I Secretly Develop Myself In The Demon World

Chapter 417 The Resentment of the Ancient Wasteland Sect Master

When the Demonic Abyss comes, all the monsters in the Demonic Abyss will have the opportunity to enter the demonic world. It will undoubtedly be a disaster for the demonic world.

Sunan's expression was solemn. He thought that when all the suppressed monsters escaped, it was the beginning of the monster crisis.

Now it seems that the real crisis is far from coming.

"In reality, it is locked by the Celestial Clan, and now in the game, the Demonic Abyss is about to come. This catastrophe will really destroy the human race." Su Nan shook his head.

But then, he calmed down again when he thought about those ancient powerful men who might not have died, but had gone to other worlds.

If those ancient powerful men really did not fall, there is a high probability that the human race will not sit back and watch the demon world be completely destroyed, and it is very likely that they will take action when the time comes.

"Are there any demon-level monsters in the Demon Abyss?" Su Nan continued to ask.

This question is very important. Now that he has become an innate monster, it has been revealed. If there is really a demon who wants his innate devil energy, then he will be in danger.

Luo Yu thought for a moment and said, "The devil should have one."

"There used to be nine innate demon gods in the Demon Abyss. Several of them died in ancient times, but there are still a few who never left the Demon Abyss. Those few innate demon gods are probably still alive."

"I just don't know if a new demon god will appear in the past ten thousand years."

Sure enough, the devil is still alive!

Su Nan's heart sank. Since there are god-level monsters, there must also be saint-level monsters. He couldn't imagine what would happen if those monsters entered the demon world.

Thinking of this, he suddenly thought of another question and couldn't help but wonder.

"Since there are so many powerful monsters in the Demon Abyss, why didn't they take advantage of the ancient times when the strength of the human race and demon race was greatly reduced to enter the world of demons and occupy this world again?"

Ordinary monsters cannot pass through the chaos and enter the world of monsters. They can only wait until the devil's abyss and the world of monsters meet.

But those holy-level god-level monsters are different.

There is a high probability that they have the ability to travel through chaos. After ancient times, the strength of the human race and demon race in the world of demons and demons fell to the bottom. Logically speaking, this is the easiest time to occupy.

The reality is that monsters rarely appear after ancient times.

Luo Yu did not answer directly, but explained: "The reason why the Demon Abyss is called the Demon Abyss is because its shape is like a large abyss. Legend has it that the Demon Abyss is divided into five layers, and the realm of monsters in each layer is also different."

"The first level of the Demonic Abyss, which is also the top level, contains monsters belonging to the king level and below. This level has the most monsters. The second level is the emperor level, the third level is the saint level, and the fourth level is the god level. class,"

"As for whether there are still monsters on the fifth floor, no one knows, but there is a high probability that there are not. After all, the nine innate demon gods are only on the fourth floor."

Five layers of demonic abyss!

Su Nan was shocked. From this point of view, this Demonic Abyss is the real "advanced map". The first level is king level, and it is difficult to kill and can be resurrected.

Fortunately, the ancient human race was very powerful. Otherwise, they would not have been able to withstand such an existence.

"For us monsters, the Demonic Abyss is actually more like a huge cage. The more powerful the existence, the harder it is to leave the Demonic Abyss."

"Because ordinary monsters are on the first level of the Demon Abyss, the Demon Abyss does not have high restrictions on them. It is also the easiest for these monsters to escape from the Demon Abyss."

"And because those holy-level monsters and god-level monsters are on the third and fourth levels, if they want to leave the Demon Abyss, they need to keep going up and past the second and first levels."

"This is tantamount to jailbreaking, and it is jailbreaking one after another, and Moyuan naturally does not allow it."

"Only when the Demonic Abyss is close to this world, the Demonic Abyss will be affected, and those beings on the third and fourth levels will have a chance to escape from the Demonic Abyss."

The abyss is like a prison!

Sunan was surprised. This was the first time he heard this statement.

Then he couldn't help but feel relieved. If this was the case, he wouldn't have to worry about anything in the short term.

However, when he thought of the old woman's words, he felt a little uneasy.

"According to what the old woman meant, those demon gods seem to have a way to take action without the demon abyss coming."

Sunan asked this question.

It's a pity that Luo Yu's knowledge is obviously not comparable to that of the old woman, and he doesn't know these things clearly.

Now that she had a general understanding of Moyuan's situation, Su Nan felt relieved.

Taking Luo Yu into the landscape gourd again, he continued to kill monsters to gain luck according to his previous plan.

Qiankun in the sleeves was used, and an old man was released by him. This old man was an emperor, and it was the emperor-level monster from Fish Bone Mountain not long ago.

Su Nan originally wanted to force out the whereabouts of the remaining emperor-level monsters in Tianjue Province from the old man's mouth, but unfortunately the old man would rather die than surrender and had no intention of speaking.

He no longer hesitated and used God and Demon Devouring Heaven to devour the old man.

The second emperor-level monster was swallowed, and the demon-devouring nerves improved slightly again. There were only twenty-eight emperor-level monsters left to break through.

Like the old woman just now, the old man contributed 500 points of luck to him.

Wang Nan's total luck soared, reaching 3,900 points!

When the technique of fate calamity is used, one hundred points of luck are consumed, and there are exactly two thousand points of usable luck left!

"Two thousand points of luck, I don't know if it can have an impact on that unknown powerful person from the Celestial Clan?"

His eyes scanned the body, and lines of cause and effect emerged before his eyes.

The causal lines related to Tian Clan have not increased, and it is obvious that Tian Clan has not taken action yet.

He was not in a hurry and continued to hunt monsters.

A king-level monster was released by him, and this time, he directly forcibly read its memory.

To his disappointment, the memory of this king-level monster contained the whereabouts of several king-level monsters, but not the whereabouts of the emperor-level monster.

Fortunately, this time he was also informed that there were three emperor-level monsters in the Demon God Palace in Tian Juezhou. In addition to the old man who was devoured by him just now, there were two more.

Let’s look at luck.

One hundred points.

A king-level monster only increased his demon luck by one hundred points, which was one hundred points less than before.

"Is this because my realm has improved?"

"Is it because my luck is too high now?"

Sunan frowned. A king-level monster only had one hundred points of luck, which was too little.

And he still needs to use the technique of fate calamity to completely erase its mark. This in and out means that he has not gained luck.

What made him shake his head even more was that the improvement brought by this king-level monster to his Heavenly Demon Devouring Nerve was almost negligible.

It can be said that it is basically impossible to rely on king-level monsters to break through.

"This kind of hunting is too wasteful, and the profits must be maximized."

There are eleven monsters and five king-level monsters. The benefits that the king-level monsters can bring to him are too low at the moment.

And if you want to increase your profits, apart from daily tasks, there seems to be only one way.

main mission!

"Many people in the forum have previously obtained the main mission of hunting monsters. Those tasks are somewhat similar to the missions of Wrath of the Demon Emperor, requiring players to hunt a certain number of monsters."

"If I can get one, even if I don't have daily tasks, I can still get demon power, and maybe I can get rewards like magical ancient treasures."

Most of the missions for hunting monsters are five-star, with rich rewards.

He had thought about triggering such a task before, but he had never succeeded.

It may be easy for ordinary players to trigger the main plot of hunting monsters, but it is a bit difficult for him. He has hunted so many monsters. If he could trigger it, he would have triggered it long ago.

"It seems that after exiting the game, you still need to search the forum to see where other people triggered the mission."

"If it really doesn't work, then we can only consider whether to use the main mission to copy the card."

Thoughts flashed through his mind, and Sunan had an idea.

He didn't quit the game immediately because he had other things to do before that.

His eyes looked towards Precognition.

There are still fifty-eight predictions for today, and now the time has reached nine o'clock in reality. The fifty-eight predictions are enough for him to predict the situation of entering the ancestral land of the demon clan in three days.

He wanted to see how he died in the ancestral land of the demon clan three days later.

Moreover, he came to Tian Juezhou to solve the hidden dangers of the Tianming Society, but now he has only achieved half of his goal.

Precognition begins.

[The devouring of many monsters has made your demon-devouring nerves go one step further, but you are not satisfied with this and plan to find more monsters to hunt. 】

[Three hours later, you came to Tianjue City, the largest ancient city of the human race in Tianjue Prefecture. You knew that a member of the King-level Demon God Palace was hiding here. 】

[Four hours later, you found the member and arrested him. After that, you did not leave immediately. Instead, you came to the Tiangong Pavilion in the city to buy demon scriptures and information about monsters. 】

[After spending ten drops of king-level blood essence, you purchased the demon scriptures corresponding to the four king-level ancient fairy bloods on your body, and at the same time learned about some places where monsters were suppressed. 】

[After screening, you have come up with the three places most likely to suppress the emperor-level monsters, namely Liujin River, Sealing Demon Lake and Bloodstone Mountain. 】

[You chose the Demon-Sealing Lake closest to you and left. Six hours later, you arrived at the Demon-Sealing Lake. After some searching, you successfully found the place of suppression. 】

[The magic circle is opened, but what makes you look ugly is that the monsters suppressed here are powerful and have the strength of the late emperor level. You did not take action rashly and escaped in the end. 】

[You continue to another place where the emperor-level monsters are suspected to be suppressed. Ten hours later, you come to Liujin Mountain. After some searching, you find the magic circle that suppresses the monsters again. 】

[The magic circle opened, and an early-stage emperor-level monster escaped from the trap. You did not hesitate to kill and devour it. Congratulations, your Demon Devouring Nerve has been improved to a certain extent. 】

[One day later, the selection of the Heavenly Demon Ceremony entered the last day. You did not hold anything back and won the first place with your strong strength, shocking all the demon clan. 】

[After enough accumulation, your Life Wheel Sutra is upgraded and enters the fourth level. You gain new abilities and can exchange for short-term good luck by consuming your luck. 】

[After a day and a half, you finally discovered that a huge causal line appeared on your body. You knew that a strong man from the Celestial Clan had taken action against you. 】

[You didn’t wait. As expected, you consumed all the demon’s luck and performed the fate calamity technique. All luck is consumed, but unfortunately, the causal line on your body has not disappeared. 】

"Isn't it enough?"

Even though she was prepared, Sunan's heart still sank.

Now he has two thousand points of available luck. In the prediction, he killed another emperor-level monster and gained another four hundred points of luck.

Moreover, when the mission is refreshed, he will definitely hunt down the Demon King and gain hundreds of points of luck. Although these predictions did not mention it, it is something that is bound to happen.

Putting them all together, he predicted that he would have three thousand points of luck when he used the technique of fate calamity.

After all the consumption of so much luck, it still failed to trigger the fate of the strong man of the Tian clan, which made Sunan a little helpless.

[The breakthrough of the Life Wheel Sutra gives you the confidence to resist the curse of the ancient ruins. You control your avatar and enter the depths of the ancient ruins. Following the roars that sometimes come from the depths of the ruins, you find a cave. 】

[You know, in this cave there are not only those outsiders called the Destiny Society that you are looking for, but also great terror, and those outsiders can release that great terror. 】

[You dare not be careless and decide to use the kaleidoscope to transform into one of the outsiders to investigate the situation. 】

[The plan went well. You quietly captured an outsider. After forcibly reading the other person's memory, you used a variety of methods to successfully blend into the ranks of those outsiders. 】

[You learned from the memory of that outsider that the existence in this cave is related to the former leader of the Ancient Desolate Sect, and it is suspected that it was caused by the resentment of becoming that leader. 】

[And after those outsiders failed once, they planned to use that resentment to cast a curse on you. You did not take action immediately, but waited silently, looking for a suitable opportunity. 】

[Two days later, the Heavenly Demon Palace will be opened. You and many qualified demon clans will enter the Heavenly Demon Palace and pay homage to the Heavenly Demon Stone Statue. 】

[During this process, some lucky people gained the power from the reliefs on the stone pillars in the hall and awakened their bloodline talents. 】

[After the worship is over, the ancestral land of the demon clan is opened, and you and more than a dozen qualified demon clan geniuses enter the ancestral land. 】

[You know that this time you may enter a dangerous place, so you decisively spend two hundred points of luck in exchange for short-term good luck. 】

[Affected by your good luck, you arrived at a burial ground. You found that there was no Nian Yao here and there was no danger. 】

[You try to dig in this bone burial ground to find any monster blood that may have been preserved. 】

[After two hours of digging, you get a skeleton containing a drop of the blood of a king-level ancient fairy, and a skeleton containing a drop of the blood of a king-level ancient fairy. 】

[Two and a half days later, deep in the ruins of the ancient wasteland, the altar for the outsiders was completed. The old man in charge took you deep into the cave, intending to lead the resentment left by the suspected leader of the ancient wasteland to the altar. 】

[When you come to the depths of the cave, you see a strange existence, which seems to be a collection, a collection made up of many souls. 】

[On that existence, there are faces full of resentment. Each face seems to be an independent existence, and the one who dominates those faces is a middle-aged face with his eyes tightly closed. 】

[You knew you couldn’t wait any longer and decided to let the avatar take action. However, before you could take action, you suddenly saw the middle-aged man suddenly open his eyes and look at you. 】

[The next moment, the eyes of all the faces on the body of the ancient desolate sect leader's resentment all look at you, with greed and desire revealed in the eyes that were originally filled with resentment. 】

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