I sell jars in Douluo

Chapter 247 Tang Xiao’s collapse, is the Clear Sky Hammer not as good as the Lucky Demon Hammer?


Lin Xiao could clearly see the veins popping up on Tang Xiao's face and the muscles on his body rising. It can be seen that Tang Xiao's hammer was full of strength.


Tang Xiao shouted low, and as fast as an afterimage, he had arrived in front of the jar in the blink of an eye, and the Clear Sky Hammer in his hand struck down hard like a meteor chasing the moon.


A thunderous sound erupted in the shop.

The powerful force poured out. Normally, even the earth would be shattered by Tang Xiao.


Tang Xiao was dumbfounded.

The jar didn't move at all, and even the counter didn't move at all.

Not even a grain of dust was stirred up

"It's so ridiculous to ride a horse!"

"A hallucination must be an hallucination!"

Tang Xiao was confused and completely dumbfounded.

Subconsciously, he pinched his waist hard with his hands.


It hurts.

Tang Xiao gasped in pain, but he was certain that this was not an illusion.

"What on earth is this jar made of? Why is it so strong?"

"You know, my hammer can knock down even a small mountain."

Tang Xiao thought with a puzzled look.

The jars and all the facilities in the shop are incredibly sturdy!

"Why don't you stop yelling? If you were willing to use the hammer I provided, these cans would have been opened long ago!" Lin Xiao said again.

What he means is very simple, can you hurry up? Everyone is very busy.


Tang Xiao didn't think so.

He looked at the small hammer hanging there and shook his head, saying that he refused to use it.

"How can my mighty Clear Sky Hammer be no match for this little hammer?" Tang Xiao felt that he couldn't afford to lose that person.

"No, I haven't shown all my strength yet! Even if Tang uses all his knowledge, he still has to open this jar."

Tang Xiao said in a deep voice, but his eyes were extremely firm.

Good guy, you're going to get into trouble with this jar, right?

Lin Xiao waved his hand, "As long as you are happy."

After he finished speaking, he left the counter and sat down on the rocking chair.

Half lying down watching Tang Xiao's performance.

"You don't believe me."

Tang Xiao felt a little angry when he saw this.

He wanted to prove with actual actions that the Clear Sky Hammer could open jars without any problem.

"Shake the world!"

"Ling Tian strikes!"

"Nine Jue of Haotian!"


Powerful soul power fluctuations continued to erupt in the shop.

Lin Xiao narrowed his eyes slightly when he saw this.

It has to be said that Tang Xiao is very strong. If he were left outside, this one-stop service would be enough to cause the earth to collapse.

But in the small shop, there was still no disturbance.

The jar is still the same jar as before, nothing has changed.

Tang Xiao, on the other hand, was so tired that he was sweating profusely.

"how could it be possible!"

Tang Xiao's eyes turned red.

At this point, he could only use his last soul skill.

"Chaos cloak!"

Lin Xiao even heard it, and Tang Xiao's voice changed when he yelled about the cloak.

Very sharp.

Boom boom boom. One hammer is faster than the other, and one hammer is stronger than the other. In the blink of an eye, Tang Xiao hammered ninety-nine eighty-one times in a row.


I saw the dark air flow, like a magic dragon, circling and landing on the jar.


Lin Xiao's ears twitched. He finally heard something unusual.

He shouted in his heart, Damn it!

Could it be that Tang Xiao really used brute force to smash the jar into pieces?

Subconsciously, he stood up and looked over.

At this time, the dark dragon had disappeared. Tang Xiao kept holding the Clear Sky Hammer and smashing the jars.

Big beads of sweat kept rolling down his cheeks.

It's just that the jar is intact? Lin Xiao didn't even notice a crack.

"That's weird, where did that sound come from?" Lin Xiao looked at it curiously.

Moving his eyes upward, he finally discovered the problem.

The huge hammer of the Haotian Hammer actually had spider web-like cracks on its body.

It's so detailed that you can't even see it unless you look carefully.

"So the 'click' sound caused the Clear Sky Hammer to collapse?"

Lin Xiao's heart skipped a beat. He didn't expect Tang Xiao to be so irritable.

He would rather break the jar regardless of his own physical trauma.

Isn't it just a jar? As for risking your life? Lin Xiao was full of slander.


Suddenly, Tang Xiao let out a cry of pain.

Then, amid the cries of pain, the Clear Sky Hammer shattered. It turned into stars and spots and disappeared into Tang Xiao's body.

Lin Xiao could tell that Tang Xiao's condition was a bit bad, "How are you?"

"Huh okay"

Tang Xiao gritted his teeth, took a breath, and said reluctantly: "The martial spirit has been damaged a bit, and it will be impossible to fight with full strength for two or three days."

Another moment passed.

He forced a smile and said with a pale face: "It turns out that I am still too naive. The Clear Sky Hammer cannot smash this jar."

"So, I'm going to stick with your hammer and hit the jar."

Lin Xiao could tell that Tang Xiao's voice was full of frustration.

"The Clear Sky Hammer is said to be the best martial spirit in the world. It is unparalleled in attack but now it can't even break a jar. How can this be considered the best in the world? It's embarrassing to say it out loud." Tang Hao felt mixed emotions in his heart.

There is no doubt that he was mentally disturbed.

When Lin Xiao saw this, he didn't say much and listened to others' advice to eat enough.

The blisters on his feet were all caused by himself. Tang Xiao just refused to listen and did not deserve sympathy.


After taking another long breath, Tang Xiao picked up the Lucky Magic Hammer and looked at it carefully for a while, but couldn't see the reason.

"Boss, what should I do to open the jar?"

"It's very simple, just knock." Lin Xiao said slowly.

direct? knock?

Tang Xiao was a little stunned. I tried so hard before without success. Are you telling me to just knock?


Despite his doubts, he still took action.

The lucky magic hammer lightly touched the jar and made a crisp sound.


There was a crisp sound and the jar shattered.

A white light flashed away, and an object fell out.


"Opening the jar so easily?"

Tang Xiao opened his mouth and was stunned.


If I had known it was so simple, why did I yell at the jar just now?

Isn’t that enough to make you feel full?

Not only was he unsuccessful, but he was also seriously injured.

What a sin.

"Boss, what is this?"

After a while, Tang Xiao woke up, picked up the items in the jar, and asked Lin Xiao.

"Magic juice can restore some of your consumed soul power after use." Lin Xiao took a look and said directly.

"Really? That would be great."

Tang Xiao's eyes lit up.

You know, he had just used so many soul skills one after another, and his body had long been hollowed out.

The soul power has been squeezed out, and not a drop is left.

If he could describe his state in one word, it would be 'thirsty'!

Tons tons tons.

Tang Xiao immediately opened the magic juice and started drinking it.

Lin Xiao discovered that Tang Xiao's pale face was turning rosy at a speed visible to the naked eye.


After Tang Xiao drank the magic juice in one gulp, his eyes were full of admiration: "This gives me a feeling of rain after a long drought. It's so wonderful."

"It would be great if we could get more magic juice."

He said with anticipation.

Haha, there are still people who take the initiative to ask for a large amount of magic juice? Lin Xiao could only say two words about this, naive!

After opening more cans in the future, Tang Xiao will understand the fear of being dominated by magic juice.

Take Lin Xiao for example. In his system space, he has 80 if not 100 magic juices, and he can't consume it at all.

"Boss, I'll continue."

Tang Xiao thought and opened the jar again.

Likewise, it's a white light.

"The proficiency capsule will give you a lot of insights into soul skills after use. It may even have a great impact on your current state."

Lin Xiao didn't wait for Tang Xiao to ask questions and spoke first.

"Can it enhance people's perception? There is such a magical thing. If it is true, then it is too outrageous!?"

Tang Xiao was really shocked.

You must know that understanding this kind of thing is linked to a person's qualifications.

Take him for example, he is not as fast as Tang Hao in practicing the Nine Arts of Haotian.

This is the difference in understanding.

It's innate.

But now Lin Xiao actually said that this thing could bring him into a state similar to enlightenment?


Tang Xiao couldn't help but look at the proficiency capsule, trying to see what was inside.

"Don't look, you won't find anything." Lin Xiao shook his head helplessly when he saw this.

Tang Xiao is such a big man, how can he act like a curious baby?

"Uh okay."

Tang Xiao was somewhat embarrassed when Lin Xiao pointed out his purpose.

After all, the truth was just as Lin Xiao said, he saw loneliness.

However, with such a magical item in hand, how could you not try it?

Especially after tasting the sweetness of the magic juice?


Immediately, Tang Xiao swallowed the magic juice like a gulp.

Suddenly, my mind felt cool and I felt a sense of enlightenment. Come to mind!

"It's amazing!"

His heart was shaken, but he also understood that now was not the time to be distracted. You must go all out to understand with all your heart.

After a long time.

Tang Xiao suddenly laughed and said: "I understand! It turns out that the secret method of Haotian Sect can still be used in this way."

As the voice fell, Tang Xiao's eyes flashed.

"Boss, you are really amazing. The problem that has been bothering me for several years was actually solved in an instant."

How long did it take? For Tang Xiao, it was worth several years of hard training.

Can you not be excited?

Lin Xiao shook his head, "That's because you are lucky and has nothing to do with me."

"Boss, you are so low-key."

After receiving benefits one after another, Tang Xiao's mood changed greatly.

He felt more and more that Lin Xiao couldn't see through it, and he respected Lin Xiao more and more.

Am I low-key? Lin Xiao smiled.

It’s just that no one believes me when I tell the truth.

"Boss, now my mind has changed. I don't want a lot of magic juice. I want a lot of proficiency capsules. Do you think it can be done?"

Suddenly, Tang Xiao said to Lin Xiao.

Lin Xiao was a little stunned. Did this guy really think that I put the items in the jar?

Will you give me a return or exchange here?

"The jars sold in our store are non-refundable and non-exchangeable. What you get depends on your luck. All I can say is, keep going."

Lin Xiao looked at Tang Xiao and said seriously.

"Tang understands."

Tang Xiao looked stunned and picked up the lucky magic hammer again to open the jar.

Click, click.

In the blink of an eye, five more jars were opened.

After seeing the items clearly, Lin Xiao felt that Tang Xiao was quite lucky.

Not to mention anything else, there were three bottles of the magic juice that Tang Xiao had previously liked.

"What a pity. It would be great if you could give me a proficiency capsule."

Tang Xiao said and sighed involuntarily.

"Yes, he changed his mind."

What Tang Xiao desires most now is the proficiency capsule.

In this, he saw the hope of breaking through the current realm and becoming a ninety-sixth level titled Douluo.

He was extremely eager.

"Hmph, scumbag!"

Lin Xiao didn't say anything, but Xiao Wu walked back to the front hall from the backyard.

In fact, she had been back a long time ago, but she was just secretly watching Tang Xiao open the jar.

Before seeing Tang Xiao, she was eager for the magic juice but now she wanted the proficiency capsule. She couldn't help complaining.

"Why are you such a scumbag?"

Tang Xiao smiled bitterly upon hearing this.

Lin Xiao frowned slightly when he heard the sound. He frowned and glanced at Xiao Wu: "You have no place to speak here."

As soon as the voice fell, Xiao Wu seemed to have been cast by magic, and her little mouth immediately pursed.


She could no longer make a sound and kept gesticulating at Lin Xiao. It's like saying, you can't do this to me!

I'm not convinced!

However, it has no effect at all.

Lin Xiao ignored him at all and turned to look at Tang Xiao: "Ignore her and continue."

"Okay." Tang Xiao nodded and looked away.

However, when he looked at Lin Xiao, his eyes flashed with palpitations from time to time.

Because he couldn't understand how Lin Xiao did it, making people shut up without being able to say a word. All I can say is, amazing!

"I hope the remaining jars will contain the proficiency capsules I want."

Tang Xiao prayed in his heart and smashed all the remaining jars in one go.

Click click click

There were a series of noises, and Tang Xiao watched nervously.

Suddenly, the expression on his face gradually began to change.

Shock, joy, satisfaction

Lin Xiao could only use the word "rich" to describe Tang Xiao's expression at this time.

"Congratulations, you got your wish and opened two more proficiency capsules."

After Lin Xiao saw the items clearly, he said to Tang Xiao.

Only then did the latter wake up from a dream.

"It really happened. Doesn't this mean that I have a chance to reach level ninety-six?"

Tang Xiao excitedly held the proficiency capsule in his hands.

I would like to express my gratitude to Lin Xiao.


Lin Xiao rejected him, "Don't thank me in a hurry. You should use the proficiency capsule first and then thank me after you can break through."

There were so many people coming and going in the store, and Lin Xiao had long seen the desire in Tang Xiao's heart.

"Okay, Tang will say thank you later."

Tang Xiao suppressed his excitement and drank the proficiency capsules one by one.

Immediately afterwards, Tang Xiao fell into an epiphany.

Lin Xiao returned to the rocking chair and lay down half-ly, waving to Xiao Wu, "Come here, squeeze your legs for me."

Now that we have this condition, it will be in vain if we don’t use it.

"No! I don't want it!"

Xiao Wu felt extremely resistant and shook her head desperately.

However, her body was honest and not controlled by her brain at all. She came to Lin Xiao's side, knelt down, and kneaded Lin Xiao's legs with a pair of small hands.

"Comfortable." Lin Xiao enjoyed it very much.

A long time, a long time.

Suddenly a gust of wind blew in the shop.

Lin Xiao opened his eyes and looked at Tang Xiao.

Because this unusual gust of wind was caused by the fluctuation of Tang Xiao's soul power.

"Breakthrough." He recognized Tang Xiao's current state.

At this time, Tang Xiao smiled: "Hahaha, Brother Hao, it's been so many years. Big brother is finally one step ahead again!"

Hearing the sound, Lin Xiao frowned slightly. He vaguely smelled an unusual smell in Tang Xiao's words.

Good night, sweet dreams.

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