In front of Tiangong Pavilion.

Sunan used precognition once, but he was disappointed.

All the good things in Tiangong Pavilion have been transferred to its headquarters, and what is left now are things needed by warriors below the king level.

Things above the king level, including some secrets related to ancient times, are gone.

"Tiangong Pavilion's headquarters? There's nothing we can do about it." Su Nan sighed.

Tiangong Pavilion is spread across twelve states, and no one knows which state the headquarters is in.

The reason why Tiangong Pavilion does this is because the spiritual power of heaven and earth has been restored, ancient scriptures that were once unable to be practiced can be practiced, and spells that were once unusable can be used.

This situation had already happened in the second public beta. Before, he wanted to exchange ancient scriptures from Tiangong Pavilion, but failed.

Not only Tiangong Pavilion, but also all major human forces are preparing to collect items related to ancient times.

"Tiangong Pavilion is like this. It seems that there is no need to go to the treasure house of the Demon Killing Division. There is probably nothing good left."

"In that case, let's exchange it for some monster blood."

Sunan was a little disappointed, but originally he didn't fully count on Tiangong Pavilion.

Originally, he wanted to buy some elixirs for recovering injuries, but now he has extracted four drops of the source of life, which is enough.

Now that he has obtained the Sky Demon Bone Umbrella, he can try to use all his essence and blood to replenish the Sky Demon Bone Umbrella to see if this bone umbrella is worthy of its name and whether it is really related to the Sky Demon.

"The blood essence and blood in my body now are all king-level blood essence. It is not cost-effective to use this blood essence to replenish the Sky Demon Bone Umbrella. It must be exchanged for low-level blood essence."

According to the energy contained in blood essence, one drop of king-level blood essence is enough to rival more than ten drops of mysterious-level blood essence.

However, high-level blood essence and blood are scarce, but the amount of low-level blood essence and blood is huge. If you exchange king-level blood essence and blood for Xuan-level blood essence, it will be much more than just ten drops.

You can even redeem it at a ratio of one to twenty!

Using Xuan-level blood essence and blood, you can also exchange for one-to-twenty spirit-level blood essence and blood. However, both spiritual-level and mortal-level blood essence and blood are very common, and can only be exchanged at the normal one-to-ten ratio.

Calculated this way, one drop of blood essence from a king-level monster can be exchanged for at least four thousand drops of mortal-level or spirit-level essence blood!

Under such circumstances, it can be said to be very wasteful to directly use king-level essence and blood to replenish the Sky Demon Bone Umbrella.

Precognition begins again.

He wanted to see the limits of the Sky Demon Bone Umbrella in his prediction first.

If he overthinks it and the Sky Demon Bone Umbrella's limit is the Emperor level, then he will lose money by exchanging a large amount of blood essence.

A chance of precognition was consumed, and this time he used ordinary precognition.

[You get a bone umbrella that is suspected to be made from the bones of a sky demon. This umbrella can replenish the power in the bone umbrella by consuming the demon's essence blood. 】

[You came to Tiangong Pavilion and planned to exchange the blood essence of king-level monsters for low-level blood essence to supplement the power of the Sky Demon Bone Umbrella. 】

[An old man from Tiangong Pavilion received you. He took out 20 drops of king-level monster essence blood and wanted to exchange them all for mortal-level monster essence blood. 】

[The old man was shocked that you took out so much king-level monster essence and blood at once. After some discussion, the old man agreed to exchange the spirit-level or mortal-level essence and blood at twice the normal price. 】

[The old man tells you that the amount of blood essence you want to exchange is huge. If all of it is exchanged for mortal-level blood essence, they need to raise money, and they cannot exchange it all in a short time. 】

[If you are willing to exchange part of the blood essence for spiritual level, they can take it out now. 】

[You don’t want to wait, so you agree to exchange part of your blood essence for the spirit level. The old man lets you wait for a while, then turns and leaves. 】

[Three minutes later, the old man came back and took out forty jade bottles containing mortal-level blood essence and four jade bottles containing spiritual-level blood essence. 】

[The old man tells you that twenty drops of king-level blood essence can be exchanged for you into a total of four thousand drops of spirit-level blood essence and 40,000 drops of mortal-level blood essence. 】

[The first prediction is over, do you want to continue? 】

"Four thousand drops of spiritual level and 40,000 drops of mortal level should be about the same."

With so much blood essence, even if it wasn't all the reserves of Tiangong Pavilion, it wouldn't be much different.

If the power in these blood essences is calculated on a one-to-ten basis, it is already comparable to eighty drops of king-level blood essence!

Another opportunity was used up, and the prediction continued.

[You exchange all the blood essence for 20 drops of king-level monster blood, get what you want, and leave Tiangong Pavilion. 】

[A minute later, you came to an uninhabited land a few miles away from Dayu Imperial City, took out the Sky Demon Bone Umbrella, and prepared to use blood essence to replenish its power. 】

[You pour a bottle of blood essence on the bone umbrella. The moment the blood essence comes into contact with the bone umbrella, the bone umbrella quickly absorbs the blood essence and blood. 】

[With the replenishment of a bottle of blood essence, you find that the color of the bone umbrella has deepened slightly, and you continue to water it. 】

[Two minutes later, you were disappointed. After pouring ten bottles of essence and blood, the blood on the bone umbrella was only one-tenth darker than the original. 】

"Ten bottles, ten thousand drops of mortal-level essence and blood, only one-tenth has been recovered?"

Su Nan's face darkened, feeling that he might have made a miscalculation.

He didn't know the upper limit of this bone umbrella, but he knew that he might not be able to use this bone umbrella.

Ten thousand drops of mortal-level blood essence are equivalent to ten drops of king-level monster blood essence based on the power contained.

Ten drops of the blood essence of a king-level monster restores one-tenth. Calculated in this way, the official used a bone umbrella to resist the attack of the emperor-level demon, and consumed a full hundred drops of the blood essence of the king-level monster.

This is simply terrifying!

Unreasonable, so unreasonable.

[You were frightened by the terrifying consumption of the Sky Demon Bone Umbrella. You were confused and didn’t understand why the bone umbrella needed so much power. After hesitating for a moment, you resolutely decided to continue watering. 】

[After three minutes, all the mortal-level essence and blood in your hand are consumed, and the color of the bone umbrella has gradually turned a hint of purple. 】

[The second prediction is over, do you want to continue? 】


[The strength required by the bone umbrella is beyond your imagination. You realize something unusual, which makes you suspect that there may be something special about this bone umbrella. 】

[Instead of continuing to pour the essence and blood, you try to open the bone umbrella and try to find the difference. 】

[As the bone umbrella opens, an invisible barrier surrounds you. You observe carefully. 】

[After a minute, you found nothing unusual, so you had no choice but to close the bone umbrella and take out four thousand drops of spirit-level blood essence and continue to water it. 】

[You don’t know, this bone umbrella is extremely special. After tens of thousands of years, due to various reasons, an innate soul was bred within it due to a combination of circumstances. 】

[Now that soul is growing, it needs a lot of strength. Most of the blood essence and blood you poured into it will be swallowed up by it. 】

"Have you given birth to an innate soul?"

Sunan was surprised, enlightened, and surprised at the same time.

There is no doubt that even if this Sky Demon Bone Umbrella has nothing to do with the legendary Sky Demon, it is extremely extraordinary to be able to give birth to a divine soul.

Among the beings with divine souls, he had only seen the Dragon-Slaying Sword. The Dragon-Slaying Sword in its complete state, even if no one controlled it, could kill an early-stage emperor-level being just by relying on the power of the dragon soul and the divine weapon itself.

Even if the soul of the dragon demon is greatly damaged, Sunan can still kill the emperor in his hands. This is also one of the important means for him to kill the emperor with the king level.

And the dragon demon soul in that sword was not born in the sword congenitally, but was accidentally integrated into it the day after tomorrow.

The soul in the Sky Demon Bone Umbrella was born innately, so it must be extremely extraordinary.

"Maybe we really got a treasure!"

Sunan's eyes showed joy and continued to look down.

[Two minutes later, under the water of the essence blood of the spirit-level monster, the color of the Sky Demon Bone Umbrella became darker and darker, the surface of the animal skin umbrella became crystal clear, and the blood lines on the surface flowed, as if it came to life. 】

[Three minutes later, the spirit-level essence and blood in your hand has finally been exhausted. At this time, the color of the bone umbrella has completely changed, showing a purple-red color. 】

[At this moment, the bone umbrella suddenly opens on its own and covers you, as if someone is holding the bone umbrella for you. 】

[Without waiting for your reaction, you suddenly see a hazy figure appear in front of you. The figure is holding a bone umbrella and looking at it with indifferent eyes. 】

[The next moment, a terrifying force descended from the bone umbrella, and your incarnation Wang Nan was killed. 】

[The origin of the transformed spell returns to your body, and the second soul that merged with the incarnation completely dies, and is reborn in the Demon Abyss under the guidance of the Demon Abyss. 】

[The second prediction is over, do you want to continue? 】

"What's going on? Is that the divine soul born in the bone umbrella?"

"Am I killed by the soul that I raised by pouring my essence and blood?"

Raising tigers brings disaster!

Seeing the final result of the prediction, this word was the only thing left in Sunan's mind.

"Fortunately, it was predicted, otherwise I wouldn't even have any regrets." He was glad in his heart.

After calming down and looking at the prediction again, he had a headache again.

The soul bred in that bone umbrella is a bit too strong, and now it seems that the bone umbrella is not only used for defense, but also has other abilities.

The power of the bone umbrella, combined with the soul he nurtured, and the power he poured out that was comparable to eighty drops of king-level essence and blood, directly caused his incarnation to be killed before he could react in time.

"Are we going to give up like this?"

"But if I don't give up, I will have to face the conceived soul, unless I have a way to control that soul."

He would really be a little unwilling to give up something he had finally obtained.

Sunan's mind changed rapidly.

Suddenly, he thought of a secret method, his eyes lit up, and a sneer appeared at the corner of his mouth.

"Controlling the soul, shouldn't it be my specialty?"

Turning his hand, an invisible soul seed condensed out.

It is the soul seed condensed by the Forgetting Technique.

As long as he can drive the divine soul seeds into the divine soul, and wait until the divine soul seeds take root and sprout, and take root completely, he can control the divine soul.

The thought flashed through him and he had an idea.

After thinking for a while, he took out a simple oil lamp.

Soul-catching lamp!

"I checked the bone umbrella in the premonition, but didn't find anything. It shows that the soul in the bone umbrella is extremely hidden. If I don't get it out, I won't be able to plant the seeds of the soul at all."

"And the soul-catching lamp can forcefully pull out the soul. Even if the soul in the bone umbrella doesn't want to come out, it can't help it."

With a way to deal with it, the next thing will be easier to handle.

Looking up at the Tiangong Pavilion not far away, the incarnation of Wang Nan lifted his legs and walked in.

He first followed his prediction and spent 20 drops of the king-level demon's blood essence in exchange for 40,000 drops of mortal-level blood essence and 4,000 drops of spirit-level blood essence.

Four mid-level king-level monsters provided him with four drops of ancient fairy blood and twenty-eight drops of ordinary essence blood.

Together with the other early-stage king-level monsters and the peak king-level monster on the Divine Slope of Ten Thousand Demons Ridge, the blood essence and blood in his body reached fifty!

This amount is already extremely terrifying. If it were taken out, it would scare many people.

With the essence and blood in hand, he left the imperial city and began to predict again.

[You have obtained a bone umbrella that is suspected to be made from the bones of a sky demon. You know that a divine soul is bred in this bone umbrella. Once that divine soul is allowed to grow, it will pose a threat to you. 】

[Fortunately, you have a soul-capturing lamp. With the activation of the soul-capturing lamp, the light sways, and a suction force that can only be exerted on divine souls emerges from the soul-capturing lamp. 】

[You shrouded the power of the Soul Capturing Lamp on the Sky Demon Bone Umbrella, however, no soul appeared on the Sky Demon Bone Umbrella. 】

[You guess, this is because your incarnation soul is not strong enough. With the protection of the bone umbrella, it is not easy to pull out the soul conceived in it. 】

[You didn’t stop, and pushed with all your strength. After a minute, you finally saw an illusory soul emerging from the Sky Demon Bone Umbrella. 】

[The divine soul was newly born, with an ignorant consciousness, and had only instinctive resistance to the power of the divine soul lamp. 】

[You react quickly and take the opportunity to drive the divine soul seed into the divine soul, then stop activating the soul-capturing lamp and observe quietly. 】

[Without the pull of the soul-stirring lamp, the newborn soul quickly submerged into the Sky Demon Bone Umbrella. With the soul seeds, you can finally detect the existence of the soul. 】

[Two minutes later, there was nothing strange about the divine soul, and the ignorant consciousness failed to discover the divine soul seed. 】

[Three minutes later, perhaps because the soul was very weak when it was first born, you faintly noticed that the seeds of the soul quickly took root and sprouted in its soul. 】

[You estimate that at this rate, it may only take one day for you to initially control the soul. 】

"Just one day?"

"Very well, it's not too late."

Sunan breathed a sigh of relief. He wanted this thing to ward off the strong ones from the Celestial Clan. If the strong Celestial Clan appeared and he couldn't use the Celestial Demonic Bone Umbrella, wouldn't all his efforts be in vain?

Hongshan County.

Sunan put away the Xuanhuang Qi Refining Furnace and exited the game.

Climbing out of the game room, the dazzling sunlight was shining through the window. Unknowingly, it was already noon in reality.

"Let's hand over the Yin-Yang cross-border disk to the officials first."

Since you promised to deliver the things, you naturally have to do what you say.

Originally, he thought about letting a random monster pass, but in order to prevent the official people from overthinking, he decided to go by himself.

Dajing City is far away from his current location, but with his current strength, this distance is nothing.

Performing a thousand transformations, he transformed into a bird and quickly disappeared.

Half an hour later, he came to the location given to him by Zhao Qifeng.

This was a military base outside Dajing City. Apparently they had received the news and knew that he was coming, so someone had been waiting for him.

Seeing him, everyone obviously wanted to have a good relationship with him, and everyone was very enthusiastic.

Sunan didn't waste time, and returned quickly after completing the transaction.

He is very busy now and has no time to deal with the authorities.

It took another half an hour to return to Songshan Mountain and arrive at the Main Hall for the first time.

He wants to try to build the Supreme Divine Land!

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