I seized the Demon Emperor

Chapter 355 353. Transformation of the Black Pot

The result of Chen Chuhua and Cheng He was beyond everyone's expectations.

The image of the black coffin was imprinted in everyone's mind for a long time.

Whether it was Fusang Island Tian Huachen who was in good condition or the seriously injured "Galaxy Sword" Le Hang on the other side, they were all in doubt.

The black coffin suddenly rushed out of the black fog and instantly killed the Xiantian Palace Elder Cheng He.

Cheng He, who was a Martial Saint of the 16th Realm like the two of them, was completely powerless to fight back.

This made Le Hang and Tian Huachen feel horrified.

Previously, Chen Chuhua used this thing to plot against them. Although he could feel the ominousness of the black coffin when he confronted them, he was limited by Chen Chuhua's own cultivation level, so the three Martial Saints could handle it.

Chen Chuhua was able to control the black coffin to deal with the Martial Emperor, but he was still not strong enough to fight against the Martial Saint. Every time he attacked, he would leave as soon as he touched him, and he did not dare to fight against Cheng He and others for a long time.

Otherwise, the black coffin could withstand it, but she herself could not hold on for long.

However, Chen Chuhua, who had been fighting, suddenly sacrificed himself, causing the black coffin to burst out with terrifying power, instantly killing Cheng He.

Although Chen Chuhua himself also disappeared into thin air and passed away with the wind, Tian Huachen and Le Hang did not dare to be careless.

Chen Chuhua died, and the black coffin also disappeared.

But they could not be sure whether the black coffin belonged to Chen Chuhua or Chen Luoyang.

If it belonged to Chen Chuhua, then the black coffin disappeared because of Chen Chuhua's death, and it is very likely that it will not appear again.

But if the black coffin belongs to Chen Luoyang, then who knows if he has arranged for a second person to take over from Chen Chuhua, and then sacrifice his own life, and do it again?

This possibility is not great.

If every time you take the life of a martial emperor, you can exchange for a martial saint like them, then there is no need to continue this contest from the beginning, Chen Luoyang and his team can easily win, and there is no need to fight until now.

But, what if there is still one?

Although Chen Luoyang intended to stop Chen Chuhua when he made his move just now, who knows if the man surnamed Chen was pretending to be so?

With this thought, Tianhua Chen Tonglehang had to be cautious.

Chen Luoyang's expression at this moment became gloomy.

He was always calm in the face of danger, but he was almost stunned just now.

However, he quickly came to his senses, suppressed many thoughts in his mind, and looked at the present first.

Chen Chuhua killed Cheng He, who was in the sixteenth realm, with the black coffin. For Chen Luoyang, it was not just one less opponent.

Although he did not kill him personally, as long as he was within a certain range, the black pot would benefit from it.

However, this time, the blood-red nectar in the black pot did not increase because of this.

Instead, the mysterious black pot kept vibrating in Chen Luoyang's mind.

Under the vibration, the last circle of dark golden light patterns on the surface of the pot body surrounded the black pot like a chain.

But at this moment, a few cracks began to appear on this circle of dark golden light patterns.

The cracks were small at first and there were few in number.

But as the black pot vibrated, these cracks gradually became thicker and longer, and larger and larger.

Later, these cracks cut the dark golden light pattern that looked like a chain.

So, the last remaining circle of dark golden light pattern was completely broken and disappeared.

The dark golden brilliance on the surface of the black pot faded all at once.

But the pot itself was still vibrating.

At the same time, Chen Luoyang clearly saw that cracks appeared on the surface of the black pot, which also expanded rapidly from small to connected.

However, it was not that the black pot was going to break, but the surface of the pot seemed to have a layer of shell, which gradually peeled off.

The black pot was turbulent for a while.

Chen Luoyang did not stand there and wait, but waved his hand and punched, continuing to hit the seriously injured Le Hang.

Cheng He's death verified Chen Luoyang's previous thoughts.

Killing a martial saint really made the black pot undergo a transformation as a whole, as if it had unlocked a certain seal and successfully took a step forward.

However, this should only be the beginning.

Although the black pot has transformed, its mechanism of action is still unclear. If it needs more masters to die to accumulate new nectar, then the more the better.

Le Hang is the best choice.

Cheng He's death will not affect his previous pace of progress.

Le Hang glared at Chen Luoyang, but did not sit and wait for death. He summoned up his remaining courage and drew his sword again.

The right half of his body was almost completely broken by Chen Luoyang's previous punch.

But at this moment, the sword was handed over to his left hand and slashed at Chen Luoyang again.

Although Cheng He died, his Eternal Tribulation Wave and the rope-like treasure that turned into a giant net delayed Chen Luoyang's previous pursuit and bought Le Hang some time.

Le Hang resisted the counterattack tenaciously, but his previous injuries were too severe.

What's worse, the weakening caused by the "God's Eye" in Chen Luoyang's hand still exists.

Therefore, although Le Hang gritted his teeth and fought back tenaciously, Chen Luoyang could easily deal with this seriously injured opponent even without the help of the dark world underground.

When Tianhe Wusheng's eyes were about to burst, Chen Luoyang's punch shattered all his sword intent and sword energy.

The iron fist did not slow down at all. While knocking the long sword in Le Hang's hand away, it also hit Le Hang's forehead heavily.

This Tianhe lineage Wusheng had his head blown up by a punch!

"Buzz buzz buzz!"

At the same time that Chen Luoyang punched Le Hang to death, the giant net with the Ksitigarbha Wheel unexpectedly flew over his head again and covered him.


Everyone present was slightly startled.

Cheng He, the elder of Xiantian Palace who had just controlled this treasure, was obviously dead. How could this treasure still work?

Was Cheng He not actually dead, or was this treasure special and able to move on its own?

Chen Luoyang faced the net that was falling on his head and punched out with both fists.

One hand was "Hou Tu" and the other hand was "Shennong".

The power of the two fists seemed to hold up the world together, making it difficult for the net to fall.

Chen Luoyang crossed his hands and stirred them vigorously.

On the black giant net, blue light and golden light flashed together.

The giant net quickly returned to the shape of a black rope, one end of which was held in Chen Luoyang's hand, and the other end extended into the void, with no end in sight.

The two forces formed a confrontation, instantly stretching the black rope straight, and the golden spell on the rope flowed like water, and the blue light kept flashing.

Chen Luoyang felt the surging power coming from the other end of the rope continuously.

Although his "Hou Tu" was blessed by the dark world underground, he still felt that the opponent's power was overwhelming.

He understood in his heart.

This rope-shaped treasure was not owned by Cheng He, the elder of Xiantian Palace.

Its real owner was someone else.

The treasure was magical and actually penetrated the void realm.

The real owner of the rope was following the void in the mortal world, using the treasure to wrestle with Chen Luoyang.

The sudden change made Tian Huachen, who had already wanted to retreat, change his mind again.

He took a deep breath and raised the long sword in his hand, like the rising sun and the golden crow spreading its wings.

The whole person merged with the sword's intention, transformed into a big sun golden crow, and flew towards Chen Luoyang, wanting to kill him while Chen Luoyang was wrestling with the rope.

He was also on guard against Ying Qingqing suddenly attacking like Chen Chuhua.

But after seeing the black coffin rush out of the black fog and hit Cheng He to death, Ying Qingqing suddenly became abnormally dazed, her eyes were straight, and there was a hint of confusion.

She was no match for Tian Huachen, and when she was distracted, she was immediately thrown away by Tian Huachen.

Tian Huachen suddenly slashed at Chen Luoyang with all his strength, and his power was only slightly inferior to Le Hang's sword just now.

When the Sun Golden Crow flapped its wings, the light was so bright that it almost illuminated the entire dark world underground, making it as bright as day outside.

Ying Qingqing was shocked and didn't care about anything else. She also slashed at the Sun Golden Crow with all her strength, hoping to block the opponent's blade.

There was a lot of dark air around Chen Luoyang's body. Inspired by Tian Huachen's sword intention, it automatically gathered around Chen Luoyang's body to protect him.

However, Tian Huachen's sword was extremely powerful and violent, splitting a lot of dark air, and at the same time, he continued to slash at Chen Luoyang.

The dark aura bought time to stop Ying Qingqing, who caught up in time and blocked Chen Luoyang and Tian Huachen.

The bright sword light shot up into the sky, like a pillar supporting the sky.

But once Tian Huachen had made this move, he left no room for maneuver and fell with all his strength to cut off the power of the pillar and Ying Qingqing's sword light!

The knife kept moving forward, intending to cut Ying Qingqing and Chen Luoyang into four pieces!

Chen Luoyang's eyes were filled with dark golden light.

But he was not concerned about Tian Huachen's blade, but Ying Qingqing in front of him.

Ying Qingqing had no time to care about anything else at this moment.

The light of the Sun Golden Crow swallowed her.

Although there was a bright light in front of her, the shadow of death really enveloped her at this moment, approaching her as never before.

It was more dangerous than when she was rescued by the leader of the Demon Cult after she lost her memory, and when she faced the hand of the Bukong Demon Monk on the Snowy Plateau.

At this moment, she was really facing death directly.

In the moment of life and death, the black pupils in the eyes of the girl in white disappeared, leaving only a bright light.

A brighter light than the knife light of Tianhuachen in front of him.

At this moment, from outside the dark world underground, from outside the vast land of Shenzhou, and even from outside the mortal world, a flash of light suddenly fell from the sky.

The light penetrated the layers of void, broke the soil above the dark world underground, fell into it, and aimed directly at Tianhuachen!

The master of Fusang Island in the void saw the light passing in front of him, falling into the vast land of Shenzhou, and aimed directly at his own Fusang Island, and hurriedly tried to intercept it.

He swung his knife quickly to block the master of Canglong Island.

But at this time, a white gas flashed by, but stopped him first.

The master of Fusang Island looked over and saw a huge scar on the body of the golden body Bodhisattva on the other side.

The tall and thin man casually waved his sword and released another white sword energy, which slashed at the Big Sun Golden Crow. The golden light scattered and half of the Golden Crow's wings were directly cut off by the sword energy.

Without the obstruction of the Fusang Island Master, the light penetrated the dark world underground and swallowed up Tian Huachen on the spot, leaving no trace of his body.

Chen Luoyang looked closely and saw that in the light, hovering in front of Ying Qingqing was a bright long sword that seemed to be made of transparent crystal.

Before he could observe carefully, he suddenly felt a strong repulsive force around him, which wanted to repel him out of the vast land of Shenzhou and drive him to a higher world of mortals.

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