I Secretly Develop Myself In The Demon World

Chapter 82 The Princess’s Boudoir (2 in 1)

Sunan's expression was solemn, and his nerves, which had been slightly relaxed due to several successful predictions, became tense again.

The memory was read, which is scary to think about.

Fortunately, this kind of thing rarely happens in reality.

In the prediction, he would not exit the game, nor would he use anything related to the game panel, but in reality he could use the opportunity of unlimited exit to exit.

"This Wolf Palace is really not as simple as it seems."

Sunan was not surprised when the old man saw through the magic of transformation. Instead, he felt that this was a normal situation.

It would be abnormal if he could enter the six palaces at will by using the magic of transformation.

"It's difficult now. With the old man here, I can't enter the palace at all. Even if the bronze bell is really inside, I can't do anything."

After running out of six prediction opportunities, Sunan was in a dilemma, not knowing what to do.

The Wolf King's Palace is not a place where he can come and leave whenever he wants. Even if he wants to leave now, it will be very difficult.

You must know that there are monsters outside the palace who can see through his transformation skills. Even if he transforms into a princess, he will basically not be able to succeed.

"Now I can only hope that the bronze bell will not be in the treasure house, but in the princess's palace." Su Nan's eyes showed hope.

Apart from the sixth palace, there was only the eldest princess's bedroom that he did not explore in full.

Although it is unlikely that the bronze bell is stored in the princess's palace, it is not impossible.

He could only pray that the bronze bell was no longer in the treasure house.

It is already eleven o'clock in the evening, and there is less than an hour until the prediction number is refreshed.

Sunan did not quit the game, but hid in the corner and waited quietly.

time flies.

Soon, midnight arrived.

The number of predictions and daily tasks are refreshed at the same time.

Sunan took the lead in looking at daily tasks.

Compared with yesterday, Lang Shisan's mission has not changed at all, the same three missions to hunt players.

Zhang Yang's mission did not change at all, not because he hunted a spirit-level monster.

There is one mission to hunt down mortal monsters and one mission to hunt down spiritual monsters, and the remaining one is to explore the mysterious cave.

On the contrary, Wang Nan's mission changed.

Today, in addition to the tasks of hunting mortal monsters and exploring the Wolf King's Palace, there is a new task.

[Daily Task 3: Escape from the Wolf King’s Palace]

Mission Difficulty: Three Stars

Mission reward: 15 points of demon power.

This turned out to be a mission corresponding to exploring the Wolf King's Palace.

However, compared to exploration, the escape mission level is one level lower, only three stars.

"It's a pity that I can't even complete a single task here."

Three characters and nine tasks. If he was still in Tianlang Valley, he could complete at least 2 of them, but in this Wolf King's Palace, he had no chance.

Sunan was helpless, but there was nothing she could do.

By choosing to enter the Wolf King's Palace, he was already prepared to face this situation.

"Nine prediction opportunities, as long as the eldest princess is not in the palace, I still have a chance to enter the inner room!"

He was ready to fight in the eldest princess's palace, because he had no other choice.


[You transform into the eldest princess of the Sirius tribe and enter the palace, and go straight to the eldest princess's boudoir. 】

[Stepping into the eldest princess’s boudoir again, you immediately cheer up and explore carefully. 】

[There are not too many items in the outer room of the boudoir, only a few pots of unknown flowers blooming proudly, and their faint fragrance fills the whole room. 】

[You came to the side of the screen that separated the inner and outer chambers, and did not move forward. You knew that if you continued to move forward, you would encounter something unexpected. 】

[You looked into the inner room, trying to see clearly what was going on in the inner room. To your surprise, you saw a sliver of red. 】

[In the front of the inner room, there is a large red carved wooden bed placed against the wall. The red curtain falls, hiding everything on the bed. 】

[With the bed as the center, a red dress hangs on a red clothes hanger on the left, and a pot of unknown red flowers is also placed on the flower table on the right. 】

[Not far away, a red dressing table is also placed against the wall. 】

[Not far from the dressing table, there is a red wooden cabinet as tall as one person. The two cabinet doors are closed tightly. I don’t know what is inside. 】

"This princess really loves the color red." Su Nan sighed.

The red bed, red curtains, red hangers, red dressing table, red dresses, red wooden cabinets, everything was red, giving Sunan the illusion of entering a woman's wedding room.

But other than that, this dormitory seemed very ordinary. If he didn't know that this was the princess's room, he would even think that it was the boudoir of an ordinary human woman.

[Glancing over it, you didn’t see what you wanted. You focused on the tall red wooden cabinet. 】

[Do you think that if the bronze bell is in this palace, it is most likely stored there. 】

[After carefully observing the situation in the room, you confirmed that there was no danger in the room, and finally couldn't bear it anymore and tried to enter the inner room. 】

【you are dead. 】

The second time he died, Sunan was not disappointed.

At least this time, he was sure that the eldest princess of the Sirius clan was not in the palace.

"You will die if you enter the inner room. What is the problem?" Su Nan carefully read the predicted information over and over again, but still found nothing.

Helplessly, he could only continue to predict when the cooldown time for prediction ended.

[You are here again in the boudoir of the eldest princess of the Sirius clan. 】

[This time you have no intention of entering the inner room, but exploring the outer room. 】

[You look at every item carefully, even the flowers on the flower table. 】

[However, after working for two minutes, you still haven’t gained anything. 】

[Finally your eyes fall on the screen that separates the inner room from the outer room. 】

[Coming to the screen, you touch the screen and check the material of the screen. 】

【you are dead】

"What's going on? Why did he die without entering the inner room?"

"It seems that the existence that killed me in that instant was not in the inner room, but in the outer room!"

"Is that the screen?"

In an instant, several thoughts flashed through Sunan's mind.

In the prediction, he died while looking at the screen at the end, so the answer is obvious.

Sunan breathed a sigh of relief, as long as he knew where the problem was, it would be easier to solve.

The precognition cooldown time was over, and he immediately started the third precognition today.

[You enter the eldest princess's boudoir again and come to the screen that separates the inner and outer rooms. 】

[You know, there is something wrong with this screen. 】

[If you look closely at the screen, you will find that the frame of the screen is dark black as a whole and the screen is made of ordinary white paper without any patterns on it. It does not look strange. 】

[You are sure there is something wrong with this screen, so you haven’t given up on research. Suddenly, you realize that there are a pair of eyes looking at you vaguely on the screen! 】

[You try to touch the screen again and you die. 】

"There really is something wrong with the screen."

In addition to yesterday's prediction, I predicted it four times and finally determined the source of the problem.

"A seemingly ordinary screen can kill me several times instantly. What on earth is this?" Sunan looked solemn.

The screen was obviously a treasure, but it was an extremely dangerous treasure. It was most likely used by the princess to prevent anyone from entering her dormitory.

"What will happen if I destroy the screen?" A bold idea came to Su Nan's mind.

The screen surface is made of paper, so it should be able to be destroyed.

[Come to the dormitory again and look at the screen that blocks you from entering the inner room. You plan to try to destroy it. 】

[You use the bloodline combat skill Earth-Shattering Fist and gather all your strength to hit the screen hard. 】

【you are dead. 】

There was no sign of death again, and Sunan couldn't sit still.

In the previous predictions, even if there was no resistance to death, I could still know how I died.

But facing this screen, he had no idea what method the screen used to kill him.

"Can't this screen be touched?" He thought of the previous two predictions.

The first time he tried to study the screen he died, the second time he tried to touch it he also died, this time he hit the screen and died again.

All three deaths have one thing in common, he touched the screen.

Sunan's eyes lit up, but then he thought of the death situation at the beginning, and added a little more to himself.

"You can't go behind the screen either!"

In the first two predictions, he died after trying to enter the inner room through the screen. At that time, he happened to be behind the screen.

Thinking of this, he immediately couldn't wait to start predicting again.

[Successive failures make you realize that the screen may not be touched. This time you try to stand five steps away. 】

[You have not reserved the bloodline combat skill Fire Bird Technique of the Flame Sutra to attack the screen. 】

[The firebird flew and emitted scorching heat, but when it landed on the screen, it did not set it alight. 】

[Unwilling to give in, you continue to use the Razer Technique to attack the screen. The lightning explodes, but the screen remains unscathed. 】

[You did not give up and instead used the spear concentrated with the power of the soul to attack. 】

[To your surprise, the spear condensed with the power of your soul pierced the screen, and you heard a vague scream. 】

[You immediately realize that the power of the soul can restrain the screen. 】

"The power of the soul is useful!" Su Nan was surprised.

After working hard for so long, he finally found a way to deal with the screen.

It's a good thing that he has several abilities that he can try one by one, otherwise he really wouldn't be able to do anything with this screen today.

[You continue to control the power of the soul to launch attacks. As you continue to attack, a human face slowly appears on the blank screen. 】

[The person's face looks painful, with fear on his face, and a look of begging for mercy in his eyes. 】

[You want to continue the attack, but find that there is not much power left in the soul, so you have no choice but to stop the attack and try to walk towards the inner room. 】

[This time the screen did not stop you, and you successfully entered the inner room. 】

"Successful!" Su Nan was overjoyed. He predicted five times in a row and finally saw the results.

The foreknowledge is not over, it is still going on.

[When you come to the inner room, you go straight to the wooden cabinet next to the dressing table. 】

[The red cabinet has no lock, you can open it easily. 】

[You are surprised to find that the cabinet does not contain the various treasures you imagined, but only a passage leading underground. 】

[Congratulations, you have discovered a mysterious passage. 】

"Where does this passage lead to?"

Su Nan was surprised. He never thought that there would be such a place in the princess's palace.

[You don’t know that just when you opened the cabinet door, the princess was already back. 】

[You enter the passage and keep going down the steps. 】

[The passage is very long, I don’t know where it leads. 】

The prediction is here, and the three minutes are over.

"The Grand Princess is coming back!" Sunan's expression changed.

Just in case, he decided to quit the game.

However, what made him look ugly was that he couldn't quit!

[You are currently in a dangerous environment and cannot exit the game temporarily. Forced exit will have unknown consequences. Please choose a safe location to exit. 】

"It shouldn't be. The eldest princess hasn't come yet, and I haven't been discovered by the monster. Logically speaking, I should be in a safe environment now."

"Is it possible that in the game's judgment, the entire Wolf King's Palace is considered a dangerous environment?"

Su Nan was surprised that the last time he was in a special situation, he used the unlimited exit opportunity to exit the game and did not notice this problem.

He had no choice but to bite the bullet and quickly enter the palace.

He could only try to enter that passage now.

He has not completed any daily tasks today, but there is no unlimited opportunity to exit the game. If he is discovered by the eldest princess, he will really die.

Two minutes later.

He was already standing in front of the red cabinet that was as tall as one person.

The cabinet door opened, and a dark passage extending downward appeared in front of him.

Without any time to think, he began to predict and quickly entered the passage, not forgetting to close the cabinet door after entering.

But Sunan didn't know that it was completely unnecessary for him to do this.

Just a dozen breaths after he entered the passage, the eldest princess of the Sirius clan had returned to the palace.

As soon as she entered the palace, the eldest princess couldn't help but frown.

When she saw the damaged screen, her expression darkened. She still didn't understand that someone had entered her room.

in the channel.

Sunan ran quickly along the stairs while looking at the predicted content on the panel.

[You enter an unknown passage. This passage is very long and you don’t know where it leads. 】

[You run quickly. Half a minute later, you still haven't reached the end of the passage. 】

[You don’t know that the eldest princess of the Sirius clan has discovered your infiltration and is quickly chasing you. 】

[After three breaths, you are caught up and caught. 】

[The eldest princess of the Sirius tribe is very angry at your behavior of sneaking into her palace. 】

【you are dead! 】

Is the eldest princess chasing you? Su Nan's heart sank, what happened!

I have been writing this book for a month and a half, and it is not far away from being published.

The writing is very poor, and the results are hard to describe, but there are still many book friends who follow it every day, vote for it, and even reward it. Thank you very much.

In the new year, I wish all book friends a happy Year of the Rabbit.

I hope that in the new year, everyone will be in good health, everything will go well, and I hope you will make a fortune in the Year of the Rabbit.

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