I sell jars in Douluo

Chapter 223: Unlocking the World, Zhao Wuji’s Crisis (4,000 words)

"This effect is absolutely amazing!"

On the side, Ghost Douluo had a moved expression on his face.

Even if he possesses the Tang Sect's unique skills, he is still very coveted for this ability.


"This time, there is no loss! Even if you say you have made a profit, it is still a bloody profit!"

Ju Douluo's eyes flashed with excitement, and he grabbed the little leather jacket and couldn't put it down: "Sure enough, I thought it was right. Only by opening the jar can we defeat the person who opened the jar. Old poisoner, I will let you feel it this time too. Feel my depression.”

Lin Xiao looked at Ju Douluo's eyes but said nothing.

However, he could predict that the next time he fought against Poison Douluo would be very funny.

One was injured and the other was petrified.


Lin Xiao coughed slightly, pointed to the red coral and said slowly: "Bubble coral, after use, will generate bubbles, which can wrap yourself or people within a certain range in it, allowing you to swim smoothly in the water, and even fight."

"Oh? This thing is quite interesting."

Ghost Douluo's eyes lit up, "But for Titled Douluo, it doesn't seem to be very useful."

However, as soon as he finished speaking, Ju Douluo shook his head slightly: "It may not have been useful before, but it may be of some use in the future."

"Will it?" Ghost Douluo was puzzled.

"Maybe, have you forgotten that the Great Enshrinement has gone to sea now? No one knows what the outcome will be. There may be another war with those guys in the sea. By then, this bubble coral may be of some use."

Ju Douluo said softly, and then also put away the steam bag coral.

After listening to Ju Douluo's words, Ghost Douluo also became silent.

Another moment passed.

He said: "No, since there is a possibility of a war, I must contribute. I will go back now to organize more people and devote themselves to the work of developing hidden weapons."

"Boss Lin, I have something to do, so I'll go back and get busy first."

"Let's all get busy." Lin Xiao waved his hand, indicating that the two of them could leave.

"Boss Lin, you don't need to send me away. We are no longer outsiders."

Outside the shop, Ghost Douluo said with a flattered expression when he saw Lin Xiao also coming to the shop.


Lin Xiao touched his nose and said awkwardly: "I think you misunderstood. It's already dark, and I'm here to close the store."

With that said, Lin Xiao gently closed the store door.


Ah, this is really difficult

Ghost Douluo stood there with an embarrassed look on his face.


Ju Douluo couldn't hold it back anymore and laughed unkindly.

Night fills the air.

In the small shop, Lin Xiao has finished opening all the jars for today.

At this time, he was putting away the items from the last jar.

That's a double proficiency capsule

"Zhao Wuji, Grand Duke of Netherworld, Zhu Zhuyun, Flanders, Liu Erlong, Yu Xiaogang, as well as Ju and Gui Douluo, a total of eighty jars."

"Well, it's pretty good. I can't say how experienced it is, but I can still accept it."

Lin Xiao silently counted the important items.

There are five upgrade volumes and more than 20 proficiency capsules, which Lin Xiao is more concerned about.

Of course, this does not mean that these are the only rare items. Lin Xiao has quite a few of them, such as teleportation potions, and he is too lazy to count them.

To put it bluntly, one is enough for a while.

Apart from these, the most valuable thing is a legendary item, the Awakening Scroll.

"What a ridiculous awakening restriction. Awakening rolls are such a valuable thing, and I actually have to take out two of them?"

"There is only one card left before it can be awakened. By then the sword soul will have made unimaginable progress."

Complaints are complaints, Lin Xiao is still looking forward to Awakening.

After all, anyone who has played games knows that awakening and non-awakening are two different professions.

However, this matter can only be left to chance and cannot be forced.


Lin Xiao thought of another thing, that is, when he opened the 400th jar, the system seemed to make a notification sound.

But it was too high-level at that time, so where could I pay attention to what the system said?

Open the system panel.

Lin Xiao found that there was indeed an unread message. When he opened it, he was stunned. He couldn't help but whispered to himself: "Can you unlock a new world again?"

"I would like to see what world will be unlocked this time."

He thought to himself and said silently in his mind, choose the world!

The next moment, the world selection interface like a revolving lantern in front of him appeared in Lin Xiao's mind again.


Once familiar, Lin Xiao is now extremely familiar with this process.

Immediately afterwards, the pictures of the world began to flow at an extremely fast speed.

"Which world will you choose this time?"

Lin Xiao was extremely curious:

【Ding. 】

[System prompt: Congratulations on unlocking the new world ‘Doupo’! 】

Fight to break the world?

Lin Xiao was startled, and then a picture appeared in front of his eyes, which was a figure wearing a black cloak.

In addition to the big fight, there is also a sentence: Thirty years in Hedong and thirty years in Hexi. Don’t bully young people into poverty!

"It's actually this world!"

Lin Xiao was quite surprised, but I have to say it was very interesting.

At the same time, he was also curious, if after unlocking this world, would items such as fighting skills and techniques be found in the jars? Or various rare elixirs and other exotic treasures?

Or, is there a strange fire?

But after looking at the gray progress bar, Lin Xiao also knew that this matter might not be achieved in a short while.

In response to this, Lin Xiao could only shake his head helplessly, "Forget it, don't think about it so much first. Let's increase our strength to level 60 and get the soul ring first."

Lin Xiao's cultivation level had already reached level 55 before. It happened that there were five upgrade scrolls in the jar this time, which was enough to raise his cultivation level to level 60.

Not long after.

Lin Xiao's body was flashing with silver light. He had already opened a small shop and headed to the Star Forest.

"Da Ming, where did Er Ming and that person go? Not a single beast in the Star Dou Forest knows where they are going. It's like they disappeared out of thin air."

Deep in the Xingdou Forest, Xiao Wu was sitting by the lake, her feet dangling in the water.

But his face was full of sullen expression.

"I feel strange too." Daming said in a dull voice.

In fact, he was also very anxious about Er Ming's disappearance.

But what’s more is helplessness.

It would be nice if there were traces to follow, but now there are no traces at all, as if it has evaporated. What should I do?

However, at the next moment, Xiao Wu and Daming both looked in the same direction.

"Er Ming, it's Er Ming, he's back."

Xiao Wu shouted in surprise: "Da Ming, let's go quickly. Let's go over and have a look."

When Xiao Wu's voice fell, it bounced up and landed on Da Ming's head.


The Azure Bull Python screamed, and with its long python tail, it pumped the water surface hard, and its huge body was ejected like a cannonball.


"What kind of tiger is this? It's so fierce!"

On the other side of the Star Forest, Zhao Wuji looked confused.

He originally wanted to practice in the Star Dou Forest, but unexpectedly he encountered such a ferocious spirit beast.

It was a tiger with black patterns on its body, a pair of bat wings on its back, and a scorpion tail.

Looks extremely weird

But Zhao Wuji had no time to appreciate the weirdness of this tiger-like soul beast.

The previous fight between the two had already made Zhao Wuji aware of the extraordinary nature of this soul beast.

The powerful aura made him tremble.

The reason why Zao Wou-Ki has been able to support it until now is that he is very lucky to have all kinds of magical items that have been opened in small shops since then.

As well as the two major soul skills regained!

Otherwise, I might have died long ago.

But even so, the items that can restore injuries and restore soul power are all used up.

Soul skills are temporarily unavailable.

It can be said that he is truly exhausted!

"It's gone, it's really gone. If you think you're just one step away from reaching level 80, you don't know how high the sky is."

Zhao Wuji felt regretful at this moment.

If I had known that something like this would happen, I should have continued to slowly experience and deepen in the edge zone, maybe I would not have encountered such a terrifying soul beast.

call out!

Suddenly another violent sound broke through the air.

Zhao Wuji frowned and quickly backed away.


Fortunately, he dodged in time, otherwise he would have been hit by the terrifying scorpion tail.

"No, we can't go on like this."

"At this point, I can only use my unique skills!"

A look of determination flashed in Zhao Wuji's eyes, and then he took a deep breath and shouted: "Help!"



The sound was rolling and carried extremely far.

It can be said that Zao Wuji's voice used all his strength.

In fact, because of the excessive consumption of this roar, Zhao Wuji felt dizzy and stars appeared in front of his eyes.

I am only responsible for the strong force, and leave the rest to Miracle!

He looked at the approaching black tiger, feeling extremely nervous.

My heart is even filled with determination!


Zhao Wuji suddenly felt a soft sound in his ear, and the breath in his body became smoother, and there was even a vague tendency to grow stronger.

He was no stranger to this.

"I actually broke through?"

He thought in disbelief.

If he had achieved a breakthrough at any other time, he would have been ecstatic, but now.

"It's not bad. Being able to reach level 80 before dying can be regarded as making up for the regret in my heart."

Zhao Wuji sighed.

He knew that even so, he was still no match for the tiger in front of him.

It's just to make this beast fuller.

That's all.


At this moment, Zhao Wuji discovered something strange.

The strange and ferocious tiger suddenly stopped!

After making an inexplicable roar at Zhao Wuji, he turned around and ran away.



I'm ready to die, and you just watch me?

Zhao Wuji looked stunned at first, then he remembered something and smiled coldly: "This guy looks like a silver pewter gun head. He doesn't dare to fight when he sees my breakthrough in cultivation? Haha, let me see this time It was careless."

Zhao Wuji thought that the other party was intimidated by the fluctuations in soul power caused by his breakthrough.


Suddenly, Zhao Wuji felt a strong wind blowing behind him.

Even his clothes were blown away.

"The weather doesn't look like it's going to rain, does it?"

Zhao Wuji frowned and turned around, wanting to see what was going on.

Suddenly, I was startled!

"Oh my God, my God!"

"This, this, what is this!"

Then Zhao Wuji let out bursts of exclamations.


Really numb!

In his sight, a giant ape used a pair of claws to pull out the trees on both sides and looked at him.

Dandan's head is as big as a house.

The so-called strong wind is just the breath of the other party due to the close distance.

I said why is it so hot? The truth! Zhao Wuji thought in shock.

"Respected, respected king of the forest, I have no intention of offending you."

"The reason why I went deep into this place is that I passed by it. If you have something to do, just be busy first, and I can leave by myself."

"Yeah, but I have to wait for a while, my legs are a little numb now."

Zhao Wuji said to the terrifying soul beast in front of him.

At this moment, he had recognized the identity of this soul beast, the Titan Giant Ape.

The true overlord in the forest.

Although he couldn't tell the age of this titan ape, he knew that the strength of this titan ape was far superior to that of the tiger just from the leaked aura that could make the terrifying tiger retreat.

Well, it's not a problem to beat yourself up.

Zhao Wuji thought to himself.

He groaned secretly, what is this? As soon as we got over that hurdle, another pit appeared in front of us.

"It's okay, I'm not in a hurry, I'll just wait until your legs heal before leaving."

At this moment, a soft sound came into Zhao Wuji's ears.

Zhao Wuji was startled. Sure enough, this Titan ape was so powerful that it could actually speak human words.

However, this voice seems a bit familiar, right?

But he was too nervous now, his mind was like a ball of mush, and he really couldn't think of anything at the moment.

"Zhao Wuji, didn't we just meet today? Now you don't recognize him?"

The voice sounded again.

Zhao Wuji's hair stood on end, have you seen him today?

Wait, this sound

Isn’t it Boss Lin?

He remembered.

However, he fell into an even greater shock.

Boss Lin, is this giant ape actually transformed?

Oh my God!

What a shock!


Suddenly, the Titan Giant Ape roared, seemingly angry that Zhao Wuji didn't reply.

"This, that"

Zhao Wuji was numb and didn't know what to say at all.

But, the next moment, his pupils suddenly shrank.

Because a young man wearing a green cloth climbed from the back of the Titan ape to the top of its head, looking down at Zhao Wuji from a high position.

"Boss Linlin?"

"Why are you here? Between this Titan and you."

Zhao Wuji looked confused and confused.

what happened?

Boss Lin is actually on top of the Titan ape.

Between the pride of the soul beast and the hatred of the human race, how could we tolerate someone doing such a thing!

"Haha, Zhao Wuji, I didn't expect that we would meet again so soon."

Lin Xiao looked down at Zhao Wuji from a high position in Linxia and chuckled, and then said to Jia Yu in a surprising tone: "Don't get me wrong, it's nothing. It's just because I was bored staying in the shop, so I came out to play with my pets and let them have some fun."


You call a titan ape a pet? Zhao Wuji looked confused.

What's even more outrageous is that he actually said it was for free?

Is there anyone riding a horse with a titan to show off?

"A hallucination, it must be an hallucination. I must have entered an illusion. In fact, I have been killed by that tiger!"

Zao Wuji felt that this was the true image.

He didn't believe how anyone could keep such a terrifying spirit beast as a pet!


Will not.

4000 word chapter.

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