I seized the Demon Emperor

Chapter 663 661. A Group of Monsters

"You are not allowed to come to my place. Don't try to bully others by pulling on the mountain master's tiger skin. You failed in the errand ordered by the mountain master. Are you being punished now?" The sharp voice roared from the mountain, unceremoniously guarding the wind. Ang's words came back: "If you don't leave, just stay outside and wait. After Fellow Daoist Chen leaves my place, you can take him to continue touring the mountains and seas."

Feng Ang didn't get angry when the other party contradicted him, and the smile on his face did not diminish: "That's okay, I'll just wait for a while."

After saying that, he smiled and nodded at Chen Luoyang, while he stopped where he was, hanging in mid-air.

Chen Luoyang secretly claimed to be strange.

Tianjiu has the advantage of sitting on the home court of his ancestral land, so Feng Ang will not easily take advantage.

The two big demons may not be willing to engage in an internal fight between mountains and seas in front of visitors from the world of mortals.

Feng Ang is considered deep-minded and flexible among the demon clan. Tianjiu won't let him in. He probably won't have an attack on the spot in front of Chen Luoyang, but if he just stands outside the door like this, it would be too hurt for the big demon. of dignity.

If the news spreads, he will be disgraced in the entire mountain and sea world and become the laughing stock among the great demons of the same realm.

To say that he could endure it, Feng Ang was overdoing it. Could it be that he had other plans?

Chen Luoyang had a calm expression on his face, not wanting to get involved in the grudges between the two mountain and sea monsters. He nodded to Feng Ang in return and walked towards the solitary peak that towered into the clouds.

Passing through the clouds and smoke, a huge palace appeared in front of Chen Luoyang, hanging abruptly on the mountainside of a solitary peak, like an eagle's nest.

A dozen huge celestial eagles flew out from it and greeted Chen Luoyang: "Welcome the distinguished guest from the mortal world, the leader of our clan is waiting inside."

Chen Luoyang nodded and followed the other party inside.

He glanced around and saw that the eagles that came out to greet them were all at the same level of strength as human martial saints. There were some differences between them, but there were many strong ones.

Preliminarily, it seems that the strength of this monster clan will not be inferior to that of a martial arts holy land in the world of mortals.

Maybe even more so.

I just don’t know how many ethnic groups of this size there are in the world of mountains and seas...

After Chen Luoyang entered the palace, he couldn't help but raise his eyebrows slightly.

He had a vague feeling that there were human beings here.

Deep in the hall, a giant red-gold bird was waiting.

At the same time, some people could be seen walking around in the palace, like attendants.

Chen Luoyang glanced around and saw that they were all real humans, not monsters in human form.

"Perhaps Fellow Daoist Chen would be more comfortable with them serving on the side." The owner of the place said.

Although the voice was still as sharp and harsh as the clash of gold and iron, the tone was much calmer than when he was talking to Feng Ang just now.

It seems that this big demon usually has a bad relationship with Feng Ang, and may even be enemies... Chen Luoyang thought to himself.

I chose the Heavenly Vulture clan in the Heavenly Book with the word "moving", but I accidentally chose Feng Ang's opponent. This time it was a bit interesting...

While Chen Luoyang was thinking, he sat down and looked at the owner of this place: "What do you call fellow Taoist?"

"My name is Yanzheng." The other party replied.

Chen Luoyang looked directly at the head of the Tianjiu Clan: "Fellow Taoist, you know that the agreement between the master and the mountain master is to exchange one book for another, and one person for another. Before that, fellow Taoist Feng Ang had borrowed the word 'Monster' from me. "Book of Heaven?"

Even if Yan Zheng had no grudge against Feng Ang, he would definitely be unhappy with Feng Ang.

Chen Luoyang chose the heavenly book with the word "moving" instead of the heavenly book with the word "empty" that Feng Ang himself held. Now it is equivalent to making the Tianjiu clan pay the price of borrowing the heavenly book with the word "demon" for Feng Ang, but the Tianjiu clan has gained nothing.

Although the Heavenly Books in the Mountain and Sea Realm are essentially owned by the Demon Lord, and the various clans only take care of them, Feng Ang has actually benefited first, and Chen Luoyang can borrow the "moving" Heavenly Books from Yanzheng for free.

"Shan Zun has given instructions, of course I know about it." Yan Zheng's tone remained calm: "However, as far as I know, although this exchange is limited to one book for one book, it is not limited to one person, right?"

Chen Luoyang nodded: "Not bad."

Yan Zheng then said: "I am also very interested in the Heavenly Book page of Fellow Daoist Chen. I would like to ask Fellow Daoist Chen to make it easier. Since Fellow Daoist Chen has chosen the Heavenly Book with the word 'moving' in my hand, I welcome Chen Luoyang to choose another person from the world of mortals at any time. Come and borrow.”

He opened his mouth, and a ball of light emerged. A piece of paper was faintly visible in the ball of light, with the word "moving" written on it.

"If there are more sons in our clan who can borrow one page of Daoyou Chen's Heavenly Book, Hongchen will naturally come to match the number of people." Yan Zheng said: "In the end, we will definitely lose one time, but since it is the arrangement of the Mountain Lord, it is cheap. Feng Ang is done."

Chen Luoyang glanced at the heavenly book with the word "moving" and suddenly smiled slightly: "Speaking of which, I may have two pages of the heavenly book here, which may interest fellow Taoists."

A ball of light appeared above his head, but it was not the heavenly book with the word "demon" that attracted the attention of the monsters in the mountains and seas, but the heavenly book with the word "quiet" obtained from Yanran Mountain.

Seeing this, Tianjiu Yanzheng's pupils shrank slightly.

Feng Ang had spent some time in the world of mortals and had heard of the heavenly book with the word "quiet", but it was the first time he saw Yan Zheng.

There was no need to read it in detail, but just from a distance, he had already sensed that this page of heavenly book would be of great benefit to his practice.

The two books "moving" and "quiet" are facing each other far away in the main hall, as if there are invisible winds and clouds intertwining with each other, and they have formed an incomparable and mysterious artistic conception.

Yanzheng's eyes flashed, and he let out a low cry, calling all the attendants in the palace to retreat.

There was only one person and one demon left in the hall, Yanzheng looked at Chen Luoyang silently.

Another light group appeared above Chen Luoyang's head, and the evil heavenly book with the word "demon" was shining brightly, attracting the big demon's attention as well.

"One book for another is the arrangement of the Mountain Venerable."

After a long time, Yan Zheng retracted his gaze and said slowly.

The heavenly books of the Mountain and Sea Realm all belong to the Mountain Venerable. Even the great monsters such as Yan Zheng and Feng Ang, who are equivalent to the martial masters of the human race, cannot make decisions completely by themselves.

"Whether it is the master or the Mountain Venerable, they all care about rules and fairness." Chen Luoyang said calmly: "The Mountain Venerable should not mind the bet between you and me, right?"

The great monsters are arrogant and aggressive, especially the Monster Venerable.

Even if they have to restrain themselves now because of some things and do not conflict with the mortal world, their bones remain unchanged.

Chen Luoyang dared to bet that the Monster Venerable might have instructed and hinted, or at least tacitly allowed the monsters of the Mountain and Sea to feel his bottom. Everyone depends on their own ability, and wins and loses at their own risk. Not to mention winning the "Monster" Heavenly Book, they also win more opportunities to read the "Monster" Heavenly Book for free.

For the Monster Venerable, the Heavenly Book may be secondary, but the Mountain and Sea Realm must win a breath.

However, the Sky Eagle in front of him would definitely not ask Chen Luoyang to fight.

Since Chen Luoyang chose his "Movement" Heavenly Book as an exchange, he had virtually mastered who on the Shanhai Realm could exchange for the qualification to borrow the "Demon" Heavenly Book, at least he was the one with the most say under the Mountain Venerable.

Just like Chen Luoyang on the opposite side mastered the "Demon" Heavenly Book, he could decide the number of people in the mortal world who could borrow the "Movement" Heavenly Book.

The Sky Eagle Clan had this convenience, and they could trade with many people in the Shanhai Realm, not just their own family members. The gains brought by this aspect were immeasurable, and it didn't matter if Feng Ang got a free advantage once.

Yan Zheng naturally had no intention of making trouble and fighting with Chen Luoyang, as long as the deal was reached safely.

But now Chen Luoyang suddenly showed the "Quiet" Heavenly Book, which was beyond his expectation, making him a little confused.

Intuitively, the benefits of the "Quiet" Heavenly Book to him were definitely not less than the "Demon" Heavenly Book.

After the big demon pondered for a moment, his eyes regained their calmness, and he finally shook his head: "I have no intention of gambling with you, let's just exchange according to the agreement."

"In addition to the word 'demon', it's okay to borrow the word 'quiet' for you." Chen Luoyang said at this time: "This page of the heavenly book belongs to me personally, and it does not involve the agreement between my master and the mountain master. I think the mountain master does not prohibit you and me from exchanging methods privately."

Yan Zheng did not see joy in his eyes, but became more cautious: "What do you want, Chen Daoyou?"

"A promise from you." Chen Luoyang tapped the armrest of the chair with his fingers: "Do me a favor in the future, it has nothing to do with the mountain and sea world, you can rest assured."

The big demon fell into contemplation again.

After a long time, he spoke again: "Okay."

"Later, I will bring people from Hongchen to borrow the "Movement" Heavenly Book from you again. Today, you may as well borrow the "Demon" Heavenly Book from you. As for the "Quiet" Heavenly Book, please be patient and wait for the time." Chen Luoyang collected the "Quiet" Heavenly Book and put it away, while the "Demon" Heavenly Book floated to Yan Zheng.

Yan Zheng was silent and sent the "Movement" Heavenly Book to Chen Luoyang.

One person and one demon each pondered the Heavenly Book in front of them.

But after just a moment, Chen Luoyang and Yan Zheng frowned slightly.

In addition to Feng Ang who was really waiting there outside the mountain, there was another powerful aura.

Another great demon in the realm of Wu Zun came to the ancestral land of the Tianjiu clan.

Chen Luoyang and Yan Zheng were not surprised.

This should be the great demon who wanted to fight with Chen Luoyang and tried to read the "Demon" Heavenly Book.

Including Yan Zheng, everyone was waiting at home for Chen Luoyang to choose one of the six. After the final result came out, the big monsters who still had their eyes on the "demon" heavenly book would come to the door. If Chen Luoyang did not choose the "movement" heavenly book, Yan Zheng might have gone to another place now.

Outside the mountain, half of the sky turned into ice blue at this moment.

The sky seemed to be frozen, but in the ice, there was a huge black shadow cruising.

A giant snake.

A pitch-black giant snake that exuded a monstrous fierceness and was not inferior to a real dragon.

Cold snake... Chen Luoyang understood in his heart that this was another powerful monster clan in the mountain and sea world.

"I heard that there was a visitor from the mortal world, so I came to visit." A human voice came from the ice, which seemed to be a woman.

Yan Zheng said in the hall in the mountain: "Xuanying? Please come in. The guest is here, so I won't greet you in person."

The ice in the sky broke, and the huge cold snake shrank a little and entered the ancestral land of Tianjiu.

Feng Ang smiled and also set out, but was targeted and blocked by the power of the ancestral land.

However, in addition to the cold snake, another strong demonic energy suddenly appeared without warning and joined forces with Feng Ang to push away the restriction of the ancestral land of the Tianji clan.

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