I sell jars in Douluo

Chapter 254 Tang San’s plan. Tang Hao shows his cards, I am a master craftsman!


Lin Xiao coughed lightly, looked at Shui Bing'er and said, "Well. Although the sticker belongs to you if you get it yourself, our store still recommends that you use it with caution.

In the end, it is best to use your nap time to practice. "

"Bing'er understands." Shui Bing'er blushed even more after hearing Lin Xiao's words.

Think about your own metamorphosis just now.



She almost buried it in her chest.

"Bing'er, Boss Lin is right, you should try not to do things that are surprising."

"It is the right way to use such a precious treasure for cultivation. Work hard and your future will be limitless."

Dean Tianshui's voice also sounded at this time.

If you look carefully, you can see that her eyes are full of luster.

That is the light that symbolizes hope. Shui Binger is her future of Tianshui College!

"Dean, don't worry. I will definitely live up to your expectations."

Shui Bing'er carefully placed the sticker close to her body. He said to Dean Tianshui seriously.

"Sister, don't be stunned."

"Let's see what you can get next, I'm horny as hell."

Shui Yue'er said eagerly, with a look of longing on his face.

Good guy, you are already like a wolf and a tiger at such a young age? Lin Xiao's eyes flickered slightly and he murmured secretly in his heart.

On the other hand, Shui Bing'er didn't say anything more and continued to open the can.




"Well, generally speaking, wild strawberries and mountain grapes have no effect other than eating them."

Lin Xiao said lightly as he looked at the items Shui Bing'er opened from the jar.

"Jiang Zi"

Shen Jing Ru Shui Bing'er couldn't help but pouted her lips.

It would be a lie to say I'm not disappointed.

"Bing'er, don't be discouraged. It's not that easy to get the treasure you want."

"Besides, it's not bad to be able to get something as magical as a sleepy sticker."

Dean Tianshui took two steps forward and gently patted Shui Bing'er's shoulder with his hand.

She wasn't trying to comfort her, but she really felt that way.

You must know that Shui Bing'er is an outstanding genius in her own right. With the stickers, Shui Bing'er can practice even while sleeping. It would be difficult not to double the speed of cultivation.

for example.

Shui Bing'er could complete the original ten-year journey in five years. Then her future can go further.

With such a huge advantage, Dean Tianshui felt that it was certain that Shui Bing'er would become a titled Douluo in the future.

One million gold soul coins, in exchange for a future titled Douluo, is not a loss no matter what!

"Dean, you are right, maybe what I want will appear in the next jar."

Shui Bing'er's eyes became firm again.

Hearing this, Lin Xiao nodded: "Yes, what you want will definitely appear in the next billion jars."

Facts have proved that what Lin Xiao said was right.

It's the next billion, not the next one.

Click, click, click

Each jar was smashed, and Shui Bing'er's pretty face gradually turned pale.

It's nothing more than some ordinary-level items.

Even if you are mentally prepared, when the reality comes, it is still a bit unacceptable.

However, Shui Binger became very strong.

He pursed his lips and continued to open the jar.


This time, a different light finally appeared.

Everyone's eyes lit up, pink!

the other side.

Wuhun Palace.

"Hey, isn't this the Ghost Leopard? He's back?"

As soon as he entered the area of ​​the Elder's Hall, two people came towards Ghost Leopard Douluo.

He smiled.

They are all old brothers.

Yes, the two people walking towards them were none other than Demon Bear Douluo and Snake Spear Douluo.

Are you trying to show off to me? Ghost Leopard Douluo's eyes flashed and he knew what was going on.

A few days ago, Demon Bear Douluo opened a jar and opened a lot of good things.

The protection of the gods was even more brilliant, and the fate coin saved Demon Bear Douluo's life.

In addition, powerful weapons such as the heavy-sucking gun also shined in the battle with Tang Hao. It can be said that it directly made Demon Bear Douluo famous.

And a magical weapon like the heavy-sucking gun would be held in the hands of Demon Bear Douluo no matter what.

Everyone knows that this is pure showing off.

"How's it going? What did you get this time?"

At this moment, Demon Bear Douluo came to Ghost Leopard Douluo. As he spoke, he also took out the heavy-duty suction gun from his waist and threw out a handsome gunshot.

Okay, this is showing off again.

Seeing this, Snake Spear Douluo secretly cursed.

The power of the heavy-sucking gun was obvious to all of them, and even he felt sour when he saw it.

"Hey, actually opening the can this time is too ordinary."

"There are only one or two things, which are barely bearable."

Ghost Leopard Douluo's eyes flashed upon seeing this, and he sighed.

Haha, you didn’t get any good stuff, did you?


Very good.

Demon Bear Douluo laughed secretly in his heart when he heard this, so that he could show off in front of his old brother.

"Ghost Leopard, I often say that the mentality of opening a can is very important. The more you force it, the less you will get. As long as you keep your mentality normal, sometimes unexpected gains will appear."

As he spoke, he stretched out his hand and patted Ghost Leopard Douluo on the shoulder, as if he had been through it before.

"Ghost Leopard, what is the thing that you can see clearly when you drive it?" Snake Spear Douluo asked in a low voice.

To be honest, he was still very curious,


Ghost Leopard Douluo shook his head and said with some disappointment: "It's just two soul bones. It's not worth mentioning."

"That's really not worth mentioning. Don't be discouraged. Just keep working hard."


"You said you found soul bones? Or... two pieces?"

Halfway through his words, Snake Spear Douluo paused suddenly, and then asked in disbelief.

And Demon Bear Douluo's expression froze, as if he was petrified.

I call you good guy in my heart,

Even if he opened a soul bone, he actually opened two pieces?

That's too much.

"Good brother, has the soul bone been refined?"

Snake Spear Douluo asked curiously.

Hearing the sound, Demon Bear Douluo also looked eagerly at Ghost Leopard Douluo, wanting to see what the magic of the soul bone he had found was.

"Refined a piece."

Ghost Leopard Douluo said as he took out the remaining Frost Giant soul bone.

Suddenly, the temperature in the air dropped sharply.

"This soul bone."

"It must have been thousands of years."

Snake Spear Douluo couldn't help but say something.

Thousand-year soul bones are extremely rare.

The carefree Demon Bear Douluo could no longer suppress the curiosity in his heart and asked: "What ability does this soul bone have?"

"Nothing, it's just a single attack transformed into a group attack, with some ice attribute effects attached."

After Ghost Leopard Douluo finished speaking, he looked at the astonished Demon Bear Douluo and Snake Spear Douluo and added: "It's really nothing."

Another moment passed.

The two of them finally came to their senses.


"I'm in trouble!"

"With such excellent soul bone attributes, is this all?"

Demon Bear Douluo couldn't help but curse.

"Is it because I can't lift the snake spear, or are you too arrogant?"

"Ma De, I believe you so much, it turns out you have been saying all kinds of things to me!"

Snake Spear Douluo was also very angry.

When he first heard Ghost Leopard Douluo's words, he felt very sympathetic.

Now when I look at it, the clown is actually me?

"People like you don't deserve sympathy." He looked at Ghost Leopard Douluo and said with some annoyance.

He felt that his feelings had been cheated.


Ghost Leopard Douluo looked a little unnatural.

What did I do?

It's all made up by your own imagination. Does it have anything to do with me?

"This soul bone is pretty good."

At this moment, Demon Bear Douluo said so with his heavy gun in one hand and his second brother's inflatable friend in the other.

Ghost Leopard Douluo immediately understood that he was showing off to himself.

But can he still be a coward?

So, he bared his teeth at the Demon Bear and the Snake Spear.

"If you can't compare, you can't compare. You can't bite people."

Demon Bear Douluo shrank his neck and said subconsciously.

"Bah, I don't mind biting you."

Ghost Leopard Douluo said angrily.

"Then you are"

"Hey, wait for your teeth?"

Snake Spear Douluo frowned at first, and then seemed to see something unbelievable.

Because Ghost Leopard Douluo didn't show his martial spirit, his body changed.

To be precise, the teeth began to undergo great changes.

Sharp teeth and a hateful appearance.

If a child saw this, he would probably be frightened and cry immediately.

"Is this your other soul bone? Is it the precious head soul bone?"

Snake Spear Douluo frowned and said, but then shook his head: "But it shouldn't be. I haven't seen anyone's head soul bones turn into teeth."

On the side, Demon Bear Douluo also shook his head.

That's right.

He has never seen anything so outrageous.

Seeing this, Ghost Leopard Douluo chuckled and asked, "Brothers, I wonder if you have ever heard of what is called an externally attached soul bone?"


After saying this, only Snake Spear and Ghost Leopard could be seen, as if they were struck by lightning, their minds went blank for a while.


"External soul bone?"

The two of them were really shocked.

the other side.

Tang Hao, Tang San, and Dai Mubai walked through an unknown mountain range.

Suddenly Tang San stopped.

Because what Tang Hao said was so shocking.

"Dad, do you think our Haotian Sect is gone?"

He looked at Tang Hao in disbelief and asked.

On the side, Dai Mubai also felt a huge wave of shock in his heart.


The legendary number one sect in the world is gone! ?

He was very shocked.

"Xiaosan, I am your father, and I will not lie to you. Haotian Sect has been destroyed by Wuhun Palace."

"But let's not give up, we still have the spark of hope. Your uncle leads a large number of young people and are dormant in the Tiandou Empire.

During Tang Chen's ancestor's trip to Poseidon Island, with the help of the high priest of Poseidon Island, his cultivation level would surely reach a new height. Ancestor is still the strongest sect in our Haotian Sect. "

As Tang Hao spoke, he suddenly clenched his fists and said loudly: "Our Haotian Sect has a bright future."

Is that a little too optimistic? Tang San frowned.

"Dad, I want to contribute to the sect again."

He looked at Tang Hao and said.

"Oh?" Tang Hao suddenly frowned and asked, "What do you want to do?"

“Tuk tuk tuk”

Zhuge's crossbow exploded, and the crossbow arrow penetrated an ancient tree not far away without any hindrance.

Tang San said: "I want to hand over the making method of this object to the sect."

Tang San understood the principle of dying lips and cold teeth.

The Haotian Sect and its disciples were also Tang San's support.

Nowadays, the Haotian Sect is facing such a big change and is in a stage where everything is waiting for improvement. The Tang Sect's hidden weapons can definitely help the Haotian Sect rise quickly and have the power to resist the Spirit Hall.

After all, Wuhun Palace also possesses the Tang Sect's hidden weapons.

Tang San firmly believed that only the Tang Clan's hidden weapons could defeat the Tang Clan's hidden weapons.

Besides, if he wanted to create a top-notch Tang Sect hidden weapon, he couldn't do it alone.

"That's great!" When Tang Hao heard Tang San's words, he was immediately overjoyed.


He also saw the great value of the Tang Sect's hidden weapons.

"It's possible, but the production of hidden weapons is cumbersome, and some processes require top craftsmen. Secondly, hidden weapons also have extremely demanding requirements for materials, and a large amount of rare metals will be used."

Tang San pondered for a moment, looked at Tang Hao and said.

"What do I think this is? That's it?"

After listening to Tang San's words, Tang Hao smiled. He waved his hands with a disapproving look on his face.

On the other hand, Tang San was stunned for a while, and repeated again: "The production process of dad's hidden weapon cannot be careless at all. Both the materials used and the skills of the craftsmen are very important."


Tang Hao couldn't help it and laughed loudly: "Xiaosan, I listened carefully to your words."

"Mistress, you may not know that besides being Haotian Douluo of the Haotian Sect, your father and I have another identity."

"What identity?"

"Blacksmith Association, one of the three great master craftsmen. It can also be said to be the most influential person in Gengxin City."

Master craftsman?

Both Tang San and Dai Mubai were shocked.

None of them expected that Tang Hao had such a powerful ability.

After seeing the shock of Tang San and Dai Mubai, Tang Hao nodded with satisfaction and said: "And Gengxin City can be called the capital of metals, and there are countless rare ores in it.

To put it bluntly, Gengxin City controls most of the rare metals on Douluo Continent. Even the Wuhun Palace and the two empires combined cannot compare with you~"

The more Tang Hao talked, the more proud he became.


"That's great. If I have Gengxin City's help, it will definitely be a matter of course for me to rebuild the glory of the Tang Sect."

"It's hard for a clever woman to make a meal without rice. Even if the Wuhun Palace masters the Tang Sect's secret weapon, it will never be able to compare with me!"

Tang San's eyes flashed with excitement.

He is full of reverence for the future.

"Dad, without further ado, I think we should go to Gengxin City first. After laying the foundation, it is not too late to go to Poseidon Island."

Tang San looked at Tang Hao and said eagerly.

Compared to the illusory inheritance of gods, Tang San was more willing to believe in the Tang Sect's hidden weapons.

"It just so happens that we are not very far from Gengxin City, so I will take you for a walk."

"You can get whatever rare metals you need for safekeeping."

Tang Hao assured him by patting his chest.

After all, as one of the three great craftsmen of Gengxin City, he has this confidence.

And at this time.

At the gate of Gengxin City, there were carriages loaded with goods ready to go.

Now, Sidi, the president of the Blacksmith Association, said with seriousness to Siyu and Sikai in front of him: "Two junior brothers, we are going to Wuhun Palace this time. The mountains are high and the road is long. You must take care."

"Senior brother, don't worry!"

Siyu and Sikai looked at each other, feeling moved in their hearts.

"Ahem, you misunderstood. Senior brother means that you should keep important items. As for you, it doesn't matter."

Silong, Lou Gao's second disciple, coughed slightly and said slowly.

"Second Senior Brother, it's boring for you to cause trouble like this."

Skye curled her lips, somewhat dissatisfied.


At this time, Sidi laughed dryly and said: "The second brother is right. You must know that the carriage is filled with rare metals that Master requested. It can be said that they are all the inventory of Gengxin City.

If something goes wrong, I'm afraid Master won't forgive you. "

I took leave yesterday.

I will make up for the missing chapter when I have time.

Good night.

Also, please give me some votes. It’s the beginning of the month. If you have votes, won’t you vote for me?

The baby is very angry.

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