I seized the Demon Emperor

Chapter 34 34. Doubt about life (Please recommend! Please collect!)

The Black Death Pearl was sucked out of the Dead Sea's black tide, and the rising tide of the Sea of ​​Death stopped immediately.

The terrifying black sea that covered the sky and earth and was as thick as ink began to dissipate and disintegrate.

In the distance, there were aliens watching.

Seeing this scene, they were all shocked.

"So quickly, the Dead Sea's black tide was broken?"

"Did the Demon Emperor do it himself? Is his injury really not serious?"

"It doesn't seem like the Demon Emperor did it..."

"If the Demon Emperor didn't do it himself, how could the Dead Sea's black tide be resolved?"

The aliens looked at each other in an uproar.

"Retreat! This is no longer something we can handle. Report to the king immediately and ask him to make a decision."

"Where's Lao Jiu?"

"It seems he is not dead. He was captured alive by the Demon Cult..."

"If we leave him alone and just abandon him, the king will probably be furious."

"There is no way to save him! Saving him will only cost us all. He was too ambitious and was captured and lost the king's Black Death Pearl. He is responsible for it. We should report to the king as soon as possible and tell him the truth that the Demon Emperor is not seriously injured. The rest will be decided by the king!"

"Alas... That's the only way."

A group of foreigners did not dare to stay any longer and left in a hurry.

On the Six Dragon Emperor's chariot, Helian Zhe did not resent his companions for leaving him alone regardless of his life or death.

From the moment he insisted on activating the Black Death Pearl to accomplish this feat, he was also prepared for failure.

If he succeeds, he will be famous for eternity.

From now on, no one under Zuo Xian Wang's command dared to look down on him.

The entire Mobei tribe.

Even the entire Shenzhou land, will only marvel at his achievements.

If he fails, there is nothing to say.

It's just a matter of success and failure.

If you don't succeed, you will die.

But Helian Zhe didn't expect that he would lose so thoroughly and so easily.

The black tide of the Dead Sea transformed by the Black Death God Pearl is enough to sweep away all people below the realm of the Martial Emperor.

Even if there are more Martial Kings, they can't stop the Black Death Sea from rising.

Every dead enemy will become the nourishment for the further growth of the Dead Sea Black Tide.

As time goes by, the evil power of black death will continue to erode the living opponents.

The longer the stalemate lasts, the stronger the Dead Sea Black Tide will be, and the weaker the enemy will be.

In the end, there is only one result.

The Dead Sea is everywhere, and all living things are extinct, leaving no chickens or dogs.

Even if a Martial Emperor can protect himself, it is difficult to resolve the Dead Sea Black Tide.

Helian Zhe knew that the Black Death Pearl actually had a flaw.

Zuo Xian Wang Xiuzhe had given him some pointers when he gave him this treasure.

It was precisely because of this that he could activate and control this treasure.

But the Demon Cult had clearly seen this treasure for the first time, and had never really touched the Black Death Pearl itself. How could they know the six flaws of the Black Death Pearl, and use it to resolve the Black Tide of the Dead Sea?

Moreover, it was not the Demon Emperor Chen Luoyang who did it himself.

He easily solved it by just pointing his men out!

To be honest, if the Demon Emperor showed his amazing skills and forcibly broke it with force, Helian Zhe might not have been so shocked.

But now, it completely overturned his cognition.

Helian Zhe was a little skeptical about his life at this moment.

He looked up with difficulty.

Chen Luoyang, who was sitting high above, seemed to become unreal and unreal.

The two were actually of similar age.

Helian Zhe achieved the realm of Wuzong at a young age, which was rare in the vast land of Shenzhou.

But compared to the person of the same age sitting above, they were so far away from each other.

After his mind was slightly clear, Helian Zhe thought of another question.

The leader of the Demon Cult, although he did not take action, seemed to have already discovered that the alien Zuo Xian Wang Xiuzhe was not here at the moment.

That's why there is the saying "Children should not steal their parents' things to go out and play".

Helian Zhe was not angry at being regarded as a young boy by the Demon Cult leader who was actually the same age as him.

He knew the gap between them very well.

But how could the Demon Cult leader be sure that Zuo Xian Wang Xiuzhe was not here so early?

Thinking of this, Helian Zhe was at a loss.

Did he reveal some flaws before that the Demon Cult leader saw through it?

While confused, Helian Zhe felt a deep chill in his heart.

The young man above had a black light in his eyes, as if he was a demon god, and he felt unprecedented fear.

Chen Luoyang glanced at Helian Zhe who was lying on the ground below, his expression calm.

The mood was a bit complicated.

To some extent, the other party was trapped in his own trap.

When the black tide of the Dead Sea spread and swallowed up the mountains and rivers within a radius of thousands of miles, there was more blood-red nectar in the mysterious black pot in Chen Luoyang's consciousness.

This means that in addition to those spiritual beasts, some people died in this disaster.

And it was quite a few people.

Qianzhou has many high mountains and steep ridges, a dangerous environment, and sparsely populated.

But the area covered by the black tide of the Dead Sea just now was too huge.

In such a vast world, there are still many people living scattered around.

And the Dead Sea is everywhere, and there is no grass growing.

Chen Luoyang has been observing and summarizing the increase and decrease rules of blood-red nectar these days.

Only when people with martial arts cultivation die within a certain range from him can the blood-red nectar in the black pot increase.

Ordinary mortals will not change.

At present, the nectar in the black pot has increased a little.

But because of the disaster brought by the black tide of the Dead Sea, more lives have undoubtedly been taken.

Facing the black ocean of death just now, Chen Luoyang forced himself to calm down and told himself to stay calm.

He communicated with the black pot with his mind and asked two questions.

Provide information about the alien Zuo Xian Wang Xiuzhe?

How to resolve the Dead Sea black tide in front of us?

No matter which question, a large amount of blood-red nectar in the pot will be consumed.

Because of this catastrophe, the blood-red nectar is just enough.

After two questions, the black pot was almost dry.

Fortunately, Chen Luoyang got the answer he wanted.

The first thing is to look at the life experience of Zuo Xian Wang Xiuzhe.

Chen Luoyang didn't read the previous part under time pressure.

He went straight to the last sentence.

There, Xiuzhe and Helian Zhe and others were divided into several groups to search for the whereabouts of Chen Luoyang and his party in Qianzhou.

After the division of troops, there was no mention of their reunion.

This shows that the current Dead Sea black tide was acted by Helian Zhe and his men on their own.

Zuo Xian Wang Xiuzhe did not hide behind the Black Sea and wait for an opportunity to move.

So Chen Luoyang put aside his last worry and calmly deployed troops to resolve this Dead Sea black tide.

The culprit Helian Zhe was also captured by Xiao Yuntian.

"Clean up this place." Chen Luoyang waved his hand casually.

The Demon Cult members said respectfully: "We will follow the leader's orders."

The Dead Sea black tide dissipated and retreated.

What was left was a pile of bones and rotten meat.

It won't be long before a plague will arise here and spread to the surrounding areas.

The land will be completely abandoned.

Qianzhou is the Demon Cult's own territory, so it naturally cannot be ignored.

For them, it is not difficult.

Without the terrifying black death evil power contained in the Dead Sea black tide, the Demon Cult members have many ways to do it.

The insect Taoist under Zhang Tianheng released a large number of poisonous insects he cultivated, and immediately cleaned up the remaining bones and rotten meat in large areas.

"Leader, please go first. The scene is dirty and filthy. Don't disturb your peace." Zhang Tianheng said.

Chen Luoyang nodded casually, and the Six Dragon Emperor's chariot set off again.

After looking at Helian Zhe, he didn't say much, just ordered to take him into custody.

Chen Luoyang specifically ordered to capture this man alive.

The important thing is that he is alive in his hands.

What Helian Zhe thinks is irrelevant.

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