I Secretly Develop Myself In The Demon World

Chapter 393 The fourth public beta begins

"Sure enough, my previous guess was right. The technique of fate calamity can deal with the strong men of the Tian clan!"

Seeing this, Sunan breathed a sigh of relief. It was so easy to take action across time and space, but there would definitely be a price to pay.

One thousand points of luck, this was the most he had ever consumed in one go, but it was worth it to be able to deal with a saint-level being.

[Under your fate calamity technique, the disaster for the strong men of the Heavenly Clan came, and they were counterattacked by the heaven and the earth. 】

[In the face of the backlash from heaven and earth, even the saint-level Celestial Clan powerhouses cannot resist, and the final outcome will be death. 】

[The strong man from the Heavenly Clan was unwilling to give in. He tried his best to kill you before he died. Facing the death blow of the Saint-level strong man, you used all your means to resist it. 】

[Unfortunately, after using various means, you still failed to block this blow. At the critical moment, the scapegoat on your body came into play to block the remaining power for you. 】

[The strong men of the Celestial Clan disappear. You think everything is over, but you don’t know that the world you are in has been locked. Victory is only temporary. It won’t be long before the Celestial Clan will come again. 】


Sunan's heart sank, but she soon calmed down again.

"Soldiers will block water and earth. I can survive this time when a saint-level strongman attacks. As long as you give me time, it won't matter if a saint-level strongman appears next time."

[Seven hours later, you enter another world again. 】

[Ten hours later, you return to the real world. You learn that with the opening of the space channel, the world of another world has a surge of inspiration, and a great demon with the peak of the emperor level tries to take the opportunity to break through to the saint level. 】

[It’s just that the world’s spiritual power is still a little lacking now, and it’s not enough for a saint-level powerhouse to be born. 】

[One day later, you enter another world again. 】

[Two days later, you return to the real world. You learn from other visitors from other places that with the surge of spiritual power in the world, some ancient ruins have appeared in various states. 】

[Those ancient ruins contain the inheritance left by the ancient powerful men. As long as they can pass the test, there is a chance to obtain the inheritance. 】

[Two and a half days later, you enter another world again. 】

[Three days later, you return to the real world. You learn that Tianming, who was severely injured by you, will appear again. He is active in Tianjue State and seems to be performing some kind of ceremony. 】

[Three and a half days later, you entered another world again, but unfortunately you failed to come out this time. 】

【you are dead. 】

"Is this how you die?"

"How did I die?"

Even though he knew that he could only live for three and a half days this time, to die so inexplicably now still made Sunan frown, but there was nothing he could do about it.

Prediction in reality, unable to predict what will happen in the game.

There should have been detailed information about the last three minutes of death, but because it happened in the game world, it was not shown.

"That's all. Even if there is an unknown danger in the game, it will only happen in three days. Let's get through this crisis first."

After getting everything ready, he came to a deserted mountain top and waited quietly.

Two hours later, the sunset faded and darkness quickly swept across the land.

Taking out the Sky Demon Bone Umbrella, as predicted, the divine soul seeds planted in the divine soul inside the bone umbrella have completely grown into a towering tree.

He could clearly feel that the consciousness of the soul in the bone umbrella was ignorant and had no memory, just like a newborn baby, blank.

With a slight thought, he began to try to add memory to the soul of the Sky Demon Bone Umbrella.

Memory is the basis of everything. Only with memory can we have cognition. In order to have better control, Sunan directly made up some memories and added them.

"The Sky Demon Bone Umbrella has a great origin, and the soul it breeds is also very mysterious. It is still not safe to control it just by relying on the soul seeds."

After thinking about the means in his body that could control the soul, Su Nan finally discovered that except for this soul seed, he had no other means to control the soul.

The method of canonizing slave gods in the Supreme God Land can also control the soul, but after being canonized, you cannot leave the scope of the God Land, which is too restrictive.

"That's it. There shouldn't be any problems. We can start now."

Without thinking any more, he took out all 80,000 drops of mortal-level monster blood essence and 8,000 drops of spiritual-level monster blood essence.

Hundreds of bottles appeared in front of him, starting with mortal-level essence and blood, and he poured them on the bone umbrella one by one.

The bone umbrella is like a huge sponge that accepts all comers, and all the essence and blood poured on the bone umbrella is absorbed.

This process lasted for more than ten minutes. When half of the essence and blood was consumed, the bone umbrella had changed greatly, showing a purple-red color.

The soul conceived within it has undergone earth-shaking changes.

If he was just a newborn baby before, he is now an adult and has grown up in wisdom.

Joyful emotions spread from the bone umbrella. Sunan let go of his hand, and the bone umbrella immediately flew up on its own, followed by an illusory figure.

You can vaguely see that she is a girl, about seventeen or eighteen years old.

The bone umbrella was opened and held in the girl's hand. She stood in front of Sunan and looked at Sunan, her eyes full of curiosity and joy.

"Master." The girl spoke with a clear voice.

A smile appeared on Su Nan's lips, she nodded and said, "You don't have a name yet, from now on you will be called..."

"From now on, please call me Umbrella."

"Umbrella..." The girl looked at the bone umbrella in her hand, seeming to realize something, and her eyes showed joy again.

Su Nan looked at the remaining essence and blood and said, "Your strength is still too weak. A powerful enemy will attack next. I need your help. You should absorb all the power of this essence and blood."

"Good master." Umbrella whispered. The next moment, under the control of Umbrella, the essence and blood in the jade bottles turned into streams of water and fell on the bone umbrella.

Most of the previous essence and blood were used to increase Umbrella's soul, and not much power was actually absorbed by the Sky Demon Bone Umbrella.

This time it was different. With the addition of 40,000 drops of mortal-level blood essence and 4,000 drops of spiritual-level blood essence, the Sky Demon Bone seemed to be completely reborn, and its aura was completely different from before.

Even without exploring it, you can feel the powerful power contained within it.

"Not bad!" Su Nan nodded again.

He had a hunch that although the current bone umbrella still could not withstand a Saint-level blow, it might not be a problem to withstand an Emperor-level peak blow.

Everything is ready, just waiting for the space channel to open.

Time flies, and night covers the earth.

Tonight is destined to be a sleepless night. Hundreds of millions of people in China are waiting for the public beta of the game.

Once the open beta starts, they will enter the game as soon as possible to avoid tragic death at the hands of monsters as the space channel opens.

And outside China, in areas controlled by the demon clan, countless people who are wandering on the edge of life and death every day are also waiting.

"After tonight, we will finally be able to enter the game. With luck, we will land in the human territory. We will completely get rid of the fate of being killed by monsters at any time."

"Even if we are unlucky and land in an area controlled by monsters, we still have a chance to become stronger and get out of trouble."

Some people looked at the bracelet in their hands, with hope burning in their eyes.

In contrast to this group of people, many people looked desperate.

They are naturally those who have not received game bracelets, and there are also many of them.

Although this open beta has a quota of one billion places, there is still a gap compared to the total surviving population in the real world.

"For this open beta, let's not say that there is no possibility of a fifth open beta in a short time. Even if the fifth open beta can come soon, we may not have a chance."

"After tonight, this world will definitely be completely occupied by monsters. Even if we survive tonight, we may not be able to survive until the next open beta."

The mood of despair spread among everyone, and many people looked ashen and lost the motivation to struggle.

The area around Songshan Mountain, covering a radius of hundreds of miles, is already overcrowded.

Most of these people are ordinary people, and there are only a few players. This is not only because the number of players is still only a minority in front of the total population.

The bigger reason is that after seeing the power of monsters, basically all players believe that the real world will inevitably fall this time.

Most of those who can stay are those who are not qualified to play the game. They regard this place as their last hope!

"Don't worry, it will be fine. Buddha has appeared today and Buddha will bless us."

"Yes, Buddha is compassionate and will not watch us being killed by monsters. He will definitely save us!"

Everyone encouraged and comforted each other, and at the same time prayed silently for the Buddha to appear.

This is the only thing they can do now.

The fortune of the incense was coming like a tsunami, and even if there were two Shinto wishing spirits refining the incense for Sunan, it was still far from enough.

Fortunately, these incense wishes will not disappear in a short time.

"There are still the last four hours and it's still early."

After thinking about it, Sunan chose to enter the game again.

Things in the real world are important, and things in the game are equally important.

In the game, the sun is rising.

Today is the fifth day of the Heavenly Demon Ceremony.

Yesterday, the selection of the top 100 players in the Holy Blood Secret Realm ended, and today a new round of elimination will begin. The time is the same as yesterday, when noon is approaching in the game.

At that time, there was only about ten minutes left before the game was refreshed, which coincided with the opening time of the space channel in the real world.

Fortunately, the elimination will not be completed in a few minutes or ten minutes, so there will be no delay.

"Today's elimination is 100 to 50, and 100 geniuses from all races will be randomly matched."

"With the strength you showed yesterday, there should be no problem even if you encounter those beings who are half-emperor level."

The eldest princess looked at Sunan with a complicated expression.

In just a short time, she watched Sunan grow from a profound level to a point where he could easily defeat the peak king level, which gave her a sense of fantasy.

Compared to Sunan, her state has not changed at all.

The expression on the face of the second princess of the Sirius tribe on the side changed even more.

Thinking back to the time when he was in Tianyun County, Sunan was only at the spirit level. Because of Hu Xiaotian, and because he had the strength to fight against the Xuan level, he was qualified to become one of her leaders.

Now more than a month has passed, and Sunan has suddenly transformed into a being even more powerful than her. This makes her wonder if the Sunan who was in Tianyun County back then is the same person as she is today.

"The space passage to another world is about to open. The demon kings of all races plan to use this opportunity to observe the situation in the other world and find ways to establish a stable passage."

"And the spiritual power of heaven and earth will also skyrocket by then. It is said that there is a person who claims to be at the top of the emperor level for thousands of years. He is preparing to use this opportunity to try to enter the holy level."

The eldest princess revealed two more pieces of news.

One of them has been mentioned in the previous prediction, and Sunan already knows the result.

On the contrary, the plan of a group of demon kings to establish a stable space channel did not appear in the previous predictions.

If it really happens, this will undoubtedly be another disaster for the real world.

However, since the prediction did not appear, it means that there is a high probability that it failed.

Of course, it is not ruled out that it was successful, but the level of monsters that could be transported through the constructed channel was too low, and it did not attract his attention.

"No matter what, you still need to pay attention to this."

"These demon emperors in Dongchen State have such thoughts, and the demon emperors in other states may also have this idea. We must take precautions as soon as possible."

Exit the game and return to reality.

Four hours of time flew by.

Time finally came to zero.

"here we go!"

In the main hall, Su Nan looked at the dark night in the distance, took a slight breath, released the avatar, and with a move in his heart, he transformed the avatar into a Maitreya.

Even though he was already 100% sure about this crisis, he still needed to be sure. He had no intention of letting his main body take action until the last moment.

The most important thing is that he wants to "manifest himself" again to gain more incense and power.


There was a thunderbolt in the clear sky, and under the moonlight, the originally lifeless night was broken by the thunder.

The earth shook, accompanied by roars, mountains rose up one after another, large lakes suddenly appeared, forests, deserts, glaciers, desert islands, areas that should not belong to the real world appeared everywhere.

Correspondingly, in the world of demons and monsters, as if someone had randomly dug a piece of the map out of the map, some areas disappeared out of thin air and were replaced by twisted space passages everywhere.


The turbulent spiritual energy of heaven and earth surged from those space passages. At this moment, the spiritual energy of heaven and earth surged again in the demon world.

"I feel the inspiration of heaven and earth. I feel the inspiration of heaven and earth."

"Ancient Sutra! You can practice the Ancient Sutra now, hahaha, it turns out that this is what it feels like to practice the Ancient Sutra!"

In the human race, king-level experts from various factions were so surprised that they immediately tried to practice the ancient scriptures, not daring to waste a single minute.

If they can take advantage of this opportunity to learn the ancient scriptures, then they can try to fuse the magic seeds in the future. It is not a dream to further their strength.

"Is there another world across the way?"

Among the demon clan, many demon kings looked at the space passage that appeared, and they couldn't help but peek into it, wanting to see what the other world looked like.

Many monsters are eager to try, ready to enter the space channel at any time.

At the same time, demonic energy is billowing in some unknown places.

At the moment when the world's spiritual energy surged, many monsters that had been suppressed and sleeping were awakened.

"Is it finally starting to recover again? Good, this damn circle is finally broken."

"My demon clan can finally come to this world again. This era belongs to our demon clan after all, no! From now on this world will belong to our demon clan!"

real world.

At the moment when the space channel opened, those who had qualified for the fourth public beta of the game cried with joy.

"Okay! The fourth open beta has started, we can enter the game!"

"The wait is finally here, go in! Go in quickly, the real world is about to end!"

Countless players are rushing to enter the game directly using the game bracelet itself.

It’s more like running away than entering the game.

In just a few moments, hundreds of millions of people disappeared, leaving only those ordinary people who were not qualified to play the game.

"Buddha bless! Buddha bless!"

Countless people prayed, and the power of incense gathered, sweeping in an unprecedented and terrifying number.

Sunan held a bone umbrella, his figure hidden in the void. In his eyes, a space passage appeared not far from him, and a monster was coming. (End of chapter)

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