I sell jars in Douluo

Chapter 210 Yu Xiaogang’s mentality collapsed, Liu Erlong opened the amplifier

I have eaten grapes, but although this one looks like a grape, whether it is a grape or not is a very controversial issue.

Once bitten by a snake, Yu Xiaogang was afraid of well ropes for ten years, so he didn't dare to take care of him anymore.

He almost lost all his teeth just now, so he had to be cautious this time.

Who knows if the fruit this time has magical properties?

He looked at Lin Xiao and asked, "Boss, don't you know what this is?"

Even Liu Er on the side pricked up his ears, wanting to know what this thing was.

"Grape? Don't you recognize it?"

"Oh, to be precise, this is called Mountain Grape. It is the sweet and sour type."

Lin Xiao looked at the three of them and said.

I have to say, Yu Xiaogang is really strange.

Those who don’t understand pretend to understand, while those who understand don’t dare to admit it.

"Look, I said they were grapes, but you looked like I was going to hurt you." Flanders immediately jumped out to defend himself.

snort! Do you think I can't see that you just want to harm me?

Yu Xiaogang rolled his eyes at Flanders angrily, and immediately picked up the bunch of mountain grapes.

Then an ugly look appeared on his face.

"You spent 100,000 gold soul coins to buy a bunch of grapes?"

Yu Xiao just reacted and returned.

Ma De, you are losing blood!

What kind of family is eating such expensive fruit?

What a black-hearted boss would stuff grapes into a jar?

"Xiao Gang, look at it openly. It's just temporary gains and losses, it's not important. You still have eight jars to open. You will definitely get what you want."

"Besides, in this season, the grapes are not ripe yet. Spending 100,000 gold soul coins to buy a bunch of fresh grapes is not a loss."

At this moment, Liu Erlong noticed the unnatural look on Yu Xiaogang's face and comforted him.

Is it okay to force it so that I don’t lose money? After Yu Xiaogang listened to Liu Erlong's words, he didn't say anything. Instead, he carefully put the mountain grapes away and continued to open the jar.


There was a flash of light, and another fruit fell out.

Yu Xiaogang's face turned dark immediately.

Like the bottom of a pot.

It’s not over, right?

The amplifier was nowhere to be found, why did it get involved with the fruit!

"Boss, don't you know what this fruit is?"

"Wild strawberry, it should taste good."

Lin Xiao answered Yu Xiaogang's doubts.

"No more?" Yu Xiaogang asked tentatively.

Lin Xiao smiled, "Then what else do you want?"

Yu Xiaogang was startled and was speechless for a moment.

Of course he wanted a treasure that could evolve a person's martial soul.

But what's the point of giving out some fruits?

He even seriously doubted that Lin Xiao must have been a fruit vendor before selling jars, right?

"Xiao Gang, this red fruit looks very rare. It's not a loss."

Liu Erlong looked at Yu Xiaogang with a black line on his face and said again.

"Forget it, keep opening the can."

"Even Dai Mubai can unlock treasures that increase his strength. I, Yu Xiaogang, have never been weaker than others. I will definitely be able to unlock treasures."

Yu Xiaogang took a deep breath and smashed the jar again.


A heavy object fell to the ground.

Everyone looked over and saw that it was a long knife covered with rust.

"Rusty Katana"

Lin Xiao just reported the name of an item and didn't say anything else.

no way.

He wanted to say a few more words, but he really had nothing to say.

In other words, this is also garbage? Yu Xiaogang knew it well.

With the experience of the first two times, he could tell the value of the items by looking at Lin Xiao's expression.

Come again!

I, Yu Xiaogang, will never admit defeat!

"Gravel, a stone with many uses, mostly used in construction."

"The worn leather can be made into a pair of worn-out shoes by the shoemaker in Wuhun City."

"Goblin hand bones, this thing has a strange smell, even dogs won't eat it."


Gradually, items were released one by one.

Yu Xiaogang's face turned from black to white.

It went from black like the bottom of a pot to white and bloodless.

At this time, Lin Xiao looked at Yu Xiaogang and said: "The ten jars have been opened, please put away your items."

Is this the end?

Yu Xiaogang asked more than one question today, but it was definitely the last time he asked this question today.

"I can not accept"

"Ten jars, not a single item has been opened."

Yu Xiaogang's mentality collapsed.

Totally broken.

Even the dog didn't want that hand bone, but he gave it to me? Does it fit?

There is also tattered leather. You actually recommended me to make a pair of tattered shoes. Is this polite?

Pay me back the money, but I won’t open this jar!

Lin Xiao frowned slightly and said lightly: "Can you accept that this is reality?"

"Boss, don't get me wrong, Xiaogang just can't accept it." Liu Erlong suddenly came to Yu Xiaogang and said to Lin Xiao.

Lin Xiao didn't speak, just nodded lightly.

On the other hand, Liu Erlong's actions were shocking.


A small box was placed on the table by her.

"Boss, do you think this box of gold bricks is enough to open a jar?" she said in a deep voice.

[A large number of gold bricks: worth 1,023,300 trading points. 】

Lin Xiao took a look and nodded after getting the item information: "That's enough. You can choose the jar you want."

As he spoke, he waved his hand and put away the gold bricks.

At this time, Yu Xiaogang came to his senses and asked: "Erlong, what do you mean?"

"Aren't you asking questions knowingly? Of course Erlong is opening the can?"

On the side, Flanders curled his lips and rolled his eyes at Yu Xiaogang.

Yu Xiaogang was startled, "Didn't everyone come with me? This is what you are doing."

"Ha ha."

Liu Erlong suddenly smiled, waved his hand, and said, "You're already here, so it just doesn't make sense to not go to the countryside and open a few jars as the Romans do."

"Hey, Erlong, you are wasting your money. It's not that I'm slandering Boss Lin, but it's really hard to find any treasures in this jar."

Yu Xiaogang's tone was full of sighs. He felt that Lin Xiao's shop was really a scam.

No one can get anything good out of a jar.


"Maybe I'll be lucky?"

Liu Erlong smiled and shook his head, then looked at Lin Xiao and said, "Boss, just grab ten jars from the second row."

"no problem."

Lin Xiao nodded slightly and placed the jar Liu Erlong selected in front of her.

With Yu Xiaogang's lessons learned, Lin Xiao didn't need any more explanation. Liu Erlong picked up the lucky magic hammer and smashed the first jar.


Blue light flashed and a red fruit fell out.


Everyone was startled.


On the other hand, Yu Xiaogang sighed and said: "Erlong, just look at it, it's really difficult to get something good out of a jar."

Don't look at him sighing or looking regretful.

In fact, I smiled in my heart.

Listen to others' advice and eat enough. Considering my character, Yu Xiaogang, I haven't found anything good, so you can do that?


However, Lin Xiao's next words stunned Yu Xiaogang.

"This is different from the strawberry you prescribed before. It is called a mutant strawberry. After taking it, it can restore all injuries on the body surface and restore physical strength."


Strawberries have a restorative effect?

Liu Erlong suddenly widened his eyes and said in surprise: "This is a good thing! It's just right for me. Bah, it's just right for me."

She is an attack-type battle soul master, and her fighting style is even more rampant. Injuries are commonplace.

Having this thing is equivalent to having half an extra life!

Yu Xiaogang was dumbfounded. He immediately took out the wild strawberries he had obtained and compared them.

I feel very unbalanced in my heart. Why are the strawberries so different?

“Facts have proven that opening a can still depends on one’s character.”

"I think Erlong has a good character, but it's a pity that his eyesight is not very good."

On the side, Flanders said something nonchalantly.

Yu Xiaogang felt even more worried.

But what's even more distressing is what's behind.

Because Liu Erlong has already opened the second jar.

This time, it's the color of light.

Very eye-catching!

"It seems like the items this time are even more extraordinary?"

Liu Erlong's heart was shocked, she had a premonition.

The light dissipated.

Liu Erlong took out the items in the jar.

It looks like a dark purple jade with a few black spots.

It looks extremely mysterious.

"Boss, what is this? I feel like it's extraordinary." Liu Erlong said with some uncertainty.

It’s actually an amplifier!

Lin Xiao was startled for a moment, then nodded: "It is indeed extraordinary. I remember that when you came here, you wanted a treasure that could evolve the martial soul. This amplifier in your hand can do it."

"But remember that if you increase it more than three times, it will fail, and if you increase it more than ten times, the spirit will be at risk of being exploded and cannot be recovered!"

After Lin Xiao finished speaking, he looked at everyone strangely.

It really goes with that sentence, if you plant flowers intentionally, they will not bloom, but if you plant willows unintentionally, they will create shade.

Sure enough, in the next moment, everyone's expressions instantly became wonderful.

"Old boss, are you serious? Is this really a treasure that can evolve a martial spirit?"

Liu Erlong said tremblingly.

Subconsciously, she looked at Yu Xiaogang. Isn't this the treasure that Yu Xiaogang can only hope for?

Now he actually got it?

However, in her sight, Yu Xiaogang had a dull look on his face.

He was stupid.

Really stupid!

"What the hell is this?" He had mixed feelings in his heart.

Of course, the strongest taste is sour.

He seemed to have eaten countless lemons.

"Erlong, try it quickly. I can't wait to see if it's really that magical."

Flanders was rubbing his hands excitedly on the side with a look of excitement on his face.

"Okay, to be honest, I have never witnessed such a magical thing in my entire life and decades of practice!"

Liu Erlong nodded heavily, with a look of expectation on his face.

She really wanted to know what kind of existence her martial soul would become if it evolved.

Compared to the Blue Electric Tyrannosaurus Rex, who is stronger and who is weaker?

However, what was surprising was that Yu Xiaogang suddenly said: "Wait, Erlong, can you give me this treasure?"

As soon as this statement came out, everyone was stunned.

"Yu Xiaogang, how could you say that? You are still stronger when Erlong has the opportunity?"

Flanders was angry and couldn't help but question.

"Fland, Erlong didn't say anything, why are you so anxious?"

"Besides, the amplifier belongs to Erlong, and no one can make the decision for her."

Yu Xiaogang criticized Flanders unceremoniously, and then he looked at Liu Erlong and asked: "Erlong, what do you think?"

A 3,000-word chapter.

Next chapter later.

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