I seized the Demon Emperor

Chapter 692 690. The unspeakable ogre king approaches the wilderness

Chen Luoyang stood up slowly, without any pretense. The Li brothers all felt that the world was turned upside down.

At this time, the old man who was covered with scars and looked like a dried corpse suddenly spoke: "Xu, the little girl, will need a lot of time. You won."

His tone was calm and indifferent, without any ups and downs.

Listening to Ye Tianmo's voice, Li Yuanbang had a complicated expression.

Li Gucheng looked calm, but his eyes flickered slightly, and his heart was obviously also surging.

They seemed to be witnessing the change and handover of an era.

Ye Tianmo, who once roared in the world and fought alone, is about to usher in his curtain call.

And the strong man who defeated him will ascend to the top of the world, the throne of the strongest under the Supreme, and the only one in the world.


Chen Luoyang came to Ye Tianmo and pulled out the Jun Tian Ge that was inserted into his body.

As Jun Tian Ge left, Ye Tianmo's dry body turned into ashes silently.

A generation of old demons became history.

Chen Luoyang put away Jun Tian Ge, then turned around and told Li Gucheng: "Stay in the city, don't move."

"I will follow the order of His Majesty." Li Gucheng bowed his head.

Chen Luoyang nodded slightly, and his figure disappeared in the underground palace without any signs, as if he had never existed.

Li Gucheng stood still and remained silent for a long time.

Li Yuanbang looked at the body of Ye Tianmo, which had also disappeared, and broke the silence after a while: "It's come to this point, there is no point in saying more, let's wait and see the result of your bet this time."

Li Gucheng nodded silently and sat cross-legged in the underground palace.


A figure silently traveled between the world of the Red Dust Realm, crossing the land of Xi Qin.

The land under his feet was in constant war.

The Black Lotus Buddhist Temple left by the Kuhai lineage was being removed one by one.

The warriors led by the Xiqin royal family and the righteous army led by Leng Ji advanced from the south to the north, sweeping away the legacy of the bitter sea and recovering the Xiqin land previously occupied by the bitter sea.

The two sides gradually advanced to the central area of ​​the Xiqin land and began a new confrontation and friction.

The people, with sparks flying everywhere, did not notice that there was a person passing over them in the sky.

Like a shadow moon passing through the sky in the daylight, this figure silently and invisible, walked across the land of Xiqin and went south into the territory ruled by the Ancient God Religion.

He walked all the way to the location of the Ancient God Religion headquarters.

There, there was also a fierce battle going on, and its intensity was even more violent than the war in the entire Xiqin land combined.

The two martial masters fought fiercely with the Ancient God Religion headquarters as the center, so that cracks appeared in the blue sky from time to time, and the vast area around the mountain defense formation was sunken, like the end of the world.

The two warring parties, on one side is the Queen of the Wilderness Qingkong Sang who had previously broken through the Wubian Temple of the Bitter Sea, and on the other side is the old man of the Ancient God Sect, He Sen, who broke through to the Martial Honor Realm beyond everyone's expectations.

As the top Martial Saint master in the mortal world before, Qingkong Sang has always been one of the three or two people closest to the Martial Honor Realm. Her achievement of the Martial Honor Realm is not surprising to the mortal world. It is better to say that many people are curious about why she has only taken this step until now. In the past, she was as famous as Wolongsha, but now her glory is overshadowed by her husband.

Ling Cang of the Black Water Jue Palace, who was not as strong as her in the Martial Saint Realm, actually broke through to the Martial Honor Realm ahead of her, and young people like Zhu Lu, Bie Donglai, and Xu Ruotong even surpassed her.

However, now that she has broken through, her strength is so strong that she is indeed worthy of her reputation back then.

Compared with her, the world is more shocked that He Sen also mysteriously broke through to the Martial Honor Realm.

After all, Elder He of the Ancient God Sect was inferior to Jiang Yi before, and was also inferior to "Sunset King" Zheng Chi.

His sudden rise was a surprise to even the disciples of the Ancient God Cult.

Everyone could only attribute this to the magic of the current leader Chen.

But Qingkong Sang had received news from Dong Zhou that this He Sen was not the same He Sen, but Jiang Yi himself.

The former leader and deputy leader of the Ancient God Cult, after being reversed, appeared in front of the world again.

If the real He Sen could break through to the realm of martial honor, he, who had just crossed the natural chasm, would not be able to compare with the fake one in front of him.

In order to break Jiang Yi's defense, she had to put more effort.

From a distance, a long river of time seemed to be burning, covering the top of the Ancient God Cult's main altar.

The sky above the Ancient God Cult's main altar lit up with layers of brilliance, interweaving into the light and shadow of one ancient god after another, resisting the long river of flames in the sky.

In the long river of flames, there was a crystal skull in a red robe, which was strange and powerful.

Qingkong Sang was ruthless this time, and attacked the Ancient God Cult's main altar, no longer holding back, and exerted his strength to the fullest.

Not only did she exert her unique skill of "Touching the Sky" to the extreme, but she also exerted the power of the ancient relic on her body.

As she broke through to the realm of martial honor, the power of this treasure could be exerted to the extreme, and the blazing flames were extremely domineering.

She did not plan to take it slowly, but immediately raised her own strength to the extreme, in order to break the ancient god sect's mountain defense formation below in the shortest time.

The blazing flames appeared above her head and condensed into a red ball of light.

In the ball of light, there was a page of a book that seemed to be burning but never extinguished, with the word "fire" written on it.

No one in the mortal world knew the specific content of the page of the heavenly book obtained by the wild, but today it was finally revealed to the world.

With the power of the "fire" heavenly book, Qingkong Sang's strength was more violent and fierce than usual.

Even though He Sen, who was in charge of the formation below, was also a martial master and had an advantage in the terrain, he felt shaky under such a violent attack.

However, He Sen was not in a hurry and unfolded a black treasure tower in the formation.

It was the bitter sea magic tower that was originally owned by the bitter sea lineage and later fell into Chen Luoyang's hands.

Although He Sen was not a direct descendant of the bitter sea lineage, he shook the bitter sea magic tower with the body of a martial master and still evolved an endless bitter sea to help resolve Qingkong Sang's attack.

As time passed, the flames in the two eye sockets of the crystal skull became more and more intense.

Chen Luoyang gave the bitter sea magic tower to Jiang Yi. Is he really here?

Or is he still setting up a false formation?

Unfortunately, she now lacks time for trial and error, and hesitation will not achieve anything. The only way to know the answer is to focus on solving the ancient god sect headquarters first.

A huge roulette wheel appeared in the hands of a crystal-like skull.

She had not yet had time to refine and control the Great Samsara Disk obtained after killing Abbot Fakong of the Bitter Sea lineage, nor had she been able to comprehend the profound principles in it.

But the situation was urgent at the moment, and the Queen of the Wilderness could not care about that much. She held the Great Samsara Disk and crushed it down, specifically targeting the Bitter Sea Demon Tower.

In the inheritance of the Demon Buddha lineage, the Great Samsara Disk was undoubtedly a more powerful treasure than the Bitter Sea Demon Tower.

Both parties came from the same source, and now they were sensing and restraining each other. The Bitter Sea derived from the Bitter Sea Demon Tower gradually faded.

Seeing this, the Queen of the Wilderness Qingkongsang immediately seized the opportunity and struck while the iron was hot. The "fire" heavenly book on her head flashed, and her power was concentrated on one point, intending to use the long river of fire to drill through the ancient god sect formation below.

But at this moment, Qingkongsang's heart suddenly shook violently, and a strong sense of crisis came over her, almost suffocating her.

Someone next to her suddenly stretched out a hand.

Black sleeves, white but powerful palms.

The hand grasped the Great Wheel of Reincarnation, which vibrated violently, but was firmly grasped by the hand and could not break free.

The crystal skull shifted its sight, and the owner of the hand appeared in her field of vision.

"Long time no see."

Chen Luoyang, with eyes as deep as the starry sky, looked at her calmly.

The crystal skull was silent, and the beauty reappeared.

Qingkong Sang took a deep breath: "Long time no see."

She looked at Chen Luoyang: "I still found the wrong place after all, and it's still too late after all. Can you give me a clear understanding of where you were before?"


Chen Luoyang said calmly, putting away the Great Wheel of Reincarnation with one hand.

With the other hand, the five fingers closed together, clenched into a fist, and attacked the Queen of the Wilderness.

The queen sighed slowly, and her beauty turned into white bones again, turning into the appearance of a crystal skull.

She did not try to resist Chen Luoyang's punch, but wrapped it with a long river of fire, trying to slow down its speed, and she herself retreated rapidly.

As the long river of time stretched out, everything around seemed to slow down, except for the Queen of the Wilderness Qingkongsang, who was in the long river, whose speed increased.

However, Chen Luoyang's fist seemed slow, but it seemed to freeze the long river of time.

A round of "black sun" rose slowly, like an endless abyss, swallowing the long river of time.

Qingkongsang found that her figure not only failed to move forward and escape, but even retreated, and took the initiative to crash into Chen Luoyang's fist.

Without any hesitation, she threw off her red robe, and the red robe instantly turned into a raging fire, as if the ancient divine fire burned through time and space and descended into the world.

At the same time, the "fire" heavenly book also took the initiative to greet Chen Luoyang.

But Chen Luoyang ignored it.

Two new "black suns" automatically appeared in front of him, one on each side, swallowing up the ancient flaming robe and the "fire" heavenly book respectively.

The two balls of raging fire that destroyed the world kept rolling, but silently, they were swallowed by the darkness. Not only could the sound not escape from it, but the light and heat could not escape either.

The "black sun" transformed by Chen Luoyang's fist expanded rapidly and came in front of Qingkong Sang.

There was no loud noise today, no turbulent wind and clouds, only the crystal skull was shattered and covered with cracks.

The bones turned into a beauty again, but the face of the wild queen Qingkong Sang was bloodless, even paler than the skeleton.

Chen Luoyang retracted his fist, and the two stood still, and their positions did not change at all, as if no one had moved.

"Beauty is old in the blink of an eye, and the beauty is fleeting." Chen Luoyang nodded gently: "It is indeed a good skill, but it is a pity that it has its flaws. No wonder you have been stuck in front of the natural moat for so long with your talent."

Qingkong Sang's lips moved, but she did not make a sound, just barely maintaining her body standing in place, as if just the action of speaking would cause her body to collapse and fall apart.

Chen Luoyang collected the "black sun" in the "fire" heavenly book and floated forward to collect Qingkong Sang's body.

He did not enter the main temple of the Ancient God Cult, but just said, "It's over."

After that, he disappeared.

When he reappeared, he had returned to the wilderness.

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