I sell jars in Douluo

Chapter 236 The thrown Golden Crocodile Douluo, Zao Wuji’s six black soul rings (4400 words)

There is no turning back when you draw a bow, even if you are a loser, you have to endure it.

Golden Crocodile Douluo's expression changed for a while, and finally turned into a determined one.

"I can't believe you didn't even give me a proficiency capsule?"

He thought like this and still had hope in his heart.

Click, click, the jars were smashed one after another.

Along with bursts of white light, his face became darker and darker.

In the blink of an eye, all ten jars were opened.

Golden Crocodile Douluo's heart dropped.

"What's going on here?"

He looked at Lin Xiao blankly and asked.

"Well, it seems that your luck is really not very good. There was a customer named Hu Yanzhen in my shop before. You are as lucky as him."

Lin Xiao rubbed his chin, thought for a moment, and said in a deep voice.

I have to say that Golden Crocodile Douluo is also really dark.

Lin Xiao looked at the items on the counter, but he didn't find any useful ones.

Nothing more than aquamarine, rusty katana and other items.

Black elephant Hu Yanzhen?

The two brothers Qianjun Douluo and Demon-Conquering Douluo looked at each other and exclaimed in their hearts what a good guy.

You know, since the emergence of small shops until now, there have always been people opening jars. People as dark as Hu Yanzhen don't often come around, and it's unimaginable that such a one appears now. Still in their Wuhun Hall.

And it is the second worshiper with a distinguished status!

"It's too much. It's really too much."

Golden Crocodile Douluo murmured in a low voice, and the expression on his face gradually became complicated.

"You won't even give me a proficiency capsule?" he suddenly asked Lin Xiao.

not good!

At the critical moment, Jiang Mo and the two saw this, and their hearts trembled.

They felt that the second worshiper seemed to be seeking death.

"Are you questioning me?"

Following Lin Xiao's question, the temperature in the shop suddenly dropped a few points.

The cold voice made even a titled Douluo like Qianjun and Jiangmo feel chilled all over.

"I just feel like I've been treated unfairly."

Golden Crocodile Douluo said and looked at the two brothers Qianjun Jiangmo again.

Why, these two brothers can drive good things one after another and break through their current realms one after another.

Why, if you open the same jar yourself, the items in the ten jars combined are not as valuable as one of others.

He felt it was unfair.

As for what Lin Xiao said, opening the jar depends entirely on luck, he didn't believe it even more.

As the owner of a jar shop, the items in the jars should all be from his handiwork.

What could he not know?

And if you want someone to drive something, can't you just do it secretly?

"If I don't believe it, then leave and don't come back again."

Lin Xiao's voice came faintly.

"The boss has always been kind. This is the first time I have felt anger in his voice."


At the critical moment, the demon was defeated, and the two of them were shocked.

"No, I'll do it again."

"Don't forget, this is Wuhun City, and the one who truly dominates this place is our Wuhun Palace. And the strongest person in our Wuhun Palace must have been seen by you in the past two days. It is the ninety-ninth-level Tang Chen is not the enemy of the Great Enshrinement!"

"The great worshiper will return soon, and he will definitely seek justice for me."

Golden Crocodile Douluo said coldly.

He felt that Lin Xiao had gone too far, and if he was willing to give himself some benefits, he didn't want to break up with him.

"Then you just wait for Qian Daoliu to come back and ask him to come."

"You can get out now."

Lin Xiao said, waving his hand at Golden Crocodile Douluo as if swatting a fly.


An invisible force burst out, and Golden Crocodile Douluo flew out like a sandbag, falling heavily outside the shop.

"He actually dared to attack me."

After Golden Crocodile Douluo landed, a look of horror appeared on his face.

He didn't expect that Lin Xiao would be so bold.

I didn't even expect that Lin Xiao was so strong.

With a wave of your hand, you can repel yourself.


There was nothing more. He tilted his head and fainted immediately.

"What should I do?"

At the critical moment, Jiang Mo looked at each other, with a look of struggle on his face.

Although Golden Crocodile Douluo usually likes to show off.

All day long, I acted like I was worshiping the boss and my second child, but after all, these two of us have known each other for many years.

If one day, he is gone, I will still feel a little empty.

"Don't worry, he just questioned me, I won't kill him."

"But, this won't happen next time. You can take him back and don't be an eyesore at the entrance of my store."

Lin Xiao said and waved his hand.

Looking back at Qianjun, Jiangmo immediately shrank his neck,

They remembered clearly that Lin Xiao had just slapped the ninety-eighth level Golden Crocodile Douluo away with just such a move.


They were lucky, Lin Xiao did not send the two brothers away too

This made the two brothers Qianjun and Jiangmo secretly sweat.

"Hey, look at this person, he's so miserable."

"Stop comparing, this man looks like a titled Douluo from Wuhun Palace."

"Is the Titled Douluo very rare? Boss Lin's shop has thrown out quite a few of them. It doesn't matter if I don't include him."

Outside the shop, everyone was talking around Golden Crocodile Douluo.

That disdainful attitude, as if these titled Douluo were all thrown out by them.

Fortunately, Golden Crocodile Douluo had already passed out.

Otherwise, I would definitely want to find a crack in the ground and crawl into it.


"Everyone give in."

Behind the crowd, Demon-Conquering Douluo coughed lightly.

He was a little embarrassed when he mentioned Golden Crocodile Douluo.

The second worship in Tangtang is really embarrassing today.

However, who do you think it is bad for you to provoke?

You must provoke this unfathomable Boss Lin.

"Fortunately among the misfortunes, the golden crocodile was still sensible and did not snatch the jar rashly, otherwise the ashes would be flying all over the sky now."

Qianjun Douluo secretly let out a sigh of relief.

At this time, Demon-Conquering Douluo had already picked up Golden Crocodile Douluo and walked towards the Spirit Hall.

He could feel that Golden Crocodile Douluo was not in danger, but his aura was much weaker than before, and he had probably fallen below the ninety-eighth level of cultivation.

"Lord, let's just fight in."

Behind the crowd, Xiao Wu spoke intermittently.

However, she hid behind the girl in front of her with a cautious look on her face.

Obviously lack of confidence.

"Go out."

The girl in front of her glanced at Xiao Wu behind her angrily, and snorted angrily, "You're the only one who wants to fight in? I'm afraid your feet are weak before you even enter the shop, right?"

"Where is it?"

Xiao Wu spoke timidly.

"However, I have to re-evaluate Lin Xiao's strength. He can easily throw out a Titled Douluo of around level ninety-eight. I'm afraid there are very few people in the current Douluo Continent who can do that."

The girl ignored Xiao Wu and said thoughtfully.

And walked towards the shop step by step.

"Lord, Lord."

"Wait for me."

Xiao Wu stamped her feet on the spot and hurriedly followed.

the other side.

Tiandou City, the suburbs.

Three iron tower-like figures appeared in Zhao Wuji's sight.

Exactly, Titan, Tylenol, and Talon.

"You're here." Zhao Wuji said in a deep voice, with a solemn look in his eyes.

Even though he is now an eighty-one level Contra, he doesn't dare to have any contempt. As far as he knew, Titan had been Contra many years ago.

"Haha, of course I'm coming. I want to see the people who were running away like lost dogs under my hands back then. How much more capable they have become now that they dare to come directly to my mansion to seek revenge."

Titan laughed.

But his smile was cold. People can't help but feel cold all over after watching it.

An invisible pressure radiated out, as if the air had become heavier.

Da da da.

Beside him, Tylenol and Tyrone, father and son, subconsciously took two steps back. Only then did I feel my breathing became much easier.

"Come, come, come, come here, let me see how you have improved."

Tai Tan hooked his hand at Zhao Wuji, with a look of disdain and amusement on his face.

Again, it doesn't matter if Zhao Wuji's strength reaches Contra. He didn't even look at a guy whose soul ring was mostly broken.

"Dad, isn't Grandpa a little overconfident?"

From a distance, Tai Lung nervously looked at the two confronting each other and said.


Tainuo shook his head when he heard the sound, "Haha, son, you are still young and your level is not high, so you don't understand how powerful your grandfather is. Let's put it this way, in Contra, your grandfather is an extremely powerful being, and few people can compete with him. The battle."

"Zhao Wuji is so naive. Does he think that by becoming a Contra, he can compete with your grandfather? It's a joke!"

"Also, do you remember what our old man said?"

Facing Tylenol's doubts, Tailong's face showed a look of reminiscence: "The old man said before that Zao Wuki was defeated by himself?"

"That's right. With the old man's strength facing a Contra with three of its eight spirit rings disabled, do you still have to worry?"

Tylenol's voice was unabashed and clearly audible throughout the room.

When Taitan heard the sound, he frowned and said, "Tylenol, don't talk nonsense."

Tylenol was startled.

Immediately afterwards, Titan's voice came to his ears again: "Even if all eight of Zhao Wuji's soul ring skills are used, they will not pose a threat to me."

Ah this

so cold.

However, in order to match Titan's cold humor, Tyrone still laughed dryly: "Ha, ha, ha."

But, at the next moment, they suddenly stopped laughing.

It was as if there was an invisible big hand strangling their necks tightly.

Normally, it's just Contra, so with Titan in front they won't be shocked.

Unless, I can’t help it!

Wherever he looked, the eight soul rings on Zhao Wuji's body were beating in rhythm.

"Yellow, yellow, black, black, black, black, black, black?"

"What the hell is this!"

Tai Tan's heart was filled with turmoil, and his eyes nearly popped out of his head.

The ratio of the soul rings on Zhao Wuji's body is really outrageous!

"Dad, is this what grandpa said is 'not worth mentioning'?"

Tai Lung couldn't help but ask, he was also shocked.

"Is there a possibility that the age of his soul ring is just a symptom, and that he is one of the weak in soul skills?"

Tylenol said tentatively.

A rubbish ten thousand year soul ring? is it possible?

Tai Lung didn't believe it.

"Zhao Wuji, something is wrong with you!"

Finally, Titan happened again, and his voice was still uneasy: "The third and fourth rings of ten thousand years, how could such an outrageous thing happen? How on earth did you do it."

He was extremely curious about what happened to Zhao Wuji.

This is really amazing!

Zhao Wuji shook his head and shouted: "Possessed by the martial spirit!"

As the voice fell, his whole body swelled several times. A sinister atmosphere filled the whole place.

He came here to seek revenge, not to reminisce about the past, so he didn't bother to answer Tai Tan's words.

But, what has to be said is that Tai Tan's surprise made Zhao Wuji very satisfied.

After waiting for so many years, I finally have a chance to feel proud.

"Hmph, even six thousand-year soul rings do you think you can kill me?"


When Tai Tan saw Zhao Wuji rushing towards him, a look of disdain appeared on his face.

In fact, he was extremely solemn in his heart.

After all, the strength of Zhao Wuji's own martial soul is not weak. With the blessing of six ten thousand year soul rings, the power gap between him and himself may not be big.

Even he had to deal with it carefully.

"Possessed by a martial spirit!"

The next moment, his already majestic body like an iron tower began to grow taller and larger.

Yellow, yellow, purple, purple, black, and black, the eight soul rings kept flashing.


He stepped forward, seemingly causing an earthquake. Then a fist as big as a pot lid was thrown out like a meteor chasing the moon. Hit hard with Zhao Wuji's bear paw!

Click, click!

An invisible wave of air spread out, and countless trees were broken by Lazy Yao.

"Quickly retreat!"

There was a look of surprise in Tai Nuo's eyes, and he quickly picked up Tai Lung beside him and ran back dozens of meters before stopping.

They turned around and looked at the field, which was a mess.

The trees are broken and the earth is cracked!

Contra is strong and terrifying!

The father and son gasped.

Looking at Tai Tan and Zhao Wuji in the field, their fists and palms are touching each other, and they are wrestling.

"The eighty-one-level Zhao Wuji can actually compete with the old man in terms of strength?"

"You must know that the soul power difference between the two is five levels!"

Tailong's pupils suddenly shrank, his eyes filled with horror.

This is astonishing, definitely not something ordinary soul masters can do.

"It seems that his third and fourth soul rings are more powerful than I thought. It is very possible to hunt down powerful soul beasts that are more than 30,000 years old. There is also an eighth soul ring, which I can't even see through. , I don’t know what kind of soul beast it was taken from. But it seems to be fifty thousand years old at least.”

"Only by combining various reasons, can this guy have the power to compete with me!"

In an instant, Tai Tan had an assessment of Zhao Wuji's strength.

The result made him secretly stunned.

He was very puzzled, what had Zhao Wuji experienced?

A miracle?

"Grandpa, be careful."

Tai Lung's pupils shrank and reminded him from the sidelines.

Because, at that moment when Tai Tan was in a trance, Zhao Wuji seized the opportunity and angrily used his strength to force Tai Tan back!

Immediately afterwards, his body's soul power rioted, and his fourth soul ring lit up in an instant.

"Earth Ant King Kill!"

Although Zhao Wuji is not tall, his voice is deep and powerful.

His palms were like knives, and he chopped it down hard!


A sharp breath tore through the air in an instant, making a sound like tearing cloth.

On the other hand, the Titan Ape's expression changed again, and it was darker than the black soul ring on his body.

"Made! Why are you so fierce!"

"The power of this soul ring skill can be said to be at least 30,000 years old, which is enough to catch up with the age of my seventh soul ring."

He couldn't help but curse in his heart.

Subconsciously, he would dodge.

However, after thinking about it, his son and grandson were watching from a distance. Wouldn't it be shameful to retreat?

Before, when I came here, I had agreed to hit Zhao Wuji at will.

"We can't retreat, we can only harden our steel!"

"After all, face is a lifelong thing."

Tai Tan had a plan in mind.

"Martial spirit's true form!"

"The sixth soul skill: Vajra Body Protection!"

In an instant, two soul skills were activated on Titan.

At this time, his figure was no longer in the field, replaced by a long-haired chimpanzee that was three to four meters tall.

Immediately afterwards, a golden light from the sixth soul ring fell on him, as if he was wearing a golden armor.


At the same time, the Earth Ant King slashed down, hitting him hard on the chest.

The golden body-protecting light suddenly fell apart!

"That's it?"

Taita, who had transformed into a powerful gorilla, said roughly.

In my heart, I secretly said, "It fucking hurts! This knife at least shattered two of my ribs."

On the other hand, Zhao Wuji grinned, his smile cold, "That's it."

"Just the beginning!"

good night.

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