I Secretly Develop Myself In The Demon World

Chapter 94: Dangerous places everywhere

"A place of great danger?" Su Nan was shocked. Not only was he not afraid, but he was interested.

He immediately asked: "Old man, what's unusual about Rich Master Li's house?"

"Young man, that's not a place you can go. Please leave quickly." The old woman didn't want to continue this topic, so she waved her hand and turned around to leave.

Sunan was not going to give up. This was a good opportunity to find out information and he couldn't miss it like this.

"Old man, let me tell you the truth, I am a warrior."

"Martial artist?" The old woman was surprised. She stopped and turned around to look at Sunan up and down again, as if hesitating whether to say anything.

Su Nan took this opportunity and continued: "Old man, actually those people more than ten days ago were my friends. I really came looking for them. Even if you didn't tell me, I would go find them."

"It turned out to be your friend. What a shame."

The old woman sighed, hesitated for a moment and then said: "There is a demon there!"

"Monster!" Su Nan had a strange expression on his face, but he secretly thought as expected.

In this world, if there is danger, it is basically related to monsters.

"The rich man Li's family was not wealthy twenty years ago. It could even be said that the family was living in poverty. Naturally, they were unable to move out."

"Just ten years ago, Rich Man Li acquired a large amount of property from nowhere. Since then, he has become richer and richer, and soon became the richest family in Baishui Town. Everyone also calls him Rich Man Li. "

"It doesn't matter if it's just like this. Just three years ago, a strange thing suddenly happened at Rich Master Li's house. His younger servants disappeared one after another."

"Everyone suspected that there was a demon, so Rich Man Li posted a notice and hired warriors to eliminate the demon at a high price. However, every warrior who wanted to eliminate the demon never came back."

After listening to the old woman's description, Sunan looked solemn.

If it only makes ordinary people disappear, it means that the monster is not very powerful. It may be able to make several warriors disappear in succession, which is extraordinary.

"Young man, I'm afraid those friends of yours have already become the monster's prey. I advise you to go back and forth from wherever you are, and don't risk your life in vain." The old woman said earnestly.

"Don't worry, old man, I have my own sense of discretion." Sunan nodded.

Turn around and leave.

At this time, he thought of something again, and he paused and said, "By the way, old man, are there any other dangerous places in this town?"

In reality, it is already past ten o'clock, and there are still two hours before the mission is refreshed. I will definitely not return to Tianlang Valley today.

As a result, tasks related to Baishui Town will inevitably be refreshed after twelve o'clock. Find out now so that you can take action when the time comes.

The old woman thought for a moment and said, "There are a few dangerous places."

"In the Digong Temple in the south of the town, there have been monsters doing evil there more than 20 years ago. Later, the people in the town moved away, but there is almost no news of monsters appearing again."

"You can't go to the Baishui River in the west of the town. Legend has it that there is a very scary monster in the river!"

"There is also the Chen Family Ancestral Hall in the north of the town. Although no monsters have been heard of appearing there, it is also very evil. People often hear voices and laughter in the middle of the night."

"Di Gong Temple, Baishui River, Chen Family Ancestral Hall." Su Nan secretly wrote down a few places.

Coupled with the rich man Li's house, there are four places where monsters may exist in Baishui Town.

Sunan was not surprised. Monsters were rampant in this world. It would be extremely abnormal for such a big town to have no monsters.

After bidding farewell to the old woman, Sunan headed east of the town.

There are still four prediction opportunities today, so we can't waste them.

He planned to go to a few places to explore and roughly understand the possible dangers in several places.

"In a few places, only Rich Master Li's family still has people alive. Logically speaking, it should be a relatively safe place."

"But there are only two possibilities for several batches of warriors to disappear there. Either those warriors are really half-baked, or the monster is really too powerful!"

As he walked east along the street, he analyzed it secretly.

Of the two possibilities, he preferred the first one. After all, there would be no powerful warriors coming to a place like Baishui Town.

Besides, if the monster is really too powerful, it won't just be as simple as disappearing a few warriors.

"The players will not really die. Since those players went to Rich Master Li's house and never came out, they are most likely trapped somewhere."

Sunan kept going east and asked passers-by several times before finally arriving in front of a relatively luxurious compound.

The red-painted door was closed, and a yellow notice was posted on the door.

Sunan didn't predict it immediately, but walked up and knocked on the door.

Mr. Li's house is very large and inhabited.

Before knowing the location of the monster, three minutes of prediction will have no effect at all.

The prediction time is too short.

Bang bang bang...

Sunan knocked for a long time before the sound of hurried footsteps came from the yard.

With a creak, the door was opened from the inside through a palm-wide gap, and an old man with white hair and a stooped body appeared in front of Sunan.

"You are..." The old man looked Sunan up and down with surprise in his eyes.

"Old man, I was passing by and saw the notice you posted. I wonder what happened to your house?"

Sunan pointed to the notice on the door and asked knowingly.

The old man was stunned for a moment, then said with great joy: "Are you a warrior?"

Sunan nodded.

Seeing this, the old man immediately opened the door and said, "Master, please come in quickly. I will take you to see my master right now."

Sunan followed the old man into the compound.

The mansion of Rich Master Li is very large, but unfortunately it seems lifeless because there are not many servants.

The old man took Sunan to a hall and said, "Sir, please wait here while I go and report to the master."

With that said, he turned and left, leaving Sunan waiting alone.

Soon, a fat old man in his early sixties walked over quickly. Seeing Sunan's appearance, his eyes lit up with joy: "Young master, are you going to help me get rid of the demon in Li Mansion?"

Su Nan didn't waste any time and went directly to the topic: "I wonder what exactly happened in your house?"

"The matter started from three years ago..." Rich Man Li told the matter from beginning to end again.

Basically what the old woman selling tea said before, Su Nan listened silently and asked directly: "Why don't you move out of here when something like this happens?"

"It's not that I don't want to move, it's just that I can't move. The nearest town to Baishui Town is thirty miles away. With the ability of old bones like us, how can we walk that far? If we encounter a monster on the road, we will basically die." Li The rich man sighed.

Sunan nodded and continued: "Has anyone gone missing recently?"

Rich Man Li shook his head and said, "Not recently."

"No?" Su Nan frowned.

The old woman said before that several players disappeared after entering Rich Master Li's house more than ten days ago. This is different from what Rich Master Li said.

has a problem.

Su Nan's face darkened and she said, "Mr. Li, I heard before I came here that several young people about my age came to your place more than ten days ago, but they also disappeared later."

Rich Man Li was stunned and said with a wry smile: "Young master, you don't know something. Five young people did come more than ten days ago, but those few people searched my house but found nothing, and finally left by themselves."

"Leaved?" Su Nan was a little doubtful.

Rich Man Li continued: "Young master, you should see that the monster is only interested in young people. After being tormented by that monster, there is no young person in my house anymore. The youngest servant is already in his fifties." .”

"The last time someone went missing was a month ago."

"A month ago, I took in a concubine, but the next morning, the concubine disappeared."

Su Nan nodded and said, "I wonder where that concubine disappeared? Can you take me to have a look."

"Of course it's okay. Master, please come with me."

Rich Man Li led the way, and after a while he arrived at a room in the backyard.

This was Rich Man Li's new house, and it was very festively decorated. He has not lived here since the concubine disappeared.

Sunan took a general look and found nothing special.

Helpless, he had no choice but to start predicting.

I hope to find something different in the prediction.

[A month ago, Rich Man Li’s concubine disappeared in this room. You suspect that she was taken away by a monster and want to find clues about the disappearance of the concubine in the room]

[You come to the bedside to look for it, and find a pair of rusty scissors under the pillow at the head of the bed. 】

[The scissors are very ordinary, nothing special. You come to the dressing table not far away to look for them. 】

[Two minutes later, you have basically searched the room, but you haven’t found anything special. 】

[You are unwilling to give in and search again, but still find nothing. 】

[You realize that if you want to find monsters, you may only have a chance at night. 】

The foreknowledge ends with nothing gained.

Sunan sighed and had no choice but to say goodbye to Mr. Li, agreeing to come back in the evening.

He didn't have the ability to find monsters. If the monster couldn't hide, there was nothing he could do.

"Sir, this is my wish. As long as you can get rid of that monster in my Li Mansion, I will be rewarded generously."

Before leaving, Rich Man Li quickly took out a handful of things from his body as if he was afraid that Sunan would not come at night.

They were several pieces of broken silver of different sizes.

"This world actually uses silver as currency." Sunan was surprised.

After thinking about it, he accepted it.

Will definitely use it in the future.

After leaving Mr. Li's house, Sunan went straight to the Digong Temple in the south.

Digong Temple is not in Baishui Town, but about a mile outside the city.

Sunan searched for more than ten minutes before finally seeing a building that was not too big.

Due to its age and disrepair, the Digong Temple appears dilapidated and surrounded by weeds half as tall as a person.

Su Nan had no intention of going in. He stood a hundred meters away from the Digong Temple and started to predict.

[You come to the abandoned Digong Temple outside Baishui Town. It was once a prosperous place with an endless stream of pilgrims. Unfortunately, the arrival of a monster completely changed the place. 】

[When you enter the temple, you immediately notice a huge stone statue placed on a square stone platform that is one person high. Because it has not been taken care of for a long time, the stone statue is covered with dust. 】

[Searching in the Digong Temple, you find that this Digong Temple has been abandoned for more than 20 years, but there are no traces of the activities of birds and animals. Other than that, there is nothing special about it. 】

[A minute later, you searched the Digong Temple carefully, but found nothing, as if this was an ordinary Digong Temple. 】

[You were about to give up, but at this moment, your luck came into play, and you suddenly discovered that one side of the boulder placed under the stone statue was uneven and different from the other sides, as if it had been repaired later. 】

"Luck has worked." Sunan was delighted, with anticipation in his eyes.

Last time, luck worked and allowed him to complete the task of exploring the mysterious cave. He didn't know what he would gain this time.

[You punch the side of the boulder, and suddenly a hole leading to the ground appears in front of you. 】

[The entrance to the cave is not big, just big enough for one person to enter. You entered the cave without hesitation. 】

[After a few breaths, a small underground stone room appears in your eyes. In the center of the stone room, you see a corpse sitting cross-legged on a futon. 】

[I don’t know how long the corpse has been there, but it has long become a mummy with only skin and bones left. 】

[Just when you were about to step forward to inspect the mummy, you suddenly noticed something peering at you. 】

[You suddenly looked back towards the exit, but saw nothing. You were alert and ready to take action at any time. 】

[When you come to the mummy, you see a silver-white sword placed on the legs of the mummy. 】

"Long sword? This should be a treasure!" Su Nan's eyes lit up.

The ability of Tianyun allows him to obtain adventures. Since it is an adventure, it is impossible to give him an ordinary thing.

[You planned to pick up the long sword, but at this moment you sensed the danger approaching. 】

[You reacted quickly. When you punched behind you, the power of your soul turned into a spear and stabbed towards the target. 】

[I disappoint you. This is a spirit-level monster that focuses on speed. The power of your soul did not play a big role. The monster only paused for a very short time and easily avoided your attack. 】

[You quickly cast the Thunder Snake Technique and the Fire Bird Technique, hoping to hit the monster. However, the speed of the monster is much faster than you imagined. Only the Thunder Snake Technique can have a certain impact on it. 】

[The monster avoided most of your attacks and came to you in the blink of an eye. You took out the beast bone dagger and stabbed the monster, but it was also easily avoided. 】

【you are dead! 】

"Spirit-level monsters that focus on speed are a bit difficult to deal with now." Sunan looked solemn.

He had killed many spirit-level monsters, but most of them were beings with little strength left in the Trapped Heaven Prison.

Strictly speaking, he had only killed one spirit-level monster in its prime state by the Nuanyue Lake.

The wolf demon guards don't even count.

"I have a ferocious beast bone dagger. If I can use it successfully, it is possible to kill it."

"The problem is, the monster is too fast, and I have no chance to use the bone dagger!"

After staring at Digong Temple for a moment, Sunan turned and left.

The spirit-level monsters in the temple are not something he can deal with now, unless his soul power can be improved again.

Compared to Digong Temple, Baishuihe is much easier to find.

Far away, Sunan saw a river that was a hundred meters wide.

The river is rolling, I don’t know where it flows through this place, and I don’t know where it goes.

"Even if there is a monster in this place, I'm afraid it will be difficult to find." Sunan shook his head.

The river is too wide, so it is difficult to predict the harvest from just finding a place without knowing exactly where the monsters are.

After watching for a moment, he turned and left.

If you want to explore Baishui River, you can only wait until the mission is refreshed.

Sunan didn't notice that as soon as he left, a young man appeared on the river and looked in the direction he left.

"Visitors from outside the world?" the young man whispered, with a strange look in his eyes.

Leave the White Water River.

Su Nan rushed to the Chen Family Ancestral Hall without stopping.

What he didn't expect was that when he arrived at the Chen Ancestral Hall, he saw three young people standing in front of the ancestral hall and observing.


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