I sell jars in Douluo

Chapter 184: Grandfather and grandson recognize each other, Qian Renxue’s luck (3rd update, 4000-wor

"Haotian Hammer!"

"Why do you have the Clear Sky Hammer?"

Tang Hao took a breath of air and made a sound of horror.

He was very sure that the killing king in front of him was the owner of the Clear Sky Hammer spirit.

"Death!" The King of Slaughter snorted coldly, his eyes firm and unaffected by Tang Hao's words.

The huge Clear Sky Hammer in his hand pointed at Tang Hao from a distance, and at the same time, nine soul rings appeared under his feet!

Yellow, yellow, purple, purple, black, black, black, black, red!

"The other party's soul ring ratio is not weaker than mine at all!"

"He, is he the ancestor of Tang Chen?"

"It's impossible. How long has it been since Tang Chen's ancestor disappeared? If it's really Tang Chen's ancestor, how could he not return to the sect?"

Tang Hao's pupils shrank suddenly, and a turmoil arose in his heart.

In his memory, only Tang Chen met this condition.

But didn’t the ancestor disappear for many years? Is this person really him? Tang Hao couldn't believe it.

At this time, the King of Slaughter did not give him much time to think. In an instant, he had arrived in front of Tang Hao and smashed down the huge Clear Sky Hammer without any fancy.

Tang Hao also reacted extremely quickly and hurriedly swung the Clear Sky Hammer to counterattack.

He even used the Seventy-Two Hammer Techniques to increase his own strength.

He was confident that he could fight even against a level ninety-seven titled Douluo!


The two huge Clear Sky Hammers collided together, making a deafening sound.

Many people have covered their ears in pain.

Thump thump.

Tang Hao's figure was seen retreating one after another.

With one blow, it’s immediately clear who is stronger and who is weaker!

"What a strong force!" Tang Hao's pupils shrank suddenly, and his heart was shocked.

However, at this moment, the sword in the King of Slaughter's hand turned towards him and swept towards him!

"If it were the Clear Sky Hammer, I would still be a little more afraid. Why should I be afraid of this sword? Do you think I won't smash it?"

Tang Hao snorted in his heart, he really wanted to compete with the Clear Sky Hammer for everything.


He exerted force with both feet, held the Clear Sky Hammer with both hands, exerted enough strength, and swung the Clear Sky Hammer and smashed it out.

In his opinion, the bloody sword must be shattered next.


But very unexpected!

Tang Hao felt as if the Clear Sky Hammer in his hand hit another Clear Sky Hammer!

The power on that long sword is actually no weaker than the Clear Sky Hammer in the King of Slaughter's hand!


There was another loud noise.

This time, Tang Hao only felt numbness in the tiger's mouth, and he stomped back several steps before releasing the power!

But even so, there was still a feeling of boredom in his chest. In the end, he couldn't hold back his "Wow" and spat out a mouthful of blood.

"The King of Slaughter, Mighty!"

On the side, the expressions on the faces of Coster and other black-armored knights can be described in two words: comfortable!

Even the law enforcement captain felt a sense of comfort in his heart.

Haha, you can’t be arrogant anymore?

Didn’t you just clamor to change the rules of the Killing City?

Why don't you go to heaven?

But Tang Hao didn't look at the crowd at this time. He stared at the King of Slaughter tightly, not daring to relax at all.


The other party is really too strong!

"Every time I hammer, I use the skills of the seventy-two evil-repelling hammer techniques. The combination of soul power and my own strength has reached its peak!

He was confident of fighting even a ninety-seventh level titled Douluo. But the other party resisted it lightly."

Thinking about this, Tang Hao had big beads of sweat dripping down his forehead.

His mind was replaying the brief encounter just now.

"No, that's not an ordinary attack technique, it's one of Haotian's nine unique techniques!"

Tang Hao finally discovered the clue.

But this was even more of a shock.

The King of Slaughter has obviously practiced the Nine Arts of Haotian to the point of perfection, and it has become instinctive.

Even he can't do this!

"Even I can't do such a skilled Haotian Sect secret method, let alone other members of the Haotian Sect, they are far inferior to me."

"So, is he really the ancestor of Tang Chen?"

"Is it true? You will know once you try it!"

Tang Hao finally made up his mind, and immediately exclaimed: "Grandpa, is it you!?"

On the other hand, the King of Slaughter's eyes flickered slightly before he continued to attack.

The Shura Divine Sword in the left hand and the Clear Sky Hammer in the right hand.

So scary!

However, Tang Hao was not surprised but overjoyed.

Because Tang Chen's flashing eyes were still caught by him!

It’s really grandpa!

He can be sure.

However, the people on the sidelines didn’t think so.

"Hahaha, you are the God of Killing. Now you are beaten and called grandpa?"

"It turns out that he is just a master who bullies the weak and fears the strong!"

"I still admire your unruly look!"

Coster and others will certainly not give up the opportunity to beat the drowned dog.

Even if it's a matter of language, they won't let it go.

"Do I recognize my grandfather? This is my biological grandfather!"

Tang Hao's expression suddenly changed, and he felt extremely depressed.

A mouthful of old blood began to well up again.

The damage caused by these people's words to him was no less than those two hammers.


If he had a choice, Tang Hao would rather take a beating than listen to their noise!

"You dare to be distracted now. Do you think I can't kill you?"

"Haotian's incarnation!"

At this moment, the King of Slaughter struck down with another hammer.


This hammer head is as big as a water tank.

Gulu Tang Hao swallowed hard.

He felt that he had been too one-sided just now.

Faced with such a big hammer, he would rather let people say a few words.

"Haotian body protection!"

Facing the King of Slaughter's full blow, Tang Hao immediately used the strongest defense!

At first.

When he was not a Titled Douluo, he used this skill to defend against the Titled Douluo's attacks. It goes without saying that his defense power is extremely strong.


Tang Hao ignored who his opponent was.

He is not the elder of Wuhun Palace, but the owner of the best Wuhun in the world, and he is a peerless strong man!


Haotian's bodyguard shattered into pieces like glass.

Immediately afterwards, Tang Hao was blown away like a meteor and slammed into the wall.


When the smoke cleared, everyone saw a 'human' shaped depression on the wall. Tang Hao is embedded on it.

"It's really been punched into the wall. I can't even buckle it down!"

Some of the black-armored knights were surprised when they saw this.


After Tang Hao spat out a mouthful of blood foam, he said sadly: "Grandpa, are you being controlled?"

He still tried to wake up Tang Chen.

But the other party was too indifferent.

It's like being controlled by someone, like a machine that only knows how to kill.

"Wait, control!"

Tang Hao suddenly discovered the problem.

"Ancestor Tang Chen must be controlled by someone. Either his spirit has fallen into some kind of illusion, or he has been deceived and regarded me as an enemy. As long as this control is broken, he can be awakened. .”

Ta-ta-ta-ta, the footsteps of the King of Slaughter kept coming to his ears, and Tang Hao became calmer and calmer.

"I remember that in the Sunflower Book, there is a sound wave technique that can shock people's minds. It can be regarded as a kind of spiritual attack.

Life or death, let's fight to the death! "

Tang Hao's eyes flashed and he finally made a decision.

Then, he suddenly activated his soul power and shouted, 'Wake up! ’

I saw circles of ripples that were like real substance, rippling away.

The ninety-fifth level soul power is so powerful that many people feel their heads buzzing.


The bloody sword fell to the ground, and the Slaughter King stopped attacking at this moment.

The Clear Sky Hammer is also missing.

He held his head in his hands.

He kept screaming in pain, "Who am I! Ah, who am I!"

"You are Tang Chen, Tang Chen, the leader of the Haotian Sect!"

When Tang Hao saw this, his eyes flashed with excitement.


Tang Chen?

Suddenly some hidden memories seemed to appear in his mind.

But, soon, the King of Slaughter roared again, with a look of struggle on his face: "No, I am the King of Slaughter."

"No, I am not the King of Slaughter, I am Tang Chen!"

"Sir, what's wrong with you?"

"You are the king of killing"

The law enforcement captain shouted in horror.

On the side, Coster and others were also dumbfounded.

They couldn't figure out what was going on.

What kind of soul skill did that guy Tang Hao use? His voice caused the King of Slaughter to split his personality! ?

"Grandpa, look at me again, I am Tang Hao."

Tang Hao called out again.

He could tell that Tang Chen must have been disturbed by some kind of force and could no longer remember what had happened.

It's like a new one.

"Tang Hao."

"You are Tang Hao."

The red light in the Slaughter King's eyes gradually faded away, as if this name touched more memories in his heart.

The look in his eyes was gradually replaced by confusion.

"I, I remembered!"

"I am Tang Chen, the leader of Haotian Sect, Tang Chen!"

"No, you are not Tang Chen, you are the King of Slaughter!"

Suddenly, the Slaughter King's voice suddenly became sharp.

"Hmph, stop talking nonsense, get out of here!"

But, suddenly, the King of Slaughter roared.

Everyone could hear a wailing sound and returned to calm.

Another moment passed.

The King of Slaughter slowly took off the mask on his face.

The face that was deep in Tang Hao's memory was revealed. Then he looked at Tang Hao with tears in his eyes and said in a trembling voice: "You are Hao'er."

Finally, he also recognized Tang Hao,

"It's me, Grandpa!"

Tang Hao's eyes filled with excitement, and then he said emotionally: "Grandpa, can you hold me down first? It's very tiring to be inlaid here."

Uh. A trace of astonishment appeared on Tang Chen's face, and he slowly pulled Tang Hao out of the humanoid hollow.

However, Tang Hao is in a very embarrassed state now.

Many bones in his body were broken, making it difficult to stand still.

At this moment, everyone who witnessed all this was dumbfounded.

"It's over! Tang Hao is not pretending to be a grandson, he is actually a real grandson!"

The law enforcement captain, Scott and others almost forgot to breathe.

"Grandpa, how did you become the King of Slaughter?" Tang Hao asked intermittently.

He was very puzzled by this matter, it was simply weird.

“It’s a long story.”

Tang Chen's eyes flashed, "You've grown so big in a flash. How is the sect doing now?"

He had a look of sadness on his face, but he didn't expect that decades had passed in a blink of an eye, and what happened in the sect now was what he was most concerned about.

He is really afraid of things changing.


Tang Hao hesitated to speak. He didn't know if his grandfather could bear the excitement of such a big thing like the destruction of the Haotian Sect.

"What's wrong? Tell me!"

Tang Chen's eyes suddenly condensed, with great majesty.

Subconsciously, his heart tightened and he clenched his fists unconsciously.


"Haotian Sect is gone"

Tang Hao cried as he spoke.



Tang Chen's expression suddenly changed, as if he had been struck by lightning.

Da da da.

He took several steps back before regaining his balance.

A strong murderous intention burst out from Tang Chen's body, and no one dared to breathe.

"Grandpa, calm down and don't be impulsive."

"Take a deep breath!"

Tang Hao lost his breath when he was nervous and could speak fluently. I was afraid that Tang Chen would become like that just now because of his impulsiveness.


Hearing the sound, Tang Chen closed his eyes and adjusted his breathing for a moment. Then he opened his eyes and asked coldly: "What on earth is going on? Who did it!"

A bitter smile appeared on Tang Hao's face: "It was Wuhun Palace who took action and dispatched more than a dozen powerful Titled Douluo."

"Martial Soul Hall? How dare they?"

"Qian Daoliu is looking for death!"

Tang Chen's voice was shocked and angry.

When the last word "death" was uttered, everyone in the audience felt like they had fallen into an ice cave!

"It's a long story!"

Tang Hao really didn't know how to talk about it for a while.

He didn't even know if Tang Chen would be kicked out of the family immediately if he said that everything happened because of him in his current state.

"Then let's talk as we walk."

Tang Chen stepped forward and directly picked up Tang Hao.

The broken bones kept rubbing together, causing Tang Hao to grin, but he still insisted on asking: "Grandpa, where are we going now?"

Tang Chen said coldly: "Of course we are going to Wuhun City. No matter what the reason is for Qian Daoliu to attack our Haotian Sect, the blood debt will eventually be repaid with blood."

"Martial Spirit City" Tang Hao was shocked, "Grandpa, Qian Daoliu's strength."

To be honest, Tang Hao was really worried that Tang Chen would lead him to Wuhun City to kill people.

That sincerity is too much

"He is just a defeated general. Even after decades, he will still not be my opponent."

Tang Chen was afraid that Tang Hao didn't know Qian Daoliu's strength and added: "The results of his divine examination have destined him to be like this for the rest of his life. The ninety-nine level demigod body is already the limit."

Hiss, level ninety-nine, a demigod body, and that’s all?

This is already the pinnacle of Douluo Continent!

After listening to Tang Chen's words, stop talking about Tang Hao.

Even the law enforcement captain and others took a deep breath.

the other side.

Wuhun City, in a small shop.


As another jar shattered, Qian Renxue suddenly exclaimed, "Hey, another card actually appeared!"

Qian Renxue saw clearly inside the jar, a card with a mysterious figure appeared. Despite her cold temperament, a look of emotion flashed across her face.

It's actually another divination card?

Of the three cards, I have already collected two, which is really good luck. Could she really hope to collect all three cards and predict the future?

After Lin Xiao got the item information, he was slightly startled.

After that, he looked at Qian Renxue and gave a positive reply: "I have to say, you are lucky. This card is indeed a divination card. Now there is only one card left for divination."

However, Qian Renxue hesitated as she looked at the four jars in front of her.

Just a little bit close, is there still hope?

A 4,000-word chapter.

There will be a chapter later.

no sooner said than done.

Today’s goal of 10,000 words is updated.

Today, I feel confident and confident that I want to vote!

No one will read the book and vote for it!

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