I seized the Demon Emperor

Chapter 56 56. You are such a genius! (Please recommend and collect!)

Chen Luoyang's face was expressionless.

My mind is full of questions.

Is this who he is? Which song is he singing?

On Xia Chao's side, the person at the front was a sloppy old man.

The old man himself was injured and was holding a young man with a broken arm.

In addition to a broken arm, the young man was also wounded all over his body. He was seriously injured and fell into a coma.

It was Wen Liujie Xingmang from Jiange!

The warriors of the Xia Dynasty who followed them were all in shambles, and they were all in extremely miserable condition.

The people from the other races in the back also had a hard time.

Apart from Xiuzhe, "Ghost Sword" Guo Ninglong was nowhere to be seen, and "Golden Eagle" Murong Xingze was also with someone.

However, looking at that appearance, it would be more appropriate to say it was a corpse than a human being.

Helianzhe's body.

The body was covered with scars, bloody and bloody, and it was too horrible to look at.

Murong Xing took Helianzhe's body with him, while Xiu Zhe chased the Xia Dynasty warriors ahead with red eyes.

Behind them, Lao Fu, Lao Shou, and Zhang Tianheng were chasing after them.

Chen Luoyang looked into the distance again and saw the palace on the horizon, carried by four dragons, also slowly flying towards this side.

When Shi Jing and Nie Hua saw Wen Liu and Xing Mang, they hurried up to greet him.

Xiao Yuntian and others tried to stop him.

As a result, the two Jiange men would rather fight to get injured than rush over to rescue Wen Liu and Jie Xingmang first.

Nie Hua, who was the fastest, took Jie Xingmang from Wen Liu's arms and took the lead in breaking through.

Shi Jing, who had the strongest cultivation base, did his part to protect him from the rear.

Li Tai also quickly followed.

Unexpectedly, Black Emperor Xiuzhe stopped caring about the people in the sword pavilion and went straight to kill His Highness the Sixth Prince of Xia Chao.

"King Zuo Xian?" Shi Jing and Li Tai looked carefully and saw Xiuzhe holding a person's head in his hand.

It's obviously Eunuch Xiao!

Black Emperor Xiuzhe actually turned against him.

Everyone in Xia Dynasty was shocked.

"The injuries on Helianzhe and Fourth Senior Brother are similar. It's not like they were injured by someone, but more like they were injured by rolling and falling." Shi Jing remained calm and glanced at him: "King Zuo Xian, is there any misunderstanding here?"

Xiuzhe coughed repeatedly and didn't answer at all. He just smashed the head towards Li Tai.

"Cult leader?" Xiao Yuntian looked at Chen Luoyang.

Chen Luoyang actually wanted to say, stop here and don't pursue the poor enemy.

But it would be too abnormal and completely abnormal if he let the good situation go by.

"Of course it needs to be solved by both sides. You decide who comes first and who comes last."

He ordered calmly.

"I sincerely obey the order of the leader. Let the leader take a short rest. We will deal with the enemy immediately." Everyone in the Demon Cult responded in unison.

The enemies have completely fought among themselves, attacking each other, fighting and fleeing, and are in a rout.

All the Demon Cult needs to do is follow behind, hunt down and pick up the slack.

Like wolves driving sheep.

The prey will eventually become unable to support itself.

This went more smoothly than expected.

"Tianheng stays, let the others go." Chen Luoyang nodded.

Zhang Tianheng looked at Xiuzhe, Shi Jing, Li Tai and others, feeling a little unfinished, but he still followed the instructions and came to his leader.

"What's going on?" Chen Luoyang asked.

What he was referring to was naturally why the two enemies who originally joined forces started fighting among themselves.

How could Helianzhe and Jie Xingmang end up with one dead and the other injured?

"Teacher, it's actually a mistake." Zhang Tianheng grinned: "According to your instructions, after I took care of the boy named Jiange Xie, I sent someone to transport him to the valley together with the pretty boy Xiu Zhe."

"Just in case, the tents they hid in the valley are actually fake, used to confuse the invading enemies. They are the real place to hide people..."

Zhang Tianheng paused for a while and then said: "Two sedans have been prepared for Miss Qingqing's ride. I asked Ah She and the others to stuff the two salted fish into the second empty sedan."

Therefore, the tents that seemed to be hiding people in the valley were empty.

Next to the tent appeared to be the sedan chair that Ying Qingqing was sitting in, but He Lianzhe and Jie Xingmang were actually hidden inside.

"Where's Miss Qingqing?"

Chen Luoyang tapped the dragon below with his toes.

With a long roar, the dragon flew towards the approaching imperial chariot hall.

Zi Zi Jingang hurriedly came out, took Chen Luoyang into the imperial carriage, and then relocated the two dragons under the imperial carriage.

The six dragons soared into the sky together, the palace flew into the sky, and their progress suddenly became much faster.

Zhang Tianheng boarded the Six Dragon Emperor's chariot with Chen Luoyang, and said as he walked: "Reporting to the leader, Miss Qingqing did not enter the valley. At the entrance of the valley, another group of disciples of the sect moved to carry the sedan chair, and moved to the other side to hide under the rocks. The original first The disciples who carried the sedan chair entered the valley and were with the two salted fish. "

He smiled and said: "I thought that Miss Qingqing's weight should be more important than those two salted fish."

"Then what?" Chen Luoyang was noncommittal.

"You mean, the people of the Xia Dynasty mistakenly thought that the sedan in the valley still contained Miss Qingqing, and then attacked the sedan?"

The smile on Zhang Tianheng's face was a little strange: "For the leader, after Lao Shou and Jiange Wen Liu fought in the valley, Xiuzhe and the other three were alerted. I, Lao Fu and King Kong fought with them and went to the valley.

They can't do anything to us, they can't even rush past the empty tent, and they're afraid of your return, so they're getting more and more anxious.

I guess they just wanted to attack Miss Qingqing to distract us from the rescue, and then take the opportunity to get close to the tent to rescue people.

But you know, in the sedan chair is not Miss Qingqing at all, but the two salted fish.

How can we care whether they live or die..."

People in the Demon Cult guessed the thoughts of Chen Luoyang, the leader, and felt that Ying Qingqing was more important than Jie Xingmang and He Lianzhe.

But in the eyes of Li Tai, Eunuch Xiao and others, Xie Xingmang and Helian Zhe represented the favors of Jiange and Xiuzhe respectively, while Ying Qingqing, who had abolished the sword energy of Haotian, was irrelevant.

"…………" Chen Luoyang was speechless for a while.

You really made a genius!

He didn't know whether to complain about Zhang Tianheng or give him a thumbs up.

"I cut off the right hand of the boy surnamed Xie from Jiange earlier, but the other injuries were caused by that old eunuch." Zhang Tianheng said with a smile: "He collapsed the cliff next to the sedan chair, and Xiuzhe's pretty boy died on the spot. The boy surnamed Xie was lucky and still had half his life left."

Well, it was indeed a coincidence, and fate played tricks on people.

You can almost imagine the scene of Xiao Zongguan wailing: "Misunderstanding! It's really a misunderstanding!"

Chen Luoyang didn't know whether to laugh or cry.

No wonder Xiuzhe ran away all the way, even Li Tai wanted to kill him.

Of course, when he calms down, this account will definitely be mainly attributed to the Demon Sect.

However, this thorn has been buried in the hearts of Xia Chao, Jiange and Xiuzhe from now on.

Even if they are allowed to run away, it will be difficult for them to cooperate again.

Besides, in the current situation, it is difficult for them to escape.

"Master, you didn't see the expressions of Xiuzhe, Wen Liu and the old eunuch at that time. It was really wonderful." Zhang Tianheng smiled and said, "I will find a painter to restore it for you. It is guaranteed to be lifelike."

Chen Luoyang had an indifferent expression on his face and did not comment.

It seems not good to build happiness on the pain and sorrow of others.

But if it is the pain and sorrow of the enemy, it seems to be another matter...

He shook his head slightly and cleared his mind of distracting thoughts.

"Where is Miss Qingqing?"

Chen Luoyang asked calmly.

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