I seized the Demon Emperor

Chapter 32 32. Dead Sea Black Tide (Please recommend! Please bookmark!)

The black smoke continued to rise, covering the sky and the earth, and finally completely obscured the sky.

The sky and the earth within a radius of thousands of miles seemed to be sealed by the black smoke at this moment, turning into an independent space.

In the vast darkness, the sound of the tide was faintly heard.

Then there were rolling waves, sweeping from all directions.

In front of Chen Luoyang and others, there was a turbulent black sea.

The black ocean was lifeless.

Wherever it passed, all living things were destroyed!

The sea water was like extremely filthy ink, both sticky and heavy.

The many strange beasts controlled by both sides were swallowed up by the sea water that suddenly surged from the ground.

The beasts roared and struggled to jump up to avoid the black sea water.

But once the ink-like sea water touched their bodies, they could not get rid of it.

All the strange beasts, no matter what species, were stained by the black sea water, howled in pain.

Their eyes were red and bloodshot.

Their fur began to fester.

The flesh and blood kept undulating, as if there was a strange force running rampant in the body.

The bodies of the strange beasts swelled up like blowing air.

Because the epidermis was ulcerated, they became like strange-shaped meat balls, and the bloody and blurred squirming on the surface of the body was shocking.

The next moment.


After the body of the strange beast swelled several times larger than before, it finally reached its limit and exploded!

The flying flesh and blood were merged by the black sea water.

This black wave suddenly seemed to add fuel to the fire, and the momentum was rising.

On the Six Dragon Emperor's chariot, all the masters of the Demon Cult changed color.

"Dead Sea Black Tide!"

Without Chen Luoyang's order, everyone jumped down together.

Several martial kings showed their strengths and tried their best to help the demon cult members below resist the sweeping death wave.

Under their coordinated leadership, the members of the Demon Cult did not panic. They took a spiritual bird and flew up to the palace carried by the dragon in the air.

King Wu could not hold out for too long in the face of the black ocean.

Seeing that everyone had evacuated, Xiao Yuntian and others also retreated.

Zhang Tianheng rushed to the side of the snake girl and clamped her under his ribs.

The black sea water left him no place to stand.

Zhang Tianheng stepped hard on the back of a black-scaled giant snake, then took the snake girl and flew straight into the air and boarded the Six Dragon Emperor's Chariot.

"What on earth is this..." The snake girl was still in shock and looked down.

The giant snake she had carefully raised could only struggle hard in the black ocean at this moment.

The black scales with extremely strong defensive power allowed them to hold out for a moment longer than other strange beasts.

But in just a short moment, these giant snakes began to twist in pain.

The flesh under the black scales kept expanding, twisting and deforming.

Finally, it burst its scales and turned into a pool of rotten meat.

Then, it was swallowed by the black ocean and became its nutrients, making the black ocean stronger.

"The black tide of the Dead Sea is a wave that makes all living things extinct." Zhang Tianheng held the snake girl with a serious expression: "The means of the black death book of the alien race."

Under the dark tide, all things were extinct, leaving only dead silence.

The silver snake on the snake girl's wrist kept making sharp and piercing "hissing" sounds.

In the sky, the six dragons pulling the car for the Demon Emperor also roared restlessly.

The land below has completely turned into a black hell.

It's not that there are absolutely no exceptions.

There is another kind of creature.

It was the group of giant rats before!

They are now entwined together, shouting in unison towards the six dragon emperor chariots in the sky, showing their crazy state.

Under the claws of these giant rats, the black tide rises and falls, and it is vaguely visible that there are pieces of white bones in it.

Some of the huge skeletons were nearly a hundred meters long, which were left by the black-scaled giant snakes after their death.

The black-scaled giant snakes that had previously suppressed the giant rats had now completely become stepping stones for the giant rats.

Not only that, these huge rats became even bigger after being immersed in the black tide.

Originally only the size of a calf, they were now more majestic than an adult bull.

In the dark sea water below, countless pairs of green eyes flickered, like boundless ghost fire

The giant rats' cries were noisy and deafening.

"Everyone pay attention, sit quietly and practice." Xiao Yuntian's voice sounded: "This world has turned into a dead sea, and the black evil power of death will automatically invade the creatures in it."

The spiritual birds flying in the air cried out in pain, their spirits were low, and they were unable to fly.

Even if they were not contaminated by the black sea water, they were still affected.

The weirdness and domineering of the black tide of the Dead Sea are really shocking.

The members of the Demon Cult who had escaped the disaster and took refuge in the Six Dragon Emperor's Chariot were all meditating and regulating their breathing.

However, some of them had turned pale, their bodies were hot, and bloodshot appeared in their pupils.

They only felt that a faint evil energy was generated in their bodies, gathering little by little and constantly moving, as if this evil energy had its own life and thoughts.

It can be imagined that if the evil energy grows to a certain extent, the fate of everyone will be the same as those of the strange beasts just now.

People with higher cultivation can support more time.

People with lower cultivation have begun to show signs of illness.

Elder Mingjing condensed his martial arts true meaning, manifested the appearance of the Eight-Armed Arhat, raised his hand to pick out the most serious people for isolation.

Otherwise, they will accelerate the onset of the people around them.

Zhang Tianheng glanced and saw that the snake girl also had a pale face and cold sweat on her forehead.

Controlling the beasts is her specialty.

But now we have to work hard on our own cultivation.

Zhang Tianheng pressed his palms on her vest, using his own strength to drive away the invasion of the evil force of black death.

However, it can only be saved for a while.

Zhang Tianheng himself had to work hard to resist the erosion of the death energy in the sky.

In addition to Snake Girl, Mrs. Xiang, General Ant and others are also struggling to support themselves.

What's worse is that everything in the sky and on the earth is surrounded by the black tide of the Dead Sea.

The black sea water squeezed from all directions from top to bottom and towards the middle at the same time, constantly approaching the six dragon emperor's chariot in the sky.

"Even if Zuoxian Wang Xiuzhe's attainments in the Black Death Book are unparalleled in ancient and modern times, it would be too amazing to create such a vast Dead Sea at once, right?" King Kong shouted.

Elder Ming Jing pondered and said: "I heard that the process of practicing the Black Death Book is dangerous, and you will continue to be corroded by the evil power of black death. If you want to avoid it, in addition to improving your cultivation, it is best to have a basis to eliminate and transfer the evil power.

Over time, the sand gathered into a tower, which may have produced some kind of rare treasure.

The current situation must be caused by the strange treasure, which has released all the evil energy and death energy accumulated in the past few decades. "

"In addition, the previous battle between the beasts and the blood everywhere contributed to the death aura." Xiao Yuntian said.

"Those are not important. The important thing is what should we do now?" King Kong looked at Chen Luoyang with a bitter face: "My subordinate is incompetent, the leader forgives me, look at this..."

Chen Luoyang looked out at the black sea of ​​death that covered the sky and the sun.

At this time, I suddenly saw a human face gradually emerging on the black sea surface, with the tide rising and falling.

The facial features on the human face are lifelike.

But when Xiao Yuntian and others saw it, they were all surprised: "Isn't it Xiuzhe?"

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