I sell jars in Douluo

Chapter 212 The ruthless bandit Dai Mubai and the outlaw Tang San

"Boss Fu, I advise you to take care of yourself and don't say things I don't like to hear."

Seeing that Flanders's lips were trembling, Liu Erlong quickly waved his hand and rejected Flanders' words of thanks.

Hearing this, Flanders shook his head helplessly, but the gratitude in his eyes was not concealed at all.

Lin Xiao's eyes also flashed with admiration.

I have to say that Liu Erlong is really impressive and gives people the feeling of a hero among women.

"Erlong, that's one million gold soul coins."

Yu Xiaogang spoke at this time.

To be honest, he didn't want Flanders to open the jar. He had already foreseen that if he really opened some treasures for Flanders, wouldn't his tail be raised to the sky?

It is inevitable to have some cynicism about yourself.

So he must change Liu Erlong's decision.

Suddenly, Liu Erlong's face turned cold, he looked at Yu Xiaogang and asked suddenly: "Are you teaching me how to do things?"

Unknowingly, Liu Erlong found that his feelings for Yu Xiaogang gradually calmed down.

Maybe it started when Yu Xiaogang came to Tiandou City with a purpose and came to Lanba Academy to find her.

We haven't seen each other for many years, and it's very emotionally hurting to ask for money right away.

But forget it.

But then, Yu Xiaogang kept targeting Flanders, looking like a jealous woman with a small belly.

It's unlikable no matter what.


Liu Erlong felt that he didn't like it anymore, at least not as much as before.

"Perhaps, what I like is the Yu Xiaogang of the past, the Yu Xiaogang of my memory."

"In other words, it's Yu Xiaogang who performed."

Liu Erlong took a deep look at Yu Xiaogang, and she vaguely felt that what she saw back then might have been an illusion.

Maybe the current Yu Xiaogang is real.

"Erlong, don't get me wrong."

Facing Liu Erlong's gaze, Yu Xiaogang panicked.


He swallowed and suddenly thought of his excuse: "I just think the chance of finding something good in the jar is very low, and Flanders has never been very lucky."

"That's enough, don't think so much, I can spend my money however I want."

Liu Erlong directly interrupted Yu Xiaogang's words with a wave of his hand.

She could see that Yu Xiaogang was unrepentant and wanted to squeeze out Flanders, so she didn't want to be merciful anymore.

"You" Yu Xiaogang was startled.

Being scolded by a woman who he had played around with before made him feel very uncomfortable.

However, there is nothing that can be done.

Thirty years in Hedong, thirty years in Hexi, now you are bullying me into being old and poor, right?


Just wait for me. When I rise against the sky, I will trample you all under my feet.

As for now

Bear it!

Yu Xiaogang looked at Flanders, then at Liu Erlong and took two steps back consciously.

"Boss, I'm sorry for making you laugh."

Liu Erlong looked at Lin Xiao who was watching the show happily and said with some embarrassment.

"It doesn't matter, just be busy. Just open the can when you're done."

Lin Xiao said, taking out a handful of melon seeds from somewhere, with a very interested expression.

He really found it interesting, after all, this was a plot that was not in the original work.

The Golden Triangle turned against each other.

This drama is absolutely amazing.

Of course, Lin Xiao could also see that the three of them were still some distance away from a true falling out.

But don’t worry, it’s always good to have signs. Will it be far from taking root and bearing fruit?

Liu Erlong glanced at Yu Xiaogang who was silent, then looked at Lin Xiao and asked tentatively: "Well, we are done now, should I continue?"


Lin Xiao's expression straightened, he quickly put away the melon seeds, patted the dust on his hands and said, "We can start."

the other side.

Soto City, Shrek Academy.

Ma Hongjun was guarding the gate and saw Tang San walking out of the academy and said quickly: "Third brother, are you going out?"

Tang San nodded.

Ma Hongjun looked left and right, and then whispered: "Then you have to be careful. I heard that an extremely powerful bandit appeared in Soto City recently and robbed the homes of several wealthy businessmen.

Moreover, this guy's methods were extremely cruel, and he didn't spare anyone who was breathing. Even the yolks of eggs were shaken apart, earthworms were split in half vertically, and even ant nests were poured with boiling water! "

"Hey, there is actually such a cruel person?"

Hearing the sound, even Tang San couldn't help but take a breath of air.

In his two lifetimes, he has never heard of such a cruel person.

In comparison, the so-called gangsters in the previous life were inferior to this gangster.

"Haha, third brother, do you think this is the limit of cruelty?"

Ma Hongjun suddenly smiled mysteriously.

"Could it be that there is something more ferocious?" Tang San's pupils suddenly shrank and he asked in disbelief.

"Can I just talk nonsense if there is no definite information?"

Ma Hongjun looked around again, and after confirming that Tang San was alone, he whispered again: "Just last night, I heard two boys from the City Lord's Mansion in the hook bar saying that Tiandou City had issued a top wanted notice. Ling, there is a more ferocious madman, and even the reward is one million gold soul coins."

one million? Tang San's pupils shrank suddenly, this was not a small number.

He was moved.

"But I wonder what this madman did?" Tang San also asked in a low voice.

"Of course, that would be a lot of crimes."

Ma Hongjun talked eloquently.

After a while, he finally finished.

On the other hand, Tang San's face was very ugly, a little pale, and he said in disbelief: "I never thought that there are people on Douluo Continent who wouldn't even let a sow go!"


It's really cruel!

Tang San was greatly shocked. What this lawless maniac did once again refreshed his understanding.

"Let me just say, compared with this madman, the gangster who appeared in Soto City is really not worth mentioning!" Ma Hongjun said proudly, as if he was the madman.

“I wonder what this outlaw’s strength is, what he looks like, and what’s his name?”

Tang San asked curiously.

Well? Ma Hongjun scratched his head in embarrassment: "Third brother, you have asked me this question. The two servants in the city lord's mansion yesterday did not have high authority, and they had never seen the portraits of the gangsters. They were just hearsay."

After listening to it for a long time, it turned out to be false news, right?

Tang San's expression suddenly changed, feeling as if he had been fooled, he snorted and walked directly outside the academy.

"Third brother, don't worry. You should see the notice when you go to Soto City today! There will definitely be information about the outlaws on it!"

Ma Hongjun pulled his neck and shouted behind Tang San.

"If I believe you again, I will write the word Tang San backwards!" Tang San cursed in his heart and kept walking.

a long time.

He suddenly stopped.

A figure jumped into his eyes.

"Dai Mubai, what is he doing sneakily?"

With the blessing of the Purple Demon Eyes, even though he was far away, Tang San still recognized Dai Mubai as he turned back three times.

Immediately, he followed quietly.

Swish, swish, swish.

In the dense forest not far outside Shrek Academy, Dai Mubai was walking through the dense forest.

Finally, he came to a crooked neck tree.

"Including the previous receipts today, there should be one million gold soul coins, right?"

Dai Mubai thought to himself.

Immediately, he pulled up the soil under the crooked neck tree and took out items one by one, or boxes filled with gold soul coins.

Regardless, some things were still stained with dark red blood.

"Unexpectedly, the ruthless bandit who appeared in Soto City today is actually you!"

Suddenly, a voice came from behind Dai Mubai.

"Who is it? Who's there?"

Dai Mubai was horrified and quickly looked back.

Swish, swish, swish.

At this moment, a figure walked out of the forest.

Dai Mubai was suddenly startled, then frowned and said, "Tang San!"

"Yes, it's me!"

Finally, Tang San walked out of the shade of the tree and appeared completely in front of Dai Mubai's eyes.

After he discovered that Dai Mubai was acting suspiciously, he followed him, and sure enough, he made a major discovery.

"Why do you do this?"

"Were you responsible for all the murders in Soto City?"

Tang San stared at Dai Mubai closely and asked directly.

Dai Mubai felt calm and nodded: "I did it."

"Why do you do this?" Tang San frowned: "With your status, this money shouldn't be nothing, right?"

A piece of cake? Dai Mubai suddenly smiled: "This is my life, I need this money to change my life!"

This time it was Tang San's turn to be shocked.

Suddenly Dai Mubai smiled bitterly: "Do you think I can ask the Star Luo Empire for help when I encounter difficulties?"

"No, that's impossible! The Star Luo Empire is all Davis's people. If I dare to deliver the news or return directly to the Star Luo Empire, my good brother will not let me go!"

"But if I want to restore my cultivation and quickly improve my strength, I can only rely on that small shop in Wuhun City."

"So you chose to attack and kill the rich people in Soto City." Tang San said with a frown.

"He's not very rich. He killed seven or eight people and barely managed to collect one million gold soul coins."

"Of course it has something to do with my lack of strength, and I don't dare to find a real rich man."

Dai Mubai shook his head slightly, looking a little dissatisfied.

However, Tang San looked as usual and looked at Dai Mubai quietly.

Dai Mubai hesitated, and soon a look of struggle appeared on his face. Finally, he gritted his teeth and said, "Xiaosan, let me go, I am willing to give you one hundred thousand, no, two hundred thousand gold soul coins!"

When he said this, Dai Mubai also felt a burst of heartache.

After all, he got all this money at his own risk.

Tang San didn't speak.

"Four hundred thousand!"

Dai Mubai had no choice but to grit his teeth and increase the stakes.

Tang San remained silent.

Dai Mubai was even more panicked, what did Tang San mean?

Could it be that he wanted to kill people and silence them?

By the way, the news I got today seems to have a lot to do with Tang San! Dai Mubai suddenly said: "Xiao San, five hundred thousand gold soul coins plus a piece of news will give me a way out."

Hearing the sound, Tang San was startled, "What news?"

Hearing Tang San's question, Dai Mubai didn't hesitate at all, and directly threw a piece of paper folded into a square to Tang San, and explained: "This is the wanted notice I took off when I came out of Soto City today. make."

Wanted order?

A look of surprise suddenly appeared on Tang San's face, and he remembered what the fat man said to him before going out today.

Didn't it also mean that the Tiandou Empire was looking for some kind of outlaw?

"I would like to see who this outlaw maniac who doesn't even spare a sow is!"

Immediately, he launched a wanted order.

A 3,000-word chapter.

I added 4,000 words today, brothers.

Good night

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