I sell jars in Douluo

Chapter 205 The requirements of the four major imperial clans and Tang Xiao’s plan

"It's floating!"

"Zhao Wuji, are you really crazy? Do you really think that magical treasures like Forgotten Heshuizhi are just cabbage? You can have as much as you want?"

"I still want to replace all the soul rings. What about your life?"

There was no need for others to hit him. The thoughts that popped into his mind made Zhao Wuji feel ridiculous.

How incredible would it be to replace all the soul rings?

If he were really lucky, he would probably become a Titled Douluo, and why would he have to open the jar so hard?


Not right either.

Even if you become a titled Douluo, you still have to open a jar. According to rumors, powerful Titled Douluo people often appear in Boss Lin's shop.

There was a wry smile on Zhao Wuji's lips, but he also calmed down at this moment.

Return to reality.

He knew the delay was imminent so he replaced the soul ring first.

A thought came to my mind.

The third soul ring on his body disappeared in a flash.

"The next step is to obtain the soul ring."

Zhao Wuji looked at the Thousand Jun Ants that he had just killed. Under the pull of his soul power, the soul ring had landed on top of his head.

next moment.

A dark soul ring appeared on the disappeared third soul ring!

So far, his soul ring configuration has changed from seven soul rings, yellow, yellow, purple, purple, black, black, and black, to the current configuration, yellow, yellow, black, black, black, black, black

The terrifying soul ring ratio is enough to shock the soul master world!

"The Great Barrier?"

"Is this the ability attached to the third soul ring?"

"Super strong defensive skills!"

Zhao Wuji was shocked when he felt the soul skills attached to the new soul ring.

It can be said that if you use the soul skill of Qianjun Barrier, your defense will be very strong.


Even the old man Tai Tai probably can't break through easily!

"Not only that, the fourth soul skill has also undergone some changes, and it has actually been slightly enhanced. Is it probably comparable to a 40,000-year-old soul skill?"

Zhao Wuji thought in astonishment: "Could it be that this has something to do with the fact that both soul rings belong to the Thousand Jun Ants?"

who cares!

Anyway, this is a good thing, right?

Zao Wou-Ki quickly put these questions behind him because he discovered another surprise.

That is, after absorbing the 30,000-year-old third ring, his strength also began to improve.

And this range is not small!


The next moment, Zhao Wuji also entered the ranks of the seventy-nine soul masters.


Level eighty is not far away either.

"It's only one step away! We still need an opportunity!"

Zao Wuji recognized his current situation.

More and more surprises.

"It's a pity that the only teleportation potion was used by me in Wuhun City. Otherwise, I must go back to Wuhun City to find Boss Lin and thank him in person."

Zhao Wuji thought with some regret.

Then, he looked in the direction of Tiandou City and showed a sneer: "Old gorilla, I'm about to break through level 80.

When the time comes, I must pay a visit to your force clan! ""

"Sect Master, how are you? What do the four major royal clans say?"

Outside Tiandou City, in a hidden mountain stream, Haotian Sect disciples are scattered everywhere, as if they regard this place as the Haotian Sect's temporary sect.

The seventh elder stood by the stream and asked Tang Xiao, who had returned from the dusty world.

"Four major royal clans!"

"Hmph, one of the four major royal clans has really rebelled!"

After hearing what the seventh elder said, Tang Xiao felt extremely angry.

Even in order to vent his dissatisfaction and anger, he slapped his palm and directly smashed a half-man-high bluestone into pieces!

Only then did he feel better.

"It seems that the sect leader's attempt to conquer the four royal clans did not go smoothly?"

Even if the seventh elder is not good at observing words and expressions, he can still guess the cause of the matter.

"Not only is it not going well, they are simply trying to defy the odds."

"People from the Yu clan asked me why I left them behind?

The Min clan said that they were also human beings, not the lackeys of the Haotian Sect who came and went at will.

I didn’t see Yang Wudi from the Po clan. But he was told. If you want him to return, you must show some sincerity. "

Tang Xiao said with a dark face.

"Sincerity? Who gave them the courage to blackmail my Haotian Sect?"

When the seventh elder heard this, he was so angry that he blew his beard and stared.

"Sect Master, I can't bear this. Now I'm going to argue with them. Let them see clearly their position. They are just lackeys of my Haotian Sect!"

With that said, the seventh elder was about to walk out of the mountain stream.


Tang Xiao called him directly.

"What's wrong, Sect Master, do you really want to apologize to them?"

"It's just something kept in captivity by our Haotian Sect, and you still want to devour its master?"

The seventh elder had a cold look on his face.

"Actually, what happened back then was indeed our Haotian Sect's neglect of them."

Tang Xiao became angry and lost his temper.

He has become less tough than before.

"Sect Master?" The seventh elder was shocked. What is this useless sect leader going to do?

In his opinion, since the four major imperial clans do not know what is good and what is evil, they should suppress them forcefully.

"I think this matter should be considered in the long term. We need strength, and the four major royal clans can be a big help to us."

Tang Xiao added: "Besides, we are not without supporters."

Any supporters?

The seventh elder was startled when he heard the sound: "You mean, the force clan?"

"Yes, that's right."

Tang Xiao nodded: "It's just that they also have conditions."

"What conditions?" The seventh elder was stunned.

"If Haotian Sect reopens a sect, they will come to vote immediately!" Tang Xiao said solemnly.

"How long has it been, and they still want fame?" When the seventh elder heard this, he felt very angry.

"There is no need for the Seventh Elder to be angry. In fact, the return of the four royal clans cannot be solved with just one sentence."

"It depends on strength."

Tang Xiao said in a deep voice.


The Seventh Elder shook his head after hearing this: "Sect Master, you should also know that the people in Wuhun Palace have never given up searching for us. Originally, hiding here was quite hidden and allowed us to cultivate for a few years.

Now it is really not a wise choice to come out in the name of Haotian Sect again. It is completely putting our Haotian Sect on the fire. "

The seventh elder was also filled with worries.

I'm just afraid that if the Haotian Sect is announced to have returned to the world today, tomorrow there will be a group of strong men from the Spirit Hall to exterminate the clan.

Now there is a gap in the Haotian Sect.

The remaining disciples will never experience the baptism of war again.

"The worries of the seventh elder are somewhat unnecessary." Tang Xiao kept waving his hands after listening to the seventh elder's words.


The seventh elder was startled. He didn't know why Tang Xiao was so sure.

However, he did not agree with the Haotian Sect's re-establishment of the mountain gate.

"I came back just to tell you to be careful. I want to go to the Blue Lightning Tyrannosaurus Rex family and join forces with them."

Tang Xiao told him his plan.

"What? Are you looking for support from the Blue Point Tyrannosaurus Rex family?"

The seventh elder was startled, it was not that he had never thought about it.

But I don’t dare to think about it.

Can Haotian Sect get their help? Enough!

"Sect Master, please think twice."

"I think it's better to suppress the four major imperial clans directly."

The Seventh Elder expressed his own opinions on Tang Xiao's decision.

But before he finished speaking, he was interrupted by Tang Xiao: "Seventh Elder, I think you have misunderstood me."

"I'm not telling you this to win your approval. I'm just informing you."

"After the nest is overturned, are the eggs intact? I believe that the Blue Lightning Tyrannosaurus Rex family will definitely support us."

"Otherwise, Wuhun Palace will most likely target them."

Tang Xiao said, as if there were blazing flames burning in his eyes.

He wants to revitalize the sect more than anyone else.

It can be said that the fact that Haotian Sect has reached this point has a lot to do with him.

"I regret a little bit about what happened back then."

"Unexpectedly, it will be the beginning of the destruction of Haotian Sect."

The past years came to mind, and Tang Xiao felt a pain in his heart.

In order to avoid being discovered by others, he hurriedly turned around and said to the Seventh Elder: "Seventh Elder, just lead your tribe and wait for my news in the mountain stream."

"This matter will definitely be done!"

Two updates completed.

Good night.

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