I sell jars in Douluo

Chapter 238 Gu Yuena changes her mind and wants to mortgage Xiao Wu (4200 words)

Isn't this obviously seeking revenge?

Xiao Wu suddenly felt that Lin Xiao was looking down on them.


Even if you look down on me, you still look down on my master? Xiao Wu didn’t know where the courage came from, which made her forget her fear of Lin Xiao and immediately counterattacked Lin Xiao:

"Isn't this obvious? Stop talking nonsense and let Da Ming and Er Ming go. Otherwise, by the time the Lord takes action, even if you regret it, it will be too late!"


Xiaowu pinched her waist and said forcefully.

I even felt that I was not fierce enough, so I snorted twice in the end.

Of course, it would have been even more perfect if he hadn't glanced at the girl beside him guiltily after this wave of violence.

Lin Xiao smiled slightly and ignored Xiao Wu.

Xiao Wu's actions have been recorded in his mental ledger and will be settled together later.

His eyes fell on Gu Yuena beside Xiao Wu.

At this moment, Gu Yuena finally expressed her stance.

She shook her head slowly: "Hello, my name is Gu Yuena. I'm here to open the jar."

"Did you hear that? We're here to open the can!"

The Lord spoke, and Xiao Wu became even more arrogant.

But the look on her face soon turned into astonishment.


"Open the can?"

She looked at Gu Yuena with a look of shock and confusion, her eyes full of questioning.

Lord, this is not how we rehearsed just now!

Why didn't you inform me of the temporary change of script?

Gu Yuena understood the hidden meaning in Xiao Wu's eyes, and she shook her head in confusion.

That said, of course I have my own plan.

In fact, Gu Yuena was also helpless.

There was no way she could help it. Before meeting Lin Xiao, she thought that Lin Xiao had reached the pinnacle of Douluo Continent at most, that is, a ninety-ninth-level titled Douluo with some divine power.

But the result surprised her.

This turned out to be a man that she couldn't even see through.

She even felt that even the God King in the God Realm was not as dangerous as her.

Suddenly she felt that the other party who had captured the two hundred thousand year old soul beasts in the Star Dou Forest had deliberately attracted her here?

"It's better not to act rashly until you don't know the other party's purpose for the time being."

Gu Yuena secretly made a decision in her heart.

Her voice rang in Xiao Wu's ears.

"My lord, are you selling me? You can't survive, and you didn't tell me in advance. It's hard for me to give you an iron head instead of hard steel."

Xiao Wu was about to cry but had no tears.

"The jars sold in our store cost 100,000 gold soul coins each. One person can open ten of them a week. Are you sure you want to open it?"

At this moment, Lin Xiao slowly opened his mouth and briefly explained the rules of the shop.

"What, one hundred thousand gold soul coins in a jar?"

"Is this jar of yours made of gold? No, even if it is made of gold, it would still cost 100,000 gold soul coins."

After hearing what Lin Xiao said, Xiao Wu immediately let out a scream, as if her tail had been stepped on.

Gu Yuena also frowned slightly. The jar with one hundred thousand gold soul coins was also beyond her expectation.

Lin Xiao said calmly: "You heard it right, it's one hundred thousand gold soul coins. Why don't you want to open it?"

"Does this need to be said? Of course not"

Xiao Wu immediately wanted to reject Lin Xiao.

But Gu Yuena pulled her.

"Lord, please don't pull me away. I must have a good argument with her."

"My lord, you said one jar has one hundred thousand gold soul coins. Ten jars are worth one million gold soul coins. My lord, what are you saying that the one who opened this jar is not a pure grudge?"

Xiao Wu waved her hand, but inadvertently, she noticed something was wrong with Gu Yuena's eyes.

Her voice suddenly changed from a high pitch to a whisper, and she asked weakly: "My lord, you don't want to open this jar, right?"

Gu Yuena's calm face changed color slightly at some point.

Xiao Wu is really a typical good-natured and pure rogue rabbit.

"I want to open ten jars."

Finally, Gu Yuena calmed down the urge to physically punish Xiao Wu and said to Xiao Wu.

"Why open ten? My lord, please think twice. Impulse is the devil."

Xiao Wu panicked, wasn't her words in vain?

"I've made up my mind."

Gu Yuena frowned and said calmly.

"That's okay."

Xiao Wu felt that she had said everything she needed to say. The Lord had no one to blame for being deceived.

At the same time, she also wanted to see what could be found in a jar with one hundred thousand gold soul coins.

However, Gu Yuena didn't move for a long time, just looking at Xiao Wu quietly.

After Xiao Wu realized it, she suddenly thought of a possibility.

"My lord, do you want me to pay for you?"

Hu Liena didn't say much, just nodded lightly. Considering her status, money is something she cannot use. What is she carrying it with her for? What a waste of storage space.

On the other hand, Xiao Wu felt as if he had been struck by lightning.

Are you asking for money?

This is killing her!

In those few years of her life, she had only saved dozens or hundreds of gold soul coins, which was a huge sum of money.

But one hundred thousand gold soul coins is simply a drop in the bucket.

"I don't have any money either. Even if you sell me, it's not worth one million gold soul coins, right?"

Xiao Wu said to Gu Yuena with a sad face.

Gu Yuena was silent.

Isn't it a miserable life for a hundred-thousand-year-old soul beast in the human world?

Xiao Wu was silent for a moment, looked at Lin Xiao, and said miserably: "Well, boss, do you think you can give me a discount? You can earn less."

Lin Xiao also fell silent, not expecting Xiao Wu to suggest such a thing. Excuse me?

As if she didn't see Lin Xiao's contemptuous look, Xiao Wu continued: "I have five hundred gold soul coins. Do you think you can sell me ten jars?"

Horse riding!

Is there such a bargain?

What a genius!

If you really follow Xiao Wu's discount, you will not only make less money, but also lose all your money!

Lin Xiao was stunned. He didn't expect Xiao Wuwu to say such a thing.

"Impossible, let alone ten, five hundred gold soul coins can't even be bought in a jar."

Lin Xiao shook his head and refused, then thought for a moment and added: "Even if I give you a fracture, I can't buy it."

"Oh, that's how it is!"

Xiao Wu shrank his neck angrily.

Then she looked at Gu Yuena again, "Lord, you saw it too. I've tried my best, but he still won't sell us the jar."

Do you call this trying your best? You are clearly trying to make it impossible to talk!

Even in Gu Yuena's state of mind, she couldn't help but secretly curse.

"No, you didn't try your best." She shook her head.

Xiao Wu: "???"

Don’t you still know if I’ve tried my best?

Gu Yuena ignored her, but looked at Lin Xiao and asked, "Boss, can we do it on credit?"

Do you really think I am doing charity? Lin Xiao shook his head decisively when he heard this: "No. Everything can be broken, but the rules cannot be broken."

"My lord, it's better to forget it."

Xiao Wu once again tried to persuade Gu Yuena and tried her best to get her out of the pit of the jar store.

Suddenly, Gu Yuena's eyes also fell on Xiao Wu, and then she looked at Lin Xiao and asked, "Since we can't pay on credit, can I get a mortgage?"

mortgage? After hearing this, Lin Xiao couldn't help but wonder in his heart what kind of trouble the other party was making?

"I have never done this since I opened the store." Lin Xiao said frankly.

"Then I didn't come before. If I had come, you might have done this already."

Gu Yuena pointed to Xiao Wu beside her: "I will mortgage her to you first. After I finish opening the jar, I will go home and get the money, and then I will redeem her."

Mortgage Xiao Wu?

Lin Xiao was really impressed by Gu Yuena's operation.

[Ding, it is detected that the host has additional needs and the mortgage function is unlocked. 】


Have you unlocked a new pose?

Lin Xiao was surprised, and then a detailed explanation of the 'mortgage' exchange for jars appeared in his mind.

"Is this okay?"

"Isn't this a compound interest bank?"

In just a few moments, Lin Xiao became familiar with the process of exchanging mortgages for jars.

First of all, the value of the mortgaged items must be at least twice the value of the jar in exchange.

For example, you need at least one item worth two million gold soul coins in exchange for ten jars.

Secondly, for example, if you mortgage one million, you have to pay 10% interest every day. But the interest will be turned into principal the next day.

Thirdly, if the mortgage period is up and cannot be redeemed in time, the mortgaged items will belong to the store.


Lin Xiao was too lazy to continue reading. It was actually not bad, except that the interest rate was a little higher.

Subconsciously he looked at Xiao Wu.

Sure enough, things have become different. A line of item information appears in front of you:

[Xiao Wu: A transformed 100,000-year-old soul beast. Worth 25 million trading points. 】

This is outrageous. Can Xiaowu really be mortgaged? Lin Xiao's face remained calm, but he was deeply surprised.

"Boss, how are you thinking about it?"

Gu Yuena asked again.

"Lord, I came to help you with good intentions, but you actually want to sell me?"

Xiao Wu's heart almost collapsed.

Gu Yuena looked at Xiao Wu seriously and said: "You didn't help me before, but now. Don't worry, I will remember your kindness. After returning to the Star Dou Forest, I will let Ditian redeem you."

Ah this

Is the price of helping a little too high?

Xiao Wu opened her mouth, not knowing what to say at all.

"Okay, if he has no objection, then sign the contract. Then you can choose the jar."

"But the interest thing"

Lin Xiao nodded upon hearing this.

"Drive it however you want"

“As long as it’s not too much”

Gu Yuena didn't say much to Lin Xiao on this issue.

After that, she looked at Xiao Wu quietly.

Although she didn't say anything, everyone knew she did.

Xiao Wu, it’s your turn to contribute!

"Hey, forget it. This is life!"

Xiao Wu sighed in her heart, feeling very powerless. But he still stepped forward step by step.

"I wonder how long you want to mortgage it for."

Lin Xiao asked Xiao Wu.

Xiao Wu thought for a moment, "How about three days?"

she asked tentatively.

Gu Yuena shook her head, "It's too long. One day is enough!"

"At Ditian's speed, it won't take long."

Hearing this, Xiao Wu was moved, "The Lord still loves me, so he made such a decision." She was helpless. ’


Lin Xiao nodded, slowly stretched out his hand, and saw a ball of cyan light flashing in his hand, "If your blood drips on it, we will have a contract."

The contract is magical!

Xiao Wu's eyes widened, she had never seen such a magical thing before.

But she didn't do it immediately, but asked Lin Xiao: "Am I worth two million gold soul coins?"

"Do you want to open the can too?"

Lin Xiao asked in surprise.


"If you have too many lice, don't be afraid of being bitten. If you have too many debts, don't be afraid of them. I'm willing to go all out. Why don't I mortgage an extra million gold soul coins and open a jar for myself to comfort myself."

Xiao Wu looked very bachelor.

In this regard, Lin Xiao made no sense and nodded: "Okay."

"Okay." Xiao Wu did not hesitate. He bit the tip of his finger directly and let a drop of bright red blood drip onto the light mass.

At this point, we can only chase the rabbit and put it on the shelves.


The next moment, the ball of light disappeared in Lin Xiao's palm, as if it had never existed.

But Lin Xiao noticed that a small bright red word appeared on Xiao Wu's forehead, "YES!"


Soon it disappeared again.

Lin Xiao turned to look at Hu Liena again: "The contract is completed. The jars on the shelf, except for the one with the pattern in the middle, can be opened as you choose."

"Then what's different about the remaining jars?"

Gu Yuena asked again.

Beside, Xiao Wu also pricked up her ears.

"No, it's all the same."

“What you get out of it depends on your luck.”

Lin Xiao shrugged.

Gu Yuena stopped talking and looked at the many jars with furrowed brows.

the other side.

At the critical moment, Jiang Mo, one on the left and one on the right, plus Golden Crocodile Douluo, walked to the door of Wuhun Hall.

"Put me down."

Golden Crocodile Douluo's weak voice reached the ears of Qianjun and the Demon-Conquering brothers.

Immediately, the two brothers were startled and reacted immediately.

The two brothers gave up almost at the same time.


The extremely weak Golden Crocodile Douluo fell to the ground.

Qianjun: "."

Conquer the devil: "."

"You two brothers did this on purpose, right?" Golden Crocodile Douluo said angrily while lying on the ground.

Lin Xiao's attack was not light and directly knocked down his cultivation level by one level.

Such a result was difficult for him to accept.

Not to say life is worse than death, but it's not far behind.

"That's what you wish for us."

Qianjun Douluo shook his head slightly.

Demon-Conquering Douluo spread his hands helplessly, and his voice was full of innocence: "Second Priest, you wish us two brothers. We are not stupid, even if we want to repay you for taking care of you for so many years, we can't be so blatant. Right?"

Hearing the sound, Golden Crocodile Douluo had a black line on his forehead.

But, the next moment, the three people's eyes were looking somewhere.

"I am Yu Xiaogang, I have the Elder Token of the Spirit Hall, and I am a direct disciple of the Blue Lightning Tyrannosaurus family. You can't do this to me."

"Hey, hey, don't fight!"


In the Wuhun Palace, a scream was first heard.

Immediately afterwards, the three of them saw a figure being thrown out.

After that, the man struggled twice but didn't get up, and simply lay on the ground with his back stretched out.

His body was covered in blood and he looked miserable.

"Look at that man, he looks like a dog."

"Who is he? Why is he worse than me?"

Golden Crocodile Douluo felt that compared to him, he seemed to be much better.

He suddenly found a reason to live.

"The invincible master of theory, Yu Xiaogang!"

Demon-Conquering Douluo whispered.

The eyes looking at Yu Xiaogang were full of ridicule.

"How dare cats and dogs come out to show off and deceive these days? How dare a person with less than soul power be called a master? How dare he claim to be invincible?"

Golden Crocodile Douluo often retreats in seclusion, hoping to achieve breakthroughs in cultivation, and rarely pays attention to external matters.

And clowns like Yu Xiaogang are even less able to catch his eye.

At this time, Yu Xiaogang finally had the strength to stand up, looked at everyone, and finally looked at the two golden-armored guards who threw him out and said:

"Do you know my relationship with the Pope? I, Yu Xiaogang, swear that if I see the Pope, I will speak in front of him and kill you!"

Landowners who have spare votes can cast their votes at will. Thank you.

Good night

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