I sell jars in Douluo

Chapter 192 Emperor Xueye’s decision


Emperor Xue Ye was so excited that he couldn't help coughing.

"Father, take care of yourself."

Qian Renxue said worriedly.

"No, it doesn't matter."

Emperor Xue Ye coughed for a while and finally recovered. He looked at Qian Renxue and said solemnly: "Such crazy people must be brought to justice. Prince, I leave this matter to you. You must do it." We must get rid of this scourge for the people of the Tiandou Empire."

"Yes." The firmness in Qian Renxue's voice made even Emperor Xueye nod his head after hearing it.

As expected, His Royal Highness the Prince has a good character and hates evil as much as he hates it!

Slowly sitting back on the throne, Emperor Xueye asked again: "This time you left Tiandou City to travel. Apart from discovering this villain named Tang San, did you learn anything else?"

Even though he was the emperor of the Tiandou Empire, he didn't have much freedom. In addition, he was suffering from illness. He still yearned for the world outside Tiandou City.

"Back to Father, nothing happened, except that the child got two coins."

Qian Renxue spoke hesitantly.

coin? Emperor Xue Ye was very curious. He believed that the coin that Qian Renxue mentioned must not be an ordinary item.

"That's it."

Qian Renxue had already taken out two destiny coins at this time.

Emperor Xue Ye also looked puzzled, "What effect does this thing have?"

"I heard that there will be two different effects after using it. If you are lucky, it can trigger magical power and bring people back to life."

Qian Renxue said and glanced at Emperor Xueye hesitantly.


Emperor Xueye was excited.

Isn't the result Qian Renxue mentioned what he desires?

But he didn't forget Qian Renxue's words, this was a successful result.

Where there is success there must be failure.

"What about the result of failure? I guess there is some punishment?" he asked in a low voice.

Qian Renxue hesitated for a moment and said in a deep voice: "Failure will lead to divine punishment, and the body will fall under divine punishment."

"The punishment is so cruel." Emperor Xueye's face turned even paler.

Trembling, he stretched out his hand and held two coins in his hand.

He didn't know what decision to make.

He had no doubt about Qian Renxue's words.

He didn’t even ask about the origin of the destiny coin.

Because this is not the focus of his relationship,

Now, he was very hesitant, wondering whether he should use the destiny coin.

If you use it, you are likely to die immediately.

No, he was very unwilling to do so.

You know, he has longed for health for too long.

He has had enough of living like this.

"In the past, when the prince was still young, nothing could happen to me. Now that the prince is old, he can take on this important responsibility even if the Tiandou Empire is handed over to him."

Emperor Xue Ye suddenly had an idea in his mind.

However, he also knew that this idea was not yet mature and needed to be considered carefully.

"Prince, I'm tired of being a father, so please step aside first."

Emperor Xue Ye waved his hand, signaling Qian Renxue to retreat.

He wanted to be quiet.

"Father, please take care of yourself."

"My child, please leave."

After Qian Renxue finished speaking, she turned and left the hall.

She knew that Emperor Xueye was moved.

In fact, when she decided to give up her destiny coin, she also struggled internally.

Don’t be afraid of ten thousand, just be afraid of what happens.

If Emperor Xue Ye succeeds in using the fate coin, all the years of planning will be in vain.

But Qian Renxue failed in the future she saw.

Both Prince Xue Xing, who kept a low profile, and His Highness, Xue Beng, who endured the humiliation, had already cast doubt on her.

The longer you delay, the stronger the opponent's accumulated strength becomes. It is also more detrimental to oneself.

So, she decided to take a big gamble.


Emperor Xueye was struck to death by lightning, and he succeeded in inheriting the throne. Catch Snow Star and Avalanche by surprise. Just kill them before they grow up.


Emperor Xue Ye's body has recovered as before, so he can continue to endure and wait for the opportunity. Let’s deal with the real trash pretending to be trash in secret.

To put it bluntly, if you really have to do something serious, then you can leave and return to Wuhun Palace.

Not long after Qian Renxue left.

Emperor Xueye issued another secret edict, asking the guards to bring a sick waiter to the audience.

"See Your Majesty."

In the main hall, the sickly waiter came to Emperor Xueye and said excitedly.

"You have served me for many years and have worked hard. Now I have a chance to restore your health and vitality, but there are some risks. If you fail, your life will come to an end."

Emperor Xue Ye looked at the waiter at the bottom with sparse white hair and slow steps and said.

Who can tell that he is only in his twenties.

That is to say, it is not against the law at all to be fifty or sixty years old.

On weekdays, I often stay up late to help Emperor Xue Ye handle some things, which is why I ended up like this.


Staying up late is a must.

However, what is surprising is that the waiter did not hesitate at all and said immediately: "Your Majesty, I am willing."

"No hesitation?"

"Don't hesitate!"

"No regrets?"

"No regrets!"

The sick waiter answered very simply.

Comparing a chance of health to living a life of survival, he still had a good choice in his mind.

"Then use this coin."

Emperor Xue Ye looked at the waiter protecting his eyes and felt a sympathy for him.

After saying that, he asked a guard to place the fate coin in front of the sick waiter.

"Is this thing useful?"

Even if he was muttering in his heart, the waiter didn't dare to say another word.

He immediately held the destiny coin in his hand, raised it high above his head, and said in a trembling voice: "Thank you for your kindness, Your Majesty."

"You can try."

Emperor Xueye said calmly, while trying his best to widen his eyes.

In fact, he wasted all this energy just to see if the destiny coin was really that magical.

Even though the prince said it would work, seeing is believing.

He still felt uneasy when he couldn't see anyone successfully using it.

What happened to the prince?

"It's not impossible to harm me, but the possibility is not high."

Emperor Xueye thought to himself.


At this time, the waiter had already flicked the fate coin in his hand into the air.

Under the gaze of Emperor Xue Ye, the coin did not summon divine punishment, but turned into a mysterious force and entered the body of the sick waiter.

Immediately afterwards, visible to the naked eye, the waiter underwent an astonishing change.

His rickety body became straighter.

The sparse white hair turned black and bright in the blink of an eye, and new hair sprouted like bamboo shoots after a rain.

There was also a sparkle in his cloudy eyes.

It can be said.

Now is what a young man in his twenties should look like.

"Amazing, really amazing."

Emperor Xueye was extremely shocked. If he hadn't seen it with his own eyes, he wouldn't have believed it was true.

It’s really shocking,

You must know that he has seen countless healing soul masters, but none of them have such ability.

Destiny coin, amazing!

"A miracle!"

"A well-deserved miracle!"

The man who regained his youth first spoke incoherently, and then knelt down to Emperor Xue Ye: "Thank you for your generous gift, Your Majesty!"

"You deserve this, go down."

In Emperor Xueye's heart, this waiter was just a tool.

Now that the fate coin has been tested and has the effect the prince said, it is enough.

After the waiter left, the hall fell into silence again.

Emperor Xueye was thinking hard with his brows furrowed.

No one dared to disturb.

After a long time.

He finally made up his mind.

Again, the prince is now older. If I am no longer here, I can shoulder the heavy burden of the Tiandou Empire!


"You are going to send a message to the courtiers. I have something important to announce to you tomorrow morning. Including Prince Xue Xing and Prince Xue Beng. I have something important to announce!"

"At the same time, we also need to invite Sect Master Ning from the Qibao Glazed Sect. I also want him to be a witness."

Emperor Xue Ye had the idea of ​​trying it in his mind and it grew uncontrollably.

It is better to choose the day than to hit it. He plans to use the destiny coin early tomorrow morning to gain life!

If it fails.

Tomorrow is the succession ceremony of Prince Xue Qinghe!

Hear the sound.

The guards in the main hall did not dare to hesitate and immediately started moving.

They all knew in their hearts that the sky of the Tiandou Empire might be about to change.

"Boss, do you think I will rush to the street today?"

On the other side, in the small shop, Snake Spear Douluo asked Lin Xiao with a grimace.

I feel uncomfortable, want to cry, and urgently need someone to comfort me.

He has now opened eight jars, each containing ordinary items.

More importantly, not to mention ordinary items, they are all useless sundries,

There are even newer things.

The cat demon's fingernails and bone fragments all appeared.

"I don't know whether you are aggressive or not, but"

When Lin Xiao came here, he paused for a moment and said with great sincerity: "But if you are thrown into the street, this is your life, and it will not change because of my words."

"It's a bit heartbreaking, boss."

Snake Spear Douluo felt even worse.

He thought his fortune had turned around. I didn't want to run around with Tuoba Xi, and I would have to pay for it.

"Actually, you won't lose money today either."

Lin Xiao suddenly felt that he could no longer undermine Snake Spear Douluo's confidence and had to encourage him, otherwise he would not dare to open the can in the future.

"Isn't this a loss?"

Snake Spear Douluo's eyes widened, and he tremblingly pointed at the pile of items in front of him.

I really can’t see it.

What’s even worse is that there’s not even the regular magic juice in the jar, so you can imagine how dark it is.

"Think about it from another angle. Anyway, Tuoba Xi has given you a lot of benefits. Today is just a day to accumulate times. You are only one can short of thirty cans of lucky praying cans."

Lin Xiao said this very tactfully.

In fact, it is saying that these jars are yours for nothing anyway, so what else do you want to be dissatisfied with?

Hearing this, Snake Spear Douluo was slightly startled, and after thinking about it, it was the same thing.

"Then just finish opening these two jars."

"Early death and early rebirth."

Snake Spear Douluo felt a lot more relaxed and immediately smashed the two jars.



The ninth jar was okay, just an ordinary piece of 'worn leather', and the Snake Spear Douluo who opened it had no temper at all.

There was no fluctuation in my heart, and I even wanted to laugh a little.

But the last jar is different,


He exclaimed, his eyes widening.

When he saw the contents of the jar clearly, he was even more shocked.

"This this."

"I'm not dreaming!"

He was excited.

It feels like I have reached the climax of my life.

There are two more chapters later.

It should be updated with 10,000 words today.

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