"how come?"

Arriving at the location of the big pit, Sunan was surprised when he felt a solid touch under his feet.

He thought that Zhou Lingyin might leave long ago, and even thought that the ferocious beast might leave, but he never thought that it would be the situation before him.

This was nothing. What surprised him even more was that the surrounding traces were very natural, with no sign of landfill at all, as if this was the way it was and there was no such big hole at all.

"Is this just an appearance, but the beast is still underground?" Su Nan couldn't help but wonder.

Today's movement of the heavens can be used twice, so he can go down and check it out.

He turned over his hand, and a jade token in the shape of a jade talisman appeared in his hand. This was the sun and moon jade talisman he had asked for from Zhou Lingyin. As long as his blood was stimulated, he could contact the other party's location.

He tried to activate the jade talisman, but he was disappointed. There was no response from the jade talisman.

"Too far away?"

He had no choice but to use precognition.

Once the prediction opportunity is used, the text on the panel will jump accordingly.

[You come to the center of the ancient city in the land of the gods. You know that there used to be a huge pit here, and at the bottom there was a ferocious beast that survived the ancient times. 】

[Now the big pit has disappeared, as if it had never appeared before, which makes you doubtful. You try to use the heavens to move underground to check. 】

[The heavens were moved and used twice in succession, and you came to six thousand meters underground. However, even though you came here, you still didn't find anything. 】

[You didn’t give up, mobilized the strength in your body to bombard downwards. 】

[One minute later, you arrived nine thousand meters underground. The smell of damp earth filled your nose, and there was nothing else. 】

[Two minutes later, you continued to go three thousand meters underground, and you found a lot of decayed bones, which reminded you of what you saw when you first entered the body of the ferocious beast. 】

"Skeletons?" Su Nan's mind was spinning, and he thought of the scene he saw earlier.

Before being sucked into the body by the ferocious beast, he had seen the ferocious beast trapped in chains, with layers of bones accumulated over the years under his body.

[You explore around, trying to find the information you have. Three minutes later, to your surprise, you find the chain that seems to have trapped the beast. 】

[Unfortunately, those chains have long since decayed and turned into scrap metal. Apart from that, you have not found anything else of value. 】

[You don’t know that the ferocious beast you once saw was a strange beast that wandered in the chaos. Although it didn’t have much wisdom, it had an endless lifespan. 】

[There is a huge space in its body, capable of swallowing all things and isolating the avenue of heaven and earth. 】

[While passing through this world tens of thousands of years ago, the powerful men of the Heavenly Kingdom discovered its special features and trapped it. 】

[The big pit you have seen before is just a channel for ferocious beasts to swallow the power of heaven and earth. It does not exist in reality, but is somewhere between reality and reality. 】

[Now the ferocious beast escapes from its trap with the help of a certain being and wanders away from the chaos again. 】

[The first prediction is over, do you want to continue the prediction? 】

This time, I was very lucky. Although I didn't find Zhou Lingyin and the beast, I did trigger a precognitive prompt.

"Wandering in Chaos? There is such a strange beast."

Sunan was surprised, he didn't know what chaos was like, but it must be full of dangers, and he couldn't get involved without absolute strength.

And that ferocious beast can not only travel through Chaos and go to one world after another, but it also has an endless lifespan, which is what countless people dream of.

"The ferocious beast ran away, and Zhou Lingyin is nowhere to be found. Could it be that the ferocious beast took him to travel in the chaos?"

Su Nan suddenly had another thought, and then shook his head. This possibility is not impossible, but it is not very high.

"That ferocious beast can swallow the power of heaven and earth. No wonder the closer to the center of this sacred ruins, the less power of heaven and earth there is. It seems that it is because it was swallowed by that ferocious beast."

He thought about the situation when the ferocious beast swallowed him into its belly. The huge suction force left him without any ability to resist. Now that he thought about it, it was the ferocious beast that was devouring the power of heaven and earth.

If this is the case, maybe it won't be long before the power of heaven and earth in this land of gods will gradually recover.

But these have nothing to do with him.

"It's time to leave. The next time I come back, it should be when I can pass the test on the seventh floor of the inheritance tower."

He glanced at the sky.

Night has already fallen in the game, and the stars are shining brightly in the night sky. The power consumed by condensing the fire life ring in his body has been restored, and now he can continue to condense it.

But now is not the time. He finally used the teleportation card to leave Ten Thousand Demon Ridge directly. He still has a lot of things to do.

For example, buy some good life-saving things.

There are still more than thirty predictions for today, which is enough.

"In addition, there are also divine talismans."

"In the previous prophecy, I exchanged the divine talisman from the official hands. That thing can at least consume the strongest blow of the Eight-Winged Heavenly Clan that severely damaged it. It has a great effect."

With a thought in his heart, the regional chat panel appeared. As Wang Nan, he sent out the news that he was willing to trade with the Chinese government, and agreed to trade in Dayu Imperial City.

Then he released the avatar and left this kind of thing to the avatar.

In this way, he can free up some time to do other things.

The incarnation is connected with his mind and knows what to do even without saying anything.

Using it in various ways, it quickly transformed into a flying bird and headed towards the Imperial City of Dayu.

When the avatar left, Sunan waved his hand, and two figures appeared in front of him.

But they were the last two king-level monsters that he had captured from reality and put into the universe in his sleeves.

There were four demon kings who had returned to their ancestors, but now only the last two are left.

He planned to use these two monsters to complete the mission.

Just like the two monsters before, the moment they were released, the two monsters turned around and ran away without even thinking.

Sunan's divine soul power, comparable to the peak of king level, exploded, and the two monsters had no ability to resist.

[Congratulations, you have completed the daily task "Hunting a King-level monster", and 45 points of monster power have been distributed. 】

[Currently available demon power: 305 points]

Two monsters were killed, two missions were completed in succession, and ninety points of demon power were received. The available demon power exceeded 300 points again, and the distance to 320 points was only the last 15 points.

"Fifteen points of demon power is pretty simple."

Looking outside the ancient city, there are many soul-eating monsters there.

The soul-eating demon is different from other monsters in that it does not even leave its body behind after death, but it is still a monster, and you can also get mission rewards by killing it.

After a while, he arrived outside the ancient city.

A large number of soul-eating monsters rushed towards him like a tide.

Su Nan casually shot out a ball of flame, and several Xuan-level soul-eating monsters were killed.

[Congratulations, you have completed the daily task "Hunting a Mysterious Level Monster", and 30 points of monster power have been distributed. 】

[Currently available demon power: 335 points]

The demon power is enough to break through!

Sunan didn't hesitate and was ready to break through.

Even though the prediction had told him many times that he could successfully break through, he still used two prediction opportunities to predict it just in case.

After confirming that there was no problem, the breakthrough began.

[Congratulations, your character Zhang Yang has perfected the four bloodlines and meets the conditions for realm improvement. Do you want to consume 320 points of demon power to upgrade the realm to the king level? 】


[Please choose one of the following bloodlines as the main one, and the other three bloodlines as supplements. 】

Zhang Yang's bloodline appeared in front of him, so he didn't need to think about it, so he naturally chose the fire phoenix demon bloodline with his eyes closed.

The next thing will be simple. He is already familiar with breakthroughs, and with the foresight, he has nothing to worry about.

The blood fusion takes some time, and he was not idle during the process.

Looking at the besieging soul-eating demon, I had another idea in my mind.

"Although there is nothing left after killing these monsters, they can be used to complete the mission. I can definitely reserve some, which will save me the need to look for monsters everywhere in the future."

It has to be said that the large number of soul-eating demons here are a resource for him to complete tasks.

Of course this is only for him.

For ordinary players, these soul-eating monsters come in groups and are good at soul attacks. Ordinary players have no advantage at all when facing these existences.

In the past, many people came here to hunt for treasures, but after seeing the weirdness of the soul-eating demon, no one dared to come here to die.

He used Qiankun in his sleeves, and he put away the Xuan-level soul-eating monsters one by one.

Naturally, he did not let go of those king-level soul-eating demons.

After a while, plus the ones he collected before, he now has fifteen king-level soul-eating monsters in his sleeves!

Fifteen, equivalent to nearly 700 points of demon power!

For a long time in the future, he won't have to worry about the task of hunting monsters.

Sunan was very satisfied. Looking around, there was no king-level presence anymore. Not only that, with the disappearance of the king-level soul-eating demons, the remaining soul-eating demons dispersed in a rush as if they had lost their alpha wolf.

Su Nan put the soul-eating demon into the Qiankun Ring and prepared to leave the land of Shenxu.

However, at this moment, a terrifying aura rose from the other side of the ancient city.

With an angry roar, a being more powerful than all the soul-eating monsters he hunted appeared.

"That's...emperor level!"

Su Nan was shocked, but not too surprised.

This land of Shenxu can be called the restricted area of ​​life. So many soul-eating monsters have been born over the years. It would be unjustifiable if there were no emperor-level existences.

Sunan even suspected that this soul-eating demon was not the only one. There were other emperors in this land of gods.

"It seems that this emperor-level soul-eating demon must have been angered by my act of catching soul-eating demons just now."

His expression remained unchanged.

There is no power of heaven and earth in this land of the gods, and the realm cannot be used. Even if other emperor-level powerhouses come, they will not dare to confront the emperor-level soul-eating demon head-on.

But this is not a problem in Sunan's eyes. Without the power of heaven and earth, he still has many methods at his disposal.

He waved his hand, and a terrifying suction force came from his sleeve, and the soul-eating monster roared and disappeared into his sleeve.

"The space in the sleeve is almost reaching its limit, and it can no longer be used."

The limit of the universe in his sleeves is three early-stage emperors. Now, one emperor-level monster, one emperor-level sacrificial demon, and many king-level mystical monsters have already overwhelmed the space of the universe in his sleeves.

Of course, he can also collect all the monsters into the mountain gourd, but there is no one to suppress them in the mountain gourd. If it causes damage to the mountain water gourd, it will be troublesome.

After thinking about it, he took out the Qiankun Ring and collected all the king-level and Xuan-level soul-eating monsters into the Qiankun Ring.

As for the emperor-level monster and the emperor-level soul-eating demon, they can be transformed into demon power only after the mission is refreshed tomorrow.

Just when he took a group of king-level soul-eating demons into the Qiankun Ring, his body shook, and a powerful force overflowed from his body.

Zhang Yang's four bloodlines merged into one, and he successfully broke through.

[Congratulations, you have become the third player to break through the king level. You have received 300 points of heaven and earth luck as a reward. 】

[Congratulations, you have broken through to the king level. Your human luck has increased, and your human luck has increased by 1,000 points. 】

[Congratulations, your realm has been upgraded to the king level. Your talent of predicting the future has been enhanced, and the number of times it can be used per day has been increased by three. 】

The luck of heaven and earth increased again. The three character breakthroughs brought him a total of 1,800 points of luck of heaven and earth. At this time, his luck of heaven and earth had reached 2,350 points!

And the luck of the human race that was originally consumed has returned to the number of one thousand.

The number of predictions into the future reached 111 times.

Powerful strength surged within his body, and the mana in his body surged several times!

If we continue to condense the Fire Life Ring now, maybe we can completely condense the Fire Life Ring today.

"The three characters have all broken through to the king level. According to the plan, it is time to reserve demon power and improve the ancient scriptures."

Sunan began to plan future improvement routes.

At the king level, if one bloodline is to be perfected, 320 points of demonic power are needed, and for a character to achieve the perfection of four bloodlines, a full 1,280 points of demonic power are needed.

If you add in the double demon power required to break through the emperor level, it will be a full 1920 points of demon power!

However, it only takes about a thousand points of demon power to upgrade the Great Sun Gold Body Sutra to the third level, which is equivalent to the emperor level.

The first level of the Four Seasons Cycle Sutra he just obtained also only requires one thousand points of demon power.

Based on this calculation, it is obviously more cost-effective to upgrade the ancient scriptures.

There is also the Life Wheel Sutra, which is the key to restricting the improvement of his realm.

"All the tasks that need to be completed have been completed, and now it's time to turn this harvest into strength!"

The trip to the Cave Immortal Old Man's cave and the trip to the Divine Ruins brought him a lot of demonic power. Secondly, what satisfied him the most was the Four Seasons Sutra and the Supreme Divine Land.

Of course, there is also the unclaimed reward from the third round of the Cave Immortal Old Man’s inheritance mission.

The Four Seasons Sutra cannot be practiced for the time being, so ignore it.

The Supreme Divine Land needs to be built as soon as possible.

"We can't rush this matter. Let's refine the source of life first."

After a thousand uses, he turned into a bird again and left.

Half an hour later.

He left the land of Shenxu and found an abandoned village to stop. He took out the Xuanhuang Qi Refining Furnace and started refining it.

In addition to the source of life, he also needs to refine the corpses of several king-level monsters. After all, if he wants to buy life-saving treasures, he will definitely not be able to do it without blood essence.

"Now that all three of my characters have reached the king level, I wonder if the purple stone from before can be refined?"

Thinking of the purple stone that he had consumed all his power in predicting and failed to extract anything from, he was curious and couldn't help but take out the purple stone and look at the prediction again. (End of chapter)

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