I seized the Demon Emperor

Chapter 38 38. Suppression (Please recommend! Please add to favorites!)

According to the information provided by Hei Hu, Qianchao Mountain is a place where Zuo Xian Wang Xiuzhe should not set foot.

Even if he is prepared, the risk still exists.

But Xiuzhe came after all.

Chen Luoyang didn't know whether to evaluate the other party's strong self-confidence or to sigh that the two were true love.

In short, the other side gave him a chance.

Now it depends on whether he can grasp it.

Under the Six Dragon Emperor's chariot, on Qianchao Mountain, "Golden Eagle" Murong Xing rescued the fallen Helian Zhe.

But the guardian of the Demon Cult, Wang Dubao, immediately entangled him.

Old Wang knew shame and then courage, worried about being punished by the leader, and now changed his previous slick and steady style, attacking hard with every move, not giving Murong Xing the opportunity to use his body speed to get rid of him.

Although Wang Dubao's physical and mental momentum were still a little weak because of the previous blood soul secret spell.

But at this moment, he swept away the sluggish state and was really majestic.

With one person, Murong Xing could not resist Wang Dubao's fierce attack.

However, he looked completely calm.

Just as Wang Dubao was attacking fiercely, a flash of sword light suddenly appeared on the mountain.

The sword light was bright and dazzling.

But it was not upright at all.

Instead, there were gusts of cold wind and a ghostly aura.

In the dazzling light, there were many ghosts, making continuous screams.

In Wang Dubao's mind, it seemed as if thousands of ghosts were crying, thrilling, and the gods were stricken.

He ranked second among the ten horses under Zuo Xianwang, second only to the master of "Demon Wolf" Bakun.

"Ghost Sword" Guo Ninglong.

Wang Dubao was not unfamiliar with this person, and even dealt with him personally in the past.

Guo Ninglong was not a foreigner, but a swordsman who was active in the Middle Earth of Shenzhou in the past.

Because he made too many enemies and offended the public, he could not gain a foothold in the Middle Earth. He eventually fled north to the outside world and surrendered to the foreign race, becoming one of the ten horses under Zuo Xianwang Xiuzhe.

He attacked at this moment, and his sword spirit turned into a hell of ghosts.

Countless evil spirits in the purgatory, each holding a sword, attacked the human world.

Wang Dubao seemed to ignore it and continued to rush towards Murong Xing and Helian Zhe.

And those evil spirits holding swords suddenly lost their balance, the sword light deflected, and they cut into the air one after another, making it difficult for them to threaten Wang Dubao.

Shangguan Song, with a complicated look, fell from the sky.

The leader ordered him to do so, and he could not stay out of it.

Now that he had already started, Shangguan Song no longer hesitated, and his expression returned to a peaceful state.

He had no intention of fighting Guo Ninglong to the death, but if he used his magic skills, the other party would not be able to surpass him and threaten Wang Dubao again.

Old Wang had full confidence that other masters in the sect would help deal with "Ghost Sword" Guo Ninglong.

So he focused on attacking "Golden Eagle" Murong Xing.

Murong Xing was extremely helpless.

If Wang Dubao had hesitated for a moment because of Guo Ninglong, Murong Xing would have had a chance to shake off his opponent by taking advantage of his speed.

But now, Wang Dubao was pressing on step by step, leaving Murong Xing helpless.

He could only throw Helian Zhe, who was restrained by the demon cult and could not move, aside in the end, and deal with Wang Dubao's attack seriously first.

At the same time, Xiao Yuntian and "Demon Wolf" Bakun in the air also fell together.

On one side was a swift tornado.

On the other side was a violent desert sandstorm.

The true meaning of the two martial arts manifested together, making the top of Qianchao Mountain almost covered by a storm.

Guo Ninglong and Shangguan Song, Murong Xing and Wang Dubao, also fought to the point of darkness.

In the thick black fog beside the black-haired giant wolf, three figures appeared, all frowning and looking at the battle between the mountains in the distance.

One of them spread out his palm, and a small, white mouse in the palm, like a jade, squeaked twice.

Then, countless giant rats surrounded Qianchao Mountain and screamed in unison, and then charged towards Qianchao Mountain.

On the Six-dragon Emperor's chariot, King Kong looked at Zhang Tianheng: "It's the 'rat king' Duobujie again, let your wife take action."

"The black-scaled giant snakes she tamed before were all lost in the Dead Sea Black Tide. Temporary summoning of wild beasts may not be able to defeat these rats that have been specially tamed for many years." Zhang Tianheng whistled: "But I have other ways."

Following his whistle, General Ant, one of the eight incense masters of the Dianzhou branch, stood up.

General Ant began to beat a big drum in front of him.

Then, a large group of people suddenly appeared on the hillside of Qianchao Mountain.

This group of people looked lifeless, but facing countless ferocious giant rats, they showed no fear and their emotions did not fluctuate at all.

Following the orders conveyed by the drums, this large group of people automatically formed a formation, flexible and tacit, and strict discipline.

They all have superb cultivation, full of energy, and they confront the giant rat group head-on!

When the running giant rats encounter this team of people, it is like a tide hitting a reef. The tide dissipates, and the reef is stable and motionless!

I saw that the large group of ant soldiers held their positions and continued to fight back and kill the giant rats.

"Is this the ant soldier trained by General Ant? It is well-deserved." King Kong was amazed.

At this time, beside the giant wolf in the distance, another person floated forward and approached the area where the rat group and the ant soldiers were fighting.

He did not join the battle, but sat cross-legged, took out a horse-head fiddle and played it.

The sound of the fiddle was melodious and beautiful.

But it made people's blood and qi condense, and their heartbeats gradually slowed down or even stopped, as if they were frozen.

Babol, the "Song of the Frontier", ranked tenth among the ten steeds under the command of the alien Zuo Xianwang, was proficient in the art of killing with sound. Although he did not join the frontal battle, he immediately disrupted the ant soldier camp, and the rat group saw that they had an opportunity to take advantage of it.

Zhang Tianheng sneered.

Then, from behind the ant soldiers' camp, there were bursts of clear whistling sounds, like the singing of a phoenix.

Where the howling sound passed, people's hearts could not help but tighten, and their blood and qi floated, as if they were about to boil.

The invisible hot air neutralized the piano sound of Babol, the "Song of the Frontier" on the opposite side.

It was the Fairy Yu, one of the eight incense masters of "birds singing, flowers fragrant, snakes, insects, rats and ants", who spoke.

The Six Sounds of Burning Sea, one of the thirty-six secrets of the Demon Cult.

The art of killing with sound, against the art of killing with sound.

Next to the black-haired giant wolf, the last alien old man looked solemn.

He was the only master left on their side.

Zale, the "King of Medicine in Mobei", ranked seventh among the Ten Horses.

He was good at refining pills and medicines, and was also a master of poison.

But there might be such a strong man in the opposite Demon Cult camp.

However, the previous assassination caused them to lose the fourth of the Ten Horses, "Black Owl" Ehanke.

The third "Heart Ghost" Keluntu was also unable to fight because the evil spell was broken by the Demon Cult leader with a shout, and the blood soul secret curse backfired.

Helian Zhe, who ranked ninth, was captured alive, and the eighth was not there at the moment.

At this moment, Zale had no choice but to do his best.

He raised his hand, and an invisible light flashed in the air.

But soon after he made his move, the eyes of the Insect Taoist on the side of the Demon Cult flickered.

Madam Xiang glanced at the Insect Taoist: "The other side uses poison?"

The Insect Taoist nodded: "He is a master."

"Grandma Hua is not here, so I have to trouble you, Taoist priest." Madam Xiang laughed.

The Insect Taoist also smiled, and then clapped his hands lightly.

Suddenly, countless colorful moths flew all over the mountains.

When the colorful moths flapped their wings, a large amount of phosphorus powder was faintly visible and scattered among the peaks of Qianchao Mountain.

Seeing this, Zale on the opposite side sighed, knowing that his methods would not work.

Without Babol's piano music and his help, the rat group could never break through the iron camp of the Demon Cult ant soldiers, and could not support Bakun, Guo Ninglong, and Murong Xing on the mountain.

He could not save Helian Zhe either.

At this time, a voice came from behind and above.

"Okay, it's done."

Zhaer and Duobujie bowed their heads in shame: "Your Majesty."

On the head of the giant wolf, Zuo Xian Wang Xiuzhe gathered his pure black cloak.

Coughing, he slowly stood up.

PS: There will be another update in the early morning tonight. I will book the recommendation tickets for the new Monday in advance. Thank you!

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