I seized the Demon Emperor

Happy New Year everyone

It's a new year. I wish you all a happy new year and good health.

Let me explain the current situation of this book.

First of all, this book has not yet been completed. It has indeed entered the later stage, but there is still a gap from completion.

Then, I apologize to everyone for the poor updates in the past few months.

At first, it was because I was a little confused when writing.

In fact, I have had this feeling since the summer. The reason is that many friends know that many authors have also encountered harmony problems.

In order not to send myself into it, I can only write as restrainedly as possible. If the standards are just strict, it would be fine, but the uncomfortable thing is that I don’t know where the standards are, so I can only try to handle it as safely as possible.

To be honest, looking back on that period now, I think I may have scared myself a little. Maybe the truth is not so exaggerated.

But I am not afraid of being laughed at by everyone. At that time, I was really like a frightened bird.

The direct consequence is that I dare not write unsafe things, and I can’t write safe things well.

I don't know what other authors are like. For me, the huge framework always frames me, which affects my state and inspiration. I am often irritable and nervous. It is difficult to write. I often sit in front of the computer for several hours or even more than ten hours, all to adjust my mentality.

In my anxiety, I began to adjust the subsequent plot of the outline, and then I had some new ideas.

Now I think back, after Chen unified Shenzhou, I adjusted the Ancient God Religion to slowly whitewash and turn it into a normal state instead of a dark and bloody state. I wonder if it would be better? After that, the friction between the Shenzhou Ancient God Religion, which represents advanced productivity, and the Red Dust Master, who still regards human life as worthless, and then slowly leads to the Red Dust World, may be another way of writing, another way of thinking, and it is not easy to be harmonized.

However, the ship has already sailed into the current route and it is impossible to turn around, so it can only stay in the imagination.

The ship still has to continue to move forward along the current route.

In October and November, I probably reorganized the outline and prepared to set off again, but I didn't expect to encounter justice from heaven and was severely punished.

Please promise not to laugh before I tell you.

Well, it's a little hard to say, my waist is broken...

Okay, it's not that exaggerated, it's actually an acute attack of lumbar disc herniation.

It's too protruding, so it's inevitable to be punished.

So, when the nerve root was inflamed in the acute stage, I had to hold the wall when I got up and walked, and I had to stop three times every step. I was in pain all over my body when I lay in bed without moving. It hurt no matter how I adjusted my posture, and sleeping became a luxury.

In this state, let alone typing, I almost couldn't take care of myself. After the acute stage was over, it finally didn't hurt so much, but in order to recuperate, I had to lie down for at least 20 hours out of 24 hours a day.

What's worse is that this disease can't be cured, I can only exercise and recuperate, and try not to let it relapse and affect my life, and feel pain again.

Even if it doesn't hurt now, I can only lie down most of the day.

So I started practicing typing and writing books with my mobile phone. The speed at the beginning was completely tragic.

Besides, it is easy to get sleepy while writing while lying down...

At that time, many friends asked in the book review area why the updates were unstable, asked me what I was doing, and asked me if I was drifting.

Smile bitterly, I am not drifting at all. On the contrary, I am useless. Now I am just a useless person lying dead all day long.

Everyone asked me, but I didn't answer because I didn't want to sound like I was complaining. So I will explain it to everyone after I think I can resume stable updates.

But to be honest, I am not confident now. I don't know when it will relapse again, when my waist will be broken again, so I will try to write more for you while I can work hard now. At present, I write half of the time while lying down with my mobile phone, and the other half of the time I sit down and write.

In fact, many people have lumbar herniation, but they will only feel pain when the nerves are compressed. No pain does not mean that it is okay, it may just not have an attack.

According to the CT scan, the protruding part of my body is a full 6mm, but I didn't feel it at all before, until this sudden attack, which knocked me down all at once.

I tell you my experience to ask you readers to take good care of your body, especially for people like me who sit at a desk for a long time. You really need to pay close attention to your spine health.

When I was a child, I broke a toy. My old man would sometimes use 502 to clean it. At this time, he often said: "Take care when playing. If it is broken, even if it is repaired, it will not be the same as before."

This is especially true for the body.

So I don't need to send other Spring Festival greetings this year. I just wish you good health.

Because my personal experience is too obvious.

As for the new book, I had some ideas when I was lying down and unable to move.

At that time, I was in a bad mood, and I was dissatisfied with the outline that the old book demon king had sorted out in October and November. So I pushed the plot of the old book while thinking about the new book to change my mind.

The style of the new book is more relaxed than the old book.

Later I found that this is more effective, and even more productive than simply writing the old book.

So it's not that I don't focus on writing the old book, but for me personally, this is the best solution at the moment.

Currently, I will update my new book twice a day. After that, I will focus on writing old books. I will update old books as much as possible to make up for it.

Finally, there is an epidemic recently, so please take care of your health.

Yes, let me say it again, good health is really important, very important.

Once again, I apologize to everyone for the poor update in the past few months.

I shouldn’t be so depressed during the Chinese New Year, but I am deeply touched. I wish all my book friends and your families happiness and health, and no illness or disaster.

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