I sell jars in Douluo

Chapter 180 Dugu Bo’s gift, heartbreaking love

"Grandpa, come to your senses. Someone is opening the can, you have to hurry up."

Dugu Yan gently pulled the corner of Dugu Bo's clothes and urged in a low voice.

"I'll start right away."

At this time, Dugu Bo withdrew his gaze from sizing up the middle-aged soul master and focused on the jar again.

He picked up the lucky magic hammer and smashed it down immediately.

Click click click.

In the blink of an eye, the remaining nine jars were all opened by Dugu Bo.

Lin Xiao looked at it.

In the double jar, there are two mutant strawberries, which are not bad.

In the remaining jars, there are ordinary items such as destiny coins, sky tree fruits, and magic juice.

Lin Xiao looked at Dugu Bo without waiting for an explanation. Dugu Bo smiled: "Boss, there's no need to waste your breath. I recognize all these things."

Hearing the sound, Lin Xiao smiled slightly and felt that it was easier.

At this time, Dugu Bo looked at Dugu Yan and said, "Say goodbye to the boss and we will leave."

"Yeah." Dugu Yan nodded and said crisply to Lin Xiao, "Boss, let's come back next week."


Lin Xiao waved his hand gently and smiled.


At this moment, a soft sound came from Lin Xiao's ear.

He glanced slightly and saw that Dugu Bo had placed a huge wooden box on the counter.

Sensing Lin Xiao's gaze, Dugubo smiled slightly and said: "Boss, this is my intention, you must accept it."

After saying that, without giving Lin Xiao a chance to refuse, he took Dugu Yan and ran out of the shop.

"Is this like a gift?"

"Why do I feel like I'm being run away by debt collectors?"

The middle-aged soul master in the store muttered when he saw this.

what is this? It looks like ambrosia, but I don't know what kind it is.

Lin Xiao had already vaguely guessed the items in the box.

However, when he opened the box, he was still shocked.

It was an ordinary-looking white flower, the size of a palm, shaped like a peony, without grass leaves, and connected to a large stone under the rhizome, which was completely black.

On top of the white flower, there are some astonishing patches of red, which are as bright as blood and look a bit thrilling.

"What a boy, I'm so lovesick!"

Lin Xiao's eyelids twitched, feeling surprised.

Immediately afterwards, corresponding item information appeared in front of Lin Xiao.

It’s all 0 to the eye

[Acacia Heartbroken Red: worth 10 million trading points. 】

"Ten million trading points."

Lin Xiao took a breath of cold air. Some people took the wrong medicine. Didn't Dugu Bo take the wrong medicine?

According to Lin Xiao, if it weren't for the high restrictions on the use of Acacia Heartbroken Red, its value would definitely have increased.

After all, this is the king of flowers!

"Oh, what a pity."

Lin Xiao secretly sighed, if he really wanted to give himself a gift, why would he give it such an expensive gift?

Three or five copper coins are enough to express your feelings.

If Lonely Bo exchanges this immortal grass worth tens of millions of gold soul coins for the jar, Lin Xiao will be happier.

That's a hundred jars, which can at least increase his soul power by a dozen or even dozens of levels!

But what's the use now? I can only make a bonsai from now on.

"Boss, I'd like to take the liberty to ask, what are the names of the grandfather and grandson just now?"

Seeing that Lin Xiao had finished handling the matter at hand, the middle-aged soul master asked in a low voice.

"The old man's name is Dugu Bo." Lin Xiao didn't hide anything.

After all, Dugu Bo's status is there, and it's not a secret that anyone who is interested can easily find out his identity.

On the other hand, the middle-aged soul master was no longer calm, "You, you said he is, Poison Douluo Dugu Bo?"

The most vicious Titled Douluo in the legend just smiled at me?

And even apologize to yourself?

When did the most sinister existence among Titled Douluo become so kind?

Subconsciously, he thought it was an illusion.

"I can see that Dugu Bo does not have any ill intentions towards you."

Lin Xiao saw the panic in the middle-aged soul master's eyes and comforted him softly.


Although the middle-aged soul master still had some heart palpitations, he could barely stabilize his mind.

"Although he has a surly personality, he probably won't do one thing in front of others, another in Tiandou City, and another in Wuhun City."

Lin Xiao said and smiled.

And his smile was extremely contagious, and the middle-aged soul master was finally completely relieved.

"Boss, I don't believe him. But I believe your vision is not wrong. Then let me open the can first."

The middle-aged soul master felt that at this time, he must first open a few cans to calm down the panic.

Immediately, he took out one million gold soul coins without changing his expression.

It really goes with that sentence, make money in a jar and spend it in a jar!

It was an amount that even made a titled Douluo feel heartbroken, but he didn't feel any pressure at all when he took it out.

"Boss, please choose ten jars from the top row. It's troublesome."

Seeing Lin Xiao accept the money, the middle-aged soul master spoke politely.

"no problem."

Lin Xiao nodded, waved his hand, and ten jars fell neatly on the counter, "I won't say more about the rules, you can start."


The middle-aged soul master held the lucky magic hammer with both hands and nodded heavily.

Lin Xiao found that his hand holding the handle of the hammer was loosening and tightening, tightening and loosening again, and he must be very uneasy in his heart.


After a while, the middle-aged soul master exhaled heavily and finally calmed down.

The lucky magic hammer in my hand fell down continuously!

Click, click, click.

He broke several jars in one breath before stopping. He kept muttering in his mouth: "It can't be done, it really can't be done. Take a breath first, then if you continue driving, my heart will beat out."

This won't work.

Seeing this, Lin Xiao smiled slightly, pointed at the items in the jar and said one by one: "Magic juice, after use, you can restore a lot of soul power."

"Mutant strawberry can restore body surface injuries after use."

"Sky Tree Fruit"

"Mountain Grape"

In the blink of an eye, Lin Xiao finished talking about the first four items.

I saw a mix of surprise and disappointment on the middle-aged soul master's face, but overall, he was still very satisfied.

The combination of magic juice and wild strawberry is equivalent to gaining half a life. What else are you not satisfied with?

The middle-aged soul master thought to himself and solemnly put away the items one by one.

These are rare treasures.

As for whether it's worth it, I can only say that benevolence is in the eye of the beholder.

Anyway, he felt it was worth it.

At this time, he had already taken out the contents of the fifth jar.

That's a kite!

"Boss, this kite shouldn't be simple, right?"

The middle-aged soul master fiddled with it repeatedly, but couldn't figure out why. Finally he looked at Lin Xiao and asked.

We can only wait for professionals like Boss Lin to answer this question.

"You are right, it is indeed extraordinary."

Seeing the other person's look of seeking knowledge, Lin Xiao didn't show off and smiled slightly: "This kite is called a flying kite. After you use it, the kite is on the ground and you are flying in the sky!"

"How can it still be like this?"

The middle-aged soul master was stunned for a few seconds after hearing Lin Xiao's explanation.

This kind of item cannot be said to be magical, but should be called a miracle!

Such effectiveness is really unexpected.

There will be a chapter later.

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