I Secretly Develop Myself In The Demon World

Chapter 448 Anomalies in Tianhaiyuan

Silver light radiates from the space channel.

This blow was obviously specially prepared for Sunan, to kill Sunan in one blow.

Even with foreknowledge as a guarantee, Sunan did not dare to be careless. The power of the Great Sun Golden Body Sutra exploded, and when the Immortal Golden Body was used, his body turned golden again.

The silver light flashed and disappeared into Sunan's body in an instant.

Several emperor-level experts who had been severely injured and imprisoned in the Qiankun in the Sleeves suffered fatal blows in an instant. Four early-stage emperor-level experts died on the spot without any struggle.

Only the mid-level emperor and two emperor-level monsters survived, but these three were also seriously injured and dying at this time.

As the subject of the attack, Sunan suffered quite a lot of trauma. Fortunately, thanks to the power of blood rebirth from the third layer of the Great Sun Gold Body Meridian, his body recovered at an incredible speed.

"Blocked?" The remaining old man from the Heavenly Clan stared blankly at this scene, his eyes filled with disbelief.

For some reason, at this moment, he suddenly felt that Su Nan had known that this would happen.

Is the ability to predict good and bad fortunes really to this extent?

The old man was full of doubts, and after thinking about what happened to Sunan, he finally realized the problem.

"You, you seem to have known that something like this would happen!"

"Your ability is definitely not as simple as predicting misfortunes and blessings!" The old man stared at Sunan with a trembling voice.

Foreknowledge of misfortunes and blessings?

Su Nan was surprised at first, and then understood why the old man said this, and sneered: "Predicting misfortune? Who told you that I have the ability to predict misfortune?"

Knowing that the situation was over, the old man completely gave up his plan to continue killing Sunan, and immediately took out the ancient boat and fled through the air.

However, the next moment, the space seemed to be imprisoned, and Gu Zhou's speed of breaking through the space slowed down significantly.

Su Nan was a little surprised. He looked at Umbrella and saw the Sky Demon Bone Umbrella blooming with gleaming light in his hand. Obviously, this was Umbrella's handiwork.

Without any time to think about it, the Sunan Heavens moved around and arrived on the ancient boat in an instant. The Sea God Beads activated and bombarded him one after another under the horrified gaze of the old man.

After a while, the old man completely died, leaving behind the ancient boat.

At this moment, Sunan finally breathed a sigh of relief, looked at Gu Zhou beneath him, and tried to control it.

Without the old man's control, the ancient boat became ownerless. As power poured in, he quickly took control of the ancient boat.

With a thought in his heart, the ancient boat shrank, and in the blink of an eye it turned into a palm-sized model and landed in his hand.

[Boundary-breaking boat: an ancient treasure, an ancient treasure refined by the ancient human race, and later fell into the hands of the heavenly race. By consuming blood essence, you can drive this boat to shuttle in the void and travel across borders. 】

"It is indeed an ancient treasure!" Su Nan nodded, with joy in his eyes.

"Those people from the Celestial Clan can use this ancient boat to enter the divine world from the real world. I wonder if I can use this thing to return to reality?"

After entering this divine world, it seems that the only way to leave is through the portal formed by the treasure. If you enter reality through that portal, your strength may be suppressed.

He is a real person and may not be suppressed, but the portal can only be entered once a month, and he doesn't know when it will be opened next.

Now it would be nice if we could return to reality through this boundary-breaking boat.

Of course, if that doesn't work, he can only use the perfect death resurrection card.

Put away the ancient boat, force the drop of the Heavenly Clan's essence and blood out of the body, and stop maintaining the ever-changing changes.

Only then did I realize that the power in the essence and blood at this time was actually consumed by more than two-thirds!

"It's a pity that this drop of blood essence can only be used once."

Su Nan shook his head secretly, then looked at Xian'er and said, "Xian'er, how did you stop that old guy from escaping just now?"

Umbrella was a little confused. After thinking about it, he shook his head and said, "I don't know what happened. I saw the old guy running away just now, so I subconsciously wanted to stop him, but that's what happened."

"Subconsciously?" Su Nan's eyes showed a strange color.

The Heavenly Demon Bone Umbrella contains the Space Power of the Heavenly Demon. Just now, the umbrella clearly mobilized the power of space and used some kind of hidden ability of the Heavenly Demon Bone Umbrella.

But looking at this situation, it's obvious that Umbrella doesn't know how to use it, it's just instinctive.

"It seems that the Sky Demon Bone Umbrella has some unknown secrets!"

Sunan's thoughts swirled, and various possibilities flashed through his mind.

However, now is not the time to think about this.

Looking at the space channel again, he was ready to destroy it.

Without anyone to stop him, the next thing would be simple. Even if the space passage is protected by a magic circle, it is undoubtedly just a decoration.


Finally, more than ten minutes later, the magic circle that constructed the space channel was destroyed, and the space channel suddenly collapsed and was annihilated in the void.

After confirming that nothing was missing, he had the opportunity to look at the panel.

[Congratulations, you have hunted down a powerful person at the top of the Heavenly Clan’s Royal Level, and 60 points of demon power have been released. 】

[Congratulations, you have hunted down a king-level expert from the God Clan, and 60 points of demon power have been released. 】

[Congratulations, you have hunted down a peak emperor-level expert from the Heavenly Clan, and 60 points of demon power have been released. 】

[Congratulations, you have completed the daily task "Destroying the Space Celestial Clan Channel", and 60 points of demon power have been distributed. 】

[Currently available demon power: 585 points. 】

Continuous prompts popped up, a full 240 points of demon power had been received, and the available demon power was close to 600 points. Of course, among these demon powers, there was also Wang Nan's mission income.

"It's finally over. The next step is to find a way to see the so-called treasure and see if we can control it?"

Looking up into the void, it is noon in the game, and there is nothing else in the void except the big sun.

It's a pity that his power is exhausted now, otherwise he would really want to take a look in the void.

"Half of today's time has passed. Let's practice the Great Sun Golden Body Sutra first."

After leaving the top of the mountain, Sunan found a safe place, took out the formation plate that attracted the fire of the sun, and began to practice.

He didn't know that just when he was destroying the space channel, many strong men from the Celestial Clan were furious on the other side.

In the world where the Tian Clan is located, several old men looked at the broken magic circle with gloomy expressions.

"Damn ant, he has destroyed our Heavenly Clan's plans again and again. Do you really think that our Heavenly Clan has no way to kill him?"

"Strange, that kid seems to be able to find a perfect way to deal with our attacks every time. This ability is definitely not as simple as predicting blessings and disasters,"

Several saint-level ancestors of the Heavenly Clan were furious. In order to prevent accidents during this operation, they deliberately opened a space channel in the Divine Heaven Realm, but an accident still occurred.

Thinking back to what happened before, several ancestors finally realized the problem.

"Do you think that kid's ability will allow him to see the future?" Someone thought of a possibility.

Hearing this, several other people looked at each other and fell silent.

At this moment, they actually already had the answer in their hearts.

"There are countless possibilities in the future. It stands to reason that even predictions will not be too accurate, but that kid can find a way every time, so there is obviously a problem."

"Death! That kid must die. If such a person is our enemy, it might be a disaster for us."

After guessing Sunan's ability, at this moment, even if several people present were saint-level, they couldn't help but feel a sense of crisis in their hearts.

"What should we do? We have lost the boundary breaker. Even if we lock that world now, we no longer have the means to go to that world."

"Go find those guys from the God Clan. We, the Celestial Clan, can't handle all this kind of thing. Now it's time to let them take action."

Three hours later, Sunan ended his practice.

After spending three hundred points of demon power, the progress of the Great Sun Golden Body increased again by 11%, reaching 22%.

"At this rate, it will take seven days of practice and 2,100 points of demonic power to complete the Great Sun Golden Body Sutra."

Seven days is nothing, all he needs to worry about is the colorful Dendrobium.

"Seven days is enough for me to accumulate the incense wish power to use the incense prayer technique."

It is very difficult to rely on him to find the colorful dendrobium, and the only way to do it is to use the incense and prayer technique.

After looking at the time, it was already the beginning of a new day in reality. He stood up and exited the game.

in reality.

As soon as he exited the game, Su Nan suddenly felt something and his eyes lit up.

Somehow, he felt connected to many existences.

Soul Seed!

That is the connection between the divine soul seeds.

In two days, the soul seeds that had been planted into the souls of many demon kings had taken root and sprouted.

"Yes, at this rate, we will be able to initially control those monsters in two days."

The power of his soul far exceeds that of those demon kings. The demon kings have no ability to resist his soul seeds, and they naturally take root and sprout very quickly.

Ignoring the soul seeds, he went out to have breakfast, then returned to his residence and slept comfortably.

When he woke up, it was already noon in reality.

As usual, he took his mobile phone and logged into the forum to check the changes in the twelve states today.

"Another emperor-level demon in Yujuezhou tried to attack the saint-level, but ended up falling."

"It is rumored that the human saint-level powerhouse from the Dayu Dynasty in Dongchen Prefecture used an unknown secret method to pass on the breakthrough method to other emperor-level peak powerhouses in the twelve states."

"The second ancestor of the Qianliu family of the Huang Juezhou human race seemed to have obtained the method and tried to reach the saint level, but ended up falling."

With the appearance of two demon saints from the demon race and a saint from the human race, the news spread throughout the twelve states. The other emperors were no longer calm and wanted to attack the saint level.

This time, one demon and one person attacked the holy level, but unfortunately, they all failed.

This is normal. It does not mean that today's spiritual intelligence is enough to make a breakthrough. The possibility of failure is very high.

As for the person from the Dayu Dynasty who announced a breakthrough method, this surprised Sunan, but it made sense after thinking about it.

Nowadays, the human race has only one saint, and is still at an absolute disadvantage when facing the monster race. The purpose of revealing the breakthrough method at this time is obviously to give the strong human race in other states a chance.

Although there may be many problems with the breakthrough method, it at least gives the human race experts in other states a glimmer of hope.

"I wonder what the method of breakthrough is?"

Su Nan was curious, but unfortunately, the one from the Daewoo Dynasty used some secret method to transmit the information, which ordinary people could not obtain at all.

"I am afraid that the failure of these two people will not stop others from continuing to try. There will definitely be more people trying one after another. I don't know how many people will fail and how many will succeed."

Continue browsing the forum.

Not long after, he saw news about the incarnation again.

As the top three players in the rankings, Avatar Wang Nan is a man of the hour no matter where he is and attracts everyone's attention.

Some players even want to invite Wang Nan to help them complete their tasks.

Sunan ignored it and continued to search for useful information in the forum. Not long after, a post from Dongchenzhou attracted his attention.

"Tianhaiyuan is indeed one of the forbidden areas in Dongchen State. It is too terrifying. He was still a hundred meters away from Tianhaiyuan, but he was killed by the power of Tianhaiyuan."

This post was posted yesterday. It is not very popular. It was posted by a player who wants to explore.

If it were other places, Sunan might not care, but Tianhaiyuan was the place where he entered the divine world, and he was immediately attracted to it.

"Strange, the danger in Tianhaiyuan is mainly within it. How could you be killed by Tianhaiyuan's power if you didn't enter Tianhaiyuan?"

Tianhaiyuan is a grand canyon, and the canyon is a natural barrier that blocks the power of space escaping deep in Tianhaiyuan.

It stands to reason that as long as you don't enter the canyon, there will be no danger. The player who posted the message is still a hundred meters away from Tianhaiyuan, so he should not be affected in any way.

Su Nan was surprised and subconsciously clicked on the post.

"Same as the original poster, I was still five hundred meters away from the Tianhaiyuan, but I was inexplicably killed by the power of the Tianhaiyuan. I wasted a chance to die."

"There is definitely something wrong in Tianhaiyuan. The place where I entered the game is near Tianhaiyuan. In the past, even if I entered Tianhaiyuan, as long as I didn't go deep, I would not encounter danger. Now, even if it is far away, something may go wrong. "

"Yes, I was also attacked. Tian Haiyuan's power seems to be spreading. I just saw with my own eyes that an unlucky guy was killed by the escaping power within one kilometer of Tian Haiyuan."

"The unlucky guy mentioned above is me..."

The post is not very popular, but many people have responded, and many of them have been within the latest half hour.

Looking at those contents, Sunan frowned.

"What's going on? Is it because of the space channel?" He immediately thought of the space channel.

If it is true as those players said, there must be a problem with the space rift in Tianhaiyuan, and the most likely cause of the problem is the space channel.

But looking at the time carefully, he shook his head again.

This post was posted yesterday, and yesterday the poster had a problem when he was a hundred meters away from Tianhaiyuan.

Now that one day has passed, the escaping space power of Tianhaiyuan has affected one kilometer away, which shows that the problem occurred at least yesterday.

"If it's not a space passage, what would happen?" Su Nan frowned slightly.

Tianhaiyuan is not another place. It involves him going to other states, so he has no choice but to not care.

And according to his previous speculation, it was very likely that the place was left intentionally by the powerful ancient human race. The last time he predicted it, he even encountered the auspicious beast Qinglong there. Now there is a change, and he doesn't know whether it is good or bad.

"It seems that we need to return as soon as possible and go to Tianhaiyuan to have a look."

Exiting the forum, he entered the game again.

This time he planned to try to see if he could get in touch with the treasure! (End of chapter)

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