More than ten minutes later.

After the smelting in the Xuanhuang Qi Refining Furnace was completed, the furnace was opened. As before, the corpse of the monster inside turned into fly ash, leaving a few drops of blood essence.

With a wave of his hand, a few drops of blood turned into ruby-like crystals and fell into Sunan's hands.

Eight dollars in total.

"The two corpses from the early stage of king level received 8 drops of blood essence."

"Right now, a middle-level king-level monster can get 8 drops of blood essence. Calculated in this way, a corpse of a late-level king-level monster can get 16 drops of essence blood, and a peak-level king-level corpse can get 32 ​​drops of essence blood."

A golden light flashed in Sunan's eyes. This was much more than the blood essence and blood that could be exchanged for corpses from Tiangong Pavilion!

"In addition to the previous eight drops, I now have 16 drops of king-level monster essence blood on my body, and I also have a king-level peak monster that I killed on the mountain god slope yesterday. At the same time, there are three more to be killed in the Qiankun in my sleeves. A mid-level king-level monster.”

"Calculated in this way, the blood essence and blood of the king-level monster in his body has reached 72 drops! It is enough to break through the second level of the Great Sun Gold Body Meridian."

It’s not that I don’t know, it’s just that I’m shocked!

72 drops of essence blood. If it were before, he would have hunted 72 demon kings. There must be such a large number of demon kings in Wanyao Ridge, but if he really did that, the demon emperors would come out to kill him.

"As expected of a treasure that can return its origins, the blood essence output rate of this Xuanhuang Qi Refining Furnace is also too high!" Su Nan was pleasantly surprised.

This is not the most important thing, the most important thing is the ancient fairy blood.

He immediately looked at the eight drops of essence and blood, with anticipation in his eyes.

However, he was soon disappointed.

I saw that among the eight drops of essence and blood, seven drops were of the same color, all blood red, and only one drop of essence and blood had a hint of purple.

In an instant, he understood that among the eight drops of blood essence this time, only one drop reached the level of ancient fairy blood, and the remaining seven drops were ordinary blood essence.

"There is only one drop of ancient fairy blood. Why is this happening? Is it because the bloodline has not completely returned to its ancestors?"

Su Nan frowned. He originally thought that the refined blood would be the blood of ancient fairies, but now it seemed that he was overthinking it.

"That's all, it would be nice to have a drop."

A monster can produce one drop of ancient fairy blood, so if he wants to collect the ancient fairy blood for three characters, he only needs twelve monster kings, which is not a lot.

Put away the essence and blood, and then watch the world and chat.

More than ten minutes after sending the message, he finally received a reply from the "Fire Boy".

The two became friends and after some conversation, they quickly determined the transaction location.

"Yongzhou County is not far away."

The name of the Fiery Boy in the game is Li Zheng. He is a player in the third public beta at the early stage of spiritual level. He is currently in a small town in Yongzhou County.

Yongzhou County was one of the first two counties to be conquered during the last human crisis. It was very close to Wanyao Ridge and one of the three counties bordering Wanyao Ridge.

"There is no other way but to let the avatar take a trip."

The power of the river of time has almost been digested, and his body is about to break through. This kind of errand work can only be left to the incarnation of Wang Nan again.

"But I still need to predict before that. If the Vermilion Bird Stone Egg is of no use to me, then I will have to go all the way in vain."

The number of predictions today has not been used once, and now is the time to use it.

Death prediction is used.

In the blink of an eye, 45 prediction opportunities were consumed.

"45 predictions, almost over two days, I wonder how I will die this time?"

"Maybe it's because of my cheap brother!"

Looking at the number of times consumed, Sunan instantly thought of various possibilities.

[You learned that an extraterrestrial visitor in Yongzhou County obtained a Vermillion Bird stone egg. You plan to send an avatar to Yongzhou County to exchange it for the Moon Spirit Gold. 】

[Three hours later, your incarnation left Ten Thousand Demons Ridge and came to Yongzhou County, found the extraterrestrial visitor, and obtained the Vermillion Bird Stone Egg from his hand. 】

[Through the transmission of the incarnation, the Suzaku Stone Egg comes to the hands of your body. You try to use the power of the Silver Mirror of Life and Death to reunite the fate of the Suzaku Stone Egg. 】

[It’s a pity to disappoint you. Suzaku’s destiny is special. At the same time, the silver mirror of life and death in your hand is broken, and its power is not enough to reunite Suzaku’s destiny. 】

[Reluctantly, you try to burn the stone eggs with the Lihuo Essence, hoping that the Lihuo Essence can change with the Suzaku stone eggs. 】

[Suzaku was born from the Lihuo. The Lihuo Essence has a stimulating effect on the Suzaku eggs and can assist the Suzaku eggs to hatch. However, the Suzaku egg in your hand has completely lost its vitality, and the Lihuo Essence has no effect on it. 】

"The Lihuo essence is also useless?"

Su Nan was disappointed. The reason why he wanted to exchange for the Vermillion Bird Stone Egg was that he had the Silver Mirror of Life and Death in his hand and the Lihuo Essence.

Now both things have no effect. If he continues to exchange with Li Zheng, it will undoubtedly be a big loss.

"The prediction said that the broken silver mirror of life and death in my hand is not enough to resurrect the Suzaku fate. If I find other fragments of the silver mirror of life and death and complete the silver mirror of life and death, can I resurrect it?"

Su Nan thought for a moment, wondering whether he should replace the Suzaku stone eggs first, and then resurrect Suzaku after collecting all the silver mirror fragments of life and death. Anyway, what the other party wanted was the moon soul gold, and he had no use for this thing in his hands. .

However, as soon as this idea came up, he shook his head again.

How could it be that the fragments of the Silver Mirror of Life and Death were so easy to collect? He was lucky enough to get two of them now. If he wanted to collect them all, it would probably be difficult in his lifetime.

Thoughts flashed through his mind, and Sunan decided to give up the Vermillion Bird Stone Egg.

The prediction continued, but when he saw the next prediction, his eyes lit up again.

[You did not give up and tried other methods to study the Vermilion Stone Eggs. Finally, you took out the Xuanhuang Qi Refining Furnace and planned to put the Vermillion Bird Stone Eggs into the furnace to temper them. 】

[What you didn’t expect was that with the quenching of the Xuanhuang Qi Refining Furnace, your strength was rapidly depleted, which made you realize that there was still some kind of power left in the Suzaku Stone Egg. Through the Xuanhuang Qi Refining Furnace, you might be able to Get something unexpected. 】

[Four hours later, after consuming the majestic power, the Xuanhuang Qi Refining Furnace finally stopped devouring your power, and the tempering of the Suzaku Stone Eggs was completed. 】

[The Xuanhuang Qi Refining Furnace is opened. At this moment, the Lihuo Essence in your body is extremely excited and wants to burst out of the body. You see the red bird stone eggs in the Xuanhuang Qi Refining Furnace turn into a pool of stone powder. In addition, There is nothing else. 】

[You are confused and have no choice but to release the Lihuo Essence. The moment the Lihuo Essence enters the Xuanhuang Qi Refining Furnace, a crimson palm-sized bird appears and merges with the Lihuo Essence. 】

[Your Lihuo essence changes, from virtual to real, turning into a bird with flames all over its body. 】

[Congratulations, your Lihuo essence is fused with the Suzaku essence, turning into a brand new life. The Lihuo essence's intelligence has greatly increased, and it can master some of Suzaku's abilities. 】

"Suzaku essence?"

"This Xuanhuang Qi Refining Furnace really surprises me. It can even refine such a thing. This is to squeeze out all the power that can be squeezed out."

A smile appeared on the corner of Su Nan's mouth. He was about to give up, but now he was given this surprise. It must be said that the Xuanhuang Qi Refining Furnace was extremely powerful.

With the cultivation of the Great Sun Golden Body Sutra, Lihuo Essence continued to improve with him, and he already had the strength to burn the king level.

But now that his strength has improved even more rapidly, the power of the Lihuo Essence has gradually failed to keep up with him, and he can only become a bluff by practicing the Great Sun Gold Body Sutra.

Now that the Lihuo Essence is fused with the remnant soul of Suzaku, and he has mastered some of Suzaku's abilities, he might be able to make the Lihuo Essence become one of his trump cards again!

[Six hours later, the power of the river of time in your body has finally been exhausted, and the blood in your body has basically merged with you. You are ready to try to break through to the king level. 】

[After you adjust your condition to the best, you will start to integrate the bloodline of Lang Shisan with the bloodline of Black Lin as the main body, supplemented by the bloodline of the Star Swallowing Demon, the Purple Eyed Demon, and the Shadow Insect, and begin to break through to the king level. 】

[The Heilin bloodline is powerful. The other three bloodlines cannot resist the Heilin bloodline and are all fused by the Heilin bloodline. With the fusion of the three bloodlines, the Heilin bloodline in your body changes, and you are promoted from a Xuan-level bloodline to a King-level bloodline. 】

[Congratulations, you have merged the four bloodlines into one and successfully entered the king level. The power of your bloodline has skyrocketed, reaching the point where it can affect the power of the surrounding world. 】

Not surprisingly, he successfully entered the king level.

Having already broken through to the king level once in the previous prediction, Sunan was not too surprised this time.

[Seven hours later, you follow the Heavenly Wolf clan to the Heavenly Demon Palace. 】

[Ten hours later, when passing by the White-winged Tiger Clan, you left the team of the Sirius Clan and went to the White-winged Tiger Clan on the grounds that you were looking for Hu Xiaotian. 】

[When you come to the White Winged Tiger Clan, after learning your identity, the White Winged Tiger Clan prevents you from entering on the grounds that the ancestral land is a forbidden area and no one except some elders of the White Winged Tiger Clan are allowed to enter. 】

[You didn’t give up. Twelve hours later, you found an opportunity. With the help of the False Breath Stone and the Thousand Changes, you transformed into a member of the White Wing Clan and blended into the White Wing Tiger Clan. 】

[After some inquiries, you learned that the ancestral land of the White Winged Tiger Clan suppressed a monstrous demon god in ancient times. 】

[With the appearance of the last space channel, the world's intelligence surged, and the magic circle that suppressed the demon god was impacted. The demon god awakened and could escape at any time. Once the demon god escapes, the first one to be affected will be the White Winged Tiger Clan. 】

[In order to deal with the demon god, the White Winged Tiger Clan decided to enter the ancestral land. In order to increase the chance of success, the White Winged Tiger Clan invited two other demon kings to enter together, and Hu Xiaotian was one of them. 】

"Demon? That's it!"

Su Nan suddenly understood what was going on.

As expected, something happened to the demon kings who entered the ancestral land of the White-Winged Tiger Clan. Although we still don't know what happened inside, we can be sure that something beyond the control of the White-Winged Tiger Clan definitely occurred.

[The ancestral land of the White Winged Tiger Clan is a small space, located in the back mountain of the White Winged Tiger Clan. Its entrance requires a special key to open, and the key is only in the hands of a few royal-level veterans. If you want to enter, We can only wait for the entrance to open. 】

[Fortunately, you learned that in a few hours, an elder of the White Winged Tiger Clan will lead several king-level clansmen into the ancestral land. 】

[One day later, you learned the list of people who entered the ancestral land of the White Winged Tiger Clan, and secretly took action to successfully replace an elder from the Sixth Clan of the White Winged Tiger Clan. 】

[A day and a half later, you followed a royal elder of the White Winged Tiger Clan and successfully entered the ancestral land of the White Winged Tiger Clan. As soon as you entered the ancestral land, you found that the entire ancestral land was enveloped by a strong demonic energy. 】

[The strange thing is that in this demonic aura, there is a road without demonic aura. That road spreads towards the depths of the ancestral land, as if it was specially reserved for you. It is very strange. 】

[You realize that this road may be a trap. Once you enter, there will be no turning back. None of you are willing to exit. After discussion, you resolutely followed that "road" deep into the ancestral land. 】

[As you go deeper, the worst happens. You find that the road you came from gradually disappears and is shrouded in demonic energy. You know that this road may be specially left for you by the monster, but you have no choice but to Go deeper. 】

[Finally reaching the depths of the ancestral land, you see Hu Xiaotian and several other demon emperors here. Fortunately, there were no accidents among the demon emperors. 】

[You have just learned that after several demon emperors entered the ancestral land, they immediately discovered that the magic circle that suppressed the demon god had been damaged. Before the demon emperors could find a solution, they found that the entire space was filled with demonic energy. 】

[What’s worse is that the demon seems to control the power of space and traps them here. Even if they want to cross the demonic energy and leave the ancestral land of the White Winged Tiger Clan, they cannot. 】

[Fortunately, the demon god did not take action against them, he just trapped them here. Several demon emperors guessed that the purpose was to force them to open the magic circle that suppressed the demon god. If they wanted to leave, they had to Open the magic circle. 】

[You all understand the danger of opening the magic circle. However, you have discovered that the demonic energy is constantly getting closer to you. If you do not open it, you will eventually be eroded by the demonic energy. 】

[After discussion, several demon kings decided to open the magic circle. After some research, a minute later, several demon kings took action together and finally opened the magic circle that suppressed the demon god. 】

[As the magic circle opens, terrifying demonic energy surges out, and a huge monster figure appears in your sight. You are shocked to find that even after tens of thousands of years, that demon still retains the peak of the emperor level! 】

[You all attack the Demon God together, but unfortunately the Demon God is so powerful that you are no match at all. Two minutes later, several Demon Emperors were severely injured. 】

[You want to escape, but you find that as soon as you escape a thousand meters, you return to the same place. You understand that this is the power of the space controlled by the demon. 】

[Three minutes later, you tried all your means and still couldn't escape. You died. 】

"A monster at the pinnacle of the imperial level!"

"How can I save this? I can't even save my life!"

Su Nan was shocked. The magic circle used by humans to suppress monsters could isolate the connection between monsters and the Demon Abyss. This meant that in the magic circle, monsters could not absorb the demonic energy of the Demon Abyss.

As a result, as time goes by, the strength of those monsters will gradually decrease as their demonic energy is gradually consumed and cannot be replenished.

After tens of thousands of years, it would be good to be able to retain the king-level realm.

The emperor-level monster that wanted to seize Hu Xiaotian, but was finally killed by him, also relied on the magic source beads, and it took another month to recover before returning to the emperor-level.

Now this monster has just escaped from trouble and is at the peak of the emperor level. You can imagine how high its realm was once.

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