I Secretly Develop Myself In The Demon World

Chapter 51 Exploring Nuanyuetan

"This map of Tianlang Valley seems simple. It can be drawn easily as long as you know the monsters here, but most people will definitely not draw such a thing."

"Furthermore, the wolf demon's collection of monster bones and animal skins is somewhat unusual. In addition, he also has a storage ring. Perhaps as Zhou Lingyin said, that wolf demon is not simple."

Looking at the old animal skin map in his hand, Sunan couldn't help but guess.

For some reason, he had a feeling that the wolf demon seemed to be looking for something.

The only circled location on the map is Nuanyue Lake, and there is undoubtedly a big problem here.

"The location of Nuanyuetan is far away from the Thousand Wolf Cave. If I had predicted it in the Thousand Wolf Cave, three minutes would not even be enough for me to reach my destination."

"I have to get close to Nuanyue Lake before I can predict it."

After thinking for a moment, Sunan decided to head towards Nuanyuetan.

The road leading to Nuanyuetan is narrow and rugged, and many places are covered with vines. Without a map, Sunan might not be able to find it.

Obviously, few monsters pass by this road on weekdays.

Sunan braced herself and was ready to quit the game at any time.

Fortunately, he didn't encounter any danger along the way, at least he didn't find anything obvious.

Six or seven minutes later, he stopped at a corner, where he could already hear the obvious sound of water flowing.

According to the position on the map, he is now very close to Nuanyuetan. He can reach his destination by walking forward for half a minute.

"Let's stop here." Without moving forward, Sunan began to predict here.

[You were attracted by the place circled in red on the old animal skin map and decided to go explore. You did not encounter any danger along the way and arrived at the location drawn on the map smoothly. 】

[As you think about it, this is indeed a pool formed by a waterfall. A small river extends downward from here, leading to nowhere. 】

[There are no wolf demons guarding this place, it looks like an ordinary pool of water. 】

[You searched along the pool, hoping to find something. However, after taking a few breaths, you found nothing. 】

[This seems to be an ordinary water pool. 】

"Just an ordinary pool?"

Sunan frowned, this was completely unexpected.

He thought this place would be some special place, maybe even a place guarded by monsters.

It turned out that there were no monsters guarding it, it was just an ordinary pool.

[You are unwilling to give in. You think that the only place marked on the map is definitely not ordinary. You continue to search, hoping to find any clues. 】

[You didn’t realize that while you were looking, a monster with a sharp mouth and monkey cheeks was secretly staring at you with hatred in its eyes. 】

[This is a spirit-level monster. He was injured by the wolf monster you pretended to be a year ago, so he holds a grudge and has been looking for opportunities to take revenge. 】

[Unfortunately, although they are both at the spirit level, the wolf demon is far stronger than him, so he has never been able to successfully take revenge. Until today, you failed to discover his existence at the first time and let him see the opportunity. 】

[Finally, the monster found the right time to sneak attack you, and suddenly attacked you from behind. 】

[You noticed the danger and wanted to dodge, but unfortunately your speed was too slow and you couldn't avoid the monster's attack. 】

[Your heart was ripped out from behind by a monster. 】

【you are dead. 】

"It is indeed the territory of monsters. Monsters can target you everywhere."

Since leaving Trapped Heaven Prison, I have had five predictions in total, and three of them were targeted by monsters.

This shows that although Tianlang Valley is the territory of the wolf monster, there are many other monsters in it.

Being targeted by those monsters will most likely lead to death.

"This prediction is not fruitless. The monster by the pool has been injured by the wolf monster and has always wanted revenge. This shows that the wolf monster may have been here more than once."

The Nuanyue Lake in the prediction was just an ordinary water pool, but the wolf demon's repeated arrivals made Sunan feel that this place was not simple.

He looked back at the predicted information carefully, trying to find any missing parts.

"What did I miss?"

Unfortunately, the preview only lasts for three minutes, which is still too short.

Even if there really was something in Nuanyuetan, he didn't have time to look for it.

If you can go to Nuanyue Lake in person, you might be able to discover something.

“Since it’s a pool, is there something wrong with the water?”

Su Nan suddenly thought of a possibility, and his eyes lit up.

This possibility is very high, the waterhole itself is the best place to hide things.

If there is a problem in Nuanyuetan, the most likely place where the problem is is in the pool itself!

Thinking of this, Sunan decided to predict it again.

The precognition time cooled down, and he started to predict again.

[You are attracted by the red circle on the old animal skin map and plan to find out. 】

[The destination you arrived at successfully, looking at this ordinary water pool, you realize that if there is a problem here, it is most likely in the water pool, and you plan to enter the water pool to find out. 】

[However, before you can take action, a monster suddenly attacks you from behind. 】

[You were prepared to dodge immediately, but unfortunately, your speed was still too slow and you were unable to avoid the monster's attack. 】

[Your lower back was hit hard by a monster. 】

"Does this monster like to attack from behind so much?" Su Nan frowned.

Although the monster by the pool was not as good as the wolf monster, it was still at the spirit level. This alone was not something he could deal with.

The key thing is that the monster likes to attack from behind, which makes him don't know how to start.

[The monster failed to kill you with one blow, and immediately attacked you again. At the critical moment, you barely escaped by jumping into the pool. 】

[You endured the discomfort and dived into the water. The pool was so deep that you couldn't see the bottom. 】

[You struggled to swim downstream, not noticing that your blood spread in the pool, and the smell of blood attracted a large number of fish with sharp fangs. 】

[This is a type of fish called scavenger fish. They gather more and more, and finally attack you when their numbers reach a certain level. 】

[You fight back desperately in the water, but it has no effect. Instead, as the blood flows out, it arouses the excitement of the scavenging fish even more. 】

【Been eaten. 】

[Before you die, you finally see a large number of bones exposed in the mud at the bottom of the pool. 】

"Been eaten by a fish?"

Instead of being killed by the monster, he was eaten by a fish. Sunan felt that the world was deeply malicious to him.

Fortunately, this time he had something new to gain.

There are a large number of skeletons under the pool, which coincides with the collection of demon bones by the wolf demon.

Perhaps the wolf demon's demon bones came from here.

"I'm sure there's something wrong with Nuanyuetan, but I can't see anything beneficial to me at the moment."

Sunan left.

After running out of predictions twice, he didn't get much useful information. He didn't plan to waste time here anymore.

When the number of predictions is refreshed, he plans to visit two other places. He wants to find a way out of the Sirius Valley as soon as possible.

Sunan did not return to Thousand Wolf Cave, but headed towards Trapped Heaven Prison.

The wolf demon's job is to patrol the first floor of the Trapped Heaven Prison. If he wants to continue pretending, he cannot lose his job.

Returning to Trapped Sky Prison was very smooth.

What he didn't expect was that at this moment, several monsters in armor, grabbing more than a dozen humans, came from the road leading to the top of the canyon.

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