I Secretly Develop Myself In The Demon World

Chapter 78 Explore the mysterious cave again

[Congratulations, the daily task "Hunting a mortal alien visitor" has been completed, and 1 point of demon power has been distributed. 】

[Congratulations, the daily mission "Hunting 10 Mortal Level Extraterrestrial Visitors" has been completed, and 5 points of demon power have been distributed. 】

[Currently available demon power: 21 points]

Lang Shisan completed two of his three daily tasks at once.

In addition to the two monsters that were killed just now, as well as the previous wolf monster guard, five of the nine daily tasks for the three characters have been completed.

It's a pity that the player who has mastered the Demon Sutra is not among the top 100. Otherwise, he could still complete a mission.

"Although it is also a mission to kill players, killing a player can only be counted as one mission."

When he started to kill three players, he discovered that after the three players died, one of the places was counted for the first task, and the remaining two places were counted for the second task.

This resulted in two missions not being completed until he killed the sixth player.

Fortunately, players killed in daily missions are also counted in the main mission.

In the main mission, it has been shown that he has hunted 16 players. As long as he hunts 14 more ordinary players and one player with luck in the top 100, the three-star mission will be completed.

But there is a premise for this, players who hunt repeatedly can also be counted, otherwise he will have nothing to do.

"If you want to upgrade the Sirius Sutra to perfection, you still need 24 points of demon power. Now you only have 21 points of demon power, which is still a little bit behind. Let's keep it for now and see if we can complete another task."

Of the nine daily tasks, there are now only four tasks left: "Explore the Wolf King's Palace", "Explore the Mysterious Cave", "Hunt a Spirit Level Monster" and "Hunt an Extraterrestrial Visitor with the top 100 luck".

Among them, the two tasks "Exploring the Wolf King's Palace" and "Hunting an extraterrestrial visitor with top 100 luck" are temporarily unavailable.

The former is too dangerous and can only be left until the end, while the latter has no target for him to kill.

In the end, he chose the mission of "hunting a spiritual monster".

"Before, with my four bloodlines fully developed, I was barely able to fight against that monster by the Nuanyue Pond."

"Now that I have perfected the five demon sutras, I have even obtained a dagger to restrain the demon. I think I should be able to kill the demon."

Su Nan left the Trapped Heaven Prison, switched his character to Zhang Yang, and headed straight for Nuanyuetan.

More than ten minutes later, he came to the corner again.

Different from the previous times, this time he did not stop to predict, but went straight towards Nuanyuetan.

He is confident in his current strength.

Different from the previous predictions, in the previous predictions, he only knew that there was a monster near Nuanyue Lake, but he was unable to actively discover the monster.

This time, as soon as he arrived at the edge of the pool, he immediately noticed eyes watching him.

"This is the effect of the power of the soul!" Su Nan understood clearly.

The power of the soul greatly increased his perception. Even without his eyes, he could still detect abnormalities around him.

A few minutes later.

In front of Sunan was the corpse of a monster.

"As expected of a spirit-level monster, it's really hard to kill!" Su Nan gasped.

With the help of five kinds of Dzogchen Demon Sutras, he finally gained the upper hand, but he was still a little short of killing the monster. In the end, he still used the beast bone dagger to kill the monster.

[Congratulations, you have completed the daily task "Hunting a Monster", and 15 points of monster power have been distributed. 】

[Currently available demon power: 36 points. 】

"This is enough to elevate the Sirius Sutra to Dzogchen."

Switching roles, he directly chose promotion.

Spend 8 points of demon power to upgrade to Dacheng.

Spend 16 points of demon power to reach perfection.

Spend 10 points of demonic power to upgrade to the Great Perfection and awaken bloodline combat skills.

There are 2 points of available demon power left!

From the moment he obtained the bloodline of Sirius, in just ten or twenty minutes, he had already upgraded this demon sutra to the Great Perfection, which was extremely fast!

The bloodline combat skills were used, and the invisible tentacles were waved like spears, and their power was more than twice as powerful as before.

"If I had this ability just now, I wouldn't have wasted an opportunity to use the beast dagger." Feeling the change in soul power, Su Nan was in a good mood.

Now that he has mastered the 6 types of demon sutras, if other players knew about it, they would probably be shocked!

[Congratulations on awakening a bloodline combat skill, please name this combat skill. 】

"Soul Spear!"

[The bloodline combat skill has been successfully named. Congratulations on completely raising a demon sutra to the Great Perfection and initially possessing the ability to survive in this world. 】

[Your talent of predicting the future has been strengthened, and the number of daily uses will be increased by 1. 】

The number of predictions increased again, reaching as many as 9 times.

Opening the ranking list, the ranking of the character Lang Shisan has reached one hundred and twenty-second.

One step closer to achieving his goal of being in the top three in three roles.

"There should be blood essence in this monster's corpse, but unfortunately I don't know how to get it out."

"It seems that after quitting the game, I have to search for a solution in the forum. If it doesn't work, I'll ask Zhou Lingyin." Looking at the corpse of the monster in front of him, Su Nan did not waste any time and took it into his personal space.

This was the first time he had killed a monster outside Trapped Heaven Prison.

In the Trapped Heaven Prison, after the monster dies, all its bloodline power will be drained by the Trapped Heaven Prison. This means that even if he kills a large number of monsters, he will not leave a single useful corpse.

He also tried to use the method he used to deal with the iron ape monster, threatening the monster with death to actively force the monster to drain blood, but unfortunately, not every monster is greedy for life and afraid of death.

After being severely injured by him, the monster only had hatred for him and wanted to eat him alive, so how could it easily give him blood and essence.

Putting away the monster's body, Sunan did not leave, but looked at the waterfall not far away.

The entrance to the mysterious cave is under the waterfall.

"Now that I have mastered the six demon sutras, the demons in the cave should not be able to kill me instantly. Maybe I can see what those demons look like."

Thinking of this, Sunan did not hesitate to use a precognition opportunity.

[You have come to Nuanyue Lake again and want to continue exploring the mysterious cave under Nuanyue Lake. 】

[After a few breaths, you arrive at the first fork in the cave. 】

[You carefully observe the situation at each cave entrance and find that there are relatively more monster skeletons in the second cave entrance on the left. You choose to enter this cave]

[The cave is winding and winding, and you don’t know where it leads. You hold the bone dagger in your hand and walk forward carefully, ready to take action at any time. 】

[You find that the deeper you go into the cave, the more bones there are in the cave and the wider the cave becomes. 】

[Half a minute later, a second forked cave entrance appears in front of you. There are two forked roads. After careful observation, you choose the cave on the left like last time. 】

[This cave is wider, and there are more and more bones in the cave. After walking for another half minute, a third branch entrance appears in front of you. There are three branch caves here. 】

[You remember that you were attacked by a monster here last time. You braced yourself, and after observing the number of bones in the three forked caves, you chose the one with relatively more bones in the middle. 】

[You are very lucky. You did not encounter a monster this time. You continue to move forward. After a dozen breaths, you come to the entrance of the fourth forked cave. There are also only two forked caves here. 】

[At this moment, you suddenly noticed that something was approaching you quickly. You reacted quickly and decisively used the bloodline combat skills Soul Spear and Thunder Snake Technique to attack the monster at the same time. 】

[Under attack, the speed of the monster paused slightly. With this opportunity, you finally saw the appearance of the monster's head. 】

[The monster's head has no hair, and its pale skin is like a dead face. Under the skin, there are bulges of different sizes, like a toad. 】

[You only had time to take a quick look. Before you could take action again, the monster had already arrived in front of you. 】

【you are dead. 】

"Just a little bit! As long as my strength goes further, I can almost see what the monster looks like."

"The power of my soul is still too weak. It would be great if I could fuse another bloodline that can control the power of the soul."

This time, he could already see the appearance of the monster's head. Next time, as long as he could make the monster pause longer, he would have a chance to see the monster's appearance clearly.

After taking a deep look at the pool, Sunan turned and left.

Now it's time to explore the Demon King's Palace!

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