I sell jars in Douluo

Chapter 230 Emperor Xingluo is scared. Sword Douluo is level 98?

It seems that His Majesty is determined to target the Grand Duke of Netherworld!

Marshal of Star Luo Empire was shocked.

He could feel the determination from Emperor Xingluo's words.

Think about it too.

A dog that eats its owner will be a disaster if left around.

"Your Majesty, the Grand Duke of Netherworld has arrived."

At this moment, the footsteps of two people sounded outside the hall, and a waiter spoke outside the hall.

"Come in."

Emperor Xingluo glanced at the Imperial Marshal and said no more.

But at that moment, the eyes of the two people had already completed the exchange. If the Grand Duke of Netherworld didn't know what was good, then he would act according to the plan.


The closed door of the palace opened, and the Grand Duke of Netherworld walked in.

His face was calm and no one could tell what he was thinking.

"See Your Majesty."

The Grand Duke of Netherworld cupped his fists and saluted.

His eyes swept over Emperor Xingluo and the Imperial Marshal.

It doesn't take much effort to guess that these two guys must not be holding anything back.

He thought to himself.

But there’s not much to worry about.

Because he had already obtained a soul ring on his way back. The ninth soul ring!

The Grand Duke of Netherworld firmly believes that in the face of absolute strength, any conspiracy will fall apart.

"No need to be polite."

Emperor Xingluo waved his hand and said no more.

He was waiting for the Grand Duke of Netherworld to admit his mistake and apologize to himself.

He knew that the Grand Duke of Netherworld was not a stupid person. That day violated him and violated the empire's eternal rules. He believed that the Grand Duke of Netherworld was just a hot-headed move at that time.

After calming down, these two days must have been spent in panic, right?

"Huh, even if you realize your mistake, it's too late. If you can't show sincerity, I will never forgive him."

Emperor Xingluo thought secretly. This really shakes him up, this time I must pinch him hard!

Another moment passed.

The Grand Duke of Netherworld finally raised his head, looked at Emperor Xingluo and asked, "Your Majesty, I wonder why you have called me here today?"

The face of the Grand Duke of Netherworld was full of confusion.

Of course this is pretense.

Accompanying a king is like accompanying a tiger. He has been by Emperor Xingluo's side for many years, how come he doesn't know what he is thinking in his heart.

"Don't you just want me to apologize?"

"If I hadn't gone to Wuhun City, I couldn't afford to offend the White Tiger clan. I would have to find a way to eliminate the anger in Emperor Xingluo's heart. But what should I be afraid of now?"

The Grand Duke of Netherworld sneered disdainfully in his heart.

"Bold, haven't you woke up in the past two days?"

On the side, the Marshal of the Xingluo Empire frowned when he heard the sound and drank aloud.

"Wake up?"

The Grand Duke of Netherworld suddenly looked astonished, "What you said is a reminder to me. I have indeed thought about some things clearly in the past two days and want to talk to His Majesty."



The Marshal of the Star Luo Empire snorted coldly after hearing what the Grand Duke of Netherworld said, with a look of disdain in his eyes.

In his opinion, the Grand Duke of Netherworld was about to give in.

Haha, isn’t this coming? Emperor Xingluo showed a smile,

Very proud.

Immediately, he said: "There is no need to be restrained between you and me, the monarch and my ministers."

He was already thinking about how the Grand Duke of Netherworld would apologize.

Zhu Zhuqing has to offer it, right?

At least we have to bring out some rare treasures, right?

Well, disasters have occurred in many parts of the empire recently, and a large amount of property is needed. I will not forgive the Grand Duke of Netherworld for offering less than 10 million gold soul coins.

"I feel that my daughter Zhu Zhuyun is still young and is not suitable for marriage at the moment. I kindly request your Majesty to terminate the engagement between her and Prince Davis."

The Grand Duke of Netherworld spoke in a deep voice.

"Well, that's easy to say."


Emperor Xingluo nodded subconsciously, but soon he discovered something was wrong, and for a time he wondered if he had heard wrongly.

"伱, what did you say?" he asked in a deep voice.

"I say that my little girl is still naughty. I hope that Your Majesty can take back the engagement with Davis and choose a good match for Prince Davis."

The Grand Duke of Netherworld said in a deep voice again.

"You are presumptuous!"

On the side, the Imperial Marshal couldn't help but scolded.

It has to be said that the words of the Netherworld Grand Duke really shocked his heart.

What is this?

Originally, he was planning to ask him to apologize to Zhu Zhuqing for breaking off the engagement, but now he actually came to break off the engagement for Zhu Zhuyun again.

This guy doesn't follow the rules at all!

"Do you know what you are talking about?"

Emperor Xingluo looked at the Grand Duke of Netherworld and asked in a deep voice.

If possible, he really wanted to put aside the Grand Duke of Netherworld's stomach and see if he had eaten the courage of the ambitious leopard today.

I also want to ask who gave him the courage to touch the ancient rules again and again.

Do you really think you are an outlaw?

"Of course I know."

Faced with the questioning of the two men, the Grand Duke of Netherworld did not give in at all.

"I dare to ask Your Majesty to issue an imperial edict to lift the marriage regulations between our Nether clan and the royal family for generations."

The Grand Duke of Netherworld once again made a shocking statement.


It’s getting too much!

Emperor Xingluo and the Marshal of the Empire both had expressions of disbelief on their faces.

Did he drink when he went to court today?

And he drank from a fake bar?

Otherwise, it would be impossible for a normal person to say such nonsense.


Emperor Xingluo stood up angrily. In order to vent his anger, he even smashed the armrests of the throne into pieces with a wave of his right hand.

He shouted coldly: "Presumptuous!"

As the voice fell, his pupils turned cold.

Behind him appeared the shadow of an angry white tiger looking up to the sky, and eight perfectly matched soul rings appeared at once.

Powerful soul power fluctuations erupted, sweeping in all directions like a violent wind.

"Grand Duke of Netherworld, do you know your guilt?"

The Imperial Marshal also burst out with a cold shout beside the Grand Duke of Netherworld.

The next moment, the soul power around his body began to surge, and eight soul rings of yellow, yellow, purple, purple, black, black, black, and black emerged from his feet in sequence.

Astonishingly, this is also a strong man in the Contra realm!

The atmosphere in the field suddenly became tense.

The Grand Duke of Netherworld frowned, and the two Contras joined forces to put pressure on him. They were trying to force him to submit!

But, is this possible?


He snorted and responded.

Yellow, yellow, purple, purple, black, black, black, black, black, the nine soul rings shine with thrilling light.

"Grand Duke of Netherworld, do you still want to commit the following crime?"

"But with your Contra strength, it seems"

"Wait a minute. One, two, three, nine rings? One more than eight rings. How is this possible? Why do you have nine soul rings!"

The Imperial Marshal was still sneering at first, but soon discovered something unusual, and his words became incoherent in horror.

A pair of eyes almost stared to the ground, showing an expression of disbelief.

"Title Douluo, you actually broke through to Title Douluo!"

Emperor Xingluo said, and there was an uncontrollable tremor in his voice.

It was hard for him not to tremble.

That was a Titled Douluo, a very rare existence among all the major empires.

There has never been an exclusive titled Douluo in the entire Star Luo Empire.

But now, the Grand Duke of Netherworld is actually such a powerful person?

I have to say, it was so unexpected and shocking.

Facing such powerful men, even he, as the emperor of Xingluo, had to be cautious.

At least, now we can't use the previous plan to deal with the Nether Grand Duke.


"I, I was a little perverted just now. Bah, I lost my temper."

"My dear, you actually made a breakthrough. When did this happen?"

Emperor Xingluo immediately dispersed his martial soul, put away his soul ring, and his solemn face seemed to change into a friendly one.

"Marshal, what are you doing? If you don't quickly put away your soul ring, who are you following with such a tense look?"

He looked at the dull-looking Imperial Marshal again and drank in a low voice.

Then, he also showed a color to the other party.

The Imperial Marshal immediately understood, ‘Your Majesty is saying that if plans have changed, don’t be impulsive. ’

Actually, I'm not blind.

Seeing that the Grand Duke of Netherworld has become a titled Douluo, he is still hardened. Isn't this a tough move?

"Your Excellency, I was impulsive just now, please don't misunderstand me."

"You should understand that I am an impulsive person."

He quickly smiled apologetically at the Grand Duke of Netherworld.

"It doesn't matter."

The Grand Duke of Netherworld waved his hand, then looked at Emperor Xingluo and asked, "I wonder what your majesty thinks of my previous proposal?"

How to see it?

Of course I am not satisfied!

Emperor Xingluo became very angry when he mentioned this matter. But he couldn't show it.

"I think about Aiqing's proposal"

He wanted to say, I think it needs to be considered.

However, before he could finish his words, he clearly noticed that the Grand Duke of Netherworld frowned.


He is not satisfied!

Rebellious minister!

Emperor Xingluo was almost furious, but he didn't dare to show any signs of it. He didn't dare to be careless in the face of a titled Douluo.

You must know that what the Nether Civet Cat is good at is speed.

At such a close distance, he may not be able to block the attack of the Grand Duke of Netherworld.

"I feel that there is indeed something wrong with Zhu Zhuyun's marriage."

In the end, Emperor Xingluo changed his tune.

"Your Majesty, other children of Miss Zhu's age can do it well."

On the side, the Imperial Marshal couldn't help but said that he was trying to prevent Emperor Xingluo from making this decision.

Just bow your head once.

It's too shameful to bow your head twice on one question, right?

"Then I will change the imperial marriage age tomorrow."

Emperor Xingluo frowned and said angrily.

In his heart, he had already greeted all eighteen generations of the Imperial Marshal's ancestors.

Did this guy trick me on purpose?

The situation is stronger than you think, can't you see?

If you want to have an equal dialogue with the Grand Duke of Netherworld, you need to mobilize more powerful people even if you don't say anything.

According to Emperor Xingluo's estimation, it would take at least eight Soul Douluo to be foolproof!

"Bring me pen and ink."

Emperor Xingluo's voice fell, and a waiter came in immediately outside the hall, dragging his pen and ink.

"His Majesty."

The Marshal of the Star Luo Empire was anxious.

If he writes another divorce letter, the imperial family will be completely embarrassed.

You can’t believe it if you don’t cheat me to death, right?

Emperor Xingluo cursed secretly in his heart, and his face became a little unnatural.

He said nothing more, picked up the pen handed to him by the waiter, and wrote more than a hundred words eloquently.

It is a concise and concise letter of divorce.

"Go and present it to the Duke."

he ordered his waiters.

The waiter said yes and sent the divorce document to the Grand Duke of Netherworld.

After receiving the letter of cancellation of engagement, the Grand Duke of Netherworld smiled: "Thank you for your understanding, Your Majesty. I have something else to do, so I will leave first."

After saying that, he strode away without even looking at the crowd.

He was already satisfied.

As for who will be the Queen of the Star Luo Empire in the future, don’t you still have to nod your consent?

Say it again.

Maybe in the future whoever becomes emperor in the empire will have to nod his head.

That's right.

Once you have the strength, you can be so arrogant.

After the Grand Duke of Netherworld left, the hall fell into a deathly silence.

"Arrogant! Too arrogant!"

After another moment, the Imperial Marshal finally couldn't help but burst out.

He was so angry that his whole body was shaking.

"You are brave enough now, so why were you so timid just now?"

Emperor Xingluo snorted angrily.


Isn’t that what you just scared me for?

The Imperial Marshal couldn't express the pain in his heart, and he was destined to bear the blame.


"The Grand Duke of Netherworld is indeed acting very arrogantly. He obviously doesn't take me seriously."

Emperor Xingluo frowned.

"Then what does Your Majesty plan to do? You can't let him go unpunished, right?"

"Of course not. The Grand Duke of Netherworld has a disloyal heart. If he is not eliminated, I will feel uneasy." Emperor Xingluo's eyes flashed with cold light, murderous intent bursting out!

The Imperial Marshal felt his heart sinking when he saw this.

After a while, a voice sounded in his ear:

"You start now to mobilize the soul saints and powerful soul warriors to enter the imperial city. There is no limit to the number, the more the better."


The Imperial Marshal was startled. Is His Majesty trying to kill everyone?

Wuhun City, in a small shop.


In Lin Xiao, Ning Fengzhi and Bone Douluo suddenly heard the sound of a long sword being unsheathed.

However, none of them carried any weapons.

Then there can only be one source of sound.

Sword Douluo!

The three people's eyes were all focused on Sword Douluo!

At the same time, Sword Douluo also burst out with a strong edge!

His whole body was like an unsheathed sword.

"Hahaha, I understand, I understand, I finally understand, that's how it is!"

Soon the shop was filled with his hearty laughter.

"Coward, why are you laughing so loudly? I didn't know but thought you had made a breakthrough again."

Bone Douluo discovered that Sword Douluo had woken up from his epiphany and criticized him unceremoniously.

There is no other way. The two have been arguing for decades, and they wouldn't be able to talk otherwise.

Unexpectedly, Sword Douluo blinked and smiled mysteriously: "Hey, Old Bones, you are right. The threshold that prevented me from reaching the next realm has disappeared. Breakthrough is only a matter of time."

Just as expected, the swordsmanship of another world and his own insights confirmed each other, and his cultivation improved by leaps and bounds again.


Am I right?

Bone Douluo was startled, and the smile on his face suddenly disappeared. He said in disbelief: "It's only been a few days since your last breakthrough, and now you have another breakthrough?"

More importantly, if Sword Douluo completes his breakthrough, he will be a level ninety-eight existence!

He is also a rare peak powerhouse on Douluo Continent!


"Haha, good luck is coming, even if you try to stop it, you can't stop it."

To be happy in life, Sword Douluo couldn't help but smile heartily.

"Old Bones, I suggest you don't hesitate and continue opening the jar after I finish opening it. If you can find something similar to 'Hawkeye's Sword Skill', it will not be weaker than the martial arts technique."

After the laughter, Sword Douluo comforted him.

Hearing this, Bone Douluo was moved.

Here we come, brothers.

Seeing that another brother has rewarded me, I still have to say thank you.

But don’t waste money. If you have money, just subscribe. The author will be very grateful.

Good night.

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