I sell jars in Douluo

Chapter 208 Finally unlocking the new world


After listening to Zhu Zhuyun's words, the Grand Duke of Netherworld swallowed hard.

Is this still the ghost spirit cat he knows so well?

It’s too powerful!

It has been enhanced by nearly 30%, coupled with the 50% improvement in all attributes after the tail is docked, it is incredible!

"A cat has nine lives. Does it mean that every time she increases, she will have an extra tail? An extra life?"

Lin Xiao's eyes also flickered.

He has seen more than one person gain strength, but they all simply made their martial soul stronger. This was the first time that Lin Xiao saw someone's martial spirit actually evolving due to amplification.

Such a change made him secretly amazed!

I'm afraid the current Nether Civet Cat's martial spirit can already surpass the White Tiger's martial spirit by several blocks, right?

"Sister, how are you doing now?"

Zhu Zhuyun looked at Zhu Zhuqing and asked.

It's like offering a treasure.

There is no doubt that what Zhu Zhuqing did in the Netherworld Duke's mansion made her unable to let go.

What she wants to do most after her strength increases is of course to have a fight with Zhu Zhuqing.

Revenge for the previous abuse!

Of course, Zhu Zhuyun also knew that he could not compete with Zhu Zhuqing in Boss Lin's shop.

But, there’s nothing wrong with having a good time, right? Haha, who made me stronger?

Zhu Zhuyun felt that it was time to feel proud.

The look in Zhu Zhuqing's eyes was a little more arrogant.

On the other hand, Zhu Zhuqing's eyes were as calm as water, and he spoke softly: "I have martial arts skills."

Martial arts skills!

When Zhu Zhuyun was reminded like this, his pupils suddenly shrank.

Last night, Zhu Zhuqing had already had a showdown with them. The reason why her strength improved so quickly was due to her martial arts skills.

After that, Zhu Zhuqing also showed the Grand Duke Netherworld and Zhu Zhuyun what martial arts techniques were.

Whether it is the mysterious spiral nine shadows movement technique, or the heart-destroying palm and nine-yin white bone claws that can explode terrifying attacks.

They all remain fresh in her memory.

I have to say, it’s very powerful!

Zhu Zhuyun's heart was filled with envy.


To put it in a more realistic way, it is really sour!

It's like eating countless lemons.

In fact, it's not just her, but also the Grand Duke of Netherworld.

Martial arts skills combined with martial arts are really powerful.

Unfortunately, Zhu Zhuqing has already said that there is no telling when the martial arts skills will appear in the jar again.

"Don't be arrogant, I still have an amplifier."

Zhu Zhuyun, who was defeated, pinned his hope on the last amplifier.

He immediately stopped hesitating and said silently in his mind: "Use!"

A familiar scene appeared in front of everyone again.

After the increase ended, Zhu Zhuyun changed again.

Another tail grew.

"Four tails."

Lin Xiao was slightly startled, and couldn't help but mutter in his heart, "The nine-tailed fox can understand, but what is the nine-tailed cat?"

"But, it really feels like rua."

Four-tailed ghost civet?

I'm afraid the strength has been greatly improved again!

The Grand Duke of Netherworld was shocked, and he quickly asked: "Zhuyun, how do you feel?"

"Feels good! Very good!"

"I never thought that the spirit of the ghost civet could become so powerful."

Zhu Zhuyun looked at the Grand Duke of Netherworld, with excitement in his eyes: "First of all, the strength of Netherworld Civet Cat's spirit has increased again. After three increases, the intensity is at least 40 to 50% stronger than before."


Forty to fifty percent

Hearing the sound, the Netherworld Grand Duke couldn't help but take a breath of air.

"Secondly. As you can see, after the third increase, there is one more tail. Similarly, this tail also gives me the opportunity to withstand fatal attacks.

And also get a buff effect that is superimposed on the previous one. If all three tails are broken, then I will receive a 70% bonus to all attributes for a period of time. "

Zhu Zhuyun thought for a while and answered seriously.

What? Even this ability is increasing?

The Grand Duke of Netherworld took a deep breath, with a look of disbelief on his face. If this state is fully activated and explodes, how terrifying will the Nether Civet be?

He didn't dare to think about it!

Immediately afterwards, the eyes of the Grand Duke of Netherworld turned red, flashing with tears of excitement.

"Zhuyun's Nether Civet Cat is definitely comparable to the top beast martial souls at this time! How many years have passed, is our Nether Clan really going to rise!?"

He clenched his fists hard.

Of course, this is not nonsense.

The Nether Civet Cat is considered advanced among advanced martial arts spirits.

Now that he has enhanced his strength so much, it is not impossible to compare with the top beast spirits.

Without looking at the excited Grand Duke of Netherworld, Zhu Zhuyun quickly looked at Zhu Zhuqing.


She was disappointed, but Zhu Zhuqing still looked calm.

"Pretending! He must be pretending to be so indifferent!" She felt that she had seen through Zhu Zhuqing's thoughts.

Immediately, she couldn't help but ask: "Sister, what do you think?"

However, Zhu Zhuqing's answer was very simple, which also made Zhu Zhuyun very depressed.

"I have martial arts skills."

Zhu Zhuyun: "."

Can't you change a line?

Are martial arts skills amazing? Aren't you just bullying me?

However, recalling the terrifying strength Zhu Zhuqing showed, she calmed down again.

Yes, martial arts skills are indeed amazing!

"Don't be discouraged Zhu Zhuyun. If you continue to increase at this rate, you will be stronger than Zhu Zhuqing even without martial arts skills."

"Well, sooner or later there will be a day."

She could only comfort herself, her heart was completely beaten.

"Okay, Zhuyun, Zhuqing, let's leave first. Don't delay Boss Lin's business."

Seeing that the jar was finished, the plastic sisters were at war with each other again, and the Netherworld Grand Duke hurriedly smoothed things over.

If we really wanted to have a discussion, this would obviously not be the right place.

"Boss Lin, see you later."

“I will come again.”

Zhu Zhuyun and Zhu Zhuqing also said goodbye to Lin Xiao.

Of course, Lin Xiao would not stay in this regard.

The cans are all opened, what are they left to do?

In charge of food?

A moment later, in an alley not far from the shop.

The Grand Duke of Netherworld suddenly asked the sisters in front of him in a deep voice: "What are your plans for the future?"


Both girls were startled. Zhu Zhuqing said bluntly: "I want to stay in Wuhun City."

"Continuing to open the can is indeed a good choice, and we must maintain a good relationship with Boss Lin." The Netherworld Duke nodded.

I, why did I think so much? Zhu Zhuqing looked a little unnatural. She just wanted to stay in Wuhun City and visit the small shop from time to time.

"Father, Father."

At this time, Zhu Zhuyun said with some anxiety: "I want to stay too."

Hearing this, the Grand Duke of Netherworld suddenly frowned and asked, "Do you really like Davis and want to marry him?"

What? Zhu Zhuyun was startled when she heard the sound. She was a little overwhelmed by the sudden question from the Grand Duke of Netherworld.

However, she still shook her head firmly, "No, I don't want to!"

In fact, who is born to be submissive?

She also doesn't want her fate to be tied to someone else's.

I don’t even want to become someone else’s slave!

"But is there a choice?" Zhu Zhuyun sighed quietly.

"It didn't happen before, but now it does." The Grand Duke of Netherworld said with some emotion: "In the past, the Netherworld clan was unable to resist the White Tiger clan, but it is different now. I will become a titled Douluo, so I can break the rules."

"As for your martial spirit that has changed, your future prospects are limitless. If you don't want to, not even the royal family can force you!"

His voice was resonant.

"Father." Zhu Zhuyun was a little excited and even choked up.

"Zhuqing, I have suffered so much for you these years." The Grand Duke of Netherworld looked at Zhu Zhuqing again, his lips trembling a little.

Zhu Zhuqing didn't say anything but just shook his head.


The Grand Duke of Netherworld sighed, knowing that he owed this little daughter too much.

It cannot be made up for in a few words.

He will try his best to make up for it in the future.

the other side.

In the shop, Lin Xiao opened the system panel.

When Zhu Zhuyun opened the fourth jar, he heard the sound of the system.

That was the reward given after successfully selling four hundred jars.

Similar to what Lin Xiao had guessed before, the reward was the unlocking progress of the Pirate World.

"Select the world panel."

Lin Xiao said silently in his heart.

The next moment, the familiar world panel appeared.

What is different from the past is that the world progress bar that was previously unlocked to 60 or 70% is now almost over.

At least, in Lin Xiao's opinion, it can be unlocked.


not at all.

"Good guy, isn't this system possessed by Pin Xixi?" Lin Xiao muttered with a strange look on his face.

“It seems like it’s just a little bit off, but it’s actually just a few hundred million points off.”

The more he thought about it, the angrier he became. Lin Xiao couldn't help but curse, "This is a dog system, why don't you learn it well? It's really getting more and more doggy."

However, at this moment, a system prompt suddenly sounded:

[Ding, it is detected that the host has an unused random world experience card, which can be exchanged for the progress value of unlocking the world. Do you want to exchange it? 】


And this operation?

Lin Xiao was startled, but without any hesitation, he immediately responded: "Yes!"

The sound fell, and the random world experience card in the inventory disappeared.

Immediately afterwards, the system prompt sounded again:

[Congratulations to the host, unlocking the pirate world. 】

[Current authority: Level 1. 】

It’s finally unlocked!

Lin Xiao's eyes lit up. Does this mean that there is hope for those powerful Devil Fruits to be released?

However, he soon noticed another problem, and a doubt arose in his heart, "What is this authority?"

However, Lin Xiao quickly got the corresponding information.

Simply put, the higher the authority, the greater the authority over the world.

As long as the authority reaches level 3, you can trade with people in the pirate world. After reaching level 5, he can even directly descend into the world of pirates.

"Ah this."

"It's really surprising."

Although Lin Xiao had some guesses before unlocking this world, it would be a little extraordinary.

But I didn't expect to have such high authority.

"It's a pity that the only way to increase your authority is by constantly releasing items from the Pirate World."

"If you want to upgrade from Level 1 to Level 3, there is a long way to go!"

Lin Xiao sighed slightly.

But in other words, having hope is better than having no hope, right?

A 3,000-word chapter.

Next chapter, night.

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