I See The Galaxy

Chapter 16: I see

Eight thirty-five.

Yu Xing took the glutinous rice cake packed from home and got off at the intersection near Lintian.

There is a row of convenience stores outside the campus, only one is still open, she walks there, checking her phone from time to time.

Tong Youjing is about to leave.

Yu Xing told her not to worry: [I just arrived, waiting for Senior Sheng Yi. You take your time. 】

The sidewalk is one step higher than the ground, and the lights of the car swayed, distractedly stepping on the edge, and Yu Xing's feet were crooked.

Subconsciously hold the packaged dim sum, fearing that it will fall into a pulp, the price is to kneel on the ground.


The pain was like an electric current, and it rushed up along the knee, and the pain was so painful that I took a breath of cold air.

Yu Xing slowed down for a long time, struggling to stand up.

At the knee, the thick black pantyhose was torn. It was a thin, small hole. It shouldn't crack more if you didn't support it.

Yu Xing tugged up and down, and the cracked place could not be seen for the time being.

The movement is no longer as smooth as before, and it is a little sluggish. When I asked at the convenience store, the band-aids were sold out, and the clerk was waiting for the morning shift. She was embarrassed, so she made a special trip to the warehouse for a band-aid, and waved her hand and said it was fine.

I bought water and paper towels, sat down in front of the store, and simply cleaned up a little blood that oozes from my knees.

Yu Xing sent Tong Youjing a WeChat voice: "Can you help me bring band-aids and sprays along the way?"

In less than ten seconds, Tong Youjing replied anxiously: "What's wrong? Where did you get hurt?"

She said: "It's nothing, I accidentally fell and broke my knee a little bit."

Tong Youjing couldn't hear it: "Then go take a look! I'll come and accompany you to the hospital right away!"

Yu Xing said it was fine: "Just bring me a Band-Aid and spray."

"Really okay?"


"Then I'll bring it to you!"

Yu Xing said hello: "I'm waiting for Senior Sheng Yi, tell me when you're almost there."

The night was dark, Yu Xing sat on the bench outside the convenience store, it was a little cold.

Tong Youjing has already set off, chatting and nagging about her careless things.

Yu Xing was helpless: "I didn't look carefully, but I was carrying something in my hand..."

After chatting for a few minutes, I received a call from Sheng Yi.

She has been paying attention to new news, but she called directly without receiving a word from him.

Yu Xing stood up: "...Hello? I'm at the convenience store...I see you!"

No more words, put away the phone, and walked towards the luxury car parked on the side of the road.

Sheng Yi has a lot of cars, and it is one I have never seen before. She walked over to the passenger door and the window came down.

Yu Xing bent down, took a piece of plastic bag, and picked up the box: "Senior, this..."

She intended to pass the things in through the car window to him and then she would retreat, but Sheng Yi said: "Get in the car."


"Didn't hear? Get in the car."

The words reached their lips and swallowed their throats, Yu Xing opened the car door and sat in.

Sheng Yi: "Put your seat belt on."

Yu Xing swallowed: "I made an appointment with Tong Youjing, she is already on her way..."

He emphasized: "Tie."

Yu Xing saw that he was impatient, so he dared not say more, and fasten his seat belt obediently.

The next second, Sheng Yi stepped on the accelerator, and the car rushed out.

I've never taken such a fast car in the city.

The car window was open a little, and the turbulent wind came in from the outside, and Yu Xing was blown out of breath.

She doesn't like it very much. People who pursue excitement may feel good, she is different, she cherishes her life.

Grasp the handle tightly, Yu Xing's face turned pale. The wind hurt her face, her glasses were about to be blown out, and her eyes hurt from the flying bangs, so she could only close her eyes.


The weak voice could not be heard clearly in the wind, Yu Xing couldn't help begging: "Senior! Drive... Drive slowly...!"

She didn't know if she heard her words or not. The car turned a corner, maybe the wind became weaker, but it felt better.

After ten minutes of high tension and fear, the car stopped on the road of the riverbank park.

The bridge not far away is full of traffic, the park is a little far away, and the dancing music from a distance has become thin. They seemed to be parked on the narrow side of the river bank, and if they listened carefully they could hear the tide.

The car was quiet and no one spoke.

Sheng Yi lowered his side window a little more, as if the wind was blowing.

Just a few minutes.

Yu Xing's heartbeat calmed down and his face softened.

Sheng Yi looked at her: "Are you afraid?"

Yu Xing nodded.

Tapping her fingertips on the steering wheel, Sheng Yi said, "The speed limit in the city is slow. Driving on a racing track or on a mountain road is really exciting."

She put on a white face and made a rare statement: "I don't like it."

Sheng also seemed to hook his lips.

Don't say anything else, he said: "You said you made a snack?"

"Ah, yes." Yu Xing picked up the thing on his lap, there were two wooden square boxes in the plastic bag, picked up a copy, and handed it to him.

Sheng Yi stared at it for a few seconds, then reached out and picked up a piece.

I don't know if he will like it, I'm a little nervous. He tasted it slowly, and Yu Xing secretly tugged at the pantyhose at his knee, not forgetting to hide the broken hole.

It still hurts a bit, like being pricked by a needle.

Ignoring her legs, Yu Xing stared straight at Sheng Yi.

He ate it calmly, expressionless.

She couldn't help but ask, "Is it delicious?"

He asked, "What did you do?"

Yu Xing nodded.

She made the two copies for Sheng Yi and Tong Youjing by herself. Give it away, you should show some sincerity.

Sheng Yi raised her brows slightly, her expression light: "General."

Can't say comfort or blow, Yu Xing was silent, holding the wooden box and asked, "Would you like to... have another piece?"

"No." He shook his head, obviously not interested.

Yu Xing sighed, closed the box and put it back on his lap.

Ting Sheng also asked: "Where are you going?"

"School, Tong Youjing and I made an appointment to meet at the school gate."

He nodded slightly and started the engine.

It's not the same as when you came, the wind is much milder when you go back.

Yu Xing sat in the co-pilot without speaking.

Said to give him some snacks, this trip spent far more time on the road than eating glutinous rice cakes, and they didn't even say a few words.

Maybe he just wanted to go for a ride.

I heard about Sheng Yi long before I met him, saying that Sheng Yi is casual, arbitrary, indifferent and cool.

Yu Xing experienced it for the first time.

This seemingly abrupt move was not abrupt at all on him. He was used to being casual, and he didn't pay attention to anyone. There was nothing to restrain him. Naturally, he could do whatever he wanted.

In addition to the car, there is nothing that can make him care.

Stunned, Sheng Yi asked, "Are you cold?"

Yu Xing was taken aback: "Ah? No..."

He glanced over from the corner of his eye: "I see you've been pulling your pants."

I just tugged on my pantyhose subconsciously, but Yu Xing didn't know he saw it, so I was embarrassed: "No, I'm not cold."

Retract the hand to the leg and do not extend it forward.

When Lintian was approaching, Sheng Yi answered a call.



After a long silence, he said, "Got it."

Yu Xing didn't want to inquire about his private affairs, but Sheng Yi glanced at her: "Your leg hurt?"

She was stunned, "I..."

He said, "It was Tong Youjing's call just now. She said that your mobile phone was turned off. Let me tell you that she bought the medicine and it's coming soon."

Yu Xing took out his phone and saw that the screen was black.

"The phone is dead."

Sheng Yi frowned and asked, "Does your leg hurt?"

Yu Xing raised her eyes, embarrassed: "I fell in front of the school before."


"Um...the pantyhose is a little torn."

No wonder she kept talking, Sheng Yi was silent for a while, and said, "I'll go to the pharmacy."

Yu Xing hurriedly said no: "Tongtong has already bought the medicine, I'll just wait for her at the school gate!"

She pushed hard and refused, sitting up straight, for fear that he would turn the steering wheel.

Sheng was also noncommittal, and suddenly asked: "Can you fall even while walking?"

"Uh. I didn't pay attention when I was looking at my mobile phone, and I took something in my hand..." Yu Xing felt a little embarrassed, "I knelt down."

The two boxes of snacks lay quietly on her lap.

Sheng Yi went outside Lintian campus without saying a word.

Yu Xing thanked him and unfastened his seat belt, but the door could not be opened. He turned his head suspiciously, "Senior?"

He frowned and pointed to something on her lap.

Yu Xing was a little surprised, but he gave it to him immediately.

Sheng Yi took it and opened it, picked up a piece of glutinous rice cake, and ate it with an unhappy expression.

He always felt that he was very painful to eat, and there was no pleasure in tasting food.

Yu Xing has no confidence in his craftsmanship.

I want to ask him for a while, is this food bad?

But he is eating, so asking this question doesn't mean asking him if he is sick. Unpleasant still eat, looking for abuse?

She didn't dare say a word.

It's true, it doesn't look delicious at all.

Sheng Yi reluctantly finished eating, picked up another piece, moved halfway, and put it back.

"Forget it."

He closed the box and put the wooden box between the two seats, "Just put it here."

Yu Xing:…

Don’t eat it if it’s bad, why?

Suddenly, a thin thing was thrown, and Yu Xing hurriedly caught it.

It was a credit card.

"Go buy medicine and pants." Sheng Yi said casually, "No password."

"I have money..."

He glanced over and Yu Xing shut up abruptly.

On Wednesday afternoon, classes in the first and second grades of high school will be suspended. On the labor experience day, all classes except senior three will be cleaned.

Yu Xing was assigned to clean up around Qinxue Lake.

On the way, Tong Youjing sent her a message: [I'm looking for Shen Shiyu here to get something, I'll go to find you later. 】

Yu Xing said yes.

I took a look at Qinxue Lake and found Qiu Huini on duty together.

Because it was a temporary arrangement, Yu Xing went to the bathroom first, and when he returned to the classroom, two-thirds of the people had already been assigned to "posts", which was a bit unexpected.

Nothing to say, Yu Xing stepped aside and swept away the leaves.

Qiu Huini was full of fire. She was originally dissatisfied with asking her to sweep such a ghost place, but her partner was actually Yu Xing.

Before the change, she would be happy to see it. This **** is very bullying, just throw away the broom and let Yu Xing do the work alone.

This is a different day.

Yu Xing has Tong Youjing's support, and her relationship with Sheng Yi is strange, and suddenly she can't touch her.

The more Qiu Huini looked, the more angry she became.

What to wear?

It's just to find a backer, what a great thing, cheap bone!

Yu Xing didn't bother to care what Qiu Huini was thinking, so she would finish the job earlier, and Tong Youjing would come to see her later, so they could go to a few streets outside the school for a walk.

She just thought she couldn't see Qiu Huini's eyes.

Sweeping half of the open space in silence, Yu Xing stopped to gasp.

Looking back, Qiu Huini was still in the same place, sweeping a few leaves and grinding foreign workers.

She was so tired that she couldn't help but whispered, "Sweep faster."

Qiu Huini raised her head in disbelief and stared at Yu Xing.

"You called me?"

Yu Xing did not speak, pursed his lips and lowered his head.

What is Yu Xing!

Dare to talk to her like this before hugging her thighs? !

Infuriated, suddenly, seeing Yu Xing standing in the position, Qiu Huini suddenly thought. He immediately picked up the broom and swept towards Yu Xing, approaching quickly step by step.

Hearing the voice coming towards him, Yu Xing turned his head subconsciously, and was caught off guard by Qiu Huini.

The sudden force pushed Yu Xing into the lake, and while falling into the water, the pantyhose at the ankle was broken by the low landscape iron fence.

Qiu Huini stood on the shore, covering her mouth in "surprise".

"Oops! I didn't mean to…"

"Yu Xing!"

An exclamation sounded just in time, and a figure rushed over not far away.

Qiu Huini didn't react yet, Tong Youjing, who was carrying a plastic bag, threw the things in his hand, ran quickly, and jumped into the lake in a blink of an eye.

Shen Shiyu heard the news of Tong Youjing jumping into the lake, and immediately threw down the things at hand and rushed to Qinxue Lake. The messenger was vague, and he didn't even bother to ask if he was talking about falling into the water or jumping into the lake.

Qin Huai happened to come here today to have fun, and spent half an hour with them in the lounge. go.

A group of people surrounded Qinxue Lake and dared not get too close. Seeing their group coming, they consciously made way out of the way.

Shen Shi was in a hurry and raised his eyebrows: "Tong Youjing?!"

"I'm here—"

I heard the sound and saw two soaked people sitting on the ground by the lake, all wrapped in blankets.

Seeing him coming in a hurry, Tong Youjing hurriedly said, "I'm fine."

Shen Shiyu rushed in front of her, squatted down and looked at it, and was relieved after confirming that it was okay, and complained: "It's nothing, what are you doing sitting on the ground?"

"My phone is missing..."

"Phone is more important or life is more important? Does such a big person have a brain? I think you are owed a lesson."

Tong Youjing took a breath, unable to quarrel with him.

"And Yu Xing..."

Only then did Shen Shiyu notice that the person who was wrapped in a blanket with her and was hugged by her was a casual glance, but he was about to withdraw his gaze indifferently, but he was stunned for a moment.

Usually, the hair on both sides of the face is covered, but at this time, it is pushed back and placed close to the ears.

Because of the wetness, the hair no longer covers the entire head like a helmet.

Tong Youjing finally breathed evenly and said:

“…she lost her glasses.”

Forehead, eyebrows, eyes, nose bridge, lips, cheeks... Yu Xing's face was completely revealed in the air and the eyes of everyone present.

The pale complexion after falling into the water makes her delicate facial features more like paintings.

The beauty of contrasts is endless.

—such a seductive face.

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