I seized the Demon Emperor

Chapter 636 634. Conqueror

Boundless darkness swallowed up the light, and the whole world was dark, as if it had stepped from day to night in an instant.

Not only did the light spread by the old prince of Nanchu, Cheng Jiongting, disappear, but even the real sun was covered by infinite darkness.

The terrifying momentum made most people at the scene change color.

Those who had watched the battle between Chen Luoyang and "Fuyao King" Han Shang were fine, but those who had not witnessed Chen Luoyang's attack before were particularly frightened at this time.

The momentum of this attack was really no different from that of the martial arts giant.

Those present were all from extraordinary backgrounds, understood the gap between the martial saint and the martial arts, and had seen the horror of the martial arts giant. That's why they were more shocked at this moment.

Although they had heard it for a long time, many things were still not as touching as experiencing it in person.

Just as everyone was shocked, the darkness in the sky suddenly began to fade, as if the solar eclipse had ended and the sun was back.

The blue sky unique to the mortal world reappeared, and the sun was still hanging high.

But the bright light spread by Cheng Jiongting, the King of Qiantang in Nanchu, had disappeared. The golden sea of ​​fire that had just covered the sky disappeared without a trace.

Only Chen Luoyang's figure stood upright in the air, and his position had not changed at all.

He was suspended in the air calmly, and in front of him was the body of an old man lying flat.

It was the old king of Nanchu, Cheng Jiongting.

Cheng Jiongting looked relatively peaceful, and there were no scars on his body, but he had no breath of life.

His body seemed to be supported by an invisible force, and it fell steadily back to Anyuan City.

Chen Luoyang's expression was calm, as if nothing had happened just now.

But the pair of eyes flashing with dark golden light, in the eyes of the people of Nanchu at this moment, seemed like a demon god who destroyed the world.

There was no sound, but the invisible pressure made countless people collapse at this moment.

The whole Anyuan City began to commotion.

On the top of the city, Cheng Jinjun, the King of Yundu in Nanchu, looked sad and reached out to catch the body of the old man who fell down.

Cheng Longyuan and others were silent around him, and the city was dead silent.

Some of the Nanchu royal family masters subconsciously looked at the Nanchu warriors outside the royal family, such as General Zhang Tong, and some of them could not help but show vigilance and alertness.

"Your Highnesses, if His Majesty still does not show up, I am afraid it will be difficult for us to defend Anyuan City."

Zhang Tong ignored those vigilant eyes and saluted Cheng Jinjun, Cheng Longyuan and others: "We can't grasp the core of the formation. Now the formation is weakening, the old prince has died, and even if the Demon Emperor himself does not take action, this place can't be defended."

"General, do you want to surrender?" Another old king asked slowly.

Zhang Tong sighed: "A last-ditch struggle may cause some damage to the other side, but in the end, I'm afraid that the royal family may not be able to survive, and the old prince's initiative to go out to fight will be in vain."

Everyone in Nanchu was silent when they heard this. In addition to the chill on their bodies, they felt more sad.

Not only the fate of the old prince Cheng Jiongting, but also the fate of the entire Nanchu Dynasty.

Emperor Cheng Hui of Chu has not shown up yet, and it seems that he is unlikely to show up.

The fortune of Nanchu has come to an end today.

Whether Cheng Hui dared not to fight, or planned to attack the headquarters of the Ancient God Sect and other places to exchange homes with Chen Luoyang, the fall of Anyuan City today is a foregone conclusion.

Moreover, having said that, seeing that the three major holy places outside are so calm, we know that there is no movement in the nests of the three holy places at least for now.

Emperor Cheng Hui of Chu is hiding...

This cognition broke the spirit of most people, and the high-level strong men of Nanchu in Anyuan City were all dejected.

Yundu King Cheng Jinjun also sighed and handed the remains of the old prince Cheng Jiongting to the others beside him.

"So, I have to go there too." Cheng Jinjun looked at Zhang Tong: "General, please consider our past relationship and help me."

"Zhang will do his best. There will be no generals in the future." Zhang Tong bowed to Cheng Jinjun.

Cheng Jinjun waved his hand: "Let's stop the battle."

After that, he also rose up and came to Chen Luoyang, bowing: "Please teach me, Demon Emperor."

Chen Luoyang looked at him with a little approval and nodded slightly: "The Cheng family still has a few talents. I am not a bloodthirsty person. Those who follow me will prosper."

"I have always admired the Demon Emperor's generosity. However, your majesty is still alive. The Cheng family has me and my old uncle, which is a way to bring disaster. Even if the Demon Emperor is generous, we can't sleep and eat. It's better to ask the Demon Emperor for help." Cheng Jinjun sighed: "It's not what we want to end it ourselves. Only if we can die at the hands of a strong man, we will not let down our half-life hard work. Please teach me, Demon Emperor!"

After that, like the old prince Cheng Jiongting, he also had an endless light on his body.

But the golden light and sea of ​​fire disappeared in an instant.

In the air, only two people stood face to face.

Cheng Jinjun's face showed a look of astonishment, and then his body slowly fell limp, and a blood line slowly appeared on his neck.

Most of the people below were also shocked and horrified.

Chen Luoyang did not make any moves, but a peak martial saint of the eighteenth realm had already lost his life.

There was no sound or sign, so most people had no idea what was going on, and thus became even more terrified.

Chen Luoyang acted as if nothing had happened, and only said lightly: "Including the Cheng family, those who are loyal and surrender will be forgiven."

Silently and without a trace, Shadow Moon killed people without any signs, bringing people unknown horror. The death of a martial saint of the eighteenth realm was so light that it made everyone in Nanchu feel unreal, but also chilled their whole body, and felt cold in their bones.

After everyone stood still for a while, people began to bow to Chen Luoyang in the air one after another.

First, the ministers of Nanchu, and then the people of the Cheng royal family also bowed silently.

Everyone had a complicated expression.

After the fall of the Northern Wei Dynasty, Nanchu also ushered in the end today.

Cheng Longyuan and other members of the royal family were particularly entangled, with mixed feelings in their hearts.

In the past two hundred years, the three dynasties have stood side by side.

Last year, the Zhengyangcheng Incident of the Western Qin Dynasty, Nanchu sent troops to Western Qin, expanded its territory, occupied a large area of ​​Western Qin, and slowly digested it to strengthen its own national strength.

Meanwhile, the Xiantian Palace was weak due to internal strife and was no longer a hidden danger within Nanchu.

For Cheng Longyuan, this year even his long-time confidant, Fengxiang Marquis Cheng Yingtian, died.

Nanchu was peaceful both inside and outside, and it was a great opportunity for progress. However, in just one month, it had fallen to the point of being destroyed.

Now, they had to submit to Chen Luoyang, who had an old grudge against them. The psychological gap was really big.

Zhang Tong and others were okay, as they just changed their allegiance.

The original royal family members were in trouble.

From now on, there would be no Nanchu royal family in the mortal world, only the Cheng family, which was indistinguishable from the crowd.

The changes were so great that they needed to grasp it again. If they could not change their mentality, the consequences would be disastrous.

Although Emperor Cheng Hui of Chu was still alive, Cheng Longyuan and others were not optimistic at all. Instead, they were under great pressure. They became bait to catch Cheng Hui. If there was a slight mistake, it was uncertain what would happen to Cheng Hui, and they would be doomed first.

Chen Luoyang and his various strong men walked into Anyuan City together.

The magnificent Chu Palace now belonged to the Demon Emperor.

Chen Luoyang sat high on the throne, overlooking the people below.

Compared with the warriors of the Ancient God Sect, the people of the Black Water Palace and Yanran Mountain looked a little solemn.

Unlike the two holy places, although the people of Nanchu also surrendered to the Demon Emperor, the Nanchu Dynasty itself disappeared and was destroyed.

If one day, Cheng Hui has the ability to come back and defeat Chen Luoyang, Nanchu may still have a chance to restore, otherwise it will become history from now on.

But as one of the three great dynasties, Nanchu has a vast territory and has formed a power vacuum that needs to be filled. Although Zhang Tong and others and even the Cheng family have surrendered, Nanchu cannot be left to them.

It is inevitable that other strong men under Chen Luoyang will move in.

The most advantageous party is naturally the Ancient God Sect, which is geographically adjacent to Nanchu. The one who is close to the water tower gets the moon first. Yanran Mountain and Heishui Jue Palace are both in the north. It is too difficult to get a share of the pie. The final result depends on Chen Luoyang's arrangement.

However, Cheng Hui is still there. If he really wants to occupy the land of Nanchu, I am afraid it will not be so stable...

When everyone was guessing, Chen Luoyang said: "Cheng Hui has become half-human and half-demon, hindering the North Ming Sword Master. It is suspected that he is involved with the Nether God. From now on, advertise the world to search for his whereabouts. Report immediately if there is any news."

Everyone heard the words and hurriedly responded in unison: "Subordinates will obey the order."

There were news coming from the Ancient God Sect's main altar, Heishui Jue Palace, and the gate of Yanran Mountain. Cheng Hui was nowhere to be seen.

At least for now, it seems that he is unable to retaliate against Chen Luoyang.

Chen Luoyang sat on the other party's former throne, tapping the table in front of the emperor's throne with his fingers, and his mind was turning.

Cheng Hui's retreat seemed to have really gone wrong, and there were some sequelae.

The previous robbery of Han Mei's withered heart stone must have been to remedy the situation.

Unfortunately, his fate was extremely bad, and he ran into the Beiming Sword Master Zhu Lu head-on.

Cheng Hui came out of retreat with success, but it was still unclear whether he could resist Zhu Lu, not to mention that he had problems in retreat.

Zhu Lu, as a great sword cultivator who was known as the peak old sword fairy and the Blood River Patriarch, was fierce and decisive in his moves. Most of the time, he would bleed. The Fusang Island Master, the Abbot Puhui of Xiaoxitian, and the Blood River Patriarch all had a deep understanding of this. Now it was Cheng Hui's turn.

Although Zhu Lu was busy taking care of the safety of the sisters Han Zheng and Han Mei and did not pursue further, that battle was still enough to make Cheng Hui drink a pot, which made him, who had already had problems in retreat, even worse.

Or it should be said that Cheng Hui in this state could not fight with heavyweight opponents at all, and it was even difficult for him to continue to attack in a short period of time.

Therefore, when Chen Luoyang's army was at the gates of the city, Cheng Hui neither returned to Anyuan to fight nor attacked the Ancient God Sect's headquarters as revenge, but hid alone to lick his wounds.

If a great giant wanted to hide, it would be difficult to be found.

However, seeing Cheng Hui's current half-human monster appearance, Chen Luoyang thought of a place where the other party might go.

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