This is the end for the Demon King, but I still feel a little reluctant to give up.

Generally, when will a book be finished? From my personal point of view, under the current framework, when the story I want to tell is finished, then the book will be completed.

As for the book Demon King, some of the stories I wanted to tell were not told.

First of all, I have to admit that the high-pressure environment last summer made me a little nervous. Looking back now, I may have scared myself. But at that time, there was a lot of uncertainty. In order to avoid the book being 404, I still changed many things in the outline.

Of course, what was originally planned does not necessarily mean that it is good. In retrospect, it might have been better for the book to take a different plot direction. Unfortunately, there was no room for a U-turn at that time.

The most regrettable thing is that the update in the second half of last year was very bad, both because of the revised outline and because of physical problems.

I told you a few things during the Chinese New Year, so I won’t mention them again here, I’ll just repeat them.

Everyone must pay attention to protect your body and pay attention to your health.

Let’s get back to the end of the book.

I saw that some friends thought the ending was rushed. From my personal point of view, it’s a matter of opinion.

Because I did make some decisions. I started making plans around the time of the Human Emperor's Mausoleum, and I made up my mind on the eve of the Battle of Sunset Mountain.

For the next part of the novel, I will try to write a dehydrated version, squeezing out as much water as possible so that the content of each chapter is dryer, the amount of information is more concentrated, and the plot is more compact.

I don’t dare to say that every chapter is exciting, but I will try to have enough content, cut off branch plots as much as possible, and vigorously advance the main plot.

Some friends said that the plot at the end was too rushed, and some criticized the book for being poorly finished. However, some friends said that the plot at the end was quite high-energy and exciting.

I took both sides' opinions into account, and cut off the branch plots and some of the originally planned supporting characters. This was true, but as for the main plot, I still didn't save it.

Including the protagonist's upgrade nodes, there are many. To 19 is the accumulation of the Human Emperor's Tomb, to 20 is to swallow the power of Ye Tianmo, to 21 is the Thousand Soul Pearl that Chen Chuhua prepared early, to 22 is to fight Tian Shaojun After accumulating experience and thoroughly comprehending the Demon Lord's legacy, at 23, he was refining Mieluo Palace, and at 24, he was smashing copper plates and recalling the ancient Fuxi way.

I did cut off some transitional plots in the middle.

It's a personal attempt.

A friend asked if he was anxious to finish an old book because he had started a new one.

In fact, it's just the opposite. It was because I wanted to write the old book smoothly, so I opened a new book to change my mind and stimulate inspiration.

The new book, on the other hand, is a work of letting oneself go regardless of achievements. Of course, it is not surprising that it has some disappointments.

But it can play a role in changing the brain, stimulating inspiration, and promoting better creation of old books. This new book is not in vain.

Finally, coming back to the old book, at the end, let me summarize the shortcomings myself. In fact, there are still some.

Physical health factors still affect the creative state to some extent.

All the holes that should be filled in the main plot have been filled, but some characters, such as the treatment of several Nether Gods, have some flaws. Now that I look back on it, I am a little dissatisfied.

As for the final ending, some friends said it was too bland, but in fact this is exactly what I wanted to write.

Because the original design was not to be an ultimate decisive battle involving fists and fists at the last moment. At least this decisive battle was not fought by force, but by information asymmetry.

All the opponents have been put into Chen's pocket. It would be funny if they could counterattack and put Ah Chen in danger.

So in the end, Ah Chen slapped the small bag flat, and Daojun was gone.

Of course, just because I want to write something doesn’t mean that everyone will like it.

In any case, although there are some regrets, the Demon King will finally come to an end, a conclusion that may have some twists and turns but is still complete.

Thank you to all the book friends who have accompanied me to this day over the past year. Thank you all.

Next, I will focus on the new book Fairy and Demon Editor.

At present, the results of this book are not very good, but when I first started the book, I didn’t have any expectations for the results, so I relaxed and continued to write happily until I ran out of rice.

The style of the new book is not quite the same as that of The Demon King, but it is also an interesting story. Friends who are interested may wish to give it a try.

Finally, I once again apologize to everyone for the poor update in the second half of last year. At the same time, I would like to thank every reader who supports this book.

thank you all!

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