I sell jars in Douluo

Chapter 233 Xiao Wu arrives, soul bone auction

"Is there a possibility?"

"Other people's martial souls can also increase by 10, and they can also produce unexpected changes? Or even sublimation?"

Just when Bone Douluo felt that the future was promising, Sword Douluo on the side suddenly said something.

"Huh?" When Bone Douluo heard this, the confident smile on his face instantly turned to stone.

have to say.

Sword Douluo's three and a half sentences are very irritating. To put it simply, it means that the pot should not be opened.

On the other hand, Sword Douluo rubbed his chin and said, "If my Seven Killing Sword has the same increase, who's to say it will definitely be weaker than your martial spirit?"

"Let's wait until you can increase the level. Now I have to go back and break through." Bone Douluo said angrily.

After that, the three of them resigned from Lin Xiao at the same time.

"Lord, aren't we going in? You didn't hesitate to bring me here just to watch, right?"

At this time, Xiao Wu looked at the beautiful girl next to him outside the shop and asked in confusion.

They searched for the smell and watched outside the shop for a long time.

"Know yourself and your enemy, and you can fight a hundred battles without danger."

On the other hand, the girl's face was solemn and she said expressionlessly.

Xiao Wu was startled when she heard the sound. She could tell that the Lord valued the man in the shop very much.

But the more this happened, the more surprised she became.

You must know that the Lord is not an ordinary person, even Lord Ditian bows down to him.

Such a strong man seems to be very afraid of that man?

"What kind of existence did I provoke?"

Xiao Wu's heart almost collapsed.

However, at this moment, under the gaze of the two people, three figures walked out of the shop.

"It's him!"

Xiao Wu's eyes flashed and she immediately lowered her head.

She recognized it. Isn't the man with sword-shaped eyebrows and silver hair all over his head none other than Sword Douluo?

"Don't panic, as long as I cover your aura, even a titled Douluo won't be able to detect anything unusual about you."

At this moment, the girl's faint voice reached Xiao Wu's ears.

"Your Majesty, that's not the case. That silver-haired man is a titled Douluo of the Seven Treasures Glazed Sect. He once had a relationship with me. He should have recognized my identity long ago."

Xiao Wu replied nervously.

"Oh, that's how it is."

"But it doesn't matter. The three of them have already walked away. They seemed to be discussing something and didn't look around more."

The girl's voice sounded again.


Xiao Wu raised her head slightly and took a glance.

Like a frightened rabbit, he immediately looked away.

"Huh, it's okay. It's just like the Lord said, it's gone far."

Xiao Wu stuck out her tongue and let out a long breath, finally feeling less nervous.

"Lord, why don't we rush into the shop now and surrender that evil guy!"

"Da Ming, Er Ming must have suffered a lot from him, maybe they all turned into soul rings."

Xiao Wu clenched her fists and her face became tense.

His eyes were full of anxiety.

She had secretly sworn that she and Lin Xiao would be sworn in!

The girl heard the sound and nodded slightly.

I don’t plan to wait any longer.

But, at the next moment, the steps she had just raised fell again.

Why don't you leave? Xiao Wu was startled when she saw this. She looked at the girl and found that the girl was looking away.

Subconsciously, she also looked over.

I saw three extraordinary figures coming from the distance again.

Apparently, he was also heading to the store.

"Here, these three people are actually Titled Douluo?" Xiao Wu immediately noticed something unusual and her heart tightened.

"And he is not an ordinary titled Douluo." Beside her, the girl spoke again, still cherishing her words like gold.

With her vision, she could easily tell that the three of them were experts above level ninety-six.

"What about us?" Xiao Wu asked.

The girl just answered with one word, "Wait."

However, her heart was suddenly filled with curiosity.

Why do so many titled Douluo come to this small shop?

What kind of secret does the man named Lin Xiao hide?

She had been sleeping for too long, and suddenly she felt like she couldn't see the world clearly.

"Second worship, in front is the store where many of us have opened cans."

Demon-Conquering Douluo said to the Second Enshrined Golden Crocodile Douluo who was walking in front.

That's right.

The three titled Douluo discovered by Xiao Wu and others were Qianjun, Jiangmo, and Golden Crocodile, the three major enshrinements of Wuhun Palace.

“Does money create happiness?”


Golden Crocodile Douluo came not far from the shop, looked at the plaque hanging on the shop door, then looked at the words on the left and right sides of the door, and sneered.

"Second Worshiper, I'll see Boss Lin later, but I won't like this."

Seeing this, Demon-Conquering Douluo couldn't help but frown and said,

What kind of existence is Boss Lin? If he still shows this arrogant attitude, I'm afraid it will arouse Boss Lin's displeasure.

When the time comes, Boss Lin will be able to fine the crocodile. Even if they broke ten or eight of his ribs, they wouldn't even frown.

I'm just afraid that Boss Lin will be so angry at Wuhun Palace that no one will be able to open the jar.

"Qianjun, Jiang Mo, where is your integrity and pride as worshipers of the Spirit Hall?"

"How could you be so humble to an unknown person?"

Golden Crocodile Douluo frowned when he heard this, and at the same time he scolded coldly: "Wake up, let alone in Wuhun City, even if you look at the entire Douluo Continent, I, Wuhun Palace, are also king-level existences.

No one can make us, the worshipers of Wuhun Hall, bow their heads. You are the ones who are humiliating the Wuhun Hall and the great worshippers. Hum, I will definitely report this matter properly when the great worshipper comes back. "

Big offering?

We highly suspect that Dachengfeng has also opened the can, but we have no evidence.

What's even more outrageous is that you asked me to choose between opening the can and my integrity?

Can backbone improve strength?

It's a critical moment, the two demon-conquering brothers thought.

"Second worshipper, you can't say that."

"To others, we can maintain our identity and show off, but not to Boss Lin."

"Boss Lin is a kind-hearted person. He sells jars not to make money, but to help us soul masters who have lost hope on the path of cultivation to regain hope. We all call Boss Lin a philanthropist behind his back."

Even in the face of the strong pressure from Golden Crocodile Douluo, Demon-Conquering Douluo still expressed his thoughts.

He couldn't accept that someone wanted to offend Boss Lin.

"Huh, philanthropist?"

"I think you have been deceived. This so-called Boss Lin wants to shake the foundation of Wuhun Palace." Golden Crocodile Douluo said, his face suddenly turned cold.

On the side, Qianjun Douluo opened his mouth and wanted to say something, but was interrupted by Golden Crocodile Douluo with a wave of his hand:

"Okay, don't say any more. The big worship hall is not here, and I have the final say in the worship hall. In any case, this small shop cannot be allowed to develop like this. The treasures in the small shop must be used by us. We will do it later. Go and move these jars back to Wuhun Palace."

"What? Do you want to move the jar back to Wuhun Palace?"

The two brothers exclaimed in disbelief.

"This is an opportunity to strengthen our Spirit Hall. How could we miss it like this? All you have to do is do as I say. When the great envoy returns, not only will I not complain, but I will also help you request a reward."

"Second Worshiper, I don't know if you have ever thought that our strength may not be enough."

"Of course!" Golden Crocodile Douluo said confidently: "You all have seen the strength of the Grand Priest. Who else in the entire Douluo Continent can surpass him? Who dares to touch Wuhun Palace's brow? Even if he is strong, So what? Does he dare to attack us in Wuhun City? Does he dare to be the enemy of our Wuhun Palace?"

Golden Crocodile Douluo said, placing his hands on the shoulders of Qianjun and Jiangmo brothers respectively, and said with relief: "Don't worry, even if the sky collapses, there will be big worshipers supporting them, so nothing will happen."

Ah, this.

Why do I always feel like I am pushing a large offering into a pit of fire?

At the critical moment, the two demon-conquering brothers looked at each other, and involuntarily had a bad premonition in their hearts.

"Who is mumbling outside the door?"

Suddenly, at this moment, Lin Xiao's voice came from the shop.

"Second worshipper, Boss Lin must have discovered us."

"As for how to do it, you think about it first, and we'll go in first."

At the critical moment, the two Jiangmo brothers said something and took the lead in entering the shop.

To be honest, they wished they could part ways with Golden Crocodile Douluo immediately. He was afraid that when Golden Crocodile Douluo was suppressed later, he would be implicated.

The remaining Golden Crocodile Douluo was a little at a loss. These two brothers didn't listen to what they said at all!


They must be sued severely in front of the great minister!

He cursed in his mind and walked into the shop.

"Eh? Second offering, what a coincidence. Are you here to open the jar too?"

As soon as Golden Crocodile Douluo entered the door of the shop, Demon-Conquering Douluo came up to him with a surprised look on his face.

Golden Crocodile Douluo: "???"

what's the situation? Didn’t we just come in together?

Golden Crocodile Douluo looked confused.

"Who is this?"

At this moment, Lin Xiao's voice sounded behind Jin Crocodile, with a little doubt in his voice.

"Come on, Boss Lin, let me introduce to you. This is the second priest of our Wuhun Palace, known as Golden Crocodile Douluo."

Demon-Conquering Douluo immediately turned around when he heard the sound and explained to Lin Xiao with a smile on his face.

Lin Xiao heard the sound and his eyes flashed slightly.

The memory of Golden Crocodile Douluo suddenly came to mind.

An old and frail ninety-eighth-level titled Douluo, loyal to the Spirit Hall and to the angel lineage. He was blasted by Tang Hao and died in battle later in the original work.

"Is he the owner of the shop? It seems that he is as ordinary as everyone said."

"But, his strength"

"I can't see the shade."

While Lin Xiao was looking at Golden Crocodile Douluo, Golden Crocodile Douluo was also looking at Lin Xiao.

Although I was prepared in my heart, some surprises were inevitable.

"Boss, I've made my choice. Just get me ten jars from the second row."

At this moment, Qianjun Douluo's voice sounded, causing Golden Crocodile Douluo to wake up instantly.


I asked why you acted like we met by chance as soon as you entered the door. It turns out that these two guys want to cut ties with me and open the jar themselves!

What's even more outrageous is that after such a long time, the money has been paid!

They still don’t believe me, and they don’t believe that the Grand Priest and the Wuhun Palace can deal with this mysterious Boss Lin!

The more Golden Crocodile Douluo thought about it, the angrier he became.

Subconsciously, it is about to explode.

However, at this moment, Lin Xiao's voice sounded: "Everything has a first-come, first-served basis. If you want to open the can, you have to wait."

Lin Xiao's voice had an inexplicable power, which immediately made Golden Crocodile Douluo stay in place, unable to move at all.

"How is it possible that one sentence can restrict my actions?"

Golden Crocodile Douluo was shocked in his heart. Not even a great worshiper could have such strength!


Immediately, he calmed down.

"I won't step forward, I'll just take a look here." He responded immediately.

He even had a strong, dry smile on his face.

That way, you have to be more reluctant, more reluctant.

"So, you are such a second worshipper?"

"You promised to move all the cans here? Why don't you implement it?"

"What about being tough? Is this it?"

Seeing this, Demon-Conquering Douluo secretly cursed.

the other side.

Ning Fengzhi and the other three came to a fork in the road.

"Uncle Jian, Uncle Long, you all have a lot of understanding that your cultivation breakthrough is imminent, so you should go back to the manor for retreat first."

Ning Fengzhi suddenly spoke.

Hearing the sound, Sword Douluo and Bone Douluo were suddenly startled and asked immediately:

"Sect Master, what do you mean?"

"Aren't you going to go back with us?"

The two were surprised by Ning Fengzhi's words.

"There is indeed such an idea."

Ning Fengzhi smiled and nodded, "A few days ago, our Qibao Glazed Sect's trading company received a soul bone with ice ability. For this reason, I specially arranged an auction for this purpose. In the past two days, The auction will be held in Tiandou City."

"I promised before that I would be there in person."

After hearing Ning Fengzhi's words, Sword Douluo and Bone Douluo were startled, "Is there still such a thing?"

"Uncle Jian, Uncle Long, your cultivation has been advancing by leaps and bounds recently, and I didn't tell you about this for fear of affecting your cultivation."

Ning Fengzhi said lightly with a smile on his lips.

"That won't work. Let the coward go into seclusion. I'll follow you."

"The Tiandou Empire has been secretly not at peace lately. Sect Master, you are the Emperor's Master. I'm afraid many people have bad intentions towards you, Sect Master."

Immediately, Bone Douluo shook his head and made a decision.

"Uncle Long, please be patient."

Ning Fengzhi waved his hand slightly to signal Bone Douluo to calm down, and then said: "It is not difficult to deduce from the clues that Prince Xue Xing and Prince Xue Beng did something today."

"But how can they overcome the storm with their strength?"

"I would rather someone be arrogant, but I really hope they take action against me directly, so that I can force them to act. Only by eliminating them can the throne of Qinghe be truly stable."

Sword Douluo frowned: "Then you can't use yourself as bait."

"Haha, Uncle Jian, Uncle Long, you don't still think of me as the number one assistant in the world who has no power to restrain a chicken, right?"

Ning Fengzhi suddenly laughed when he heard this.

While talking and laughing, he stretched out his hand. With a 'whoosh' sound, an invisible sharp edge cut a large boulder in the distance into two pieces.

Seeing this, Sword Douluo and Bone Douluo's eyelids jumped.

Such miraculous abilities are indeed beyond the reach of ordinary soul masters.

Bone Douluo even lowered his head and glanced at the blood marks on his hands, "If this is the case, there is no need to worry too much about the safety of the sect leader."

What he didn't say in his heart was that as long as Ning Fengzhi didn't seek death, he probably wouldn't die.

After all, there are not many strong people in Tiandou City.


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