I sell jars in Douluo

Chapter 214 Yu Xiaogang is incompetent and furious, Tang Xiao worships the Blue Electric Tyrannosaur

"Can I open a jar with one hundred thousand gold soul coins?"

"Isn't it a bit too luxurious?"

Flanders still had an unreal feeling. If he said he wasn't excited, it would be a lie.

Don't look at him as a soul saint.

But like many of Shrek's teachers, he did not join any force.

The only source of income is the college’s annual enrollment pit


Every year when the school recruits students, some kind-hearted people always come and donate some gold soul coins to the college for free.

However, such a life cannot be said to be very rich, it can only be said to be barely enough to survive.

It can be said that the number of gold soul coins in Flanders' hands has never exceeded tens of thousands.

He had never dared to think about a jar worth one hundred thousand gold soul coins.

On the way here, he just wanted to watch others open cans and satisfy his eyesight.

This was already extremely inflated for him, and he was able to brag about it to his old brothers after returning to Shrek.

"Boss, if you keep saying these disrespectful things, I will get angry!

Besides, I have already agreed before that the money to open the jar is lent to you by me. When you have a successful career in the future, you must remember to pay me back the money. "

Liu Erlong said pretending to be unhappy.

"Ha ha"

"I just said it casually. I'll open this jar!"

After hearing Liu Erlong's words, Flanders rubbed his hands in embarrassment and stepped forward. He said to Lin Xiao behind the counter: "Boss, please start from the sixth row. The number 6 sounds auspicious."

Lin Xiao nodded, placed the jar on the counter as requested by Flanders, and said, "I wish you good luck."

"Thank you." Flanders was very grateful, and he kept every encouragement in his heart.

On the side, Yu Xiaogang curled his lips, secretly disdainful: Do you really think that good things will definitely appear when you open the jar?


The ten cans I opened before were all bloody lessons, can’t you see them?

Thinking like this, he looked at Flanders eagerly, 'When Flanders drives into a pile of useless scraps, I will definitely ridicule him severely. ’

Yu Xiaogang completely hated Flanders in his heart.

Now he no longer has any golden triangle in his heart.

There are only enemies!


At this point, Flanders also broke the first jar.

Suddenly, Yu Xiaogang, who was paying close attention to the movements, was startled!


"Fland, you actually got a purple item in your first jar!?"

Yu Xiaogang had a look of shock on his face and made a sound of disbelief.

In his heart, he couldn't help but ask, why?

This result was somewhat unacceptable to him.

"Haha, my luck is just so-so. It's just a purple item. I longed for it before it arrived, but now that it's arrived, it's just like that." Flanders glanced sideways at the stunned Yu Xiaogang, and laughed.

The expression was like that after the stimulation, everything was boring.

Hearing this, Yu Xiaogang had a complicated expression on his face.

To put it simply, it is as ugly as eating a dead fly!

‘Purple items, just like that? If you ask me to fully use ordinary items, where should I put my face? ’

After hearing what Flanders said, Yu Xiaogang almost vomited blood in depression.

This Flanders is not a human being, he deliberately stimulates himself!

"Boss Fu, look what it is."

On the side, Liu Erlong urged.

She wasn't trying to smooth things over, but she was really curious.

Even Lin Xiao showed a look of interest.

However, he didn't find the jar opened by Flender interesting, but he found Yu Xiaogang's experience interesting.

The brothers turned against each other, and the people he liked alienated him. How did it end up like this?

Obviously, this is the price of having to show off if you don’t have the strength!

I really agree with the old saying that forcing yourself to show off is the most deadly. The ancients honestly did not deceive me!

"Boss, I seem to have hit something amazing. Look, is this an amplifier?"

At this moment, Flender's voice sounded in Lin Xiao's ears, attracting Lin Xiao's attention.

Hear the sound and look.

Lin Xiao nodded: "It is indeed an amplifier. Congratulations!"

This is real!

Flanders was immediately overjoyed and became uncontrollably excited.

I would like to ask who among the soul masters does not desire to become stronger?

Moreover, the spirit becoming stronger or even evolving is an essential transformation, which will give a spirit master unlimited possibilities in the future!


"Flanders actually activated the amplifier?"

Yu Xiaogang also heard what Lin Xiao said, and felt his blood surge and his eyes suddenly turned red.

Then came another burst of anger.

‘Why can Liu Erlong use two amplifiers? Flanders also opened the amplifier in the first can, why didn't I? ’

'No fair, this is so unfair! '

Of course, with these words, Yu Xiaogang could only feel helpless and furious in his heart.

He felt like he was about to explode with anger, and fire was about to burst out of his eyes.


The embarrassing thing is that no one paid attention to him!

"Boss, can I try it in a small shop?"

Flanders asked Lin Xiao excitedly, holding the amplifier in his hand.

Lin Xiao nodded slightly, "Okay. But I still want to remind you that if the increase is above +3, there is a risk of failure. If the increase is above +10, there is a risk of the martial soul being shattered."

After listening carefully, Flender nodded heavily: "Don't worry, boss, I will remember it firmly and I will not let Dai Mubai's tragedy happen to me."

Dai Mubai?

It turns out to be that unlucky kid!

Lin Xiao had a strange look on his face. If this guy hadn't been too impulsive, he would have had a soul ring that strengthened +10!

"That's okay, you can increase it." He said to Flanders again.

"Okay!" After receiving Lin Xiao's affirmation, Flanders did not hesitate and immediately said silently in his heart, use it!

The next moment, a light lit up on the amplifier, and then in Lin Xiao's sight, a golden owl appeared on Flanders and fell into the amplifier!

"Is this the manifestation of Flandre's martial spirit? The amplifier can actually pull out a person's martial spirit and appear!"

Yu Xiaogang's eyes suddenly widened. This discovery was really shocking.

He has read countless books, but he has never seen anything about martial arts being extracted!

Who is this Boss Lin?

The more Yu Xiaogang thought about it, the more he couldn't understand where Lin Xiao came from!


At this moment, Lin Xiao discovered that the amplifier in Flender's hand had been broken.

The next moment, a golden light penetrated into Flender's body with lightning speed.

Flanders seemed to be in an epiphany.

Another moment passed.

A look finally appeared in Flanders' eyes.

Seeing this, Liu Erlong asked in a low voice: "Boss, how do you feel?"

"feel good"

Flanders smiled slightly and said faintly: "The martial spirit is only ten to twenty percent stronger than before."

"So much stronger?" Liu Erlong exhaled softly. Doesn't that mean that Flanders' overall strength has improved even more.

Yu Xiaogang also murmured to himself at this time: "Is this the power of the amplifier? If my soul ring can be enhanced by ten percent, it will also increase my potential a lot. At least becoming a soul master will not be a problem ”

Soul Master and Great Soul Master are only one level apart, but their treatment is completely different.

Not to mention anything else, the soul master realm can already be rewarded with titles in some kingdoms.

As for a great soul master, at best he can be a teacher in some low-level soul master academies.

However, at this moment, Flanders suddenly noticed Lin Xiao shaking his head slightly, and his heart suddenly thumped.

"Boss, why are you shaking your head?" he asked in a trembling voice.

I have to say that Lin Xiao's behavior was very disturbing.

"Don't get me wrong, I'm just lamenting that different people's amplification effects are not the same."

Lin Xiao looked at the panicked Flanders and waved his hand, telling him not to be nervous.

"Oh? What's the difference?"

Flanders asked curiously.

Lin Xiao didn't show off, and said slowly: "After some increases, the martial souls undergo changes and gain powerful abilities. After the first increase, the degree of enhancement of the martial spirits varies. I think this may be related to one's own strength. It’s related to the quality of the martial spirit.”

Hearing the sound, Flanders, Liu Erlong and Yu Xiaogang were startled at the same time. Does Wuhun actually have so much to say?

Lin Xiao's words were really surprising.

"Then you don't know what my martial spirit is like?" Flanders asked.

Lin Xiao thought about it seriously and gave a two-word evaluation: "Average."


Flanders was startled for a moment, then smiled: "It's generally pretty good."

As he said that, he also looked at Yu Xiaogang.

Yu Xiaogang: "."

mmp, I feel like he is mocking me as trash that is worse than average.

Isn't it just that an amplifier was turned on? What's so arrogant!

He was secretly annoyed.

At the same time, he vowed again that one day, I will make everyone who underestimates me pay the price!

the other side.

Tang Xiao's figure finally walked out of the mountains, and his eyes suddenly became brighter!

Not far away, a majestic mountain gate appeared in front of us.

There are also nine peaks that reach straight into the sky, looming.

Blue Electric Tyrannosaurus, five arrogant characters, are deeply imprinted on a large stone three to five meters high, with astonishing power!

"It's finally here!"

Tang Xiao's face was filled with joy.

It can be said that he came with hope!

"who are you?"

Before Tang Xiao came to the mountain gate, the guarding disciples stopped him.

Tang Xiao didn't look at them, but summoned his soul power and shouted at the mountain gate of the Blue Lightning Tyrannosaurus Rex family:

"Tang Xiao, the sect leader of the Haotian Sect. Come and pay homage to the mountain!"

His voice was deep and powerful, sounding like thunder.

Thump thump.

I saw the disciples in front of the Blue Sky Tyrannosaurus Rex Family Mountain Gate were shocked and fell back!

However, there was a lingering look of shock in their eyes.

Haotian Sect, this name that had been dusted for a long time, was reawakened.

"Hahaha, it turns out that the Tang Sect Master of the Haotian Sect is visiting our Blue Lightning Tyrannosaurus Rex family. It would be inappropriate to welcome him from afar, it would be rude and disrespectful!"

In just a moment, a long roar suddenly erupted from the gate of the Blue Lightning Tyrant Dragon Sect.

Immediately afterwards, a group of people came out.

The leader was a tall, majestic-looking old man, who had quite a power over others.

Tang Xiao's pupils suddenly shrank when he saw this.

Because, this person is the leader of the Blue Lightning Tyrannosaurus family, Yu Yuanzhen!

A 3,000-word chapter.

Later, at least four thousand words left.

I collected 10,000 words today to cheer everyone up.

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