I seized the Demon Emperor

Chapter 19 19. I want them all! (Recommendation vote! Collection!)

"The alien leader's condition is unknown. It is unknown whether he has left seclusion."

The man in the wind said: "But the alien King Zuo Xian, who arrived in the Xia Dynasty's imperial capital earlier, should have reached an agreement with the Xia Emperor, and together they will be detrimental to our religion."

Chen Luoyang thought of his life experience.

One of them mentioned was a battle with the alien King Zuo Xian, in which he was seriously injured.

Although I don’t know the details, but now I think about it, the alien King Zuoxian probably wanted to take revenge on him.

Chen Luoyang sighed in his heart.

Among the Five Emperors of China, there are two in the Demon Sect's family.

Although the two emperors of the Demon Sect are not of the same mind as the leader, they will not sit idly by and ignore the invasion of the Demon Realm by foreign enemies, both in public and private matters.

Therefore, although Chen Luoyang, the leader of the cult, is out, the Demon Sect's base camp still seems to be stable.

But now, the other three of the Five Emperors are united.

Daxia Dynasty.


Donghai Wang family.

The three families do not belong to each other, and they even have fierce conflicts.

But now, due to various reasons, they are temporarily on the same front.

So, he really went south to attack the demon sect.

The unknown situation of the master of the Jiange Pavilion and the leader of the alien clan made the situation even more serious.

"Ha..." A slight smile appeared on Chen Luoyang's face: "They went west to Shuzhou together, and I looked down upon them."

The man in the wind said: "In addition to the King of East China Sea insisting on finding the first seat, the Demonic Blood Tree in the Holy Land Main Altar is difficult to transplant. The main altar is indispensable to our sect. The other party should have noticed this, so he took advantage of it. While you are away, we are marching south to the sacred territory of our religion.

When you leave the main altar of the Holy Realm, in addition to the Demonic Blood Tree, you brought out the Ancient Divine Pot and the Divine Demonic Token.

Without the order of gods and demons, it would be difficult for the general altar to activate the Zhurong Burning Heaven Formation, which would also be a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity for the enemy.

The large amount of treasures and magical skills accumulated by this sect must also be the target of the other party.

The Divine Sect is the hard work of you, the leader, and the predecessors of the sect in the past. If the foundation of this sect is destroyed, the alien King Zuoxian will be able to avenge his defeat at your hands. "

Chen Luoyang curled his lips inwardly.

Doesn't this imply that if a group of people come to attack him, he has legs to run, but the demon blood tree in the main altar cannot run away?

As for the Token of Gods and Demons, it is the token on his body that records the top secret knowledge of the Demon Cult.

The order of gods and demons.

Black pot.

Demon blood tree.

These are the three secret treasures of the Demon Sect.

The Order of Gods and Demons is a symbol of the identity of the leader. In addition to recording the secret knowledge, the most important function is to open the protective formation of the Demon Cult General Altar.

The Zhurong Burning Sky Formation was formed with the help of the southern fire, and its power is boundless.

Now that the leader is away, the protection of the Demon Cult Headquarters will inevitably decline.

For enemies outside the church, it is indeed a godsend.

Previously, the second emperor of the Demon Sect was in charge, and there were many other masters in the sect. Even without the protection of a large formation, no one dared to go to the Southern Wilderness to find trouble.

But now that the other three emperors have joined forces to launch a worldwide annihilation of demons, it is the demon sect that should be worried.

Even if they occupy a favorable location, the balance of victory still tilts towards the opponent.

"The enemy is spreading suspicion and attacking in the east and west. They hope to drag you, the leader, to Shuzhou so that they can concentrate their efforts on attacking the holy territory of our religion." The man in the wind said: "The current situation of the master of the Jiange Pavilion and the leader of the foreign clan is unknown. Maybe they are waiting for you. You decide and then they strike back.”

Chen Luoyang said calmly: "Are you afraid that I will also go to their old home?"

"The leader is wise, the other party is waiting for work, so we must be on guard." The man in the wind replied.

"So, you want to persuade me to give up Shuzhou and return to the main altar. Even if there are attacks with swords and swords, with me in the main altar, the divine sect can still rely on the Zhurong Burning Sky Formation to resist the enemy?" The expression on Chen Luoyang's face showed Not happy or angry.

He had previously vowed to capture Shuzhou.

As a result, the thunder was loud and the raindrops were light.

He retreated in despair.

Although he saw through the opponent's strategy and adapted accordingly, strictly speaking, not only did he not lose, but he regained the initiative.

But in the outside world, in Shuzhou and other places in the vast land of China that the demon sect wants to conquer, the leader of the demon sect will definitely lose his prestige and lose face.

The man in the wind was silent for a moment, then bowed and said: "Xiao Yuntian swears here to take down Shuzhou with his own hands within one year and dedicate it to the leader."

Chen Luoyang suddenly felt enlightened.

I mentioned this in my life experience.

"Promote Xiao Yuntian to serve as the guardian envoy of the Ancient God Sect."

It turns out that the person in front of me is the left envoy of the Demon Sect.

Generally speaking, the most important leaders of the Demon Sect, starting from the leader down, are the heads of the four halls and the two envoys on the left and right.

Among them, the duties of the first of the four halls are relatively fixed, each leading an army and managing a stall.

The left and right envoys move more freely, and are more directly ordered by the leader to travel around the world.

The mission of Xiao Yuntian, the left envoy of the Demon Sect, should be to be the leader's independent eyes and ears, establishing another intelligence network.

Such a person must be a die-hard confidant of the leader.

No wonder I could come to see him directly without going through the communication.

It seems normal that I don't pay so much attention to etiquette in private.

What makes Chen Luoyang wary is that the Young Master Sect promoted by Xiao Yuntian after he ascended the throne as the leader should be a young top powerhouse from the Demon Sect. Although he is not old, his cultivation level is comparable to that of a giant in China.

This person may be an old acquaintance who grew up with the leader.

While thinking in his mind, Chen Luoyang said: "Why are you looking like this? Are you worried that I will conquer Shuzhou, even if I don't hesitate to fight the master of Jiange Pavilion here again?"

"I believe that what the leader wants to do can be done." Xiao Yuntian said: "It's just that the enemy's coalition forces should have gone south at this moment, heading straight towards the holy territory of our sect. It would take too long for the leader to capture Shuzhou and then return. nervous."

Chen Luoyang tapped the armrest of the chair with his fingers and suddenly smiled.

"I never realized before that you underestimate me so much."

Xiao Yuntian bowed: "Yuntian doesn't dare."

"There is no room for failure in the general altar. I will rush back immediately. As for Shuzhou, why does it take a year?" Chen Luoyang sat on the chair and said calmly.

"Only incompetent people have to make choices, but I want them all."

The flowing wind surrounding Xiao Yuntian finally swayed, revealing the fluctuations in the master's heart.

Through the flowing wind, surprise could be clearly seen in his eyes.

On that day, the Demon Cult army, which had been besieging Jinding Huayan Temple for many days, stopped fighting and withdrew.

Up and down the Golden Summit, the heroes of the righteous path of China cheered in unison.

Several leaders had different expressions.

"It seems that the people in the Demon Cult have noticed the actions of His Majesty and others."

A strong man from the Xia Dynasty royal family wearing a python robe said: "These demons are not stupid enough, but it is already too late."

Nie Huayan said: "Finally, we delayed the opponent for a few days, allowing us to seize the opportunity."

The owner of this place, Zen Master Xindeng of Huayan Temple, clasped his palms together and said, "There is no Amitabha Buddha in the world. If the demon sect is willing to retreat, peace will finally be restored to Shuzhou."

Nie Hua looked at Song Lun, the leader of the Five Color Hall who only knew everything today: "Master Song, please don't be offended..."

Song Lun showed no anger and just shook his head: "Mr. Three, there is no need to mind. It is a very important matter. If it were Song, he would be more careful. Now that the demon sect has retreated, Jinding is safe and sound. Song's entry into Shu this time is finally not in vain." Come."

"We can't relax yet." Nie Hua said: "The master has a destiny, pursue them one after another, and keep putting pressure on the opponent."

Prince Xia Chao said: "With the pavilion master behind him, Chen Luoyang has trouble sleeping and eating. How can he dare to let go and rush on his way?

If there is a slight flaw, Chen Luoyang, the big devil, will die immediately under the sword of the Pavilion Master.

If they continue to slow down their pace, His Majesty will have more time. "

"Hurry the Demon King back to the Southern Wilderness. The Demon Sect's internal and external forces are united. After all, they are strong." Nie Hua said: "This battle will affect the vitality of the entire Chinese land for many years to come. Comrades of our generation must also go all out to win." Okay, everyone will go south with our master as originally planned. Even if this battle cannot destroy the Demon Sect, it will still severely damage its vitality."

The Battle of Shuzhou seems to have come to an end.

But as the wind and clouds surged, more intense waves swept across the world, blowing from Shuzhou to the entire Shenzhou.

Elder Ming Jing of Qingliang Temple said: "The demon sect has many tricks and evil intentions. We need to be careful of them pretending to retreat and ambush secretly."

"What the master said is absolutely true," Nie Hua said.

Then Prince Xia Chao asked Song Lun: "What does Hall Master Song mean?"

Song Lun bowed his hands to the other party: "His Royal Highness King Zhao has invited me. Since the Demon Cult has withdrawn its troops, it's time for Song to return to Yuzhou."

"Panel Master Song, although the Demon Sect has returned in defeat this time, we have reached this point and there is no possibility of retreating. Only by working together can we have no worries," Nie Hua said.

"Don't worry, Mr. San, there is no turning back when you shoot your bow. Song still understands." Song Lun said: "Song returned to the mountain city this time just to coordinate the efforts of everyone in Wusetang. After all, it is not a trivial matter to officially become an enemy of the Demon Sect. It is inevitable. People’s hearts are floating.”

Nie Hua and others said: "Pavilion Master Song understands the righteousness well, and we admire him."

After everyone had made a plan, they set off immediately.

The bright sun-like sword light penetrated the heaven and earth again, competing with the real sun in the sky during the day.

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