I seized the Demon Emperor

Chapter 66 66. The real test (please recommend and collect!)

"Cleaned up?"

Chen Luoyang asked condescendingly and in a casual tone.

Dressed in men's clothing, Chen Chuhua, who looked like a handsome young man, smiled and replied: "Thank you to the leader, everything has been taken care of."

She turned to look at Shi Jing, who was holding Nie Hua: "Mr. Wu is very wise and I believe he is willing to answer our questions."

"It doesn't matter." Chen Luoyang said calmly.

"I have already fought with that sword. Compared to him, I am more interested in the sword to the north right now."

Chen Chuhua smiled and said: "What the leader said is that I hope Mr. Wu can give us the answer."

Shi Jing said calmly: "As for the foreign leader, what I know is that he has not yet left seclusion, but the authenticity cannot be guaranteed and needs further confirmation."

Chen Chuhua nodded: "What about Master?"

His own leader is arrogant and arrogant.

But Chen Chuhua always knew the situation clearly and stayed close to the key.

Shi Jing was slightly silent.

Chen Chuhua didn't urge him, just looked at him quietly.

To be precise, looking at Nie Hua in his arms.

Shi Jing said slowly: "My master was injured after the battle with Master Chen, so he left Jiange to visit his old friends in order to seek a speedy recovery."

When everyone in the Demon Sect heard this, they couldn't help but look at each other.

Elder Ming Jing's eyes flashed, as if he thought of something.

Chen Chuhua's face was calm and his eyesight did not waver at all. He only looked at the stone mirror quietly.

Shi Jing said: "Master, I went to find Queen Dan."

"Tangou? Who is it?" King Kong looked confused: "The name sounds familiar..."

"He was a character from decades ago." Zhang Tianheng frowned: "I have only heard of his name. He probably hasn't been around for decades. Now it sounds like someone from ancient times."

The old monk on the side clasped his palms together: "It must have been forty years ago. I heard something back then. It is true that I had a good relationship with the master of Jiange Pavilion. However, I heard that the two broke up later and Tang Hou went overseas. There is no news again."

"Queen Dan takes the name of 'Dan'. In the past, she made elixirs and medicines and was the only one in China. It is not impossible that the Sword Emperor went to find her to heal his wounds." Xiao Yuntian said under the flowing wind.

Chen Chuhua's expression remained calm: "About four years ago, the Sword Emperor and the Sword Emperor fought, and both sides suffered losses. Did the Sword Emperor also seek help from Queen Dan at that time?"

Shi Jing shook his head: "No, the relationship between Master and Queen Dan is quite complicated. I am young and have little knowledge, so I don't know much about them. I only know that the grudges and hatreds between the two are complicated. Master will not look for Dan unless it is absolutely necessary." Tang Hou will help. This time, he is actually not sure that Tang Hou will help. "

Everyone in the Demon Sect was silently counting the time after hearing this.

That battle back then was earth-shattering.

The Sword Emperor and the Sword Emperor ended in a draw, with both sides suffering losses.

According to the information collected by the Demon Cult, the recovery time for the two of them should be about the same.

Although it is difficult to collect relevant information, the deviation is not too big.

From this point of view, the last time the Sword Emperor recovered, he had no advantage over the Sword Emperor, and there should be no special external help.

"So, Mr. Wu, can you tell me where Tango's residence is?" Chen Chuhua asked.

Shi Jing said: "To be honest, the overseas is vast and boundless. Even my master doesn't know the specific location. I can only try to find it and try my luck."

Chen Chuhua unfolded the folding fan and flapped it gently: "Mr. Wu, it's not good for you to do this."

"Things that don't exist cannot be conjured out of thin air." Shi Jing replied: "I know everything and can tell you everything."

Chen Chuhua was unmoved: "But if you don't know what to ask, why should we continue talking?"

Shi Jing said: "If it were easy to find Dan Hou, my master would have gone there four years ago."

Why do I not believe it so much?

Chen Luoyang sat high on the throne.

The surface is nonchalant.

In fact, my ears were always pricked up secretly.

He sneered at Shi Jing's answer.

However, after communicating with the black pot again and reading Shi Jing's life experience, Chen Luoyang frowned secretly.

The latest updated content is as follows.

"Confess to the Ancient God Cult..."

Although there is no wording "truthfully confess", according to Black Pot's writing style, if Shi Jing is deceiving, Black Pot's wording is probably "pretend to confess to the Ancient God Sect."

In other words, Shi Jing really did not know the specific whereabouts of the master of the Jiange Pavilion. He only knew that the other party had indeed gone to seek help from Tango, but he did not know the location of Tango's overseas residence.

From this perspective, it is no wonder that he confessed truthfully.

The master of the Jiange Pavilion supported Shenzhou independently, and he obviously felt the pressure when facing the alternating competition between the north and the south.

Chen Luoyang thought silently in his heart.

He believed that just as the Demon Cult had its own healing elixir, the Sword Pavilion should be similar.

However, in the previous battle, both the leader and the pavilion master were seriously injured.

After the leader took the magic medicine, it still took a long time to recover, so he used the black pot as a backup, hoping to heal his wounds as soon as possible.

The situation of the Pavilion Master should be similar.

Now, in order to recover as soon as possible, he turned to Dango, an old friend who had grievances and grievances in the past.

It's hard to say what's going on with the other party.

On the other hand, it’s almost time to release my batch of Ten Returns Yuan Dan...

Chen Luoyang gathered his thoughts and glanced at Shi Jing.

He always felt that the other party was not someone who would give in so easily.

Unfortunately, Black Pot only gives a simple text description.

What on earth is this guy thinking?

However, there is an old saying that goes well.

A thousand-mile embankment collapsed in an ant nest.

Once a hole is opened in everything, it is not far from a complete breach.

Chen Chuhua looked at Shi Jing calmly.

No more questioning about the whereabouts of the Sword Emperor and Queen Tang.

Instead, the topic suddenly changed.

"Then let's change the question. The Xia Dynasty united all parties and marched south to the holy land of our sect. With Li Yuanlong's personality, it is impossible for him to not keep any cards for himself."

Chen Chuhua asked: "I wonder if Mr. Wu can tell me what Li Yuanlong's confidence is in personally leading the expedition?"

Before Shi Jing spoke, she closed the folding fan in her hand, raised a finger and shook it gently.

"It's normal for him not to tell Li Qian and Li Tai about this matter, but he has to tell you all in Jiange and the foreign Zuo Xian Wang Xiuzhe more or less. Mr. Wu had better not answer that he doesn't know."

Shi Jing replied: "Because the young dragons of the Xia Dynasty are gradually becoming adults."

As soon as these words came out, the expressions of everyone in the hall became more serious.

Everyone stared at Shi Jing.

"Real dragon." Shi Jing nodded: "Not a Jiaolong."

Chen Chuhua looked back at his own leader on the seat.

"Are you done?"

Chen Luoyang looked indifferent and tapped the armrest of the chair with his fingers.

"There are still many things I want to ask Mr. Wu, please give me more time." Chen Chuhua said.

"I only look at the results." Chen Luoyang said casually.

Chen Chuhua nodded: "I will follow the order of the master."

She turned and looked at Zhang Tianheng: "Later, it would be best if Mr. San could answer the same question alone.

If there are inconsistent answers, just kill one of them at random.

The remaining one, have another round with Mr. Si."

"Don't worry, Second Master, I know what to do." Zhang Tianheng smiled.

Shi Jing's expression was calm: "Even if my brothers and I answer the same, don't you still have to check from multiple angles before you can accept it? It's impossible for you to believe what we say."

Zhang Tianheng sneered: "That's not something you should worry about. You have no room for bargaining."

As he said that, he stretched out his hand to Shi Jing.

Shi Jing silently handed Nie Hua in his arms to him.

After Zhang Tianheng took it, he said, "Please."

Xiao Yuntian came behind Shi Jing and put his hand on his vest.

Shi Jing was restrained and had no intention of struggling. He was escorted by Xiao Yuntian and followed Zhang Tianheng out of the hall silently.

"Master, let Tianheng take over next. He is quite good at interrogation." Chen Chuhua said, "I will leave later. I will report to you first."

The matter involved the internal secrets of Qinglong Hall.

The confidentiality level is often so high that it is limited to the master and the head of Qinglong Hall.

Elders Jin Gang and Ming Jing immediately left together.

Chen Luoyang watched their backs leave.

I may not have mastered all the things that the master of Qinglong Hall should know...

Chen Luoyang was thinking in his heart, but he heard the beautiful woman in men's clothing in front of him smiled softly.

"Luoyang, if you really kill the three people in Jiange, will the little guy you just got be upset with you?"

Chen Luoyang almost choked on his own saliva.

Sister, what did you call me just now?

And what was your tone?

What is your relationship with this master, you two?

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