"Is this an angel? No way, we have a Buddha in China, and now even angels have appeared?"

"It's not an angel! This phenomenon also appeared in Yongzhou County in the game, but that one had six wings, but this one has eight wings!"

Someone thought of something and couldn't help but exclaim.

Hearing this, the others also thought of the previous posts on the forum, and their expressions changed.

The other party is the same as those monsters, from the game?

What does this mean? It means that the other party is not an angel in Western mythology in the real world, but an intruder from the game!

The strong man from the Heavenly Clan appeared. Sunan's body stared at the huge shadow in the void. Without any hesitation, he immediately took out the fate pole and then threw it out.

The invisible "fishing line" and "fishhook" transformed into the void, and instantly hooked on the phantom of the White Wing Celestial Clan.

The establishment of cause and effect is completed!

Apparently sensing something strange, the Tian Clan's gaze passed through the void and landed on Sunan's body.

Sunan's mind was tense and he did not dare to hesitate at all, so he immediately used the fate calamity technique.

He did not dare to wait for the Eight Winged Heavenly Clan to take action. Whether it was the loss of the incarnation or the loss of the scapegoat, he was not willing to see it.

A full thousand points of human luck are consumed!

Now, the 3,000 points of luck obtained by his three characters' breakthroughs suddenly left only 100 points of luck for the demon clan and 300 points for the monster clan.

At the same time, his incarnation moved.

In the eyes of everyone, the transformed Buddha suddenly punched the huge shadow of the Eight-winged Celestial Clan.

The golden light was bright, and in the eyes of everyone, this punch carried unparalleled power.

Only Sunan himself knew that this punch looked terrifying, but in fact it was just a show-off. The purpose of his punch was just to let people know that he had killed the Eight-Winged Heavenly Clan.

After punching out, the avatar didn't even look at the result. The figure slowly disappeared, as if it had done a trivial thing.

No one knew that Sunan quickly put away the avatar and immediately used the game bracelet. The main body entered the game directly, giving no chance for the powerful Tian clan to lock it.

In the last prophecy, he suffered a fatal blow from a strong man from the Heavenly Clan and had to use the scapegoat to escape the disaster. Naturally, he would not wait for him to take action this time.

Su Nantuo also seemed to disappear, but little did he know that the result of his action this time had shocked many people.

Arctic land.

More than twenty strong men from the Destiny Society gathered here.

The two middle-aged men looked at the old man in front of them and said respectfully: "Fifth Patriarch, why are you here in person?"

The old man known as the Fifth Ancestor snorted coldly and said with great dissatisfaction: "Huh! It's not like you are a bunch of trash. It's just a small matter that hasn't been done for so long, but instead people come to the door."

"Now you have even lost the sacred weapon that you finally obtained, and even let the resurrected master be killed. You have let me down so much."

The Fifth Patriarch became more and more angry as he talked. Looking at the two middle-aged men, he almost couldn't help but beat them to death.

The two middle-aged men were sweating profusely on their foreheads, and they did not dare to breathe, for fear that they would continue to anger the Fifth Patriarch and be slapped to death.

The Fifth Patriarch was about to continue saying something. Suddenly, everyone noticed something and immediately looked up.

In the void, the figure of the Eight-winged Heavenly Clan emerged.

"That's..." Everyone stared at the phantom of the Tian Clan with horrified expressions.

Only the Fifth Patriarch knew what was going on, and his eyes showed excitement and anticipation: "That adult has taken action, so be prepared to take over this world."

He was full of confidence and obviously knew what the Eight Winged Heavenly Clan meant.

Hearing this, others also thought of something, with expectations in their eyes.

However, at the next moment, something happened that stunned them. They saw flames igniting all over the body of the Eight-Winged Celestial Clan in the void, and at the same time, thunder fell and bombarded him.

At first, they thought it was a strange phenomenon caused by the strong man from the Heavenly Clan, but then, everyone saw that the originally indifferent expression of the strongman from the Heavenly Clan showed fear and anger.

The Eight-winged Heavenly Clan wanted to extinguish the flames on their bodies and resist the bombarding thunder, but they couldn't do it at all.

The flames seemed to be burning from within his body, turning them into flying ashes, and the thunder was like sharp swords, piercing through the bodies of the Eight-Winged Heavenly Clan every time they fell on them.

"W-what's going on?"

Everyone understood what happened, but seeing the horror on the faces of the Eight-Winged Heavenly Clan, they all had a bad feeling.

Everyone stared blankly, wanting to do something, but in the end they did nothing.

This process did not last long. In just a few breaths, the Eight-winged Heavenly Clan's body exploded under the bombardment of thunder, and turned into blue smoke under the burning of flames.

Between heaven and earth, the aura of the Eight-Winged Heavenly Clan disappeared and returned to its previous calm state.

That adult has fallen?

Everyone in the Destiny Association looked at each other and came up with an idea that seemed absurd to them.

The emperor-level fifth ancestor looked even more frightened and murmured: "Impossible! How could that lord die like this?"

His eyes were full of disbelief, and he stared into the void, hoping to see a miracle happen.

But a few minutes passed, and the figure of the Eight-winged Heavenly Clan did not appear again.

The others had come to their senses at this time. Although they did not understand what happened, they all accepted the fact that the Eight-winged Heavenly Clan had fallen.

"Fifth Patriarch, what should we do?" someone asked.

"Let's go! Let's go quickly, we can't stay in this world, enter the world of monsters and then think of a way out." The Fifth Ancestor said urgently, and quickly led everyone away.

at the same time.

In the world of demons, some beings who originally wanted to observe the real world seemed to have seen something. As the strong man from the heavenly clan turned into ashes, their expressions changed.

Dongchenzhou, Ten Thousand Demons Ridge, Star Picking Peak.

At this time, the second elimination round was in full swing. No one knew that more than a dozen Demon Emperors were gathering at the top of Star Reaching Peak.

In front of these demon kings, an old man with white hair and a dying look stared into the void and saw a space passage there.

There was a faint golden light in the old man's eyes, and his eyes seemed to be able to travel through the space channel and see the situation in the real world.

The other demon kings were also staring at the space passage, using various means to see the scene on the other side.

Suddenly, the dying old man whispered: "A saint has fallen in that world!"

"Saint level?"


More than a dozen demon kings were stunned, their brains unable to turn around for a moment.

In a world with only three kings, how could there be a saint? He even fell into it. What happened?

Everyone looked at the old man, but unfortunately the old man did not say anything clearly. He just said: "It seems that the world where those extraterrestrial visitors live is not as simple as we thought."

"It's not just us who are eyeing that world, there are other races as well."

Appearing at the place where he exited again, Sunan first returned to the mountainside of Star Reaching Peak to check on the progress of the knockout rounds.

It has only been more than twenty minutes since the elimination began, and the two parties fighting in the ring have only reached numbers 12 and 13. There is still a long time before his number 72.

Watch the world chat again.

The world chat has already been buzzing with excitement, and countless players are cheering for joy. Even some players who are not from China are also happy.

"Fortunately, there was no accident."

Even though he already knew the fate of the strong men of the Tian Clan, Sunan still secretly breathed a sigh of relief. This crisis was over for the time being.

As for the previous prediction that the real world had been locked, he didn't take it too seriously.

Now is not the time to worry about those things.

After making sure nothing unexpected happened, he had time to look at the game announcement that popped up before.

[The fourth public beta has been launched. The number of people in this public beta is one billion. After this public beta, after the bloodline of the players in the game is complete, the power of the bloodline will be synchronized to reality. 】

[After this public beta, if a player dies in the game, his chances of resurrection will be reduced by two, and it will take two days before he can log in to the game again. 】

[After this public beta, players who use game bracelets to directly enter the game will die completely if their game character dies. 】

[The thirty-day main mission "Child of Destiny" has been launched. The top 100 players in the final ranking will receive a large number of additional rewards. For detailed missions, please go to the mission panel to view. 】

The announcement introduced the changes in this open beta. This information has been announced once before. There is nothing interesting to see. The focus is still on the mission of Son of Destiny.

Sunan quickly scanned it and opened the task panel.

On the panel, today's daily tasks have been refreshed. Even without looking at it, Sunan knew that today's tasks would not be too different from yesterday.

I glanced at Lang Shisan's tasks. Not surprisingly, the tasks that were there yesterday are also available today. Only in the main task bar, new tasks appeared.

[Main mission: Son of Destiny]

[The luck is like the tide, rising and falling. When it rises, inspiration revives, and all races rise. When it sets, the heavens fall silent, and the stars fall. Tens of thousands of years ago, the luck of heaven and earth went from prosperity to decline. Today, it has arrived. rock bottom. 】

[However, this is not the end, on the contrary, this is just the beginning. In the near future, the destiny of heaven and earth will completely dry up, the heavens will fall into a long silence, and all things will wither. 】

[Heaven and earth feel the misery of everyone, so they gather the fortunes of the heavens and give all living beings a glimmer of hope for transcendence. As a member of the heavens, you have the qualifications to compete for that glimmer of hope. 】

[But before that, you need to stand out from your race, obtain enough racial luck, and become a son of luck. 】

Seeing this, Sunan's face changed slightly.

Is the destiny of heaven and earth about to completely dry up? Will the heavens become silent?

What's the situation? Wasn't it said that the inspiration would come back to life?

Wasn’t it promised that the prosperous age is coming? How come we are about to enter the Age of Dharma Ending in such a blink of an eye?

"After working on it for a long time, the restoration of the world's intelligence in the game world is just the final flashback. Once the flashback ends, the whole world will fall into silence."

Sunan didn't know what would happen if the heavens fell into silence, but even a fool knew that it was definitely not a good thing.

If not, it will be the end of the world, everyone will perish, and everything will be destroyed, and this time does not seem to be too long!

Keep looking down.

[The first step of the mission: Become the first 10,000 lucky people of your race. 】

[Task Difficulty: Four Stars]

[Task reward: a drop of ancient demon blood, an ancient demon scripture, 500 points of racial luck, 500 points of heaven and earth luck]

[Mission countdown: 10 days]

[Tip: Ways to obtain racial luck include, but are not limited to, killing people whose luck exceeds yours during missions, doing things that make great contributions to the race, and obtaining the inheritance of ancient powerful people...]

[Players can go to the personal details panel to view the luck ranking of their race. The ranking only displays the top 100 before and after your ranking. 】

[Note: This mission is an elimination-based mission. Only players who complete the previous mission before the end of the mission are eligible to start the next mission. 】

"Become one of the top 10,000 lucky people of your race!"

Su Nan was shocked. This requirement was not high, but in fact it was extremely difficult.

The number of human warriors seems to be very small, and the total number of warriors in one state is not that many, but what if there are twelve states combined?

The task requirements are based on the race, not a state, and naturally include all races.

There are many factors that influence the amount of luck in the world. Some people are born with great luck, and some people are born with bad luck. But one thing will not change, and that is state!

The higher the realm, the stronger the luck. Under such circumstances, if you want to enter the top 10,000 among all races, becoming a Xuan level is probably not enough, unless you can find other ways to obtain luck.

"This is the case for the human race, let alone the demon clan. If you want to be among the top 10,000 of the demon clan, the king level may not be enough!"

The more Su Nan analyzed it, the more frightened he became. This mission was not prepared for ordinary players at all, and only top players like him were eligible to participate.

Moreover, unlike the previous missions, this mission is somewhat similar to the real main mission. Only by completing the previous one can you complete the next one.

As a result, for those ordinary players, there is no chance for follow-up tasks at all, and they are destined to be eliminated.

"By the way, my other identity doesn't seem to have to do this task at all!"

Suddenly, Su Nan's eyes lit up when he thought of his identity as a demon.

The number of monsters is fixed, only three thousand. Doesn't this mean that even if he lies down and does nothing, he can still complete the first round of the mission?

"I don't know where my luck is now."

He immediately looked at his personal information panel and found the racial luck rankings.

[No. 569, name: Bingjiu. Realm: Early stage of emperor level. Have luck: 2332]

[No. 570, name: Kui Muhai. Realm: Early stage of emperor level. Have luck: 2324]

[No. 569, Name: Gray Ear. Realm: Peak of King Level. Have luck: 1858]

[No. 570, name: Lang Shisan. Realm: Early King Level. Have luck: 1853]

Lang Shisan's ranking appeared in front of him. This was a racial ranking, a ranking of all demon clans, not a ranking among players.

The rankings show the top 100, and those at the top are all early-stage emperors. It is not until after the 101st place, that is, the 570th place is Sunan.

"Lang Shisan's luck ranks over 500 among the entire demon clan!"

Sunan was surprised, the current result was beyond his expectation.

He knew that his ranking might be slightly higher, but he didn't expect that he would directly enter the top 600!

You must know that those in front of him and those behind him are also at the peak of the king level. He is an early king level and is caught in the middle, just like a group of money wolves with an Erha mixed in.

But soon he understood what was going on.

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