I sell jars in Douluo

Chapter 217 The End of the Golden Triangle

Is this level seventy-nine?

Somewhat unexpectedly fast!

Liu Erlong was still surprised after hearing what Flanders said.

"Actually, it seems unexpected, but it is actually reasonable."

"The evolution of the martial soul has already improved Flanders' soul power, and then the strengthening of the soul ring has added thousands of years to his seventh soul ring. As a result, he has received a feedback bonus from the soul power. "

Lin Xiao's voice sounded slowly, analyzing rationally.

Hearing this, Liu Erlong nodded, "If you say that, I think there will be no problem."

Are these the benefits of amplifying martial souls and strengthening soul rings?

Yu Xiaogang was stunned.


By accident, his saliva dripped onto the ground.

"Hey, why don't I have such luck?" He sighed inwardly.

It had to be said that both Flanders and Liu Erlong were envious of their opportunities.

But he ignored him from beginning to end.

Flanders turned around and went to open the jar again, while Liu Erlong watched nervously.

I have to say, opening cans is really exciting.

It’s enjoyable to watch.

Click click click.

With a series of knocks, Flanders opened all the remaining jars.

In the end, they were all ordinary-level items.

"Fluorite, Hao Shi, Obsidian"

"This is how a normal person should open a can!"

No one else needed to speak, Yu Xiaogang had already spoken out first.

Looking at the remaining items in several jars, he could only describe it in two words: comfortable!

"But I have activated the amplifier and enhancer, and my cultivation level has reached level seventy-nine."

However, Flanders was not angry, but spoke quietly.

Suddenly, Yu Xiaogang felt as if his throat had been pinched, and he was speechless.

"Boss, do you really have to wait until next week to open this jar?"

Liu Erlong pursed his lips and asked suddenly.

She wouldn't mind spending all her savings on jars if she could.

Anyway, if the money is not spent, it will just sit there and gather dust. It is better to reflect their value.

"Rules are rules."

Lin Xiao shook his head slightly and said slowly: "But you don't have to wait for seven days. Less than half of this week has passed."

"Haha, if you say that, I think it's still acceptable."

Hearing this, Liu Erlong smiled generously and said to Flender: "In that case, let's find a place to stay first and come back next week."


Flanders certainly had no objection to this.

However, he would not be too pretentious to understand that Liu Erlong's words meant something to him.


The three of them walked out of the shop.

Not far away, Yu Xiaogang suddenly stopped leaving and looked at Flanders.

This troublesome guy, I must kick him out this time!

Thinking like this, Yu Xiaogang suddenly had a plan in his heart and said to Flanders, "Flanders, won't you have any problems after leaving the academy for so long? Erlong and I will be fine in Wuhun City, just stay here." Go about your business. "

However, Flanders smiled and shook his head, "Do you still need to watch my Shrek Academy? To put it bluntly, even if a mouse enters my Shrek Academy and turns around twice, it will still come out with tears in its eyes. What's the point? worried?"


On the side, Liu Erlong laughed when he heard Flender's words, "Haha, no, I really want to go take a look at Shrek Academy if I have time."

Flanders shook his head and laughed, "What's so interesting about that rotten place?"

"Take a look and see if it's really that shabby there." Liu Erlong said with a smile.

However, the next moment, an angry shout suddenly sounded.


"You really have enough!"

Liu Erlong and Flanders both turned their heads in confusion.

There is no doubt that the person speaking is Yu Xiaogang.

"Any questions?"

Liu Erlong frowned.

"There is a problem, of course there is a problem!"

Yu Xiaogang was so angry that his whole body was shaking, he looked at Liu Erlong and asked, "What do you think I am?"

Liu Erlong was not angry, but thought about it seriously before giving the answer: "I regard you as a member of the Golden Triangle, my friend and partner."

"It's over?" Yu Xiaogang was startled, not expecting Liu Erlong to view him this way.

In his opinion, it’s only right to add ‘the person I like’!

Could it be that you can't see Liu Erlong's change in you? Flanders narrowed his eyes.

In his opinion, Yu Xiaogang now feels somewhat like he is humiliating himself.

That's right, it's self-inflicted.

After the reunion, it can be said that Yu Xiaogang ruined the only friendship between the three of them.

"Of course I treat you as a friend, otherwise how could I give you one million gold soul coins to open the jar."

Liu Erlong looked at Yu Xiaogang and said in a deep voice: "You know that my money, Liu Erlong's, didn't come from the strong wind. I can't give it to anyone I see, right?"

Look at what Yu Xiaogang looks like now.

never mind.

Stop watching.

I feel annoyed even if I look at it more than once.

She really didn't want to pay too much attention to it.

Thump thump.

After listening to Liu Erlong's words, Yu Xiaogang's mind felt like thunder exploded, and everything went blank.

He took several steps back before regaining his balance.

"Hahaha, good, really good."

Yu Xiaogang laughed angrily, "I never thought that Liu Erlong, who loved me to death, would become like this."

"Sure enough, time can test all truths. Now it seems that you were just lying to me and coveting my talent."

"Now that my charm is gone, no one loves me anymore."

"Now that I think about it, I'm glad I didn't let you succeed back then."

His words were like a soft knife. He seemed to be complaining about himself, but in fact he was mocking Liu Erlong.


Flanders couldn't stand it anymore and spit directly on the ground.

On the other hand, Liu Erlong was really startled. What was he talking about?

Immediately, he launched a counterattack!

"That's enough Yu Xiaogang, don't you feel disgusted by saying this?"

She said coldly: "Ask yourself, what talent do you have? Don't you know where the so-called invincible knowledge comes from?"

"Also, can you tell me what your charm is? When I chose you, I probably thought you were an honest person. You were not handsome, strong, or talented, so you were more reassuring.

And I feel that Boss Beaver is reliable after all, he is too shrewd. I’m afraid of being cheated in the future.”

Flanders: ‘.’

When people stand aside, the pot comes from the sky, right?

What's wrong with me? I'm not even as good as Yu Xiaogang?

However, after Yu Xiaogang listened to Liu Erlong's words, he almost spat out a mouthful of old blood in depression.

He asked Liu Erlong in disbelief: "In your heart, am I so worthless?"

Hearing this, Liu Erlong smiled: "I didn't mean to do it for you Yu Xiaogang. Think about it carefully. Is there anything you can do to help others?"

"By the way, if you think about it, you are worse now than before. You don't even look like a man, but like a jealous woman."

Bang bang bang.

At this moment, there was a burst of crisp applause. Flanders couldn't help but lined up a slap in the face.

Liu Erlong's words can be said to speak directly from his heart!

It was completely speaking to his heart, Flanders.

In one word, cool!

And Yu Xiaogang was completely dumbfounded. He stretched out his hand and pointed at Liu Erlong tremblingly: "You scolded me. You actually called me a jealous woman. I can't accept this."

If you listen carefully, you can tell that there is a cry in his voice.

Obviously, he received an extremely strong blow.

"The facts are the facts. I say this for your own good. I hope you will take care of yourself."

"Think about it carefully. When you figure it out, come see me and Boss Fu again. After all, we are all old friends who have known each other for many years. If you are sincere in admitting your mistake, I may be able to forgive you."

After Liu Erlong finished speaking, he turned around and disappeared down the long street with Flanders.

"Bitch, bitch, bitch!"

After making sure that Liu Erlong would not hear his voice, Yu Xiaogang made an angry sound.

Use this to vent the anger in your heart.

After a while.

His heart finally calmed down.

"As a man who can bend and stretch, doesn't he just want to apologize to them? I can bear it!"

"Just don't express your emotions in front of them in the future. But one day, this revenge will be avenged."

Yu Xiaogang finally decided to apologize to Liu Erlong and Flender.

After all, without them, I would accomplish nothing, and I wouldn’t even be able to open a jar.

But after taking two steps forward, he suddenly froze.


"They all told me to find them, but they didn't give me the address. Where should I go to find them?"

Yu Xiaogang was stunned.

At the same time, a flash of realization flashed in his heart. Liu Erlong didn't want to give him a chance to apologize at all!

"good, very good, excellent!"

"If you are unkind, don't blame me for being unjust. Do you really think I don't have any means to turn around?"

"I'm afraid you don't know that my former girlfriend has become the Pope, right?"

As Yu Xiaogang thought, a beautiful silhouette appeared in Yu Xiaogang's mind.

At the same time, deep regret also appeared in my heart.

I almost became the Pope's man.

Almost, I don’t have to work hard!

But it doesn't matter. I believe that Bibi Dong is definitely not comparable to a woman like Liu Erlong. She was like a delicate little flower back then. I must have left a deep shadow in her heart. She will definitely remember that time. Of old love.

Thinking like this, Yu Xiaogang found a road leading to Wuhun Palace and gradually moved away.

Seeing that the afterglow of the sunset was about to burn out, Lin Xiao withdrew his longing gaze.

"No more? Does it mean that we can only sell sixty cans today?"

Normally, sixty jars is a lot. But if it was a little more, Lin Xiao wouldn't mind.

"Hurry up, Old Juhua, don't hurry up. Boss Lin is about to close his shop."

In the small shop, Lin Xiao, who was a little bored and was leaning on the counter with his hands, suddenly became energetic.

Someone is coming.

Moreover, the other party's voice was a little hoarse, and with this title, wasn't he none other than Ghost Douluo, the master of metaphysics?

However, at this moment, there was another soft voice, full of complaints:

"I would like to hurry up, but wasn't I bitten by that old poisonous snake named Dugubo today? It still hurts. You really don't know how to be considerate at all."

"Besides, if you hadn't been so procrastinating, why would we have come so late?"

There is no doubt that this is Ju Douluo.

Then, Ghost Douluo's voice sounded again, "Can you blame me? It's because of the height of the building."

A 3,000-word chapter.

There will be more later.

It’s the end of the month, thank you all for your support.

Reading the comments yesterday, a book friend actually told me that he has a sister in his family.

I have to be more diligent

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