】

【you are dead. 】

"Almost! It's still almost!" Sunan was unwilling to accept it.

Demonic thoughts are different from others. Even without a physical body, the strength of magical thoughts is still far superior to those of the same level.

With the dual power of the Demonic Sword and the Silver Mirror of Life and Death, it can only severely damage the Demonic Thought, but even if it wants to kill it, it still cannot be done.

"Luo Yu can only activate the full power of the demonic sword once. If he can activate it twice, he might be able to kill the demonic thought."

Unfortunately, this is destined to only be thought of and cannot be realized in a short time.

"If you can redeem a magic weapon from the points mall and let the princess use it, you might have a chance to kill the demon." Su Nan thought of another method.

Since Luo Yu's strength cannot be increased, it would be equally effective if the eldest princess's strength could be increased.

The points mall appeared in front of you. There were four ancient treasures and weapons in the mall, one worth 300,000, two worth 350,000, and one worth 500,000.

What he can currently exchange is the Jinshan Seal worth 300,000 yuan.

[Golden Mountain Seal: Divine Weapon. An ancient treasure refined by ancient powerful men using the power of mountains and rivers to refine it from three divine gold veins. Redeemable quantity: 1. Redemption price: 300,000. 】

Looking at Jinshan Yin's introduction, Sunan shook his head.

If he guessed correctly, the power of this ancient treasure is obviously more powerful, and it is not very effective against a bodyless existence like Demonic Mind.

On the contrary, it was another ancient treasure that made his eyes move slightly.

[Soul-capturing lamp: ancient treasure. The ancient powerful men collected soul-stirring stones from the spiritual objects of heaven and earth, and refined the treasure with magical power, which possesses the power of soul-stirring and soul-stirring. The redeemable quantity is 1 and the exchange price is 350,000. 】

Demonic thoughts are essentially divine souls. Treasures that can act on divine souls will naturally also have an effect on demonic thoughts.

However, this price...he can't afford to redeem it now.

Zhang Yang's points are only 300,000 now. If he can get 50,000 points tomorrow, it will be enough to redeem.

"I can't exchange it for the magic weapon for the time being, but don't I still have one on me? If I can use that magic weapon for my own use, maybe I can kill the evil thoughts."

There was a movement in my heart, and my personal space appeared in front of me.

His eyes fell on a long sword.

Dragon-slaying sword!

The Dragon-Slaying Sword is a magical weapon created by ancient warriors to kill the dragon demon. After traveling in the fantasy world, Sunan already knew that the dragon demon was the number one existence among the ancient demon clan.

A magical weapon specially made to kill the first demon clan, its power should not be underestimated. If the Dragon-Slaying Sword can be used by him, with the strength of the eldest princess and the Dragon-Slaying Sword, the strength will definitely be comparable to that of the emperor.

And the most important thing is that although they are both at the emperor level, the demonic thoughts formed after the monster dies are completely different from the demonic thoughts formed after the monster dies. The two are not of the same level at all.

He can't deal with demonic thoughts now, but he should be able to deal with a thought demon, right?

However, when thinking of the introduction of the Dragon-Slaying Sword, Sunan frowned again.

"No, the Nian Yao and the Divine Weapon are integrated into one, and are essentially part of the Divine Weapon. With the power of the Divine Weapon, Luo Yu might not be the Nian Yao's opponent."

With demonic thoughts, Luo Yu may be able to exert his emperor-level strength, but if the opponent also has magical weapons, it is not certain who will win.

"Why are you thinking so much? If it can work, you will know after giving it a try."

Sunan didn't hesitate and immediately looked at Precognition.

Let him down.

This time it is another predicted number of times consumed.

There is no doubt that it failed again.

[You have a magic weapon, but unfortunately there is a mind demon formed after the death of the dragon demon in the magic weapon. If you want to use the magic weapon, you can only solve the mind demon. 】

[You hand the magic sword to Luo Yu, and at the same time cooperate with the eldest princess of the Sirius tribe to prepare to hunt down the Nian Yao. 】

[The moment you took out the Dragon-Slaying Sword, Nian Yao suddenly appeared and attacked you. Fortunately, you were well prepared and ordered Luo Yu to take action immediately to resist Nian Yao's attack. 】

[With the blessing of the magic sword, Luo Yu's strength skyrocketed. With the cooperation of the eldest princess, he was able to suppress Nian Yao. However, Nian Yao was integrated with the magic weapon. After discovering that the magic weapon could hurt his soul, he decisively hid in the god. Among the soldiers, control the magic weapon to take action. 】

[One minute later, with the protection of the divine weapons, even with the magic sword, you will not be able to hurt the Nian Yao. 】

[Two minutes later, Luo Yu's power was gradually exhausted by the consumption of the magic sword. Nian Yao found an opportunity and launched a counterattack against you]

[Three minutes later, you are dead. 】

"What a fool, you can't even hide!"

Sunan sighed, this time he did not use the Silver Mirror of Life and Death.

The Silver Mirror of Life and Death can only be used once every seven days, and the demonic thoughts will escape in three or four days. If he uses it now, when the demonic thoughts escape, even if he has magic weapons, he may not be able to kill them.

He still knows the priorities clearly.

"The soul-capturing lamp! The soul-capturing lamp must be exchanged."

With his current points, he can only exchange for one of the four ancient magic weapons. Once chosen, he will not be able to collect the points to exchange for the second magic weapon until the end of the Twelve Star Palace.

You need to be extra cautious when exchanging the ancient magic weapon treasures, and now Sunan has decided to exchange for the Soul Captivating Lamp.

At present, only this ancient treasure has the greatest impact on his current situation.

"The soul lamp can play a huge role in dealing with demons and demons. Even if I want to hunt down the sacrificial demon, the soul-stirring lamp can also play a role."

There is no further prediction.

There is only one thing he has to do now.

That is to wait until the twelve zodiac signs open again tonight.

After looking at the time, Sunan quit the game.

In the early morning, Sunan woke up from her sleep.

When I logged into the forum, I saw a few unread messages.

You don't need to guess, it's from Li Hao.

"Brother Nan, you have to help me..."

Li Hao had a lot of replies. After reading them, Su Nan finally understood what was going on.

Li Hao received a mission in the Prison of Sleeping Heaven, and the content of the mission was to deliver a message to a certain strong man.

After completing that task, Li Hao received a follow-up main task related to it. The first part of the task asked him to find a jade pendant.

That jade pendant is actually a token, a token of entering a certain ruins.

That ruins were not left from ancient times, but from the Great Xuan Dynasty more than three thousand years ago.

After Li Hao died twice and wasted more than ten days, he finally completed the mission, and then the second ring mission naturally started.

The second ring is also three-star, asking him to find a long sword. After obtaining the two items, the third ring task begins.

As Sunan had expected, the third ring turned into a four-star level, and its mission was to let him enter the ruins and bring out an ancient treasure.

Although the mission was a four-star mission, the ruins did not seem to be dangerous. Li Hao successfully found the ancient treasure, but when he wanted to leave the ruins, he could not leave.

Li Hao suspected that he had entered an illusion.

"A fantasy that cannot be left?" Su Nan was a little surprised.

Isn't this a coincidence? He was also trapped in the illusion of the Ancient God Tomb before and could not leave.

However, Li Hao's situation is obviously different from his. Judging from Li Hao's information, Li Hao is probably influenced by the god-sacrifice demon.

After all, the most likely relics left by the Great Xuan Dynasty are the demons worshiping gods.

"I can't help you right now. I'll contact you in three days."

According to previous calculations, he would be able to leave the Lost Land in three days.

Li Hao did not reply, obviously not logged into the forum.

Sunan didn't wait and entered the forum of the demon world to read.

Compared to yesterday, there are a lot more posts in the forum today.

There were discussions about everything, but the topic that attracted the most attention was the topic of breaking through to the Xuan level.

Although three great gods failed to break through to the Xuan level yesterday, this did not stop other great gods from breaking through.

However, those who dared to break through today were all beings fused with the blood of ancient fairies. There were no surprises. Several people successfully broke through. The blood of ancient fairies, which had been a hot commodity for a while, became a hot commodity again.

Some leading players who originally planned to accumulate points and exchange them for ancient scriptures were not calm. They were afraid that they would not be able to redeem the ancient fairy blood later, so they used their points to exchange for blood essence in the mall.

Nowadays, ancient demon blood has almost become the standard for great players. Without the integration of an ancient demon blood, it would be embarrassing to say that one is a great god.

Sunan flipped through it at will. After more than ten minutes, a post finally caught his attention.

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