I seized the Demon Emperor

Chapter 80 80. Return to the main forum (Please recommend! Please collect!)

After listening to his subordinates' report, Chen Luoyang sighed inwardly.

In such a situation, he could not stay outside any longer, and he needed to return to the Demon Cult's headquarters as soon as possible.

The combination of the Ten-turn Return to Origin Pill and the Haotian Sword Sharpening Stone, in a sense, shortened his recovery time to about 40% of the original time.

It would take more than a hundred days at first.

After so many days of tossing before taking the medicine, it actually took less than a hundred days.

After taking the medicine to heal the wound, the time for complete recovery should be within forty days.

It would not be more than forty days at most, but thirty or more days would be very fatal for the ever-changing situation now.

God has mercy on him, and he could just get through these few dozen days outside.

Chen Luoyang was a little helpless.

As one of the Five Emperors, there may indeed be differences in strength.

I just don't know if the great elder of the Yuanlao Pavilion of his own Demon Cult was really defeated by Emperor Xia because of his inferior skills, or if he was trying to preserve his strength.

With the defeat of the great elder, the head of the Suzaku Hall could not stand alone.

Even if the King of Donghai did not participate in the siege, the Demon Cult would still be wary.

It is inevitable to move the battle line back in order to regain its footing.

"It seems that the elder is old." Chen Luoyang said lightly.

Xiao Yuntian, who was covered by the flowing wind, said: "Master, the headquarters still needs you to stay. The alien masters who went south this time are not just the people of Zuo Xianwang. Be careful that the alien clan leader has already left."

Chen Luoyang heard this and his eyes fell on Lao Shou who was standing beside him.

Lao Shou nodded and said: "Master, the person who will support Xiuzhe should be one of the twelve flying generals."

In order to prevent the appearance of enemy reinforcements like Wang Qiyi and Mingpeng Taoist nun, Xiao Yuntian went to support Lao Shou.

The two returned together.

At the same time, they brought back the news that the alien Zuo Xianwang Xiuzhe had not run out of luck after all and successfully escaped.

There were other alien masters to support him.

Most of the Twelve Flying Generals are outstanding talents of the alien race. They directly serve under the command of the alien race leader. They are more outstanding alien masters than the Ten Horses under Zuo Xian Wang Xiuzhe.

Previously, the alien masters who went south to join the coalition to fight against demons were all under Zuo Xian Wang Xiuzhe.

The latest situation shows that there may be more alien masters coming south.

"The Ten Horses have died, and now there are only a few more to accompany them." Chen Luoyang said lightly: "But you two were alone at the time, so it is not a fault to withdraw now."

"Thank you, Master." Lao Shou and Xiao Yuntian saluted together.

Zhang Tianheng said at this time: "Master, why don't we cut off the opponent's retreat and attack the opponent from the front and back with the Great Leader?"

Xiao Yuntian said: "The Demon Blood Tree in the main hall must not be lost."

"Don't worry too much, I will wait for them at the main hall. Let's see if Li Yuanlong and the others can come to me." Chen Luoyang gave an order, and all the masters of the Demon Cult under his command immediately took action.

The Six Dragon Emperor Chariot, which had originally traveled east along the northern part of Xiangzhou, began to turn and head south again, heading towards the Demon Cult's main hall.

Chen Luoyang continued to recuperate while carefully studying his own martial arts.

At the same time, he also took the opportunity to read more Demon Cult intelligence letters and books to understand the situation.

In a few days, they were close to the legendary Demon Cult's main hall.

Ancient God Peak.

More latest updates on the battle situation were also continuously transmitted to the Six Dragon Emperor Chariot.

According to the intelligence, although the Great Elder was injured by Emperor Xia, he still had a certain strength.

After the Demon Cult retreated a distance, they regrouped and confronted the Southern Expedition Demon Coalition.

Overall, the Demon Cult regained its footing and was not directly penetrated by the opponent's defense line, which led to a thousand-mile collapse.

But the opponent still had the upper hand, and the Demon Cult suppressed the formation and slowly retreated.

The closer to the Ancient God Peak, the stronger the Demon Cult's counterattack was, and the slower the opponent's approach was.

However, the battlefield showed a trend of expansion.

With Emperor Xia and King Donghai holding back the main force of the Demon Cult, other strong men began to disperse, bypassing the main defense line of the Demon Cult, sweeping in all directions, breaking through in a roundabout way, and vaguely surrounded the Ancient God Peak.

As the news of the return of the Demon Cult leader spread, the opponent's arrogance was restrained and no longer so rampant.

The Western Expedition Demon Army collapsed, which made the main force of the Central Army wary.

But in caution, there was still the courage and determination to fight firmly.

"Report to the leader, there seems to be traces of Taiyi Dao Sect and Qingliang Temple activities here. I am tracking them down, but I haven't caught them alive yet."

One day, while walking on the road, Qinglong San came to the Six Dragons Emperor's Chariot Hall again to report.

Chen Luoyang nodded slightly.

Taiyi Dao Sect.

Qingliang Temple.

One Taoism and one Buddha, each is the leader of Taoism and Buddhism in the vast land of Shenzhou.

Among them, Taiyi Dao Sect has always been the vanguard of the anti-demon movement in the Central Plains.

To a certain extent, they are enemies with the Demon Sect.

Qingyunzi, the last leader of Taiyi Dao Sect, died at the hands of Chen Hanhai, the last leader of the Demon Sect.

The pattern of Shenzhou five years ago was not the current three emperors and five emperors dominating the peak.

Instead, it was the two emperors of the north and south, and the emperors ruled the eight directions.

The ten masters were known together in the world.

The Sword Emperor and the Knife Emperor, one in the south and one in the north, can be called the two poles, needless to say.

Among the eight imperial governors, the Demon Cult has three of them, namely the current head of the Suzaku Palace and the chief elder of the Elders Pavilion, plus the former Demon Cult leader Chen Hanhai.

Well, that is the father of the current leader...

The remaining five are Xia Emperor Li Yuanlong, the alien Zuo Xian Wang Xiuzhe, the Taoist leader Qing Yunzi, the master of Piaomiao Yun Palace and the abbot of the Great Vajra Temple.

Four years ago, a great war broke out between the Sword Emperor and the Sword Emperor, and both sides were injured, so they each retreated to recuperate.

During this period, the vast land of China was not calm, but turbulent.

The previous leader of the Demon Cult, Chen Hanhai, fought against the Taoist leader Qing Yunzi and won, killing Qing Yunzi on the spot.

But Chen Hanhai himself was also injured, and was killed by the co-master of Piaomiaoyun Palace and the abbot of Dajinang Temple.

At that time, there was a massive demon-killing coalition army marching south.

However, the contemporary leader of the Demon Cult, who was little known before, suddenly appeared.

At the age of sixteen, he was the youngest martial emperor in China from ancient times to the present.

After a great battle, the coalition retreated helplessly.

After a competition within the Demon Cult, the youngest leader of the Demon Cult in history was born.

While the leader was consolidating his power, his record became more and more brilliant.

In the sect, he defeated the Zhuque leader.

Outside the sect, he defeated the Black Emperor Xiuzhe.

Two years later, the leader stepped out of the Demon Realm for the first time in his life.

First, he killed the abbot of the Great Vajra Temple in the Snowy Plateau, and almost wiped out the entire family of the Great Vajra Temple.

Then he immediately moved to Xiangzhou, killed the master of the Piaomiao Cloud Palace, and confronted the Sword Emperor who came.

While subverting the pattern of Shenzhou to a certain extent, he established his own reputation as the Three Emperors. From then on, the Demon Emperor, the Sword Emperor, and the Knife Emperor were known as the world.

The Demon Cult expanded and incorporated the Snowy Plateau into the Demon Realm.

The Piaomiao Cloud Palace in Xiangzhou was scattered, and Xiangzhou was divided by the Xia Dynasty and the Demon Cult, and since then it has become the front line of the struggle between the two sides.

While the Xia Emperor annexed the northern part of Xiangzhou, he wanted to take the opportunity to purge the three major families inside.

Who knew that the King of the East Sea, who had been hiding before, finally showed his strength as a martial emperor and made a big splash.

The Xia Emperor had no choice but to temporarily stop and take it slowly.

The top masters of the vast land of Shenzhou were also officially established as today's Three Emperors and Five Emperors.

"Investigate the whereabouts of Taiyi and Qingliang sects carefully." Chen Luoyang put down the jade slip in his hand and said calmly: "Since you are here, you can all stay."

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